Najib’s qualification instead of endorsement of Idris Jala’s warning that Malaysia could become next Greece and go bankrupt unless it saves RM103 billion in next five years to reduce the nation’s huge debt proof of lack of political will to address subsidy syndrome

Four things stand out in yesterday’s Subsidy Rationalisation Lab Open Day of the 1Malaysia Government Transformation Programme (GTP) where the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department and CEO of Performance Management and Delivery Unit (Pemandu), Datuk Seri Idris Jala made his presentation on the country’s proposed five-year subsidy rationalization roadmap.

Firstly, the absence of Tan Sri Dr. Koh Tsu Koon, the Minister in charge of the 1Malaysia GTP and Chairman of Pemandu. Why is he on leave in the United States on such an important event in the Government Transformation Programme or is he seriously considering, according to reports quoting Gerakan sources, relinquishing the post as Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department after the humiliation in the last meeting of Parliament where he dared not stand up to vouch for what 1Malaysia stands for – that he is Malaysian first and Chinese second?

Secondly, Idris’ failure to address the root causes of the national economic crisis instead of just dealing with its symptoms.

Idris warned that unless Malaysians bite the bullet and wean off subsidies to save the government RM103 billion in five years to reduce the nation’s deficit and huge debt, Malaysia could become another Greece and go bankrupt in nine years.

Although Idris said the government would focus on big ticket items such as fuel, electricity and toll to achieve the savings, he failed to focus on the biggest ticket items – corruption, mismanagement, extravagance and lack and accountability.

When corruption, mismanagement, extravagance and lack of accountability cost the government from RM10 billion to RM28 billion a year, what credibility has the government to talk about slashing subsidies affecting the rakyat when it has nothing to show to end the rampant and worsening state of corruption, the gross abuses of power and public funds like indiscriminate issue of APs and various forms of “piratisation” in the name of privatization?

Thirdly, the coincidence of the release of GLC conglomerate Sime Darby’s third quarter results, ending March 31, 2010, recording a net loss of RM309 million mainly due to its energy and utilities division; admission that for the nine months ended March 31, 2010, the total provision for four projects namely Qatar Petroleum project, the Maersk Oil Qatar project, the MOQ Marine project and Bakun dam amounted to RM1.3 billion; but no answer as to whether Sime Darby had incurred cost overruns for the Bakun contract amounting to RM1.7 billion and that the government has agreed to reimburse around RM700 million to Sime Darby, leaving the GLC with around RM1 billion to deal with.

With more questions than answers as to how the global conglomerate changed the meaning of “GLC” from Government-Linked Company to Government Losing-Concern with its billion-ringgit losses, raising grave questions about accountability, transparency and integrity, this is not the best backdrop to convince Malaysians that the government has the political will to set a good example to slash expenditures to save the country from the fate that befell Greece.

But the fourth item is most telling of all – in less than 12 hours of Idris’ apocalyptic speech that Malaysia can go bankrupt by 2019 if the government fails to cut its burgeoning subsidy bills, the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak played down and distanced himself from Idris’ warning.

Najib said after the Umno Supreme Council meeting last night that the figures quoted by Idris were merely based on Pemandu’s studies and there is no firm decision by the government.

He said more studies were needed before subsidy cuts could be introduced.

He said: “We are still waiting for information and feedbacks from the rakyat on this.

“Idris’ remarks are just estimates… When it comes to matters which involve the well being of the people, we will consult the rakyat first.”

One can envisage that Idris would not have been discussed in very flattering terms in the Umno Supreme Council meeting.

Najib’s qualification instead of endorsement of Idris’ warning that Malaysia could become next Greece and go bankrupt unless it saves RM103 billion in next five years to reduce the nation’s huge debt is proof of the lack of political will of the Najib administration to address subsidy syndrome.

Are we back to square one before Idris’ apocalyptic warning yesterday morning?


78 Replies to “Najib’s qualification instead of endorsement of Idris Jala’s warning that Malaysia could become next Greece and go bankrupt unless it saves RM103 billion in next five years to reduce the nation’s huge debt proof of lack of political will to address subsidy syndrome”

  1. I tot Malaysia on the road achieving to Wawasan 2020?
    I tot Malaysia ( Najib ) stimulated package Billions of ringgit rescue Malaysia out of reccession?
    I tot…oops..the next instituition gonna go bankrupt is EPF lah..
    I tot Malaysia ( Najib ) say Malaysia gonna achieve high income per capital??

