Cuepacs President Omar Osman said in Temerloh last night that a total of 418,200 or 41 per cent of the 1.2 million civil servants in the country were suspected to be involved in corruption last year.
This is the Bernama report last night:
41 Per Cent Of Civil Servants Suspected Involved In Graft Last Year – Cuepacs
TEMERLOH, June 2 (Bernama) — A total of 418,200 or 41 per cent of the 1.2 million civil servants in the country were suspected to be involved in corruption last year, said Cuepacs president Omar Osman.
He said this was worrying and needed to be tackled urgently.
“To combat the scourge, Cuepacs will work closely with the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission so that civil servants involved in corrupt activities can be brought to book,” he told reporters after opening the triennial general meeting of one of the affiliates of the umbrella union, here Wednesday.
Omar said besides corruption, Cuepacs would also not protect civil servants who had discipline problems like playing truant or forging medical certificates.“There have been cases where a 1 day medical leave prescribed by the doctor have been amended to read 11 days,” said Omar.
With Cuepacs making the shocking disclosure that two out five civil servants in government are corrupt, the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) is a big flop as it only arrested 500 people last year and 144 people in the first quarter of the year.
According to official statistics, only 76 out of the 144 arrested by MACC for corruption in the first quarter were civil servants, i.e. 52.7%.
If the CUEPACS President ‘s estimate is not far wrong, and going by the breakdown of this arrests in the first quarter of this year. i.e. 52.7% are civil servants, this would mean that last year, the number of civil servants arrested was 263 (52.7% of 500) when the total who should be arrested should be 418,200 (41% of 1.2 million).
This is not even 0.1 per cent as it represented a mere 0.06 per cent of the civil servants deemed corrupt by the CUEPACS President.
What has MACC got to say for such shocking failure in the discharge of its statutory duty to combat corruption, that it could only target 0.06% of those deemed corrupt in the civil service last year?
Did the CUEPACS President Omar Osman know what he is talking about?
Or was he misquoted by the official news agency – Bernama?
Malaysians are entitled to proper explanations from all the relevant authorities concerned – CUEPACS, MACC and not least of all, the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak.
//“To combat the scourge, Cuepacs will work closely with the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission so that civil servants involved in corrupt activities can be brought to book” //
But can this work since MACC is also corrupt?
No wonder everyone was trying to figure out who the other corrupt civil servant was in his/ her office and who the three clean ones were.
They were all giving each other the funny looks.
Why is Omar Osman bringing out civil servants dirt who he is suppose to represent? Did someone lost his train of thought and blurted it out?
no wonder a lot of DVD ( fake copies) still around..
not too mention private sector as well ,illegal spa , illegal parlour , illegal factory,etc..
Rely on them???
Pigs can fly, man!
Oooh! Pigs can really fly!
RPK said, why waste time go finding the syndrome, go nail the person who CAUSE the virus. Stupid!
To expect a corrupt to catch a corrupt is indeed naive. The MACC must be appointed by a select committee under parliament and each and everyone of its committee members must first go through a grill session by the parliamentary select committee chairman and members before putting them to catch the corrupted ones. Any thing less than this is nothing but a showcase .
In a way the 41% corrupt civil servants could be a blessing in disguise if the government has any guts to take concrete action to root out corruption.
First of all everyone knows that our civil service is maybe 25% surplus so we can really remove 25% and remove a major source of recurring expenditure.
So that leaves another 16% or 66912 civil servants who are not advancing our nation’s progress.
We could probably charge 5% in court for major offences like being the ring-leaders and that will mean putting 20,000+ people in jails.
I suggest we pass a special law with amnesty for those who resign AND surrender all their ill-gotten assets. They can be offered jobs in the plantation sector and cleaning jobs. The alternative is very simple – go to court and then take a chance of jail.
Changehole! That’s right! That included illegal Chengho, an UMNOputra who disguised as Chinese with Chinese name, but he acts like bunch of suckers sucking around with his ass up on all Malaysian!
Changehole, back off to your changehole and ketuaan business! Shame on you with your disguising and hiding behind our Chinese name! Coward like Changehole who was born without guts in between his limbs. Crawling, groaning and farting like hog! Hoggy Changehole, an UMNOputra born without testicles in between his limbs….
Bloody sickening Chengho.
Here we talk corruptions..pertaining to taking bribes and he talk about fake DVDs…illegal this illegal that.
This UMNO B toad with a Chinese name…cannot differentiate between corruptions and making and selling so call fake products?
Is he trying to say…UMNO B are corrupted lot…..and fake sellers are as bad….both are sinful?
hi idiot..nobody force you to buy illegal products…..but corruptions forced by government servants…what to do…no give money…no services.
Also….no buy.
After taking bribes….bridge or stadium roof fall down……killing worry.
It’s God’s will.
