Why MACC dare not announce it will probe Najib if corruption is suspected in the Prime Minister’s infamous RM5million “deal” at Rejang Park, Sibu on the eve of Sibu by-election polling?

The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) does not want to be left out in the nation-wide furore over the latest financial scandal in the country – the RM964 million Sime Darby losses from cost overruns from four projects in its Energy and Utilities Unit, in particular the Bakun Dam project.

Thursday’s New Straits Times carried this headline: “MACC; Sime probe if graft suspected”.

My instant thought is when there is going to be a newspaper headline: “MACC: PM probe if graft suspected”.

Not that there is not enough cause. The recent Sibu by-election provides the MACC ample evidence for investigation against the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak, whether he had been guilty of corrupt practices particularly in the infamous RM5 million “deal” at Rejang Park, Sibu on the eve of Sibu by-election – which is on YouTube for all to see.

Has the MACC the guts, commitment and professionalism to investigate the Prime Minister for corruption?

I am not even talking about arresting and charging the Prime Minister for corruption – just to open a probe on the Prime Minister.

The answer to this question explains why the MACC has failed to secure public confidence that it has independence, professionalism and integrity to wage an all-out battle against corruption.

It is no use the MACC announcing, like recently, that it had arrested 263 people between January and April this year for corruption when these are “small fishes” and the handful of “middling fishes” also get scotfree when landed up in court trials.

The MACC has now lower public confidence and esteem than the Anti-Corruption Agency (ACA) which it replaced in order to become Malaysia’s version of Hong Kong’s Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC).

This is serious food for thought for MACC.

[Speech at the DAP Cheras Solidarity Dinner in Kuala Lumpur on Friday, May 21, 2010]

101 Replies to “Why MACC dare not announce it will probe Najib if corruption is suspected in the Prime Minister’s infamous RM5million “deal” at Rejang Park, Sibu on the eve of Sibu by-election polling?”

  1. According to the Act governing MACC, the Police, etc.. the PM is their Boss.
    Can the subordinates touches their Boss?

    All the years round, the Parliament had been rubber chopping all those ridiculous Acts. Does Parliament has any power to act on the PM?

    Challenge the PM in Parliament, if MACC does not act. But, does the Parliament has any power to do so? Or, how many MP will join?

    All Acts are for the means of providing power to the PM or the Government Departments/Ministers without clauses of bidding them or acting on them!!

    Funny Malaysian Legislative, Executive and Monitoring “Monster”!!

  2. MACC is what what Malaysians hope to think they are nobly chosen to protect and defend the country and people against people in power are corrupt or encouraging corruptions.
    MACC is just a name.but in true facts..it is always protecting Najib…and BN politicians.
    They feel they are employed by UMNO B…and not by Malaysians…ignoring the fact…their salaries are paid by tax payers and country’s wealth..not money from Najib’s own pocket.
    However…it is with this attitude and mentality that Najbi have chosen the few heads of every police Dept…judicial…and election commissioner…just to name a few.
    It is a long process that starts from the bottom…the schools and universities.
    No matter how much solid proof LKS can expose…this country applies double standards and Najib cannot be prosecuted…no matter what he did.
    It is the People’s Power that these slimebags are afraid of..and the People’s Power have spoken well in Sibu..to expose Najib’s insults to bribe and win votes.
    It is so clear…Najib bribed…but you can leave the hypocritical racists.. MACC leaders out to do justice for the country.
    They are employed by Najib..and owes total loyalty to him..for without UMNO B…very difficult for everyone in UMNO to get rich…through bribery and corruptions.
    Yes….CORRUPTIONS is the key word to all we have to endure..till 13th GE…and return our gratitudes to Sibu voters.

  3. How can the MACC go against its paymaster?

    The country’s next corruption perception index report will give hints whether what Najib did in the Hulu Selangor and Sibu by-elections had affected the country’s image as a noble and credible destination for foreign investment.

  4. There are suppose to be 5 independent bodies that oversee the MACC. Why are they so silent on MACC absolute inaction Sime Darby, Najib’s bribe AND sport betting license to Vincent Tan.

  5. Correct, correct, correct. Just eunuchs.

    Besides, they don’t want to commit hara kiri kanan.

    “I am not even talking about arresting and charging the Prime Minister for corruption – just to open a probe on the Prime Minister.”

    Yes, just probe, probe. No penetration OK?