    Wow…now we gonna go bankrupt….

  2. Isn’t is clear that all that UMNO cares about is its own survival. The country can go down the drain. The people can go to hell.
    UMNO must rule even in a bankrupt country.
    The country will go the way of Greece but UMNO leaders will have fat bank accounts in foreign banks.
    So who cares about the country.

  3. Najib has more or less, made a fool of Idris. For all the Bernama headlines, press conferences, and responses that Idris elicited from the public following his projected statistics, his big boss comes out and effectively states, “acah je”. Don’t take it seriously. Another Putrajaya flip flop? But Najib does have this propensity to test public opinion by getting his machai ministers to pronounce things, and then he comes out to “cool” when he knows UMNO/BN is being ridiculed. But make no mistake: Idris is now subject to ridicule from the public. But that’s the price you pay for being in Najib’s cabinet. Don’t believe me? Then ask those 2 cops who were made to be the fall guys for Altantuya. Or ask the army sergeant who’s charged for the missing jet engines (still missing as I write). What face have people like Koh Tsu Koon/Idris to remain in Najib’s cabinet? Koh/Idris, I hope you guys are thinking of your children’s children, when you ponder on what kind of country they are going to inherit? If you do, do you still expect the Rakyat to give UMNO/BN their vote? UMNO must vacate Putrajaya, until they learn their lessons on public governance.

  4. I really pity PR taking over the govt in next GE – for it would be a bankrupt nation, and ppl would start blaming PR for not able to revive the country in that terrible state – and hence BN would take opportunity that time to disgrace further the PR govt!

  5. YB LKS has said it.The stupid BN has for the past 53 years rule the country with total disregard to rampant corruption,mismanagement,extravagance and lack of accountablity.No wonder as admitted by their own minister we are really heading towards the direction of “Zimbawe’.

  6. The root cause of our $362 billion national debt and our hurtling towards “bankruptcy” is the irresponsible profligate spending and procurement corruption in the successive Govts led by UMNO/BN and now by PM Rosemajib!!

    There is no mention in Idris Jala’s indirect taxation increase programme for the masses of reigning in and re-negotiating the one sided croney contracts and extortionate concessions awarded in particular to the AP, toll highway, IPP, water and telco mafias!! The opportunity cost in foregone revenue here alone would total some $20 billion a year!!

    Instead of 1st cutting back on spending and trimming the huge fat layer in the Civil Service and Glc’s he’s passing the buck to the over-taxed Rakyat.

    We just read that the 1MDB fund gave $5 million in scholarships for some Muslims to study in Egypt? Is this what this fund was set up for – to be charitable before it has even shown a decent return on its investments?

    And that’s exactly where the Govt of Rosemajib continues to fail – in spending first without thinking!!

    This Govt should resign en masse today because it has no clue of how to manage the finances of Malaysia while the croneys rape, pillage and plunder our reserves and it run it into the ground to the detriment of our children and grandchildren to come!!

    we are all of 1 race, the Human Race

  7. Kit,

    Remind the people in the next by-election or GE13 that they should vote PR to save the country because the BN lead government has admitted that Malaysia is going to go bankrupt in the year 2019.

  8. Need not wait for another five years!
    One or two years will do.
    Because in the next GE, our “kind” PM will be throwing billions around.
    Next, we’ll see that our epf money all gone!
    More and more of our countries land and properties will be secretly pawn or given away.
    Keep on denying!
    Just wait and see!!!

  9. Idris Jala quit MAS in the year when he knew they will report a major loss. So, what’s the big deal about this guy’s assessment? He and UMNO are merely misleading the rakyat into believing that subsidy is the cause of Malaysia’s economic woes. Let’s not be hoodwinked by UMNO. The economic and FDI problems Malaysia is facing today is purely due to mismanagement and serious corruption in the UMNO government in the last 50 years!

  10. Oh Fcuk!The man who turnaround MAS said that we will be bankrupt by 2019.This will wake up the people who voted BN.Remember keep voting BN and you are Fcuked by 2019.By GE13 hopefully Pakatan may turn this country around.

