Barring Sports Betting In Penang

Penang Wesak Day Message By Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng In Komtar, George Town On 28.5.2010

Penang State Government Directs The Two Local Councils MPPP & MPSP To Exercise Section 101(v) Of The Local Government Act To Bar Sports Betting In Penang Given By BN To Ascot Sports Sdn Bhd.

In the spirit of peace and tranquility, I wish a very happy Wesak day to all Buddhists in Penang and Malaysia. On this auspices day, we are reminded of the teachings of Lord Buddha who among other things has preached enlightenment and tolerance. 

The Penang Government in conjunction with Wesak Day celebrations would like to express our intent to promote a healthier and more responsible lifestyle for Penang families. We are concerned at the excessively high number of draws -12 draws or special draws conducted weekly by the three gaming companies licensed by the BN government, which should be reduced. 

The Penang state government is not opposed to betting or gaming outlets in Penang. However we are concerned at the excessive number of draws and special draws being conducted by these licensed operators have placed a very heavy burden on many families. Many of the breadwinners feel obliged to ‘chase’ after each draw with all three operators resulting in substantial loss of income to the family and their children.

Therefore, in order to discourage the excessive number of draws and special draws as well as to promote a healthier social fabric, the Penang state government has decided to reject the application of the new sports betting licensee, Ascot Sports Sdn Bhd or other related parties to conduct the sports betting business in Penang.

Under the Local Government Act Section 101(v), the local council is empowered to deal with issues concerning the municipality’s safety, health and convenience. 

The Penang government believes in the right of the people to partake in gaming activities and hence will not ban the number of gaming shop of activities.

However, the Penang state government feels that the number
of draws and special draws should not be too excessive and  be reduced  so that they do not become addictive and destructive to our healthy lifestyles.

Penang state government is not in favour of the BN Federal Government decision  early this month to award the sports betting license now in the interest of protecting the Malaysian social fabric and reducing the negative economic impact on them. We will be writing to the sport betting concessionaire to inform them of the Penang government’s decision. 

Penang State Government shall direct the two local councils MPPP & MPSP to exercise section 101(v) of the Local Government Act to bar sports betting in Penang given by BN to Ascot Sports Sdn Bhd.

Once again a very Happy Wesak Day to all Penangites and Malaysians.


58 Replies to “Barring Sports Betting In Penang”

  1. I don’t get it.

    Its Wesak Day today, a religious and holy day for Buddhists.

    And your Wesak Day message is about banning Sports Betting? Could this not wait for another occasion?

    Could you not talk about something more appropriate for Wesak Day?

  2. Lim Guan Eng has made the right decision to reject the application of new sports betting licensees. Sports betting involves not only money transaction, but also gangsterism and the underworld. Sports betting events are so heavily manipulated that it is impossible for the participants to win at times.

  3. why Sheriff singh, you work for Ascot or you love to bet on sport?

    I think we should ban betting on 4 D and others too. Just look at those at the betting shops – wage earners hardly making ends meet. Gambling and betting are actually making their situations worse. I don’t buy the argument that if we ban legalised gambling, it will be driven underground. Yes, some would probably continue to buy from illegal bookies, but I think the majority would not. Singapore is already a very developed society. But please look at the way they control their citizens from entering the casino in the Republic.

  4. a corrupt government can only think of more corruptions.

    sport betting involve results that are not happening by chance like to throw a dice, it will only fuel more corruptions and briberies in the sporting grounds.

    the government should be encouraging malaysians to do sports, not watching it in front of their tvs.

    to corrupt sports is what a corrupt government could think of. what a shame!

  5. Every truthful leader with great intelligence uses his commonsense to make good decisions for the people…..and Lim Guan Eng decision to ban sports betting in Penang is indeed a very good decision.
    It may make few compulsive gamblers hate him……but in the end…it’s for their own good.
    Lim Guan Eng is not managing Penang to please one race or fish for votes.
    He cares sincerely for Malaysians.