  6. from the Star ” The controversial sale of 500 low-cost flats to Petaling Jaya City Council (MBPJ) officers is morally wrong although it is legally right, Selangor Mentri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim said…….”

    PR state government afraid of losing support….

  7. chengho :
    no solid proof provided only talk,talk ,perception and prejudice..

    What, Changehole? No solid proofs and evidences? Please stand aside for your mama changehole! The recorded Video, campaign itinerary and bunch of witness of general public at the Sibu town hearing his briberies. Those are not hard evidences? Cock sucker, back off! Even verbals without actual commitments is libel to court of laws! Piss off, sucker and BN/UMNOputra Hawk & hog. You’re only good in changehole mama business ONLY!!! Wanted to be genius in everything with your chauvinism and hypocrisy, huh? Typical BN/UMNO Hawk & Hog!

  8. http://www.themalaysianinsider.com/malaysia/article/rafidah-a-privilege-to-contribute-to-the-country/

    Off topic, but I find this MalaysianInsider article, “Rafidah: A privilege to contribute to the country” very interesting.

    QUOTE: “I think it’s a generational thing, this name-calling. And this goes for both sides (Barisan Nasional and the Opposition). I come from a generation, an era, where people worked hard, did not waste – when I was in school, during recess if anyone of us saw a five sen coin in the compound of the school, we had to give it to one of the teachers. We didn’t pocket the money; it could have been someone’s lunch money or very much needed pocket money. These days, it’s all about money and yourself.”

    Is she trying to justify why she is AP king!

  9. MACC is run by UMNO. Without UMNO’s nod, how can it act? The so-called head of MACC is very wise. He knows why he is appointed and he knows he will lost his head if he probes. We can’t blame him laaaa… cari makan what!

  10. MACC only JANTAN against nonUmnoB/BN individuals
    We MUST vote IN PR 2 run d federal gomen n 2 clean up all agencies – sack d current officers n charge them 4 corruption n abuse of power

  11. Hundreds of billions stole…yet Chengho said no solid proof.
    Najib was taped offering bribes to Sibu Foochow folks…no solid proof.
    Chengho who is infact a Malays with a Chinese nick..should be put in solid confinements at Tanjong Rambutan.
    Day in day out….spreading nonsense in this blog.

  12. It is terrific for a typical Malay UMNOputra hawk & hog sporting Chinese name as Chengho!

    Only cowards hide and disguised themselves with other ethnic name as to spy and spawn hates & sh*ts…. This shows how chauvinistic, hypocrisy & cunning BN/UMNO is!!! This is another way BN/UMNO cheat billions away from Rakyat!!! BN/UMNO is creative in every which way! it could for cheats & rip-offs!!!

    Thanks, Changehole for revealing your BN/UMNO faces!!! No wonder, he is named as Changehole by disguising himself as Chinese

  13. “Has the MACC the guts, commitment and professionalism to investigate the Prime Minister for corruption?”

    Even if MACC has the guts, commitment and professionalism, so what? Why be a hero if you know that your head is going to be chopped after instantly? I still think MACC is very wise. “If you cannot beat them, join them” is good advice, LOL.

  14. monsterball :
    Hundreds of billions stole…yet Chengho said no solid proof.
    Najib was taped offering bribes to Sibu Foochow folks…no solid proof.
    Chengho who is infact a Malays with a Chinese nick..should be put in solid confinements at Tanjong Rambutan.
    Day in day out….spreading nonsense in this blog.

    As long as Chengho is not personally affected, he doesn’t care, even though he knows. For all you know, he has been paid by UMNO to do this. It would be foolish for him to do this without payment, when others are running to the bank, LOL.

  15. Ekompute..from what I observed Chengho is not paid.
    He values his easy life government job and want to be noticed to get promoted.
    He is using all his skills…just like Rockybru…to talk one sided story or talk cock..when no story to tell.