  11. I think we are already another Greece. Our only saving grace is our exports. The Federal government spends 34 billion ringgit on subsidies and yet it also spends 26 billion ringgit on provision of supplies and services, 38 billion on emolument, together with about 27 billion on grants to statutory bodies.
    The 34 billion in subsidies benefits all of us ( 27 million) but who benefits from the other 125 billion ringgit?
    What kind of democracy are having here in Malaysia when 125 billion is shared by fewer people than the 34 billion of subsidies?

  12. Kit,

    Remind the people in the next by-election or GE13 that they should vote PR to save the country because the BN lead government has admitted that Malaysia is going to go bankrupt in the year 2019.

    You think the people will listen to LKS words!
    Many are still listening to “money”.
    Give them hundred, they are happy.
    Give them thousand, they’ll be very happy.
    And give them millions, they’re willing to lick your butt.
    Go ask those frogs and those felda settlers in HS.
    What about EC???
    They are the most crooked one during each election.
    Many are still “blind” and still can’t differentiate between what is truth and facts.
    Go ask that Chengho!
    Only way to teach most of them is to let them taste poverty and that’s the time when Malaysia goes bankrupt!
    As Rich Little alway says,
    You asked for it!!!

  13. Thailand has always been a net importer of oil, and so is Singapore. Thailand has to face the problems created by Thaksin’s wealth. But Thailand has not been subsidising so many items as Malaysia has been doing. Yet Thailand has performed much better than Malaysia economically.

    Singapore not only imports oil, she imports almost everything that needs land space. But Singapore’s per capital GDP is five times that of Malaysia which has included in its GDP all those natural resources which Singapore does not have. The difference between Singapore and Malaysia lies not in the citizens but the government. With that results, BN leaders should have followed Japanese leaders’ example; they would have committed hara kiri.

    Perkatan leaders are kind enough to take over in the 13th GE so that BN leaders can migrate without calling attention to their ill gotten wealth. The majority of Malaysians have been fools to allow UMNO to lead all this while, especially since 1981 when a half-Indian claimed to be Malay, and made use of Malays self respect for enriching himeself and his cronies. He set the path to Zimbabwe for Malaysia.

  14. ///Are we back to square one before Idris’ apocalyptic warning yesterday morning?///- Kit. Chances are “yes”. The contradictions are plain to see.

    One of the main purposes of subsidies (besides protect ‘infant’ industries is to transfer wealth from the “Haves” (in TDM’s parlance) to the “Haves Not”. Subsidies are then theoretically consistent with NEP, in its original 2 pronged form of eradicating poverty irrespective of race and identification of economic functions with race.

    However NEP’s original objectives have been hijacked and distorted when it comes to implementation. Instead of need specific implementation it is race specific. (This to do with, officially and openly, UMNO’s ideological raison de etre to leverage on Special Privileges/Social Contract/Ketuanan for political support and, unofficially and surreptitously, the ruling elites to amass wealth under false pretences of fighting for their vote bank’s rights).

    If a large part of subsidies in Malaysia is in support of the NEP, any withdrawal of subsidies – if genuine – has to involve a concomitant retreat of the NEP.

    The irreconcilable lies in our ruling politicians speaking of cutting subsidies on one hand but insisting on the continuance of NEP in race specific form on the other, for so long as Ketuanan is reaffirmed for political purposes.

    If Idris were correct – if we don’t cut on subsidies (by implication retreat on NEP) the country will, with Govt’s debts going up 12% every year, go Greece’s way in 9 years time how will that be averted by subsidies cut if NEP is not cut or worse still savings from subsidies cut in certain areas finance wastage in other areas where race speific NEP is in full expression???

    The sensitivity of subsidies cut lie in the fact that although all feel pain from subsidies, arguably, its UMNO vote bank that will feel it most poignantly because they are majority, rural, comparatively less “affluent” where race based distribution of wealth are disproportionate favouring elites or those connected but not masses. It is also sensitive to say openly the truth that cut in subsidies must include cut in NEP for then they may perceive double pain to withdraw support from the ruling party let alone the fact that ruling elites and ilk will have nothing of this, striking at the heart bof their vested interests.