Now no more about the RM millions Smart Tunnel….all forgotten.
Chengho easily forget….getting faarked by so many.
I hope one day,..he forgets how to go home.
He belongs to a mental institution.
UMNO B corrupted to the core….including people who claim to catch corrupted crooks…and the Special One…have big appetite..swallow RM 500 million with one deal…saying “So what…it’s commission …legally paid”
Imagine so many other deals…that give him so much more “commission”…..taken by his cronies and trust for him.
PMs are all clean buggers…so said mamak.
Where did Cuepacs President Omar Osman pluck his figure 418,200 or 41 per cent of the 1.2 million civil servants “suspected” of corruption from? If MACC were to act on his figure – since it’s a part of its statutory duty to investigate suspected cases – and haul a substantial portion of the suspected 418,200 cases, the Civil service including MACC will come to a stand still!
This guy is quite ‘political’ in how he presents issues. For eg when then PR MB Nizar Jamaluddin said in the wake of Kuala Terengganu by-election in January 2009 that government staff serving the federal and state governments sympathised with and supported Pas,” he (Omar) was quick to rebut, “public services employees, both those serving the federal and state governments, fully supported the Barisan Nasional and Umno leadership” (which is a glaring departure from Civil Service Neutrality in Partisan Politics.
Now why should the Union for civil servants say publicly such a disparaging thing of its own members? We should evaluate more carefully the implications of what he says and motivations.
Where he is coming from is this: we’ll cooperate with MACC to catch the corrupt (suspected up to 41%), meanwhile you the government – by way of trade off – will give in to our demands for more salary, bonus etc for our members (since they have no excuse to be corrupt).
This argument already started one year ago.
Cuepacs secretary-general Ahmad Shah Mohd Zin said last year (June 2009) that almost 450,000 of the civil servants were in debt and their take home salary was less than 40 percent of their monthly pay, adding that the bulk of their salaries was deducted at source as payment for various loans housing, cars, renovations, education and hospitalization; that hundreds of civil servants who were moonlighting as taxi drivers, petty traders, direct sales agents and watchmen to make ends meet; that the high cost of living, especially in the urban areas, is eating into their income, thus causing them to be constantly in debt; that civil servant’s salary has not kept in tandem with the increase in the cost of living…
The assumption is that if one assist them more (a bloated civil service, mind you) they will have less excuse to take ‘duit kopi’.
Less excuse however does not mean they won’t still take. May be they still will if they think that their bosses and employers are still taking? They are a host of other considerations, whether govt could afford is one thing [when Cupacs asks for 10-40% (for the lowest-income group raise)], whether there is productivity is another.
In spite of broadly held public perception of widespread corruption within civil service, when TDM and Pak Lah during their respective adminsitrations said all the good things about civil service, we didn’t hear any demurrer from Cuepacs or its president (except agreement with what the PMs said). Now because Govt talks about withdrawal of subsidies, Idris Jala about bankruptcy, the prospects of inflation looms etc Cupacs, which is their Union, comes out with this 41% figure. Suddenly and overnight the civil servants have apparently become corrupt as high as 41% during Najib administration!
The second wife to the late Tan Sri SM Nasimuddin SM Amin, the founder of automobile giant Naza Group, and their five children filed a legal suit today to claim RM350 million and properties in Malaysia and England.//quoted from Malaysia Insider
What is there for the second or third wife to claim anything. All the money rightly belong to the people. This is how much NAZA in cohort with corrupted ministers and civil servants took from the people. Sorry, this is not the total amount. This is the balance what NAZA took. The rest the family has probably squandered on women, wine and song already. The real nincompoop government now wants to remove subsidies when it has continued to let the cronies sucking this country dry.
What is so capable about SM Nasimuddin SM Amin and his children? If without the largesse of the government, they probably can’t earn 1 ringgit on their own. Bl**dy farting system we got here.
Even if the farting Omar Osman is correct, so what? 418,200 or 41 per cent of the 1.2 million civil servants probably took 1% of the corrupted money and balance 99% was taken by big fish and cronies in which NAZA is one example. Use our head lah, may be this Omar is being used by cronies and big time corrupters to divert attention lah. Who is Omar? – he is a nincompoop who can’t hold more than three variable in his head lah. He longs to be somebody but he will forever be a nobody lah.
Sdr Lim, why no mention of car APs anymore? Are you waiting for Mamathir to bring up the issue again before you and the rest of the nation wake up again? Of course the old man will not make any noise now. His family is now back in circulation. But what about you and the rest of PR? Why are you fellows always waiting for them to fight among themselves before the issues are taken up? Who are the recipients of APs now? What’s next on PKFZ etc. It is pointless to jump from one issue to another. It is pointless to highlight issues in general terms repeatedly. Just relentlessly pursue specific issues and there are hundreds of them.