  16. So we hit him hard or talk cock back to him……to show young voters…how to faark up Najib with their votes…with no fear.
    Najib can control the government..and misused his authorities…empowered by the people.
    The People will throw him into the Tong Sampah…as encouraged and shown how by Sibu voters.
    Sibuhans have spoken,
    Let all Malaysians learn what is dignity and principles in life…which is worth more than money….although life without money is difficult to survive..but not through begging or accepting bribes.
    Day in day out..I watch the poor Chinese selling household gasses…..and buying old newspapers to earn a living…and I can feel their hardships….but proud of these Malaysians..that work hard for the little money to survive.
    Hawkers are working not less than 9 hours selling and 5 more hours at home preparing for vthe next day….non stop…including Sundays…and rest only during Chinese New Year for a well deserved holidays.
    Yes..the Chinese cannot be bribed…and it is a terrible sin for MCA to keep supporting Najib…when CORRUPTIONS are now…fought by real strong alternative parties..against corruptions…which is the right way to advance our country. and lives.
    As long as MCA and Gerakan stay put in BN…these are low class balless Chinese..puppets to UMNO B.
    And for the few dozens Chinese Association..they should wake up….and need not please Najib to get money for schools or temples.
    It is our money…and PR can give without them begging when PR governs.
    If PR does not show all Malaysians have true equal and bully Malays..we will vote PR out and put Chengho or any Tom Dick or Harry into power.
    Voters must always remain all powerful than Najib..as shown by Foochow voters in Sibu.

  17. I think the MACC can do nothing.As slave to master Najib/Umno,they have no say except to take orders. Malaysian people who wish not to seeing such master and slave methodolgy should in future vote of PR. It’s the only way to free the slaves and return true democracy to the people.

  18. Jib attempted to strike up a romance with sibuans. “Darling, ingat ya.” “Deal sini deal sana, ya.” “Deal ini deal itu, ya.”

    As it turned out it was a very bad romance. Rah rah ah ahah I want your love (adapted from song by Lady Gage, “Bad Romance”).

  19. “You no need to take out money. I take out money”..said Najib…as if the money belongs to his grandfathers.
    Serve him right..trying to fool Sibuhans.
    Najib can fool some people all the time…some people some of the time…but not all people…all the time.
    And those fooled by them are children and half past sixes rural folks.
    Let the whole world watch his Sibu speech and laugh at that non elected PM of Malaysia.
    Only elected by UMNO B crooks to perform the show that will end soon.

  20. Cantonese people have an expression for describing an uneviable or outright undesirable predicament in which one is caught: “seefour”.

    See why macc fellas immediately submitted themselves willingly to GM.

  21. Zaharuddin Abu Kassim may soon oblige d wishes of his want-2-b-bribed constituents – 4 NR 2 descend there 2 bribe them in yet another buy election; very nice

    D big fat AP king said “I’ve lived a life many have not. I’ve been very privileged 2 contribute 2 d country.” (The M’sian Insider)
    Sure, if others could hv a monopoly 2 AP, new shares, n other business deals like she had, they too would be privileged 2 jiak, jiak, jiak in d name of contributing 2 d country – with no worries over MACC going after them
    She n her family members must b super rich for serveral generations 2 come, while lots of Malays n nonMalays struggle 2 live a decent living; shame, shame

  22. I want to have few laughs and view Najib’s Sibu speech again.
    I quote..”I never fail to deliver my promise”
    hahahahahahaha..Tunku Razaleigh must be laughing too.
    ” I also dream about Sibu now”
    hahahahahahaha…did not tell the whole truth why he is dreaming about Sibu.
    When 13th GE sees Sibu fall into DAP hands again….he is finished.
    Sibu is Najib’s nightmare….like “AVATAR” is to Mahathir seeing the minority and helpless win over the might of evil doers.
    hahahahahahaha…”boleh tidak?…3 times he asked Rajang Park residents.
    ‘ah boleh” he concluded and got fooled by them….hahahahahahaha
    See PM also got fooled because Sibu Malaysians know he cannot be trusted…giving monetary assistants like money belongs to his grandfathers.
    UMNO B Malays cannot be trusted at all.
    They think they own Malaysia….but is subconsciously afraid of People’s Power..the true owners.

  23. Call MACC by any other name, the stench would be just as foul, even the appearance just as filthy!

    Integrity, by any other name, is just as sweet. Ah, but don’t expect MACC to know what honesty and integrity is. So sad. Poor Malaysia. The core is so rotten. If you can’t trust institutions of government, then what else is left?

  24. Its good politics for Opposition [PR/Kit/Karpal/Tunku Abdul Aziz and all who wish for good/democratic governance] to harp on the PM’s “infamous RM5 million “deal” at Rejang Park” as a corrupt act under our Elections laws and that includes goading MACC why its not investigating.

