Kit Siang: A cabinet chock-full of senators

Kit Siang: A cabinet chock-full of senators
Malaysiakini | Jun 1, 10 7:59pm

Pakatan Rakyat leaders slammed Prime Minister Najib Razak for “setting the dubious record” of leading a cabinet with the most unelected representatives.

DAP supremo Lim Kit Siang challenged the Najib to compel the new senators-turned-deputy ministers to stand for elections to prove their level of support.

“Ask these new senators to stand for election so that they have the mandate of the people,” he told reporters after the Pakatan Rakyat supreme council meeting in Petaling Jaya today.

“We will have more by-elections and it will be good for the people, as in Sibu where the (federal government) poured tens of millions of ringgit and the PM visited twice in 10 days,” he said tongue-in-cheek.

He added that the ‘mini-cabinet reshuffle’ is turning the cabinet into the Dewan Negara, oft-criticised as irrelevant, and supports calls for parliamentary reforms.

Lim also took a potshot at Palanivel, stating that he “was not fit to stand as a candidate in Hulu Selangor” but apparently fit to be part of the cabinet.

11 senators-turned-deputy ministers

Four new senators – MIC deputy president G Palanivel, PPP senior vice-president Maglin D’Cruz, MCA vice-presidents Donald Lim and Gan Ping Shou – were appointed deputy ministers today.

Previously, Najib’s cabinet consisted of three senators – Koh Tsu Koon (Prime Minister’s Department), Jamil Khir Baharom (Prime Minister’s Department) and Raja Nong Chik Zainal Abidin (Federal Territories minister).

Senators-turned-deputy ministers includes – Mashitah Ibrahim (Prime Minister’s Department), T Murugiah (Prime Minister’s Department), Awang Adek Hussin (Finance), Abu Seman Yusop (Home), Heng Seai Kie (Women, Family and Community Development), Maznah Mazlan (Health), A Kohilan Pilay (Foreign Affairs).

With this, it is roughly a quarter of the deputy ministers posts are held by non-elected representatives.

In an immediate reaction, Rembau MP and Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin ‘retweeted’ a post by an unknown individual, describing the new cabinet line up as “solid”.

This was met by a retort from Petaling Jaya Utara MP Tony Pua who said: “Not without you!”


Pakatan mocks Najib’s Senate-powered appointments
By Clara Chooi | The Malaysian Insider | June 01, 2010

KUALA LUMPUR, June 1 — Pakatan Rakyat (PR) leaders today poked fun at Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s Cabinet tweaks, pointing out that the increasing number of senators only proved that Barisan Nasional (BN) lacked qualified elected representatives for the posts.

DAP adviser Lim Kit Siang said Najib was now leading a government with “the most number of senators” and had failed to stick to his “people first, performance now” pledge with the mini-reshuffle.

“I am concerned with these appointments, that even more senators have been appointed,” the Ipoh Timur MP told reporters after attending a PR secretariat meeting at the PKR headquarters here.

He listed out the senators who were named as deputy ministers to assist the Cabinet ministers — PPP vice-president Datuk Maglin Dennis D’Cruz (Information, Communications and Culture), MCA vice-president Datuk Donald Lim (Finance), MCA vice-president Gan Ping Sieu (Youth and Sports) and MIC deputy president Datuk G. Palanivel (Plantation Industries and Commodities).

“This is a government with the biggest number of senators — a government of senators, not of elected representatives in the Parliament,” he declared.

Lim said the appointments served as an “indictment” to Najib’s premiership and accused the prime minister of being “regressive and reactionary” instead of “progressive and reformist”.

PR had earlier urged Najib to hold a series of by-elections to allow his newly appointed senators to contest for a spot in Parliament in order to better justify their posts in government.

“Yes, I would agree to that. It appears that by Najib’s measurement, there are no qualified representatives from Umno or the MIC to sit in the government which is why he chose these others.

“Better to have by-elections so that these appointees can contest… it would bring us plenty of benefit,” jibed PKR de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, when agreeing with Lim.

Lim, who proposed the idea, said the by-elections would help Najib remove the “deadwood” representatives in the BN who Najib had felt were “unfit” to become ministers or deputy ministers.

“And then you can see him (Najib) pouring billions of ringgit in the constituencies like in the Sibu by-election and he would even visit at least three times during the 10 days (campaign period),” he said.

PAS secretary-general Datuk Mustafa Ali concurred with his PR partners, saying that the bloated Senate mirrored that the people had no confidence in the BN.