Whenever I see an UMNO man or a civil servant driving around in an expensive car – Merc, Volvo, BMW – at once I form an opinion that he got it through corruption or the NEP, not through his brain and sweat.
The Department of Skills Development (DSD) under the Ministry of Human Resources, having conducted a check with the Registrar of Companies, is satisfied that the change of name was effective on 2.4.2008. My contention is why did DSD grant an accreditation certificate to a private limited company to conduct business prior to registration and incorporation between the period 29.8.2007 and 1.4.2008 (more than 7 months)? It is crystal clear that an abuse of power or corrupt activity was created when DSD acknowledged and recognised the private limited company in the letter in 2007. As a result, the stakeholders were cheated by the center.
Due to my follow up on this issue, DSD had even threatened to file an application for judicial review. Any thoughts to share, please.
Malaysians are entitled to proper explanations from the Ministry of Human Resources and not least of all, the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak.
PR leaders must learn from what Mader said to civil servants; ‘I don’t like corruption but if you commit bribery, I don’t arrest you’.
Untouchable, we depend them for votes. If PR pressed civil servants, votes go to BN.
I agree with you 100%.
With the meager salary paid by the govt, how can any civil servant with a salary of below RM$3k afford any car better than a Proton?
Yet we see many having luxury houses, luxury cars etc. Khir Toyo’s mansion is one very good example. How can a Menteri Besar of a salary around RM$48k per month (from Khalid Ibrahim’s declared salary) afford a luxury RM$24Mil home?
The rakyat knows best – BN don’t need the media to explain and hide facts. The internet is the best way to spread news & facts that nobody can hide.
“I know what U want n U know what I want” “I help U, U help me” – these r words of wisdom, not bribes
No believe me, ask NR lah
M’sian kangaroo doctor redefined sodomy – no penetration but semen near anus
Wow, it’s a medical breakthrough – readers do b careful where u leave your semen when u ejaculate; near anus of your partner or near your own anus, you will be charged with sodomy!! Thank you, Dr MRI
Yep…Malaysian Kangaroo Doctors can also be bought easily…for a kickback of RM10K from Big Pharma, Orthopedic Head of Department at Selayang sold his soul and got caught by MACC….but nothing compared to the Health DG vaccination scandal that cost the nation RM1 billion…….corruption is a disease now so ingrained in government that looks like government doctors are corrupt to their bones ….which may explain leaking hospitals and hospitals and clinics run by hospital assistants…..can you beat this Razali joker (USM/UKM graduate)……cant speako Engleesh and made a complete moron of himself in court. Time to switch off the lights and let HM Malaysia sink to the bottom of the sea.
Cuepacs president Omar Osman clarified that he meant “about 41 per cent of those )suspects) detained for interrogation by MACC were civil servants and not 41 per cent of the whole civil service” were suspected of corruption. He blamed the media for the misquotation. (Source:report by G. ManimaranJune 03, 2010 in The MalaysianInsider.
Corruption! corruption !corruption!Mabe that should be our slogan for identifying Malaysia as a Bolehland! Do not really want to blame those civil servants? Every time they turn their heads, they see their political Masters busy collecting their dues through political largesses. Those who used to be involved with JKR liked to think that the 5% demand was bad then when the Polticians increase the projacts cost by 5 FOLDS, that was acceptable because they too have a better cut. It is the greed of the societuy that condone the spread of this disease. How did it come about? Just look back 30 years, though corruption was there, it was done by the small fish in a very small way. With grand idea like piratization, hell broke loose! Surely all those project engineers out there can tell the difference in cost. So why blame now? Many of us have indeed contributed to this situation by being complacent when the country was “blooming”; everyone seemed to have his share of that prosperity then!! Just look at the MOT under LLS and CKC, were they concerned then? No, so long that their interests came through, they would allow the departments under them to continue to enforce all those stupid and time consuming procedures without any benefits to the nation: except to the enforcing staff! do think we have less rules and procedures than Singapore; for being less efficient? No, we have more rules and prescribed forms than our neighbour but they are being floated when the terms are ” negotiated”. Do you believe that our political leaders are not aware of this? No, it is better to allow the civil servants to have their cut. Yes, MB Khalid of Selangor is gonna have more resistance from his civil service if he tries to reduce their” influence”. But then, I do expect PR to have better gut than just saying that they can’t move the corrupted ones. And I believe , unless the PR States can tighten its gut to take more drastic actions, you gonna be a one term wonder!
With such inaccurate reporting by the MSM, no wonder most people don’t read newspapers now.
I thought editors are supposed to double check info before printing?
Oh come on. Only 41%? I have never heard of a single civil servant who is not on the take. 80% is closer to the truth. 20% represents those in positions too insignificant to be bribed. And they said women are not so easily bribed! Pah. Police women are just the same. “Kita semua pun cari makan aja” and with that statement they too like the rest openly accepted money and they have not problem doing it in police station.
