DAP: Pakatan perlu adakan kajian prestasi separuh penggal

Oleh G. Manimaran | The Malaysian Insider

KOTA BARU, 29 Mei — Pakatan Rakyat (PR), yang mencipta sejarah dengan menguasai lima kerajaan negeri dan menafikan Barisan Nasional (BN) majoriti dua pertiga di Parlimen dua tahun lalu, perlu mengadakan kajian separuh penggal prestasi mereka.

Justeru, idea agar diadakan kajian separuh penggal itu membabitkan prestasinya sejak Mac 2008 akan diutarakan pada mesyuarat kepimpinan PR
Selasa depan, kata Penasihat DAP Lim Kit Siang.

“Kami akan membincangkan idea agar diadakan kajian separuh penggal kerajaan negeri Pakatan Rakyat selepas dua tahun memerintah,” kata Lim pada sidang media bersama pemimpin-pemimpin PR di sini hari ini.

“Kita sudah memerintah selama dua tahun dan ada baiknya kita melakukan kajian separuh penggal ini… masa yang sesuai untuk menilai prestasi kerajaan negeri… pendekatan, cara… untuk melihat prestasi dari segi aspirasi, harapan rakyat,” kata beliau.

Pandangan itu disokong oleh Setiausaha Agung PAS Datuk Mustafa Ali yang berkata, “kami akan membincangkannya.”

Sidang media itu diadakan selepas majlis perasmian Kongres Nasional Keenam PKR di sini. Presiden PKR Datukn Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail menyampaikan ucapan dasarnya.

Lim berkata kajian separuh penggal itu akan melibatkan keempat-empat kerajaan negeri yang masih diterajui PR iaitu Kelantan, Pulau Pinang, Kedah dan Selangor.

Perak yang dikuasai PR telah jatuh ke tangan BN awal tahun lalu.

Lim yang juga anggota Dewan Rakyat berkata, bagi tujuan itu PR boleh mengambil perkara-perkara yang ditekankan oleh Wan Azizah dalam ucapannya.

“Ucapan Wan Azizah adalah paling komprehensif, tepat pada masanya dan sesuatu yang mengejutkan,” kata Lim.

“Saya rasakan kita boleh mengambil beberapa perkara yang dibawa oleh Presiden (PKR) dalam ucapannya,” katanya.

Mengenai rasa kecewa Angkatan Muda Keadilan (AMK) bahawa PR tidak melaksanakan Dasar Bersama dengan efektif, Ketua Umumnya Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim berkata:

“Angkatan Muda memberikan beberapa cadangan supaya mematuhi beberapa dasar yang telah diputuskan oleh kepimpinan Pakatan.

“Perkara itu sebagaimana dikatakan tadi, akan dibincangkan dalam mesyuarat Selasa ini.”

Mustafa pula berkata, PR perlu diberikan masa kerana baru dua tahun memerintah tiga negeri kecuali Kelantan.

PR yang mengadakan konvensyen sulungnya Disember lalu telah meluluskan Dasar Bersama.

Bagaimanapun Ketua AMK Shamsul Iskandar Mohd Akin berkata PR gagal untuk melaksanakan kandungan Dasar Bersama dengan efektif dan menyeluruh.

9 Replies to “DAP: Pakatan perlu adakan kajian prestasi separuh penggal”

  1. Jentera pelaksanaan di setiap negeri adalah kakitangan awam. Mereka telah lama berkhidmat di bawa BN sebelum kerajaan PR diujudkan. Talian diantara kerajaan dan kakitangan awam adalah amat penting. Kakitangan awam boleh menjayakan atau mengagalkan sesuatu program atau dasar kerajaan. Mereka juga boleh menjadi penintip kepada musuh politik PR. Walaupun kakitangan awam itu sepatutnya bebas and berkecuali, namum adalah penting PR berjaga jaga. Jika kita lihat perhimpunan Kongress Melayu baru baru ini, kebanyakan disana adalah terdiri daripada bekas kakitangan awam. Mereka telah menikmati banyak feadah semasa berkhidmat dengan dengan BN. Mungkin mereka nak “goodies” ini diteruskan.

  2. Sure PR need to take stock and tackle their process and agenda. But its also useful to ask where things are going for Najib and BN. Its clear, things are not moving forward for BN. Despite all the machining and things actually going their way, the long term trends are not in UMNO/BN favour.

    Najib was counting on improved economics and better publicity to anchor his administration which is not working out at all. Its clear after a short term jump in recovery after a severe downturn, recovery will be patchy with as much problems as there are any good news. Such a recovery will not trickle down to the masses especially the bottom half of the population. The top-half of the market will soon get tired of a stalled recovery and will turn against him soon enough. With the right-wing of his party turned against him already, that has a high likely chance of Najib being pushed over the edge. Its clear his tenure is not going to be long. He may last through the next GE, but thats it.

    The main thing that will spell Najib’s downfall is that he relies too much on secret machining and manouvering to bail him out of trouble. In Perak, in Selangor, in HS and Sibu, etc, he relies on the covert activities to keep ahead/stay in power. It has never worked for government in the long run, it will not work for him as a politician no matter how Mahathir and others like him make it out to look like it does. Whether its secret deals in Singapore, land deals in KL or negotiating with Hindraf etc, its not a solution to fundamental problems. At best it creat chaos for everyone and people will tire of chaos after a while. Its something Anwar and PKR also have the habit of doing and should keep a check on himself.

    Najib clearly has to buy his way out of trouble and that is why the flurry of deals and push to raise income. At the very least, he and his family and cronies get to make some money by doing deals and raising money. But its why he think he can resort to such covert activities which will be his achilles heel. If there is one thing Anwar need to do is anti-covert team to flush out Najib’s and BN covert activities. All PR need to topple him is one major blunder of all these actitvities and the whole UMNO/BN ship will come crashing down. The worst thing for PR is that UMNO/BN find out first what these things are and make an immunity offer to Najib to step down and cover it up for him. You want a chaotic transition. Its time to consider making an offer of immunity to Najib went dirt on him is found. Its the only way.

  3. It is important for PR to sit down and review the performance of each PR state. Have they really done all that they possibly could? Have they really lived up to the expectations of the people? Have they taken tough strides to reform as promised?

    Cause if they still haven’t this may be the last chance. Tough reforms takes serious planning and a lot of hard work to ram into the heads of all the various officers in the state departments. It’s something that will take months of consistent effort before even small results show.

    If the PR states don’t start now, then you will never start because then it will be too late for the results to show.

  4. And the biggest problem PR state is Selangor. Given its large urban middle class population, it should be an easy state for PR to take.

    But given the weak management of Selangor for the past 2 years, it may be hard to convince voters to give PR another chance next time round.

    But then again, the thoughts of having Khir Toyo as MB might be enough to scare Selangor voters to continue to support PR.

  5. PKR grassroot members dah cakap lah: PR-controlled states cuma cakap cakap saja lah, promises made during d runup 2 GE308 not realised
    Remember what ppl here wrote abt UmnoB/BN: U can fool ppl once or twice with promises, but not always
    PR must also remember: in a few states, PR not opposition but rulers, so don’t keep behaving like opposition, NATO

  6. Good idea and always prepare for the unpredictable, especially nowadays rakyat more educated and more demanding. Shadow cabinet. Unofficial policies. Draft budget. Things like that. Can learn from the hung parliament in UK now.

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