    So Idris is charged with unenviable task of “sounding” out to the nation the threats the country faces if high spending ways are continued and the need now for financial/fiscal discipline by subsidies. this is to gauge reaction from various sectors especially vote banks.

    When he says we’re going the way of Greece, its shocking implication boomerangs because, if true, it also reflects that the ruling elites have been misgoverning and placing the nation, rich in resources, on the inexorable course to inevitable bankruptcy in a period less than a decade. So they distance from what he says. They expect him to massage language but Idris is not that customarily duplicituous and forked tongue. What do they expect him to say – when UMNO’s own motivations are ambivalent?

  15. Address all the silly ways the govt spends the nations money first before even think of getting the nation to pay more!

    The way this country is run is worst than a 3rd world country.

    If the govt cannot or refuse to accept facts, there is absulutely no way it is going to improve. We are heading 2 steps back with evey step we try to take forward.


  16. When our country’s financial collapsed many, many years back, Mahathir blamed it on George Soros.
    And if it will to happen again this time, maybe our PM can put a blame on Bill Gates or “The Apprentice” boss, Mr. Trump!

  17. Idris Jala is talking nonsense. Save RM100+ billion ? Is this amount going into the Khazanah accounts or will it be spent on submarines, attack helicopters and armoured vehicles ? For UMNO, what is being “saved” will be diverted for their own ends, and I would rather that they go on subsidising petrol and essential goods than create a widening of the gap between the rich and the poor.

  18. Already many relatively wealthy Malaysians are buying up property, driving up prices in the Klang valley. They think that inflation is going out of control, and if they don’t buy now, a terrace house will be out of reach of their children.

    In a gated community in the Klang valley, a double storey terrace house is now almost RM 1 million. An asset bubble is forming rapidly and this is driven by UMNO’s reckless desire to “transform” the country into a high income nation without any clue as to how to achieve it.

    Soon Ibrahim Katak and Razali Idris will rail against the Chinese for creating this asset bubble, and for making property investments unaffordable for the Malays…and demand that property discounts be enlarged for a particular race.

  19. 1. Sabah and Sarawak must pull out before it is too late.

    2. Minority are hard-working and paying tax to feed the majority who have been draining the economy.

    3. The hole is getting bigger and impossible to manage, due to bad culture.

    4. Maybe a cultural revolution can save the country.

  20. The comment by Loh is more than true ….

    “The majority of Malaysians have been fools to allow UMNO to lead all this while, especially since 1981 when a half-Indian claimed to be Malay, and made use of Malays self respect for enriching himself and his cronies. He set the path to Zimbabwe for Malaysia.”

  21. Reducing the government deficit is not really rocket science.
    Just take a close look at the civil service.
    After spending billions of ringgit on ICT, we see that the numbers have not stagnated but increased each year and Malaysia has one of the highest ratio of civil servants per 1000 population.
    I guess it is about 10 to 15% of the working population.
    Each year the costs increase and since people live longer now, the pension bills only keep escalating.
    So the first step is to remove the pension scheme for all NEW civil servants and put them on EPF.
    Then we freeze all new posts and transfer staff as required.
    I would also allow only ONE tax-free pension for all politicians who collect more than one pension.
    Reduce the child allowance after the fourth child.
    Enforce alimony rules stringently so that divorced mothers do not have to spend so much time trying to get ex-husbands to pay up.

  22. Najib foresight and leadership not like Anwar famous statement in 2008 ‘ if PKR win today , tomorrow the price of petrol will be down by half’ …
    Kit, you should be there yesterday workshop, give your intelligent input..after all you are the next COP..

  23. ///M’kini:The PM said..”We are still waiting for information and feedbacks from the rakyat on this. Idris’ remarks are just estimates… When it comes to matters which involve the well being of the people, we will consult the rakyat first,” he said.///
    So the rakyat says No to subsidy cut, what then? If corruption is not addressed, u bet rakyat will give u the solution by showing u the exit way.
    Idris statement coming from the PM ministry is serious as it’s like telling the whole world m’sia is in big trouble. This might affect expansion programs of MNCs’ in m’sia n chasing away prospect investers. Where’s the accountability of such statement?