“Those appointed were not chosen by the people as representatives,” he said.

Lim also said the reshuffle showed that the BN leadership had failed to take stock of the message from the political tsunami of Election 2008.

“This reshuffle is not seen as a plus for MCA or BN or even Najib. It does not show that they have learned from the message from the 2008 elections that the people want change,” he added.

30 Replies to “Kit Siang: A cabinet chock-full of senators”

  1. This is how BN/UMNO has been trying to hold onto powers to govern…

    Bunch of chicken brains and suckers who can suck you up dry and pale without a single dime in your pockets…..

    Bolehland will be bankrupt before 2019….

  2. This is part of the written reply dated 17.5.2010 by the Director General (DG), Department of Skills Development (DSD):- “Berhubung dengan isu pendaftaran **** Auto (Penang) Sdn Bhd dengan Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM), Jabatan in telah membuat semakan syarikat dan mendapati nama syarikat ???? ???? Sdn Bhd telah ditukar kepada **** Auto (Penang) Sdn Bhd pada 2 April 2008. Untuk makluman tuan, Jabatan ini meluluskan permohonan pentauliah berdasarkan nama syarikat pemilik dan nama pusat bertauliah ditentukan sendiri oleh pemohon.” (actual names have been omitted)

    Paragraph 4.1.1 of the Panduan dan Peraturan-peratuan Pentauliahan Persijilan Kemahiran Kemahiran Malaysia 2005 which reads “Penyedia latihan kemahiran telah ditubuhkan dan didaftarkan secara sah:- (a) sebagai Syarikat Sendirian Berhad atau Syarikat Berhad atau Perniagaan atau Persatuan/Pertubuhan; dan mendapat ………

    Such simplistic and moronic reply, without elucidating on the statues enacted by Parliament, the DG has missed the point. Based on the DG’s check with SSM, the DG is satisfied that the change of name was effective on 2.4.2008. My contention is **** Auto (Penang) Sdn Bhd is the accreditation center as well as the skills training provider. The DG had accused me that I was interested in my interpretation and refused to accept his interpretation. He threatened to seek a judicial review on the issue. Could anyone help me?
    1. Could DSD grant the approval of accreditation to a private limited company prior to registration and incorporation on 24.9.2007?
    2. Was DSD offending the legislative purpose by empowering the private limited company to conduct business prior to registration and incorporation between the period of 24.9.2007 and 1.4.2008?
    3. “Nama syarikat pemilik” and “nama pusat bertauliah” are two different entities. Was DSD colour blinded or pretended not to know about the different functions, roles and responsibilities of each entity?

    Mr. Minister of Human Resources, it is so pathetic and worrying to see what 21 years of implementation of skills training development has done to our youths. Where is the quality in the skills training and development? We, the ordinary Malaysians, shake our heads in disbelief.

  3. I thought there was a limit to the number of Senators that we can have in the Senate. I must be wrong.

    They are printing some more Senators, just like printing our worthless ‘banana bank notes’.

    First they devalued “Datuk”. Now they are trying to devalue “Senator”.

    Very soon, every walking Kam a/l Nathan will be a Senator.

    And very soon, there won’t even be a need to hold general elections or any elections.

    When rejects and failures become the nation’s leaders, we should all pray hard, that we will not become pokai sooner than 2019.

    Tough luck KJ. We can’t have a rabble rouser and agitator in the Cabinet. You just don’t fit in. Hope you understand. Maybe when you’ve mellowed. No hard feelings, OK?

  4. When the father cannot make it, the son can represent the father. Don’t worry, be happy.

    Will the PKFZ scandal die a natural death without OTK? Can the new minister give us some clues?

  5. Previously, Najib’s cabinet consisted of three senators – Koh Tsu Koon (Prime Minister’s Department), Jamil Khir Baharom (Prime Minister’s Department) and Raja Nong Chik Zainal Abidin (Federal Territories minister).


    This information is incorrect, Idris Jala and Sharizat are both senator-turn-minister as well.

    PM Najib should realise that he’s technically speaking an unelected Prime Minister (Pak Lah not Najib leads the BN to win in 2008), and with about 1/4 of his frontbench being occupied by unelected officials, I’m afraid the legitimacy of the government is greatly reduced. It is perhaps correct to say the democracy in the name of Malaysia is currently led by a largely unelected government…

  6. Rembau MP and Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin ‘retweeted’ …., describing the new cabinet line up as “solid”.