  6. Sheriff Singh barring gambling on Wesak Day is pretty appropriate. Don’t you see on this special day,buddhists normally set free pretty lots of birds signifying freedom and ease of mind. Similarly barring gambling would also lessen the burden of gamblers. However it’s pretty ironic of Umno/BN government claiming Malaysia is a islamic state and gambling is one of their greatest taboos yet it continues to encourage people to gamble by granting more and more permits. Gambling is bad,no matter in what form and I would welcome a total ban.

  7. Ho Ho Ho
    Thank You Pakatan Rakyat YB CM LGE for this positive decision to reject this negative Sports Betting in PG.Many might dislike PR decission but in long term they will realise the negative n bad consequence of OVER GAMBLING n will THANKS PR for their POSITIVE decission that care for the RAKYAT overall.THANK YOU to all PR Respected LEADERS n Keep it up
    Ho Ho Ho

  8. LGE, you have our support. Sport betting will only encourage young ones to gamble. There are thousand of school children following this World cup and many will like to see their favourite teams win. Many among them would like to bet for their teams. With a legalised betting outlet it is easy for them to do so. Thus many will steal, cheat and rob just to place bets. Already we have so many crimes committed everyday. With the bettingoutlets legalised, we will be adding another breed of criminals – the school children.

  9. LGE sure got balls. He has good reasoning skills unlike the regime which only knows how to condemn and appoint itself teacher. The regime cant even walk straight but it has the guts to teach what is good for us. What baloney boaster.

    Maybe the regime should go to economics and morality class before talking about selling bets and morals to us common people. Excessive betting is RIOT-LY bad for every family. Glad LGE can see that.

    Continue the good work and be humble LGE. Do not be boastful like the regime because sooner or later people will stage it up.

  10. “…I earn millions, so why should I ban gambling…” (Sarawak Rajah)

    In Sarawak we have 4 types of number games (Toto, Sweep, Magnum and Damacai). I guess I am not able to ‘read’ (properly) the figures collected per annum. Sad to say that the lower income group are the majority of the punters.

    Hopefully, our Sarawakian leaders could one day place the consider ‘rakyat first’ above everything else.


  11. PR so care about rakyat and ban legalised sport betting now ,it is political move ?, how about the illegal betting which happening in our country long time many ppl suicide, lend money from ah long, family financial problem because sport betting. Of cos reduce betting activities is better. but i believe many gambler will go for illegal betting cos illegal betting have this ‘ bola jalan’ betting and can bet in 10mins before kick off time too. but sport betting outlet dont have and the betting should put before 6-7pm. i think PR should put pressure to YB keris to hunt all this illegal bookies.

  12. sheriff singh…banning a sin like gambling in Penang is a holy action on Wesak Day by Lim Guan Eng.
    And he does not care to please anyone…as long as it is good for all Malaysians.
    LGE is showing his loving kindness that we are not used to see or experienced as we are so used to UMNO B selfish and calculative actions and reaction..some… so sinful…yet no one is being punished for such great sins.
    Yes….on Wesak Day…and the procession just ended in Kuala Lumpur…glorifying Lord Buddha.
    Truths have open more eyes and minds.
    Wow ..Najib went to have dana {lunch} with monks at Buddhist Vihara?
    I wonder did he give a speech to Muslims…to respect other religions…and promise to free Malays to choose any religion.
    If he dare to do that…Buddha will love and protect him.
    if not…it is just a political side show from him….not sincere at all.
    Why is vegetarian food for him must be made by a chef flown from oversea?
    Is Najib a living God?

  13. Our famous tosai or nan with dal..achar….kuruma vege…. good enough.
    If he want Chinese vegetarian food…some of the Chinese Buddhist monks are having 10 for Kings…all prepared by locals.
    What is this sh..t ….a European Chef come here to prepared vegetarian dishes for him?
    Is he at the Vihara to pay respect to Buddha or have a feast of his lifetime?

  14. Its the right move towards a better society for all Malaysian. Mahathir said licensing is to combat the illegal betting. I think he is not right. If betting is not good, just ban it. If someone goes illegal, then the country should have the policing system to go after the illegals without fear and favor.

  15. ///By the way, in case many of you are not aware of this yet, the gaming licence just awarded to Vincent Tan is to raise money for the coming general election, which is expected to cost Barisan Nasional about RM1.5 billion. It is also to pay for the cost of the recent Hulu Selangor and Sibu by-elections and the Sarawak state election due soon.