  24. Malaysia could become next Greece
    If it continues to go downhill
    Better pay attention to PR/DAP’s pleas
    For support to stop BN’s national ills
    To bring BN’s reign to a cease
    By voting in PR for better future and goodwill

  25. I protest, i protest – says Zimbabwe
    Y U M’sians so arrogant n look down on Zimbabwe
    Hey, Zimbabwe is better than M’sia
    U M’sia, filled with nuts voting 4 UmnoB/BN, going down d slippery slope 2 bcome Zombieland lah, faham tak

  26. Najib: “When it comes to matters which involve the well being of the people, we will consult the rakyat first.”

    This is Rakyat’s Deal or No Deal: Tackle the root cause of our national economic crisis: CORRUPTION, MISMANAGEMENT, EXTRAVAGANCE & LACK OF ACCOUNTABILITY.

    Then we Talk on Round Table of Responsible Governing of National Assets & Rakyat’s Contribution.

    Is it a deal or no deal?

  27. Did Anwar win and control the government and broke his promise…..Chengho?
    Your way to glorify ad advertise Najib day in day out is real sickening.
    But you are a sick man from UMNO B dressed in cheongsam which is expected as so many weird people in UMNO B thinks they are normal….exactly like you.
    No way can we solve this or that short comings with this or applications…as long as UMNO B is governing….that totally ignore billions stolen by them and millions are being miss-management every month.
    You just need to change the government and try somebody else to save the country.
    If we do not do that..than it is Malaysians the root cause of our country heading to bankruptcy…as the are so easily fooled to keep voting corrupted crooks.

  28. 1. Remove the NEP / NEM and AP first.

    2. Auction off the Petronas twin-tower, or offer cheap-sell to Brunei, and use the money to develop Sabah and Sarawak. Afterall it is our oil-money.

    3. Get rid of the F1 and all other nonsense, like Monsoon cup, and what ever cup there maybe, where the pockets of UMNO become big and heavy.

  29. Aiyah this nincompoop PM is only playing the fool. So long as he can humor his “lowfuna” aka wife he is ok. No need to care for country. Afterall he will make sure he spend all the money before Malaysia goes bankrupt & then does ala Saddam. Despicable useless idiot of the worst kind.

  30. Toyol dares Khalid to name BN lawmakers in housing scam; “This is all a political game… by Khalid Ibrahim,” said Toyol
    Toyol is 1 corrupt fool dat ensures d nation goes bankrupt fast n furious, while he lives in his palace
    Believe U me, there r many Toyols in UmnoB

  31. What bankrupt? The PM just said we have more than 10% growth. In fact his NEM lacks substance and is no different from the NEP which is only a ploy to enrich the Umnoputras and cronies.

    Since BN has proved its incapable and not fit to run the country before it becomes bankrupt it is best to hold a referendum to determine whether BN should continue to rule the country. There is no need to wait for the general election.Time is of the essence. We must save the country before it turned another Greece by giving an alternative govt to handle it. Go for a referendum!

  32. We must fight tenaciously on the proposal to subsidies. Idris Jala, you are farting. You know nothing about government. You should go back to doing what you know best, managing those ageing Boeing 737. Idris, seriously, I don’t think you are concerned with national bankruptcy. I think you are instructed to find more money for your farting bosses to squander more.

    Subsidies removal is a red herring strategy to resolve the so-called deficit and debt problem in the country. Appoint me the Finance Minister today and I will balance the book in one year without cutting a single cent of subsidies on fuel, rice, sugar and tolls. I will cut the national budget by more than 10% for all government agencies without sacrificing a single bit of service they are supposed to provide. If any department can’t follow my instruction, I will just ask them to go fly kite. Idris, just look at the over pricing, the overlapping, redundancy and the wastage. Were you born yesterday or what?

    In any case, another alternative is to just ask the government departments to do less; if possible they should just take their pay and duduk diam diam sahaja. Right now, the more they “do their farting work” the more problems they are creating for the people and the economy. Government service is actually disservice. By doing less, the efficiency of our economy will improve and our competitiveness rating will catapult to number 1 in the world. Idris, you have no idea what I am talking about, don’t you? How much have your spent already on your labs and incubators? This country is going to die in ICU soon, there is no need for incubators and labs anymore, you farting nincompoop. You think you are smart, don’t you.

