Tenth Malaysia Plan – how serious is Najib?


“We are on a burning platform.” This dire warning in 10MalaysiaPlan completely absent in Najib’s TMP speech. Is Msia on a “burning platform’?
about 5 hours ago via web

Other TMP dire warnings Najib swept under carpet “..d proverbial iceberg may b melting”; “Carrying on with the status quo is not an option”.
about 4 hours ago via web

“We r on a burning platform” dire warning not only missing in Najib’s TMP speech it is omitted in BM version of TMP. How serious is Najib?
less than 5 seconds ago via web

16 Replies to “Tenth Malaysia Plan – how serious is Najib?”

  1. news in a local newspaper. police shot dead an illegal immigrant in a timber camp in bintulu recently. out of self defence? and yet it has to be shot at the chest and not the leg? i didn’t realise that our police has become so useless and they have to shoot dead at some one who held a knife or parang (but not a gun)

  2. The expression “burning platform” in 10th Malaysia Plan was first used (I think) by Datuk Dr Hamzah Kassim of NEAC tht advised Malaysia had no choice but to change. “On whether there was resistance to change, he said that the most challenging part was social transformation. “People must feel that they’re on a burning platform.” – The Star Wednesday March 31, 2010.

    Do enough people feel that they’re on a burning platform? I doubt so. They probably think the PM was referring to the Deepwater Horizon oil platform leased by BP that exploded on April 20 and spilled oil into larges swathes of Gulf of Mexico!!!

    The trouble is that different people of punblic influence have different perceptions of what their platforms are that are “burning”.

    To the groups organising the “Melayu Bangkit” rally tomorrow 1Malaysia’s spirit and NEM’s vision of dismantling the NEP is their burning platform.

    Ki asks, “How serious is Najib?” To him the “burning platform” is being wedged between having to walk his talk on 1 Malaysia/NEM on one hand and to defend his own power/position from those that support the retention of status quo and NEP on the other hand.

    Nobody in power prioritizes Malaysia’s burning platform beyond lip service judging by the way Idris Jala was ticked off for his frank 2019 bankruptcy forecast and omission of ‘burning platform’ in Najib’s TMP speech.

    Other platforms are evidently more important.

  3. Now Ibrahim Ali say Malay NGOs are unhappy that Bank Negara turned down Affin’s move to enter into talks with EONCap last week, paving the way for (Chinese group) Hong Leong Bank Bhd (HLBB) to proceed with its takeover offer for the EON banking group.

    The MalaysianInsider reported on June 13th: ‘Analysts reportedly were not surprised by the decision because of Affin’s financial standing and the fact that it was a weaker bank that was trying to buy up a bigger and stronger bank. However, the independent Pasir Mas MP said Perkasa views the central bank’s decision as lopsided and an interference in a business transaction.
    He said Affin had made a good offer and was supported by the Employee Provident Fund (EPF) which is a substantial shareholder of EONCap. However, he claimed that Bank Negara decided to reject the negotiations which now gives Hong Leong Bank the advantage.’He added that Bank Negara’s decision also had political implication because it could affect the government’s image and the prime minister’s leadership.
    He added that it was strange that EONCap, which was founded by the government and public funds, is to be allowed to change hands to private ownership.
    “We ask Bank Negara to be more transparent and to review their decision,” he said.
    Ibrahim added that Perkasa and the Malay Consultative Council (MPM), which was representing, view the issue seriously.
    He also threatened that Perkasa would “gather outside Bank Negara” if it had to, adding that EONCap should remain as it is if a deal could not be struck with Affin.
    Ibrahim added that he would be raising the issue in Parliament, denying that the PM’s intervention would affect market confidence because the move would be prudent and would show that the government was transparent.
    “I don’t think it is so because I am worried that without this intervention, the decision to give it to Hong Leong will create other tensions to investors or political tensions.” ‘

    Will Najib allow such political interference in BN’s decision, a regulator’s decision based on what it percives its best in banking industry ? How will market perceive such interference if acceded to?

