Lim Kit Siang

Najib’s most difficult question in the forthcoming five-week parliamentary meeting – how many Cabinet Ministers are Malaysian first, race second in keeping with 1Malaysia policy?

I have posed what is probably the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s most difficult question in the forthcoming 22-day parliamentary meeting:

“How many Ministers in his Cabinet, naming them, regard himself/herself as Malaysian first, race second in keeping with the 1Malaysia policy”.

It will test Najib to the limit of his intellectual prowess and political acumen to answer this question, as he will have to be a David Copperfield political magician to try to “square the circle” in view of two diametrically polar positions:

Will Najib be honest and give a frank and straightforward answer to this question, without ifs and buts?

Or will he try to evade it by resorting to the classic Barisan Nasional parliamentary tactic of getting the question rejected on the spurious ground that it has run afoul of one Standing Order or another?

We will know soon enough how Najib handles this question, which I deem as his most difficult question in the forthcoming six-week parliamentary meeting from Monday June 8 to July 13, which has the 11-day debate on the Tenth Malaysia Plan as its centerpiece.