  33. Subsidies – whether for food stuffs, hospitals, schools, infrastructure, petrol, LPG or the NEP (eg APs tolls or scholarships etc) – have been an integral part of Malaysian life for decades and form the subsidies mindset and syndrome.

    If you examine which of these subsidies conduce most to profligate spending heavy government expenditure leakages and waste, Johnny Pok in #41 is right – “Remove the NEP first”. The way the NEP is implemented (race specific) and its creation – the subsidies mindset and syndrome – is mother of all our problems. And that includes making our peoples and country competitive – to create real wealth and income.

    But UMNO is not willing. There is no political will. To cut NEP is to under-cut the very foundation upon which ruling coalition sits. To do it, vested interest of political elites are threatened. Excuse is that Vote Bank will desert ruling party in droves. Even component parties – both sides of South China Sea – will also leave. This not entirely uncontemplatable. Patronage and its largesse is the main attraction that holds all together. Any leader serious in rolling back the race specific NEP will be taken out himself by rival contenders and warlords.

    There is therefore a gridlock and impasse that cannot be resolved by present government & communal politics/ ideology of ruling party/coalition.

    Not willing to give up that (ie NEP) which mainly creates the subsidies mentality and syndrome (in the first place) and causes most wsatage/leakages and yet talk of cutting other subsidies in order to inculcate financial discipline in govt spending and self reliance amongst rakyat is basically inconsistent and irreconcilable and likely of limited efficacy over the long run….

    Idris has been distanced for saying the truth – that at present rate we’ll be like Greece in 9 years. He is not supposed to own up to the racket so publicly. If ever he is wrong it is because the time may be sooner than 9 years.

  34. If corruption, mismanagement, extravagance and lack of accountability are not addressed first,

    a cut in subsidies to save the government RM103 billion would only provide more funds available for corruptions(such as PKFZ) , bail-out of mismanaged GLCs and for ‘buying elections’ by Barisan Nasional.

    So it would still end up like Greece in nine years … if the corrupt people are not flushed out from the power…

  35. We must fight tenaciously on the proposal to remove subsidies. Idris Jala, you are farting. You know nothing about government. You should go back to doing what you know best, managing those ageing Boeing 737. Idris, seriously, I don’t think you are concerned with national bankruptcy. I think you are instructed to find more money for your farting bosses to squander more.

    Subsidies removal is a red herring strategy to resolve the so-called deficit and debt problem in the country. Appoint me the Finance Minister today and I will balance the book in one year without cutting a single cent of subsidies on fuel, rice, sugar and tolls. I will cut the national budget by more than 10% for all government agencies without sacrificing a single bit of service they are supposed to provide. If any department can’t follow my instruction, I will just ask them to go fly kite. Idris, just look at the over pricing, the overlapping, redundancy and the wastage. Were you born yesterday or what?

    In any case, another alternative is to just ask the government departments to do less; if possible they should just take their pay and duduk diam diam sahaja. Right now, the more they “do their farting work” the more problems they are creating for the people and the economy. Government service is actually disservice. By doing less, the efficiency of our economy will improve and our competitiveness rating will catapult to number 1 in the world. Idris, you have no idea what I am talking about, don’t you? How much have you spent already on your labs and incubators? This country is going to die in ICU soon, there is no need for incubators and labs anymore, you farting nincompoop. You think you are smart, don’t you.

  36. Idris is a trained “human-robot” from Shell, where employees are treated like machines.
    Personally, he comes from a remote village in Sarawak, and he should demand to improve the living-standard of the people in Sabah and Sarawak.

  37. was this a show to mass blackmail the rakyat?

    if you still want to be subsidised, the country will go bankcrupt. this is threatening enough.

    the bn govt and the bn cabinet must resign collectively. they have failed the country. this is the only way to save malaysia.

  38. johnnypok forgot Idris is an UMNO B racist.
    Other than that…nice comment….johnnypok.
    These idiots know only tell one sided stories.
    Where the faark is Koh Tsu Koon?
    He will appear only to carry Najib’s balls for his own survival…and nothing other matters men anything to him.
    He is not a politician.
    He is an UMNO B balls carrier par execellent.
    He is the balless one who shame his own race.
    But then…he will say..he has no race…but is a Malaysian.
    Yet supports UMNO B…a true racist party.
    That goes for idiots in MCA and MIC too…all voted out…yet never learn anything.