  4. NEP promised by his father expired after about 20 years and it never happen.

    1Malaysia saying all malaysian equality but it will never happen I could tell you.

    Because they are all liars.

    Lies to shut thouse non-malays voice again and again years after years till the become minority.


  5. We want talents, we want meritocracy, we want …..
    But, sh!t, UmnoB/BN still wallowing in Malay supreme cr@p, acting 4 Perkasa
    No wonder, Idris is hving diarrhea over his bankruptcy forecast

  6. Right from the start, I can say that Najib’s 1Malaysia will be a total failure. Say as much as he likes, but he just do not have the will power to walk the talk. We know it is a tough and dangerous path but obviously he has chosen the path to look after his own interests rather than the interest of the people and the nation. He had chosen to succumb to the pressure of the Katak who shamelessly betrayed PAS and behave like a Malay Hero to UMNO. He has taken the easy route to rise in his political ladder, a confirmed opportunist who will sell his soul to come up.
    Anyway looking at every perspective, NR is all talk and pander aimlessly and a few potshots will make him rush for covers. He is only capable of Dancing to the tune of “one step forward and two steps backward” (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lTHCwU9rUdY)

  7. So far there are grand plans announced but apart from granting more scholarships to all deserving(?) students, very little has been put into action.
    Even a simple removal of the housing discount for all but the first-time house purchaser cannot be done.
    We cannot attain developed nation status as long as Bankrupsi Negara government is in power.
    So it is perhaps correct to describe the nation as a “burning platform”.
    The question we should ask the BN is what happened to the billions we let you control to build us the sleek vessel to take us to the promised land of plenty?
    So now we have a “burning platform” and the only power to steer the “ship” is the worn-out crutch known as the NEP.
    I suggest the captain and his officers should be made to walk the plank!

  8. nem is essentially the same addictive drug as nep. they just can’t let go of this ganja. look at katak ibrahim. big belly, frothing mouth. all signs of ganja addicts.

    but in order to help the patients, they had to go thru this wthdrawal symptoms. sure, they will wave the keris, talk kok and rob the rakyat to continue their habits. but these are all natural withdrawal symptoms of an addict.

    but i dont think doctor umno have the heart to see them suffer for a while for long term cure. no ganja, no votes. they rather see them dead from overdose.

  9. “Kak yeh suung”

    “Kek meh chai”

    Its leftover meal from last night and from many many nights ago, jib. Yeah, your 10MP. Like the bribe you handed out in hs and sibu this one too tastes horrible!

    Someone here mentioned this. The 10MP, with that stupid and proven-to-have-failed objectives and policies preserved, will assist pakatan to win the next GE.

    Yes. I agree.

    No need for me to go into details. Even ah pek in the kopitiam round the corner can tell you that it tastes horrible. Jibby, you are out of touch man. Way out man. That ah pek in shorts and singlet – yeah, dont ever look down on him. He could very well have several children working overseas. That means he could be well informed of happenings and developments outside the country. And I dont think people like him need to survive on “kek meh chai”. They do so out of habit only. Old habits dont go away easily, you see.

    So they didnt fool in hs and sibu. You fooled yourself with your arrogant (wot?) bull shines speech. Know wot, jib? I think the bull in your speech is heading your way. And errrr in case you still dont realise it, for your sake pls discard that red cloth in your hand this instance.

  10. To ALL readers & commentators : Complained and whinned ALL you want,there is NOTHING,absolutely NOTHING you ALL can do. However there is one and ONLY one thing which we ALL can and SHOULD do viz is start your own “VOTER-get-VOTERS” campaign for PR. Do it not tommorrow but NOW cos GE13 is just around the corner..closer than you think. Start this ” VOTER-get-VOTERS 4 PR” campaign NOW by chain emails,sms,words of mouth to everyone….for a BETTER Malaysia..Join us at “VOTER-get-VOTERS for a Better Malaysia ” in facebook

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