    In a very ‘broad’ – and even common sensical – sense it looks like, sound like or at least skates at the edge of corruption. Corruption is a behavior which deviates from the formal duties of a public role. There are various types but lets focus on two types: (1) bribery ie use of a reward to pervert the judgment of a person in a position of trust (public official) and this includes bribing the traffic cop who waives the summon for private gain; (2) the reverse in an electoral situation where a public official bribes or tries to bribe voters to vote for him or his party. This is wrong because candidate is not supposed to bestow such financial rewards to skew the judgment of a voter who then votes for him not on the merits of his capability as a public official or the merits of his professed policies or policies of his party but by promise of private gain on the part of the individual voter. In both cases of (1) and (2) both giver and taker are corrupt.

    We are sure that in all the elections and by elections of the last 50 years – invcluding Sibu – there were rampant incidences of electoral corruption in sense (2) above. It just that there’s no proof. An example of such corruption is where the candidate or his campaign agent gives a wad of notes to (say) a Tuak Iban community headman with an arrangement that he procures all votes of himself and those he leads in the long house to vote for the candidate. For a corrupt act to take place our election laws make clear that the corrupt gift need not only be money involved – any benefit in kind would suffice which would include fishing net, refridgerators, washing machines, televisions, even food and drinks or even a position in the government or a waiver of a fine or a charge, ineed any favour.

    However by that same election laws what is deemed corrupt when given to an individual voter is not deemed corrupt when given to a class of voters, whether that “class” pertains to the Iban Community of a certain district, a school, a township like Sibu plagued by flooding or a community like Felda settlers, or class of people in the state or a class of people of a certian age group.

    This makes many think the law is an ass. How could an act like giving RM500 to a voter is corrupt by our election law be turned “white’ and washed clean as not corrupt when given not to an individual voter but a class of voters in amounts 10,000 times larger (RM5 million) to a class of voters (Sibuans) by way of financial assistance for Sibu’s flooding problem?

    The reason is that whilst the intent of that gift is corrupt (to improperly influence votes), yet the improper motive could camouflage itself under a lawful/proper pretext of allocation of development funds – never mind that its done selectively – or articulation of political policies. Politicians on both sides do it all the time. In Sibu/Hulu Selangor by elections, monies (not personal money or slush funds but Federal Funds) was given or promised to be given to schools, FELDA settlers, churches and in fact whole town of Sibu for the flooding. PR too make promises that if it came to power all Sarawakians above 60 would get a sum of money and Sarawakians wwould get 20% instead of current 5% of Petronas oil royalties. Even in the US if Obama says if you vote for him/his party he would cut taxes a kind of monetray inducement for votes. But articulated as a political policy and if monies benefit not an individual voter but a class its not deemed corrupt by law!

  25. Ho Ho Ho
    This McDeath is just another bumNO Jibs dog that will be release to attack PR peoples only!
    What happen to late Teoh Beng Hock? He is a human being like all of us and he is very unlucky to TRUST those evils dogs to their McDeath building unknowing he will lost his dear life in that sick SHIT evil building when he is suppose to get engage or married the next day! KARMA will haunt and fall on all those evils peoples.GOD bless all of us from all those evils and we really need to wake up and CHANGE this evils peoples inside this B-eNd bumNO Goment.
    Ho Ho Ho

  26. The PM is of course not that naive to openly break the law (though we opposed to BN would hope he does so).

    Our law is already settled as long ago as in 1981 Federal court case between DAP’s Teoh Teik Huat against the late MCA’s Penang Chief Lim Kean Siew over the Pengkalan Kota seat. Lim Kean Siew won. DAP’s Teoh alleged that victory was tainted by corruption and illegality under our Election laws of what then Finance Minister our Tengku Razaleigh promised the electorate. Tengku Razaleigh promised that if the Barisan Nasional won, he would personally give more money for the improvement of Pengkalan kota!