  39. Ho Ho Ho
    This farting ‘Roti Jala’ n ‘Kow Tow Koon’ will be the super duper idiots finance advisor to bankruptLAND with their farting comments recently!!! Jibs will be BURSTING very soon!!!
    hahahahahaha DRAMA roti jala BANKRUPT!
    Ho Ho Ho

  40. One thing for sure, our civil service is bloated and if the gomen continue to absorb unemployable graduates just to give jobs then we will be in trouble. we don’t need a bloated civil service, we need productive services and help the industry to be more competitive by reducing red-tapes, Now we seem to habe the reverse effect; more civil service to add red-tapes to the process increasing the cost of administration and further adding to the cost of doing business. this is the guarantee to the road of uncompetitiveness and eventually bankruptcy not only in Greece but worldwide. And sadly, with the exception of very few agencies, we are heading down that path. The truth is , after all these years of inteferring by politicians, the civil servants, at least the good ones have given up hope. they prefer to let the politicians have the final say and just implement it. The final stage is: unless the Gomen is willing to change, the raayat will have no cjoice but to change it.

  41. //For UMNO, what is being “saved” will be diverted for their own ends, and I would rather that they go on subsidising petrol and essential goods than create a widening of the gap between the rich and the poor.// (Godfather)

    Godfather’s main concern about the consequence of removing subsidies is that the saving made possible from the subsidy cut may be squandered by UMNO for their own ends. Barring this main concern of Godfather, I sincerely feel that subsidy cut can help to resolve the problem of widening income gap between the rich and the poor, so long as the saving derived from subsidy cut can later be wisely spent on giving living allowances to the poor and needies. Lim Guan Eng’s policy of giving away RM100 to the eligible senior citizens is one good model which UMNO can learn after if UMNO is able to save some money from subsidy cut.

    Certain form of subsidy, like petrol subsidy or food subsidy, are not likely to help the poor too much. A college student (a poor) who has to ride on a motorbike to go to attend courses at college campus may spend about RM20 per week on petrol consumption. However, a businessman (a rich) who travels on a Mercedes Benz luxury saloon car may spend about RM200 on petrol consumption simply for a round trip between Genting Highland casino and his Johor Bahru Residence.

    A typical poor family may spend about RM2.50 to buy a pack of 1 kg subsidised wheat flour for daily consumption. However, a well-to-do biscuit maker who owns an international market network (such as Munchy’s) may spend about RM50,000 a day on subsidised wheat flour consumption. Obviously, the rich people usually stand in a much better position than the poor people to enjoy the direct benefit being given from the subsidy.

    In 2004 immediately after being elected as the President of Republic of Indonesia, President Bambang Susilo removed subsidy on petrol and caused 125% immediate increase in the petrol price in Indonesia. However, President Bambang Susilo was successfully reelected as the President for the second term after finishing his first term presidential service. Obviously, the money saving wisely spent on giving living allowances to the poor and the needies had helped President Bambang Susilo to win much more votes in the second presidential run. I hope Najib will not read this comment of mine because it is always my personal intent of wanting to help Pakatan Rakyat to defeat Barisan Nasional in the next General Election in order to take over the ruling power from Najib.

  42. I ask the BN Government to take actions to clean up its own house first. Eliminate corruption, eliminate APs , eliminate unnecessary projects and appoint on merits, apply transparency and really work for Malaysia. Then our resource rich country won’t be so “poor” , facing subsidies’ problems and
    all other negatives

  43. MIC won HULU SELANGOR by election. its suppose a good news and leader should be praised, but why MIC crisis still continue again. ahh….they leak themself now.
    its prove that BN knew the result won not from true voter and indian community.
    they very panic now, thatwhy wanted to move out SEMI VALUE BEFORE NEXT GE.

  44. BN really hungry for money. they lost 5 state to PR. they short of income now.they cannot coverup their higher lifestyle expenses. they need millions ringgit income every year for living. federal government want cut the subsidies to help all leaders for living. if next GE BN still cannot get back 5 state. country will bankcrupt due to BN habiskan duit rakyat loh. ngam ngam 9 years from now.