    So, if you are a true Malaysian, then it is your patriotic duty to boycott all gambling outlets owned by Vincent Tan. Patronising these outlets means you are assisting Barisan Nasional in cheating the Malaysian voters and in denying them their right to a free and fair election and their right to a government of their choice.

    Furthermore, Vincent Tan financed the crossovers that resulted in the collapse of the Pakatan Rakyat Perak state government and he is still financing other crossovers from Pakatan Rakyat aimed at bringing down the Kedah and Selangor state governments. Why do you think Ibrahim Ali and Dr Mahathir have not spoken out on the issue of Vincent Tan’s gaming licence?/// – RPK

  16. betting is not good but not haram in buddhist religion. say ? . YB LGE use wesak day opportunity to gain public attention, instructed two munipal council to bar sport betting ,everyone praise PR. Just back from supper at my place. found getting more illegal betting games center at residencial area here. Althought PR led-selangor state but the illegal activities still continous. why PR government still lets this illegal outlet survive? why not declare crackdown to all this outlet ?illegal betting game center is serious too

  17. LGE’s ban on Sports Betting is shrewd political calculation of how to compromise with PAS and get the better of BN.
    LGE said, “the Penang state government is not opposed to betting or gaming outlets in Penang” (per se). This stand is consistent with secular plural liberal principles of DAP.
    The ban based on concern “at the excessive number of draws and special draws being conducted by these licensed operators have placed a very heavy burden on many families. Many of the breadwinners feel obliged to ‘chase’ after each draw with all three operators resulting in substantial loss of income to the family and their children” is a clever justification for ban based on ‘socio-economic’ reasons, neutral and is not the same as PAS’s objections against gambling based on morality, religion and Sharia – yet the such a move by Penang state govt is congruent with PAS’s intentions and the aspirations of large swathes of Malay Muslim voters that the DAP has been said to be traditionally lacking the support of, and whose greater support is necessary to neutralize BN.
    Politics is perception – and cooperation between parties like DAP and PAS traditionally in diametrically opposed ideological positions – must be seen viable in spirit of give and take. For example PAS compromised on the Allah issue – to stand with DAP that the word may be used by Christians, which helped the DAP to leverage on this point to win Sibu albeit by wafer thin margin. Quid pro quo DAP must be seen to equally accommodating and respectful of the aspirations and sentiments of the Malay Muslim votes that PAS is reaching out to take from UMNO!
    Though gambling is an activity that many Chinese engage in, it is also something not all Chinese will say is tolerable Indeed gambling is a social and economic vice that all races can agree on. More important sports betting licensing given by govt to Ascot puts UMNO in difficult position, to explain why if it holds claims to an administration of Islamic values it is still giving the lucrative Licence to a company controlled by a business group perceived friendly with and had confidence of a former PM. This triggers an impression amongst detractors that in spite of govt’s claims to Islamic values, crony capitalism is still very much alive and kicking. Here #18 by yhsiew makes reference.

    As nation wide protest gathers momentum the govt is hard pressed to rescind its licensing or face withdrawal of support from its traditional vote bank.

    So when LGE says he bans sports betting, he is hedging against something that may not take place eventually if the govt revokes the license due to political imperatives.

    The only thing LGE has to worry about is how to avoid the “slippery slope” syndrome of where to draw a line and stop as against greater demands of concessions by the more austere and fundamentalist elements of its partners PAS and PKR to defer to their Islamic aspirations. [Already 3 Penang municipal councilors, who claim they represent all Muslims in the council, want the state to go a step further to stop the issuance of permits to all gambling and alcohol premises (Malaysiakini’s Susan Loone’s report of
    May 28)].

  18. Continuing: Logically the same arguments may be used by them : alcohol is no less a social vice as gambling – excessive alcohol like gambling is also social problems for all religions and races, and have lead to many family and marriage breakdowns – and both may be proscribed under Local Government Act to preserve the municipality’s safety, health and convenience. If Penang could do it so can Selangor etc.

    To accede more would however compromise DAP’s position of secular pluralism.