    The Federal Court did not agree that what Ku Li said was corrupt or an offence under our election laws. The highest court ruled that it was not an offence but in line with the responsibility of the government to ensure development and allocate funds regardless of whether there was an election This is what the presiding Judge EUSOFFE ABDOOLCADER said: (Quote) “On a careful and considered examination and evaluation, I can only conclude, in a penumbra of phrases knitted in alliteration that the words allegedly uttered by Tengku Razaleigh to the effect that if Barisan Nasional wins, he would personally give more money for the improvement of Pengkalan kota, perceived in passionless and in the proper context of an election campaign often conducted with a fervour calculated to outdo even the Befrienders and invariably pregnant with partisan promises and in which some forensic flexing of political muscle is not an uncommon or unknown phenomenon, did not perforce pose or constitute a promise or pre-engagement by him in his personal capacity with any corrupt intention of any designated sum of money or valuable consideration to ot for any one or more particular elector or voter for corrupt inducement to exert his or her personal predilection at the polls in favour of the 1st respondent (Lim Kean Siew) but were in effect and in intention no more than a broad political articulation in his office as Minister of Finance of the party in power’s potential pull on the public purse-strings to pursue promises, propitiate pleas and propel and promote projects and programes for amelioration and development in the constituency for the benefit and progress of that locality and all its commorants generally if the ruling party gained the seat in contest and that he was personally in a position within the pale of his portfolio as the Minister to sanction schemes and endorse expenses on behalf of the governemtn to this end. To hold otherwise in the circumstances of this case would be to effectuate and sanction a spurious conversation of political proclamations and catchwords manifested as a promise of public action into an inflexible electoral offence with criminal connotations bereft of the essential prerequisites therefor” (Unquote).

    Two things must be borned in mind.

    First: Eusoffe Abdoolcader was not a pro bodek government judge. He was one of the five judges sacked in 1988 for standing up for Tun Salleh Abas against TDM.

    Second: Karpal Singh knows this law pretty well and yet for political puposes he wants to cite Najib in parallel situation like Ku Li exonerated. This is not only because Karapl is a famous lawyer erudite in law but more importantly he was the lawyer arguing that 1981 case for DAP’s Teoh Teik Huat. When Lim Kean Siew died recently this is what Karpal himself said publicly in memoriam of Kean Siew: (Quote)” I first knew him in 1968 when I was reading chambers but I faced him in the courtroom when the DAP filed an election petition against Kean Siew when he won the Pengkalan Kota seat” (Unquote).

  27. For those interested the 1981 Federal court case between DAP’s Teoh Teik Huat against the late MCA’s Penang Chief Lim Kean Siew over the Pengkalan Kota seat, its already settled law that what Najib did (like what Tengku Razaleigh did in that case ie promised that if the Barisan Nasional won, he would personally give more money for the improvement of Pengkalan kota) is lawful.

    I cited what the judge said in detail but its under moderation. Karpal Singh knows it because he was the lawyer for DAP’s Teoh Teik Huat in that case against Lim Kean Siew.

    MACC will not investigate because (1) PM is its boss (2) it knows that that case absolves it from investigating (3) all charges if ever whether under MACC Act or Elections Act will need Public Prosecutor to give an OK. No OK means no case.

  28. What I said is in accordance with Malaysian elections law (1981 Federal court case between DAP’s Teoh Teik Huat against the late MCA’s Penang Chief Lim Kean Siew over the Pengkalan Kota seat). I could not give details here for readers’ benefit as I have been moderated consistently for trying to explain the position.

  29. Tengku Razaleigh in that Pengkalan Kota promised its electorate that if the Barisan Nasional won, he would personally give more money for the improvement of Pengkalan kota – not different from what Najib said to Sibuans. The Federal court ruled it was not election corruption.

  30. Quote) “On a careful and considered examination and evaluation, I can only conclude, in a penumbra of phrases knitted in alliteration that the words allegedly uttered by Tengku Razaleigh to the effect that if Barisan Nasional wins, he would personally give more money for the improvement of Pengkalan kota, perceived in passionless and in the proper context of an election campaign often conducted with a fervour calculated to outdo even the Befrienders and invariably pregnant with partisan promises and in which some forensic flexing of political muscle is not an uncommon or unknown phenomenon, did not perforce pose or constitute a promise or pre-engagement by him in his personal capacity with any corrupt intention of any designated sum of money or valuable consideration to ot for any one or more particular elector or voter for corrupt inducement to exert his or her personal predilection at the polls in favour of the 1st respondent (Lim Kean Siew) but were in effect and in intention no more than a broad political articulation in his office as Minister of Finance of the party in power’s potential pull on the public purse-strings to pursue promises, propitiate pleas and propel and promote projects and programes for amelioration and development in the constituency for the benefit and progress of that locality and all its commorants generally if the ruling party gained the seat in contest and that he was personally in a position within the pale of his portfolio as the Minister to sanction schemes and endorse expenses on behalf of the governemtn to this end. To hold otherwise in the circumstances of this case would be to effectuate and sanction a spurious conversation of political proclamations and catchwords manifested as a promise of public action into an inflexible electoral offence with criminal connotations bereft of the essential prerequisites therefor” (Unquote) – Eusoffe Abdoolcader Federal Court 1981.

