‘Clueless’ SUPP comes under heavy DAP fire

Free Malaysia Today
Thu, 27 May 2010

KUCHING: The Sarawak United People’s Party (SUPP), the oldest Chinese-led political party in the state, has come under blistering attack from the DAP for its lies.

DAP state assemblyman for Sentosa Chong Chieng Jen said SUPP should stop making excuses for its loss in Sibu and accept that it has lost touch with its voters.

“I am shocked. The SUPP is still clueless as to why it lost and Wong Soon Koh (SUPP Sibu chief) is making baseless and unbelievable accusations against the DAP, ” he said in a statement.

Chong was referring to comments by Wong, who is also State Finance Minister II, in his winding-up speech at the Sarawak State Assembly sitting on yesterday.

He said SUPP and Wong had no clue that Sibu citizens were fed up with 47 years of abuse and corruption by the Barisan Nasional state government.

“Wong claimed DAP was now extremely rich and could fly over campaigners to Sibu for the by-election.

“Let me enlighten him. Nearly all DAP campaigners, be they Members of Parliament, state assemblymen or ordinary members, took care of their own expenses without burdening the party.

“To save expenses, most of them stayed either with party members in Sibu or in low-budget hotels.

“Unlike BN leaders, we do not fly first class, nor stay at five-star hotels which are paid for by the federal or state government. Under the pretext of carrying out their government duties, these BN leaders are obviously campaigning for the SUPP candidate,” he said.

‘SUPP, BN overstayed welcome’

Chong also took Wong to task for accusing DAP of deploying “dirty tactics” to win the Sibu by-election on May 16.

“We were not the ones using dirty tactics. BN had full control over the 3Ms – money, media and machinery – and they used them blatantly. BN was handing out cash liberally to entice voters.

“Wong has the cheek to accuse DAP of dirty tactics..,” he said, adding that the opposition’s win was simply a statement that both SUPP and BN had overstayed their welcome and had failed to defend the Sarawak’s 18-point agreement to join Malaysia and a key clause which guaranteed freedom of religion.

He also blasted for saying that DAP had intimidated the voters.

“DAP does not have the ability or power to intimidate. We are the victims of both intimidation and injustice because it is BN which has full control over the Election Commission and the police force,” he said.

Chong warned that SUPP and BN’s continued denial of the real reasons for its loss in Sibu will only result in a greater setback, come the state election.

“SUPP in BN failed the people. BN’s oppressive policies, rampant corruption, nepotism and cronyism are the reasons they lost Sibu,” he said.


18 Replies to “‘Clueless’ SUPP comes under heavy DAP fire”

  1. While Malaysian voters of Chinese origin already made up their mind of wanting to vote in Pakatan Rakyat as the ruling party, DAP should spend much more time and put in much more effort to win over the heart of the Bumiputra voters.

    There are a lot of Iban people in Sarawak who are not the muslims. Some of them are Christians. Some of them are traditional belief practioners. There should be no good reason for these group of Iban people to continue cast votes in favour of Barisan Nasional, provided always that they can be politically taken good care by DAP!

  2. SUPP helped perpetuate the Pek Moh dynasty. In fact, the latest events suggest that SUPP is trying its best to push Pek Moh’s son (and Georgie Boy’s son-in-law) to be the heir to the throne.

    The word “shame” has never been in UMNO’s dictionary; it appears that it is also lost forever in SUPP’s dictionary.

  3. Nice to read one of the SUPP chief is still dreaming and uttering idiotic reasons for their loss.
    You can only know what kind of SUPP politicians are when caught on the defensive side…just as we begin to know so much about UMNO B mentalities and characters watching ad reading them performed.
    Best is Najib.

  4. ///DAP should spend much more time and put in much more effort to win over the heart of the Bumiputra voters./// (#1 by Onlooker Politics)

    Agree. DAP should understand that there is limit they can win in any election if they just target at the Chinese. They (DAP) should branch out to the non-Chinese communities to increase their chance of winning the election.

    I suggest DAP to emulate PAS – start a grouping for Bumiputra.

  5. Beware, d Election Commission will review the current postal voting system to minimise disputes in future elections
    EC, seemingly a branch of UmnoB/BN, will fine tune d system until all postal votes will go 2 BN, period
    Let SUPP dream on n continue 2 enrich themselves at d expense of Sarawakians

  6. I think DAP should scout or head hunt at least two talented and popular locals in each constituency to start preparing for the general election through out the country.I think DAP/PR has a pretty good chance to win big in Sabah and Sarawak, a kind like in Penang in the next poll.However it needed to do the proper ground work now especially in the native’s majority areas. East Malaysian natives are pretty straight forward in their character ie sincere and humble and would appreiciate and accept genuine efford to making their right respected and any fair or equal development which is due to them. To do this,DAP/PR must start now begining on the ground with the chosen leaders in each and every constituency.

  7. when cornered like in sibu, of course will act like this. just plain coward. they will start to throw a childish tantrum and start telling lies. they thought they are so brave, but actually has miniature balls.

    it is RIOT-LY!! hilarious to see this childish outburst.

  8. Look at d show put up by MIC or exMIC guys – now they hv balls 2 pass GAS (Gerakan Anti SV)
    Vellywood style – MIC members still do not understand dat, whether under SV or not, they hv no future as they will still b under d sarong of UmnoB smelling underwear n real gas
    Soon clueless SUPP will experience d same thingy

  9. After more than four decades, Sarawak have managed to make two families rich beyond their wildest dreams. That is not bad, consdering all the odds.

    See the resident odd ball here, he think winning the by election is yam sheng the whole week long. We have nincompoop government because we have too make nincompoop balls around but I hope the number is fast declining because many of them are fast dying.

  10. “Chong warned that SUPP and BN’s continued denial of the real reasons for its loss in Sibu will only result in a greater setback, come the state election.”

    Let them continue their slumber and self denial, not need to warn them and make them wiser!

  11. Life is precious and wishing more to drop dead for a by-election is not that kind of Malaysians we want to be.
    As much as some proclaimed they are so smart and cultured…it is obvious they are childish and arrogant fellas to wish old folks drop dead faster for their own idiotic reasons….no second thought that their wish may boomerang back to PR politicians.
    Lets not wish anyone die faster for this and that….and is those wishers think the can live as old and as healthy for those that have died…they are the real blind fools.
    Let got decide who should die and who should live….not low class scumbags and coffin makers.
    As bad as Chengho maybe…he never wished anyone short life at all.
    Shame to some so call PR supporters….with no brains and thinking how smart they are.
    Have a Happy Wesak Day.
    Last night…Buddhist Vihara was packed with people paying respect and praying…..till after midnight.
    It as an indeed holy night.

  12. I meant…last night was indeed a holy night at Buddhist Vihara.
    It was also sad that UMNO B race and religion dirty politics can be clearly seen working.
    How cruel these racist crooks are in modern Malaysia.

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