    To vociferous objectors of gambling but staunch supporters of S’pore and its version of secular pluralism, it should be noted that the PAP in S’pore changed its past reservations to now allow regulated and licensed gambling by the Casino and even night grande prix. Though gambling – and alcohol – are acknowledged social vices its Ok provided its licensed and regulated (with S’poreans having to pay more to enter) to mitigate problems, a position taken by Western secular countries as well.

    In a democracy, individual choice is also important – the freedom to choose to do good and abstain from vice as well as freedom to do otherwise provided it harms no one else other than one own self.

    A suffocating nanny and paternal state (ie a state behaving like one’s father) where govt tells citizens not to do this or that (from gambling to alcohol and from there down further the slippery slope to no holding hands between the sexes in the public parks) for their own good is suffocating to individual freedom cherished by free peoples believing in secular principles. On the other hand a laissez-faire attitude on the government’s part allowing its people to do anything they wish also causes many social problems. The question as always is where to draw the line and strike the balance based on practical and fair considerations.

    This is the dilemma the Dap faces and will face in how on each occasion to strike the balance against the pressures exerted by its coalition partners of the predominantly Malay/Muslim orientation like the same way MCA to UMNO within BN. Real politik means that they have to take cognizance of majority Malay Muslim aspirations represented by these parties to keep the unity, peace, and collaboration of the Opposition coalition intact, failing which they have no chance singly and individually to dislodge the BN.

    The question is where, in this process of give and take, to draw a line and avoid going down that slippery slope like (say) the MCA until the majority of its traditional supporters desert it for deferring too much to theocratic Islamic aspirations.

    LGE’s stance is hence based on pragmatic political calculations and compromise than strict dictates of what DAP’s traditional secular pluralistic principles will dictate. He must have figured that most traditional supporters of DAP have also higher threshold of tolerance for it (at this moment in time) to make accommodation for reason that they have reached the limit of their disenchantment and would like to see the dislodgment of BN at all costs.

  19. If you listen to Mahathir….you will be an idiot.
    Now he said…he cannot stop talking politics…as politics is born in his blood.
    Previously …sacked by Tunku….he kept quiet for few years …went about his business as a doctor and earn extras by writing in a paper as a columnist…and said …he was not interested in politics.
    Promised to keep quiet….after retiring..broke his promise.
    Sacked 3 Deputies and put the one that threatened his future into jail..with his low class dirty political character assassination never seen in the whole world.
    That’s how dirty he was and still is.
    Everything done by Pak Lah…he had tons to say bad about him.
    Najib did worst..he can twist and compliment his adopted son.
    His famous lies told 14 times….feeling no shame at all.
    His recent comments to reporters inspires me to speak ..exposing the devil.. he is.
    Best of all…he said as a doctor …he cures.
    What kind of medicine he gave to the country that brings us to this sick position?
    What cures did he gave to the country?
    I know certain doctors kill too….and Mahathir was a killer…as PM. That’s a fact. He kills and will never admit it.
    If he does…he goes to jail.
    With this natural instinct..this UMNO B founder and leader for 22 years made so many UMNO B members…..become..just like him.
    A crooked racist hypocrite..leader ..stealing billions from tax payers ..with no become a gang of robbers and thieves.

  20. boh-liao :
    Who is Vincent Tan? Y he got so many different gaming licences fr UmnoB?
    R VT’s businesses UmnoB’s ATMs?

    Vincent Tan is really great, he can do the impossible and still get away. Having said that, do you think any other Chinese in Malaysia would have manage to get the sports betting licence? Vincent Tan is definitely not Chinese. He must be some superhuman being for UMNO to set aside its Islamic agenda in order to cater to his request.

  21. Monsterball,

    dont get angry when they did not invite you yesterday for celebrity chef wesak lunch..
    Betting on gaming what wrong as long as legal and control , imagine the revenue from the taxes for the people

  22. chengho :
    dont get angry when they did not invite you yesterday for celebrity chef wesak lunch..
    Betting on gaming what wrong as long as legal and control , imagine the revenue from the taxes for the people

    Chengho, I agree with you. I think everyone wronged you when they think you are a Malay and therefore a Muslim. I bet you will also agree to legalizing prostitution and drug trafficking, since it can also increase revenue for the people. Maybe we can then afford to continue with subsidies after we become a net importer of petroleum in 2014 or so.