    Malaysia already bankrupted by the Government with Credibility, Accountability, Transparency, Security, Judiciary gone!!

    A lot of public fundings, public land into the pockets of the cronies!!

    Go through the books of the Government. Are Assets bigger that those Debt?

    If Malaysia has no way to trace those corrupted monies, cancel all nonsense concessionaires, conduct Due Diligent on those GLC company. The assets on many books could only be numbers and inter-netted.
    Who are holding the bonds for PKFTZ?

    Has the System hold anyone accountable for any mess done by those cronies?
    The Financial Controller of the Steel Plant got Datukship after the case pledge “NO GUILTY! on him and the top guy!!

  46. One push One Pull. One need to be a bad guy in order for the One to be a Champion. This year itself, how many times they talk about subsidies, increase here and there. Did the…the Chanpion said anything? Guess what, they thought the rakyats come from the jungle. Election coming. He wanted to look good in front of the Rakyat.

  47. //STAR: On Wednesday, the Inland Revenue Board won the Prime Minister’s Innovation Award with a prize money of RM1mil.

    In announcing the prize, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said it was up to the discretion of the department head on how to utilise the money.//
    Here we r talking abt bankruptcy but i don’t think it’s a concern to d “chieftain”. First we hv 3 millions in HS, then 3 millions? 5 millions? in Sibu, now we hv 1 million give-away. Santa Claus of the Century is in Bolehland?

  48. ///Star: Idris, who is also Performance Management and Delivery Unit (Pemandu) chief executive officer, said he was encouraged that 61% out of 191,592 respondents who took part in an SMS poll supported the subsidy reduction///
    Is this for real that more than 50% supported such an idea? Is this efficiency when come to asking rakyat to help amend the inefficiency n deficiency in all aspects of fund management?

  49. Talk is cheap, all the statistics are mere figures to sooth the mind and blind the eyes only, the BIG question is how to change the mind-set of the majority, 50 years ….”makin lama makin teruk” …
    Lazy society … populated by parasites and big sharks …. UMNO sharks … and day-light robbers and mafias … like this surely bankrupt in time to come.

  50. 10 b went to debt servicing
    10b went to subsidize the price of fuels Pension payments 5.12b
    3.10b went to dividend payments
    2.3b went to MARA
    2 billion went to federal roads achieving minimum standards
    1.5b went to UITM
    1.38 billion went to human capital development
    KLIA got 1 billion
    906million went to makanan asrama
    541m went to UPM
    515m to USM
    497m went to MU
    382m to UTM
    toll subsidies- 394m

  51. //STAR: On Wednesday, the Inland Revenue Board won the Prime Minister’s Innovation Award with a prize money of RM1mil.

    This is indeed double talking. What the FAS is Najib asking Rakyat about saving our country when we are seeing this extravagance and Santa-Claus freebies still circulating the civil service which is unbelievably bloated and over-excessively staffed!

    Double check your abacus before showing the figures!

  52. And thinking of this episode, you think we Rakyat are so bodoh to pay for the crimes of BN’s 50 years of unbridled greed-excesses and wanton-bleeding of our national assets. Crime does pay in Malaysia! And criminals do get away with millions and billions to Australia, Switzerland & UK.

  53. So is all your sh..t talks……johnnypok.
    Want Sabah and Sarawak to pull out again?
    One moment faark UMNO B and Najib.
    Next moment have no balls to face and fight then like a man.
    What kind of brain you have?
    You want to insult me some more…..kiddo?
    Do you insult your father and grandfather?
    Are you a Malaysian Chinese or capchin?

  54. “om-mani-peh-mei-hom” … “om-monster-play-own-ball” … “om-monster-ball-explode” … “om-mani-monsterball-mati” … If you hold your balls and recite the above, your balls will explode like a monsterball.

  55. hahahahahahaha….Johnnypok is praying in sanskit for me to die….hahahahahahahaha
    This young fut learn something and make chants for evil intentions.
    No wonder I am feeling so healthy and strong…hahahahahaha
    Only a NUT will learn holy chants to wish one to die.
    What a NUT he is.

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