    Chengho, ask your boss why KJ is not even a deputy menteri but baby chua made deputy minister. Malu la KJ. If I were KJ I will resign and joint MCA tomorrow morning or joint Perkasa.

    Masih boleh re-tweet ‘solid’ lagi, patutlah kita boleh bankrup 2019.

  7. This minor cabinet reshuffle is meant for MCA re-election new line-up.
    Senator Gan Peng Siu was a loser in a Johor state seat to DAP contender in GE12. A winner for MCA vice-president post. CSL doing a clean-up at Johor to consolidate power.
    Chua Tee Yong is YB in sudden case, formerly work in a Johor’s GLC. President son.
    MP Chor Chee Heung make a full minister in Housing and Local Government portfolio, a controversial figure in mother of all scandal PKFZ’s RM12 billion losses.
    MCA is truly BOLEH!

  8. Are we becoming a country with a President who seems self-empowered to appoint people who failed to get elected even in their own constituencies? For sure BN, particularly MCA has suicidal tendency with such line-up PR, you are given the mandate from heaven!

  9. Oops, Chua Tee Yong was among blacklisted and ‘hijacked’ to Taiwan during hottest PR’s September 16 road to Putrajaya campaign.
    Now, it is Ong Kah Ting camps turn to jump ship?

  10. These “belakang Masuk” senators run contrary to the 1 Malaysia ppl caring concept professed by Najib as they ignore the ppl wishes . This is against the Constitution as they are not duly elected representatives.

  11. It surely is a cabinet fill with useless BN politicians.
    And why not….Najib needs to see many BN faces in Parliament to make him look important.
    It looks like Senator is the latest craze for titles.
    Najib is telling Malaysians…he is the one and only one ..”1Malaysia” little Napoleon.
    To People Power..he is a useless clown.

  12. Democratic mockery in our Malaysian Parliament.

    1st, we have irrelevant Chinese community representation. 2nd, we have appointed senators as ministers & deputy ministers who are discarded by their community or party. 3rd, we have tinted senators with leakages.

    Are these the changes in our ‘new’ BN political landscape under Najib, to lead our country?

    Even our ‘porn star’s’ son can be appointed senator/deputy minister, is this how a father seek forgiveness?

    Omg……tell me whether this is Malaysia or Greece.

  13. QUOTE: “Lim also took a potshot at Palanivel, stating that he “was not fit to stand as a candidate in Hulu Selangor” but apparently fit to be part of the cabinet.”

    Well, our Ministers are well…. I think even a monkey can be a minister in Malaysia.

  14. “This is a government with the biggest number of senators — a government of senators, not of elected representatives in the Parliament”

    Democracy– govt of the people, by the (elected) people, for the people

    So why must taxpayers’ hard-earned money be used to pay the salaries of monkeys rejected by the people?

    Will the next PM also be an appointed senator, who has lost in the 13 GE?

  15. Chengho love to see Anwar make mistakes with his suggestion.
    Now is the time to do more shadow fighting… PR…with RPK and Balan supports….and not reshuffling the PR shadow cabinet..which already existed.

  16. Najib’s cabinet2 is pretty sure to suffer a kind of lacking energy when it comes to tough competition in all fields especially in the globerlised world.Najib not only retained the old vehicles which are not road worthty anymore and further added some extra rejected junks into his cabinet2 are indeed pretty shocking. In this modern,fast moving and globerlised world,how on earth can malaysia compete using outdated and reconditioned vehicles with others such as Singapore,Hong Kong,S.Korea and Japan.I think Malaysia should start using new formula one vehicles to compete with others in order to remain relevant.

  17. //PR had earlier urged Najib to hold a series of by-elections to allow his newly appointed senators to contest for a spot in Parliament in order to better justify their posts in government.//

    You think Jibby is stupid? There is a safer way— he will 10 more parliamentary constituencies in putrajaya, each with 500 voters for his 10 senators

  18. Ho Ho Ho
    A cabinet full of ‘MISS’nister !!!!!
    A cabinet full of ‘YES’man !!!!!
    A cabinet full of ‘FROG’man !!!!!
    A cabinet full of ‘BOCOR’man !!!!!
    A cabinet full of ‘LIAR’man !!!!!
    OMG! you name IT we have IT all
    Comes 13th GE all Malaysians will give those goons a BIG TSUNAMI n votes them out n CHANGE to a 100% real MP n MINISTER that can take up their head high by PEOPLES POWER vote them in to serve the RAKYAT proudly…..
    Ho Ho Ho

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