  23. Jeffrey,
    I agree there is a possibility of “slippery slope”. However, that is what a government is all about – managing and balancing it. Sometimes circumstances and situations changed and so the government must adopt and adapt and move on. As you yourself have pointed out, in the past Singapore was dead against casino and even commercial tertiary education but now it has embarked on with proper control and management to mitigate its downside.

    I have my reasons to support the move by LGE. I think there are lots of dishonesty in the management of gambling licences and industry in this country. First the government has always maintained that there are no new 4d outlet licences but one just has to look at the number mushrooming everywhere. They only issue the licences to their cronies or through bribery. Second, I think the number of outlets and the frequency of draws are really getting excessive and betting, especially among the lower income groups, are getting out of hand. With the new sport betting, I think the situation may get worse. It is not coincidental that we have so much of ah-long and other social ills inflicting our society today, although I am acutely aware of the liberal and freedom of choice we should uphold. For me it is not just a moral issue. For me it is a socio-economic/corruption issue. It is not an absolute act. It is a balancing act. We just have to manage it.

  24. Gambling is inevitable for many but I do not gamble. I used to buy less than 5 social welfare tickets a month but stopped after it was “piratised” without an open tender years ago.
    Instead of allowing one person to monopolise the entire gambling scene, I would prefer that each state government to operate one casino as this will generate much needed funds for each state.
    For example if Penang is allowed to operate a casino, I am sure the state will not be so dependent on Putrajaya.
    It will also give states more autonomy as far as economic matters are concerned.
    This will remove the need for subsidies in the long term. At present the federal government is not efficient in managing so much resources.

  25. ///I think there are lots of dishonesty in the management of gambling licences and industry in this country…They only issue the licences to their cronies or through bribery/// – LimKamPut

    Thats not just an opinion but a fact.

    “I think the number of outlets and the frequency of draws are really getting excessive and betting, especially among the lower income groups, are getting out of hand”.

    Thats an opinion. I do not know if its a fact.

    ///It is not an absolute act. It is a balancing act. We just have to manage it.///

    I believe thats an opinion and (to me) a fact.

  26. I am a Life Member of the Buddhist Vihara..and I know the Chief reverend for more than 30 years and had countless lunches and discussions with him and the late Chief..privately…one on one too.
    I have been very close to the late Chief too.
    I need no invitation ….if I want to attend.
    Buddhists are not arrogant nor want to show off.
    Chengho does not know the real meaning of living. He supports corruptions and hero worship devils in disguises as humans. He is an gone case idiot.
    How can he….an UMNO B Malay man… dressed in cheongsam?

  27. Lets be truthful….gambling and smoking are ways of life for many middle class to pass time.
    Police should petrol and see illegal gambling do not go over boards before. They make some bribes…the operators made some fools of few and victims are asking for that. Small matters.
    But to legalized and encourages gambling…for the whole country….what kind of double headed snakes are UMNO B lawmakers?
    Everything they do….OK.
    They made rules ….this cannot.. .that cannot…and twist to say now can..OK.
    I hope young voters read all arguments and be convinced Najib and UMNO B are corrupted hypocrites and need to be voted out to save our country.

  28. ///For example if Penang is allowed to operate a casino, I am sure the state will not be so dependent on Putrajaya./// #30 by HJ Angus

    Not very clear on this. Casino, sport betting or (say) slot machines are licensed at Federal level by Putrajaya. Wonder how much of financial benefits go to state coffer (unless one’s talking of fees from licensing premises).

    Yearly licensing fees would go to MOF; corporate taxes from profits made go to IRD.

    Thats the official side.

    On unofficial side if theres any “greasing” it goes to officials.

    Unofficially one can also ask any beneficiary of potential huge profits from ‘a very difficult to get’ monopolistic licence to do one or more of things : hold as proxy equity stake for those who have a public face of piety; hive some of the huge profits to contribute to slush funds to pay for off balance sheet items that political patrons require.

    How will PR state govts’ own coffers really benefit? I wonder. Indeed if its ever true money can be used to solicit defectors its a threat to PR state govts….

