‘When will PKFZ probe be done – Resurrection Day?’

By S Pathmawathy | Malaysiakini

Though the newly-appointed Transport Minister Kong Cho Ha has said there is no need to look further into the Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) fiasco, opposition veteran Lim Kit Siang (DAP-Ipoh Timur) has refused to let the matter go.

The DAP veteran politician during the question-and-answer session in the Dewan Rakyat, demanded to know why then-Transport Minister Chan Kong Choy has not been probed despite being implicated by the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) in the controversy.

The PAC had recommended in its report on the PKFZ controversy last year that Chan be probed for criminal breach of trust (CBT) over his allegedly wrongful issuance of three letters of support.

Chan was said to have issued the letters of support for a turnkey contractor without the approval of the Finance Ministry to raise funds for the PKFZ project, costs of which may balloon to a whopping RM12.5 billion.

Following the issuance of the letter, a ratings agency had issued an `AAA’ rating to the Kuala Dimensi Sdn Bhd bonds, which raised them to the level of bonds guaranteed by the government.

Bonds with government guarantees are usually only issued by the Finance Ministry.

The Port Klang Authority (PKA), however, subsequently announced that it cannot take legal action against Chan (left) over the PKFZ scandal since he – unlike former PKA general manager OC Phang and three others who were charged with criminal breach of trust and making false claims – was not a member of the PKA staff.

Responding to Lim, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Liew Vui Keong (BN-Sandakan) assured the House that the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) is empowered only to investigate claims of bribery.

Nonetheless, said Liew, MACC will leave “no stone unturned, no matter who they (those suspected) are and what their positions are”.

An unconvinced Lim, however, accused the government of engaging only in “sweet talk,” and demanded to know where the probe was headed.

“When will the investigation be completed, Hari Kiamat (Resurrection Day)?”

“Isn’t it true that when the AG (Attorney-General Abdul Gani Patail) with the IGP (Inspector General of Police) announced the charge on three persons, the AG said that this (charge) was just the tip of the iceberg (and that) there are still several stages of investigation?

“The charges against these individuals (were initiated first) as the investigation into the whole team will take a long time. The AG also said that the individuals will be charged in stages.

“It’s been six months! But what is the answer? Zero!” Lim thundered.

Despite the PAC’s recommendation to charge Chan with CBT, why was Chan not taken to court, Lim asked further. “Is the scandal dead and buried?”

Liew, however, replied that for Chan to be taken to court, the authorities must ensure that the evidence against him is “beyond reasonable doubt”.

“Statements are not enough and not strong. (If it is) only hearsay evidence, the court can throw out the case… so give the MACC an opportunity to investigate,” Liew pleaded.

34 Replies to “‘When will PKFZ probe be done – Resurrection Day?’”

  1. To ALL readers & commentators : Complained and whinned ALL you want,there is NOTHING,absolutely NOTHING you ALL can do. However there is one and ONLY one thing which we ALL can and SHOULD do viz is start your own “VOTER-get-VOTERS” campaign for PR. Do it not tommorrow but NOW cos GE13 is just around the corner..closer than you think. Start this ” VOTER-get-VOTERS 4 PR” campaign NOW by chain emails,sms,words of mouth to everyone….for a BETTER Malaysia..Join us at “VOTER-get-VOTERS for a Better Malaysia ” in facebook

  2. Mr S Pathmawathy, you should know that the matter ends when Najib set up a special committee to take over the case from OTK. Where is the committee now. More silent than the church’s mouse!

    You should also know that the matter has been comfirm ended when OTK lost the MCA election.

    Now, if you want investigation to be resurrected, you must help to ensure that the UMNO/BN regime is killed off first. Unless and until that happens, Malaysia will be bankrupt by 2019.

  3. Story always same plot –

    First, u help me, ok….

    then, i help u….ok.

    If u no help me,….aiyah, how can i help u.