  31. Macc McDeath is B-eNd project to destabilise PR and only protects their evil master!!! So the answer will be EVIL will only protect EVIL unless they are voted the HELL out comes 13th GE.
    Ho Ho Ho

  32. Jeffry, you are coming very close to what I had mentioned just a few days ago. Whether some of the law is an ass or not, we must all clamor for an investigation as it is definitely skirting on a corrupted deal. This is not an offer for development as permissible by the power granted to him but he is in fact forging a deal as clearly can be seen from the choice of his words as shown in the video recording, and done with the intention as what Jeffrey had said to skew the judgments of voters and such benefits derived from such offers must be construed as corruption.

    But sad and very sad to say, we can rave and rant, but MACC is UMNO’s watchdog who will not bite his master’s hand.
    There is actually no reform of the ACA now known as MACC. It is still the old book wrapped with a new wrapper. I cannot be far from wrong when I wrote this in my blog in 2008 (www.towardsgoodgovernance.blogspot.com) under the caption “Will judiciary and ACA be reformed of remain deformed”.

  33. chengho :no solid proof provided only talk,talk ,perception and prejudice..

    No PENETRATION ma!! So you can ask that SHITfool saiful to just drop that sick kangaroo court case without SHIT 2 days DRAMA in its anus ASAP!!! Disgusted,Disgrace and no solid proof with penetration and only talk talk like what this sick SHIT chengho?? doing!!!
    Ho Ho Ho

  34. pw cheng, its not that the law is an ass, its just that its extremely difficult, from the practical view point- in the area of electioneering and political contestation to proscribe promises of development funds, which by all definition is an inducment to vote for benefit of money) as “corrupt” or illegal. This is because politics concern getting as many votes from different contituencies and segments. Anywhere in the world different segments are interested how they benefit as a group from a particular cnadidate or party and this benefit is always something to do with money – whether federal allocations for scholarships, acquisition of land, more oil royalties, more financial assistance for the needy, whether handicapped, aged or sometimes just economically handicapped….If ist not direct allocation its another form of monetary benefit ie reduction of direct or indirect taxes or provision of subsidies (for fishermen farmers etc). How to escape from the Money Equation when articulating one’s political platform?

    Having said that, its also how you put forward something. Many people take offense with the way the PM condescendingly puts it -“Lets have a deal, can or not???” It exacerbates the feeling that its hardly best practice in democracy when one leverages against rakyat that (development funds) which rightly are what they are entitled whether or not that segment votes for his candidate and party. Also with such powers over selective allocation the Opposition is fighting on an unlevel playing field with gradient steeped against it, in favour of the incumbent, even if they misrule.

    But because of the difficulty of drawing the line, its pretty settled that such promises of development funds and financial benefit (from state coffers and individual monies) not to individual voter but classes of voters as a group (as part of articulation of political policies) is definitely lawful and not corrupt within meaning of the law.

    The BN govt has turned this leverage to state of art. To gain votes and maintain its political dominance it had promised all sorts of gifts to the different communities: more scholarships for peasants and the most deprived Malays, increased expenditure for infrastructures in the villages, the creation of two million jobs in five years. The government had promised funds for Chinese schools and land for Indians for the reconstruction of destroyed temples. It reaffirmed its will to maintain the NEP in the face of demands for reforms from the non-Malay communities. This explained quite a lot why it could maintain power for so long.

    Due to the deepening of democracy at least within some classes of Malaysians we would eschew this blatant abuse of federal allocation. But we cannot for practical reason change or expect the law to be changed but we do expect incumbent to make federal allocation in good faith and not in an unfair way.

    I bring up to this point is simply because much as we eschew such practices we cannot say they are against our election laws when they arer obviously not. And MPs including Opposition are supposed to make and know the law of the country and ought not, for political points and advantage, say something is against the law when its not. Esp when the MP is a lawyer who fought the very case that laid down the law. In that case Ku Li as Finance Minister promised that if the BNl won, he would personally give more money for the improvement of Pengkalan kota.