  29. So what, even if you are life member of you own stupidity … a monster without balls … don’t brag lah … a good buddhist means having a refine attitude, and not behave like a sick monster barking at others, and thinking that he is a saint or what.

  30. Barring sports betting may only make a small dent in Ascot’s coffers, and therefore in BN’s coffers but we must do all we can to make the dent happen. We all know that this is a precursor to the next GE’s funding for BN, so whatever little dent we can put into the usual BN fundraising efforts, we must. I call on all PR states to publicly ban sports betting by Ascot.

    Aside from depriving the BN of election revenues, albeit in a small way, we must also make a statement that gambling is something to be discouraged. It is really funny to hear the deafening silence from Perkasa and from Gertak on this. They must have been told by UMNO to toe the official line.

  31. Is that bragging to tell Chengho the truth?
    I see two or three johnnies will no balls and pea brain heads…read and get jealous for nothing.
    Johnnypok keep commenting to get Sabah and Sarawak..out of Malaysia…is a nut with no sense of proportions nor understanding of anything.
    He just blare out like a trumpet blowing off key tunes.
    Johhnypok wants to reach me something?
    Why that kid is in forgotten land…cannot come back…and wish Sabah and Sarawak pull out of Malaysia…when the going is good for PR.
    Johhnypok knows only how to poke fun at UMNO B knowing nothing about life nor the real situation.
    This young good for nothing fut just like to talk cock all the time.
    The way he talks…I don’t think he ever voted nor is in Malaysia at all.
    Telling facts is bragging?
    What kind of brains some idiots have.

  32. johnnypok :So what, even if you are life member of you own stupidity … a monster without balls … don’t brag lah … a good buddhist means having a refine attitude, and not behave like a sick monster barking at others, and thinking that he is a saint or what.

    Precisely, Jonnypok, precisely.

  33. I did not follow the full story; this cook that someone said was brought from Europe to cook some vegetable meal for our PM – may I know whose decision was it? If it is the decision of the Chief Monk, then he should be kicked at his posterior hard (I will volunteer to do it if our residential odd ball can’t). If it is PM or his men, then it is understandable.

  34. Lim Suck Ass is precisely what he asshole talking big with no practical experiences.
    Agreeing with Johnnypok.. proves what a scumbag he can be.
    I have a strange feeling my full life and experiences make these idiots jealous bas..trds.
    I put out to shut Chengho’s mouth.
    If I did that for no reasons at all…then it is bragging.
    I always say..Lim Suck Ass is not smarter than Chengho…but keep trying to prove how smart he is…with his compulsive urges to want attentions…and guys talking back to him.
    He is such a lonely bas..trd…because no one wants to suck asses like the scumbag he is.
    hi….Johnnypok and Lim Suck Ass idiots…do not just read.
    Go and perform goodness and kindness…give hope.. .charity and happiness to people less fortunate than you. Donate and be charitable.
    But judging from you two scumbags…ten sen like bullock card wheel so big…who wants to mix with you two sick asses?

  35. Even if the cook was the idea of the Chief Monk…Najib should refuse and be practical.
    Go and kick the Chief Monk..if you dare.
    He will smile with no pain and knock you out cold with his bald head….hahahahahaha
    See..Lim Suck Ass talk big..want to kick asses…yet dare not show his face and meet face to face anyone.
    Love to meet him at the Vihara and I kick his ass …long overdue.
    Dare to talk..dare to do….Lim Suck Ass?
    How much more times do you need to keep on bragging and want attentions?

  36. Any form of addiction is bad because you do not have a real full living life to live. How long will you go on paying for your brother’s debts if you are a person having a very good reputation ? However, a challenge is nearby. Singapore, a country which many people admire. We have our own Genting which also owns the integrated resort in Sing City. Why ? Why ? Why ? Why ? Why ? Well you do need revenue. Like Las Vegas in the middle of the desert which nothing lives. Bottom line. Self discipline. Smoking. Alchoholism. Internet. Only you know what is your real addiction.

  37. “Om-mani-monster-ball” … a compulsive gambler, suffered from bankruptcy and letting off steam in this blog … only an idiot like him tries to behave like a saint … or are you mentally unsound?