    What…. rakyat? What Rakyat? U mean the other rakyat…….?

    They no see, don’t know, no bother one-lah.

    Just u help me, i help u. 2 people win, that’s enuf.
    Malaysia lose, so what?

    Lose Blok L, Blok M, Blok N, Blok O also never mind.

    What is important – u help me, i help u. All other people r just blockheads, man.

  4. What is cover-up of PKFZ and Chan Kong Choy when they managed one for Najib-Razak Baginda and Altantuya which Hissamuddin just confirmed the link in the Parliament no less?What is a few billon dollar loss, compared to $500million fee, sex scandal, and murder?

  5. Hello Peter Chin, u know what u tokking or not. U want nuclear plant? Ok, first, look at Chernobyl pictures. Just take 2 minutes to look. Then u can go ahead and tokkok.


  6. Saudara Lim,
    I suppose we can only pray that when PK sweeps into power and overturn all cases that has been swept under the carpet.

    To me, the next GE will be their Judgment Day. I suppose by that time, most of them would have fled the country. I am confident that many of them are already holding residency in Australia, Canada or USA.

    Let’s hope they will be extradited to face court when their times come.

  7. Though the newly-appointed Transport Minister Kong Cho Ha has said there is no need to look further into the Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) fiasco,

    WOW! This newly appointed Transport Minister wanted to be a Jackass! Look like he is confidently waiting for his turns to suck, huh! “Yeah, Sucky Baby… Sucky Sucky Baby….”

    Please kiss my ass before opening up your damn stinky mouth & spit your sh*ts out….

    DAP, don’t let those BN suckers go without penalties! RM12.5 billion is a damn big sum for those suckers sucking off easily?! NEVER, BN suckers!!!!

  8. Really Shake head: how could a newly appointed Transport Minister summarily say that the previous investigation into the Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) issue was sufficient, thus further investigation into it was not necessary when he himself had admitted in same breath that he would take time to study the issue to understand all about the scandal, and last year was one of the signatories to the joint declaration by MCA saying that they shared and supported their president Ong Tee Keat’s stand that the interests of the people must be adequately addressed, as the government and the public await an acceptable solution to the PKFZ scandal???

    YB Kit also asked : “When will the investigation be completed, Hari Kiamat (Resurrection Day)?”

    Its interesting – the ‘Resurrection Day bit’ by Kit – both cynical or sarcastic, I can’t exactly determine whether ‘Resurrection’ is intended to be a metaphor for a miracle and/or something else.

    Does resurrection of Jesus represent metaphorically a day of spiritual renewal where ordinary people/rakyat are empowered as when a kleptocracy is replaced by Pakatan Rakyat???

    Or does it mean that (completion of PKFZ investigation) happening is as real but remote as a miracle (like Jesus resurrection)???

  9. Like I said in many previous posts, the money is gone. Like most “deals” in Bolehland, it started with the noble intent of developing some real estate for logistics and some politicians needed $$$$ for the 2008 elections so what better way than to accelerate the construction so that more $$$$ can be channelled for political purposes.

    The moneybag carrier is free because he holds all the records of who got what – and that involved the entire BN machinery. Of course in the process, the moneybag carrier enriched himself too. “One for you, one for me” has always been the BN motto.

    So who do you think they are going to catch ? They won’t even find OC Phang and the other 3 scapegoats guilty. It is all for show only.

  10. “Resurrection Day”? Something is wrong here.

    Resurrection Day is actually Easter Sunday when Jesus rose from the dead. So it already ‘happened’.

    More apt would be I think “Judgement Day” when He (pbuh) comes again when all the living and all the dead rises from their graves to be judged.

    Or is there any earlier ‘Resurrection Day’ I am not aware of? Tomorrow?

  11. Maybe some politicians already got too much religion on their minds after Sibu.

    But try not to bring too much religion into politics .

    Many may understand what you are trying to say but there are many ‘sensitive’ people out there who might be easily ‘confused and offended’. I am surprised you got it through.