He would be punished. No promotion. No title. No award. He memalukan his own gomen. Promotion, title and award go to all the goyang kaki nothing to do ampu-ing officers. He got all his facts and figures from a research done hastily based on MS ISO. If you know there is hanky panky, why not the people closest to this hanky panky stuff ? This is a big country. You do not EXACTLY know where your money is going to. There are so many loopholes. Even if you tighten one, there are new ones. Everyday got belanjar teh one. You think what ? 1 cent is also 1 cent if you have that niat. How you make a useless officer work if got no oomph ? Ipad versus Iped. That a and the e makes a whole lot of difference but also a win win situation. One win bigger. One win smaller. But also win. See or not see ?
my goodness…now even doctors are corruptible?…who is next?…teachers’ salary rise so that they will educate students to vote for BN only?…really apa pun boleh in Bolehland
what to do….they cannot report 80% (the truth) or 0%(too obvious)…so they take the average 40%…they have to report something right?
Most are honest and graceful people…..until they joined the wrong institutions/organisations with bad leadership.
It seems the mewspapers editors are guilty of not double-checking the facts the CUEPACS now claim it was incorrect.
What he said was that of all the cases of corruption, 41% involved civil servants.
sorry typo:
every one knows not to displease the little napoleans, they are the king in the field, and your place is in the field too, your life coukd be very miserable.
since most of them are related to each other some way or another
MACC has not a gram of credibility left!!!
No, not even a milligram!!!
I take that back. It should be not even a microgram!!!
Even that is inaccurate. MACC has not even a picogram of credibility back!!!
OK, let’s just be final with it – not an iota, not a dot, not a tittle!
Ok, that is better. I rest my case.
Take a rest.
You only forgot…not a fart worth talking about….as some MACC needs to smell farts and sh..t to comment…..hahahahahahaha
We do have one one two MACC volunteers here..smelling fart to comment….don’t you know that?
Have a nice weekend.
staronline. MALACCA: A local council president here was arrested by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Com-mission (MACC) for allegedly demanding s favours from a woman in return for approving a permit to run an asam pedas shop.
Someone has to MS ISOkan the local council.
Sikit sikit jadi bukit. For Malaysia, let us be happy that small inroads are made. At least somebody somewhere is trying to do something. Imagine. One rotten apple spoils the rest. Now it is so many rotten apples. Little Napoleons. If there are no big Napoleons, there are also no small Napoleons.
Contract out the whole department to Hong Kong, which will guarantee speed and efficiency.
in the gomen service , it is common knowledge that you are allowed to make mistake
and still get your pension, ….errr with exception
Depends on what sort of mistake. Depends on who is that Little Napoleon who is watching you. Depends on how clever you are. Depends on your luck or God or Devil. It is also common knowledge that it is very easy to make one or two bucks out of the gomen if you have the kan tau. Go back to square one. Don’t go to Putrajaya to seek your fortune. Go to some God forgotten places where big or small bosses let you be in peace and in peace you make yourself a very bright future. Money, money, money. Pray tell. Who does not need it ? Even God does.
go to buta jaya….and get yourself lost in the emptiness….no way
it is for dreamers….it is a place for the same clowns to cloud 9 about ketuahan and ketuanan
For small fry…cannot even afford the bus fare to get out once get in.
in the coming GE, must get MP to get mainstream to butajaya it was shown in the brochure …and make sure they dont make everybody pay for the landscape and its maintainenace , …although all are aredi paying through their PCB, and not enjoying any of it while it was still good.
Thank you to you Jeffrey. Well said. I was amused with the author of this article. Just pick up something from someone not in the authority and confused all. A normal thinking intellectual will at least confirm the figure before saying it out loud. Man in proper mind will realize that the figure was misquoted. I read the MACC has made a statement on this. If at all we were to believe CUEPACS then we would be knocking into corrupt civil servants every once in two visits. I suggest Mr Lim and his writers visit the Immigration Department, the NRD, Land Offices and so on and so forth to find out themselves if civil servants are really that corrupted to believe the statistics given by Omar. Just because of Omar’s mistake or the misquotation, the author had lambasted the MACC and also the civil servants. I am a citizen who had frequented many government agencies for services. I congratulate the hardworking official who serves the client well. The delivery system is excellent compared to years ago. Things are made easier and faster, there is no need to use the services of “touts” or “middlemen”. Does the author intend to discard a whole box of apples for one bad ones? I think everyone has a duty to report any corrupt practices and praise the one with integrity and accountability.
Somebody on the outside does not actually see what is going on inside. Regarding figures, those who know should quote who comes up with those figures. Like 80 % Malaysians consume too much sugar. Who said so ? When was it said ? This is to justify what you quoted. Because if you do not justify that figure, for all we know, you are the one who quote it yourself and why should we believe you ?