  38. Not very clear on this. Casino, sport betting or (say) slot machines are licensed at Federal level by Putrajaya. Wonder how much of financial benefits go to state coffer (unless one’s talking of fees from licensing premises).
    Yearly licensing fees would go to MOF; corporate taxes from profits made go to IRD.

    We have given up too much power to the federal government and I would only allow them to collect corporate taxes.State governments should demand the right to collect the gambling licence and not the MoF. This way we move more government out of Putrajaya and back to the state capitals as we are a federation of states and the power at central is too stifling.
    Not to forget that our present economic problems stem from all the grandiose schemes that emanated from Putrajaya.

  39. Me mentality unsound?….hahahahahahahaha
    Let readers judge who is unsound and a nut here.
    Yea ….you are right….life is not a bed of roses..but I have a money tree. Do you have one?
    I have not let off steam yet…just starting my engine.
    Me an idiot is the best observation you made of me….Johnnypok..much better that a NUT like you.
    Lets see how smart you are.

  40. Me a compulsive gambler?….hahahahahaha
    Wa…Johnny poky docky you plenty smart fortune teller la.
    Why “Om…mani” me?
    Do you know what that mean?
    “Om pande mani Ohm”..and who comes?

  41. It is money, right ? Stock exchange is also another form of gambling. Speculating. Bullish. Bearish. Stockholders deciding which company goes up and which comes down. To control what ? If not the world ? Money, money, money. No money no talk.

  42. Hj Angus, please check the Federal Constitution, Schedule 9, it is all stated there. The demarcation of jurisdictions into Federal, state and those on the concurrent list are stated there. Unless the constitution is amended, the Federal government has more power and jurisdiction, no doubt about it. Even sales tax and excise duty are collected by the Federal government besides corporate and individual income taxes.

  43. wa ..Lim Suck Ass and Johnnypok abang/adek ah?
    Saint I am not.
    Suck Ass and poky docky wish me dead.
    Great business for coffin maker…to 888…hahahahahaha
    Years before them few UMNO B toads also wish me dead.
    But so many wished me well and good.
    I guess the evil force no good la….no power…….hahahahahaha

  44. sport betting shouldn’t be considered a sin. it should be the people who buy ARE IF their financial responsibities towards the family are under threat !!! such people should be taken to courts to be charge for negligence of family welfare !!!

    legal bettings is good for the government. it provides additional funds in the form of taxes. unlike the illegal bookies, they never pay tax for collections nor they fund any charity works !!!

    banning sports betting will just make the bookies laughing more to the banks. unless the government has the power to seize their wealth and properties, there will always be gambling via the illegal ways !!!

    also, muslims or pas members should not make a fuss about gambling .they should instead, educate their muslim fellowmen not to touch gamblings at all !!! they should have officials to catch them when they do such things !!!

  45. “om-mani-monster-ball” … Lord Buddha must be blind for allowing a monster without balls to roam around and bad-mouth others, and behaving like an orang gila … Tg Rambutan is where you should spend the rest of your life … “Om-mani-peh-mei-hom”

  46. Federal constitution is not cast in stone – it has already been changed so many times – so amending it is not a problem if majority of Malaysians want a better way – how about including such a change by including a referendum in the next GE?

  47. Those who said that the Penang government would be losing out to bookies, if it banned sports betting, is like saying that if the government don’t sell illegal drugs, then the drug lords will have the whole field to themselves!
    So, it should go into dealing in illegal drugs?
    What specious arguments!

  48. In fact all states have every right to deny the operation of any kind in rejecting the trading licences of such outlets. The state of Sarawak has done that in stopping Pan Malaysian Pools from selling their gambling product in that state though the reason may not for the social wealthfare but some personal reason of the most influential person there.

    Another thing that the PR states can emulate Sarawak is the additional 5% sales tax impose on every RM1 bet on 4D number. In Sarawak, a punter has to pay RM1.10 for a RM1.00 bet & this extra RM0.10 is to be gone into the state fund.

    Instead of taxing on the punters, the PR states can impose the similar tax to be borne by the 4D operators. The operators will have to comply instead of losing their `right’ in selling their products in the states

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