  12. Now that you have raised this issue again, the Police and MACC will charge a couple of ‘big fishes’ in the next few days.

    Sleep well Kunalan a/l Moorthy (gateman), I C Yew (clerk) and Hamid (driver). Your cheating days are over.

  13. Voter get Voters campaign for PR, I totally and fully agree with you. What a marvellous idea? With immediate effect, I will scout around for Malaysians who have not registered as voters rather than wasting my time following up on my complaint with the Department of Skills Development (DSD) under the Ministry of Human Resources. It has been more than 9 months. But what is the answer from DSD? “NOTHING TO THE POINT.” After GE13, I will file afresh my complaint to the PR Government.

  14. Yes, MCA supported OTK by REMOVING him from his Presidency!! Who are you trying to fool? one thing many Malaysians just cannot stand is the level of mentality some of the BN leaders judge their citizens; thinking we are just like them!

  15. Certainly, they need to close the case with a few scapegoats charged. The VVIPs are invisible people from UMNO & MCA and what’s a few million to be the scapegoats compare to the billions they pocketed. I’m just wondering if BN loses being the majority and PR take over, will there be enough space to house all the crooks in our prisons. 50 years down the road and this corruption ‘volcano’ will erupt and bury the BN legacy.

  16. tak tahan, go and register with urgency. Call and sms your friends too. Every vote counts. We must not miss the boat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Opportunity knocks once. As soon as the door is opened with a slightest gap, we have to squeeze inside.

  17. Malaysiakini:

    Nik Aziz says everything finally belongs to God. Naked we came, naked we go.

    Hello, UMNOputras, listen…naked u come, naked u go. Whether u like or don’t like, u telanjang juga b4 the Almighty.

    Fat worms from PKFZ, even worms go naked b4 God!

  18. PKFZ….the 3 charged so far are not the ringleaders. They were order takers who may have benefited on the sidelines, but not the key players, those big white and color sharks.
    The new Transport guy said no further investigation required but at the same time said he has no clue to the PKFZ fiasco. How amazing indeed. Again, we have dungos who knows nothing about their job and yet call the shots. Just like all GLCs.

    The real sharks, as usual, are Untouchable, because prosecuting them would expose the rot in BN and UMNO is a major way.

  19. Jeffrey don’t you know the transport minister is the latest model of the Umno’s newly created human parrot. This is exactly why Malaysia is regressing and even facing bankruptcy especially with so many human parrots in the government administration.Don’t you think it’s time to get rid of all these parrots and its master ?

  20. Now all it takes is for someone up there to say: “All the relevant information have gone missing / misplaced / shredded in error / computer crashed” or something like these and the investigations will come to an end.

    There are many interested parties who are wishing and willing this to happen and their problems will be solved overnight. This is a very big incentive.

  21. frankyapp :
    Jeffrey don’t you know the transport minister is the latest model of the Umno’s newly created human parrot. This is exactly why Malaysia is regressing and even facing bankruptcy especially with so many human parrots in the government administration.Don’t you think it’s time to get rid of all these parrots and its master ?

    What to do. MCA is void of quality leaders. Somehow must submit a name to be appointed as Minister right? To fulfill the quota.

  22. We don’t realise our days on earth are but short and fleeting! To those bastards raping our nation, let them enjoy their ‘harvest’ thinking it’s everlasting (this is reason why we are seeing unabated wrongdoings despite the last GE tsunami wakeup call).
    The Judgement Day will surely come! Every creature will be judge by the ONE Judge (The Lord) and there is no escape, no bribing, no favouritism, no blackout of records, no AG to help you. Cos everything is written in the Book of Life (of you). No need to dispute or change facts, no witnesses, no alibi, no doctor’s statement. And no need to swear by the holy books.
    Staring straight into your eyes and soul will be the Judgement. Be prepared while there is still time.

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