  35. RM5 million does not warrant investigations, but for a mere RM2K, Teoh Beng Hock has to be thrown down Plaza Masalam? What sort of professionalism do you call this? Is it because these two subjects are of differents STATUS that investigations had to be DIFFERENT?

  36. As usual, the sage is suffering from intellectual diarrhoea again. He has no common sense, and he talks nonsense. He must be an idiot not to know that even good laws are being selectively and unfairly applied in this country. Just look at all the recent court decisions of public interests made in this country. Sage, name me one that you think are justly decided.

  37. On the contrary Lim Kam Put’s posting of #46 has no common sense. We’re talking of a law laid down since 1981 by Federal Court (Eusoffe Abdoolcader). It is mentioned for benefit of readers of what it is (as laid down) since 1981.

    However is the 1981 case of DAP’s Teoh Teik Huat against Lim Kean Siew (laying down what Ku Li promised was not corruption in technical sense) a bad law? If so Lim Kam Put has not given any reasons why thats so. He just used “selective application” of law to deride the points posted in #43 without any meaningful rebuttal of them. Indeed though different people may have different views whether the 1981 case is good or bad law, the fact is whether its good or bad there has been no selective application of that law as will be the case if (say) any court rules on the basis of that case what Opposition promised in terms of money to Sarawak senior citizens to get their votes is corruption under Elections Act but what Najib promised Sibuans on RM5 million for flooding was not. Or if MACC investigates or AG prosecutes on the Opposition’s promise but not PM’s in relation to this particular issue of whether promise of development funds constitutes corruption.

    (We’re not talking of the other issues where its perceived there’s selective investigations/selective application of the law whether it concerns Perak constitutional crisis or people being shot by police. We all know there are selective administration of the law).

    It has no relevance to issue of what constitutes bribery in our Election Act as clarified by the 1981 case of Teoh Teik Huat against Lim Kean Siew.

    Lim Kam Put is just throwing a general remark – his view of selective administration of law (which nobody is disputing) – without coming to grips with what has been raised and discussed in my postings.

    But that’s typical of him and wanting to make noise to be heard when there’s nothing relevant to really hear about.

    The allegations “intellectual diarrhoea” “he has no common sense, and he talks nonsense” are unwarranted.

    I am doing my part to bringattention to readers here the state of law. Whether he agrees with that law and rationale does not justify these derogatory remarks made without rational basis.

  38. It is Lim Kam Put’s forte to insult (all form and no beer remarks) just so to provoke reaction and get attention. This is the way to commence an argument even if there’s no reason to provoke one in the first place except the advantage to get into one for its own sake. Its a game he plays that does not even require thinking or getting any facts or perspectives right first. The reason is simple : nothiong guarantees a provocation of an argument for argument sake better than just making some nonsensical insulting remarks, dsitorting what the other says, the more one gets the facts wrong and the other’s comments, the better the assurance the other would respond and stoop to his level of entry into the argument in the first place. In other language its called flaming.

    I don’t see how he is helping the Opposition’s cause. This blog is linked to many other websites like for eg The MalaysianInsider, Malaysiakini and others of serious readership.

    Instead of adding credibility to this blog to help disseminate varied points of view – in hope that grass roots can get insight and expand democracy from masses’ level – what he does here is like what a commentator (cto) described as a “pyromaniac” to start flames whether for his own personal amusement or relieve his egocentric impulses in each case undermining or provoking altercations undermining the credibility of this blog in the eyes of others who visit here. This tendency of his is even mentioned in other blogs eg Susan Loone’s.

  39. “Limkamput may be sometimes another nut there and maybe another erstwhile imposter elsewhere too but this one is worse. Imagine the LKS moderator(s) giving him all the leeway there nevertheless. It reflects on LKS’s blog.
    That’s why I don’t partake in commenting there. Rather disgusting.”

    By commentator, wits0 – March 25, 2009 at 10:51 am

    Ref: http://sloone.wordpress.com/2009/03/24/kit-siang-when-will-the-opposition-topple-najib/

  40. (Quote) “Limkamput may be sometimes another nut there and maybe another erstwhile imposter elsewhere too but this one is worse. Imagine the LKS moderator(s) giving him all the leeway there nevertheless. It reflects on LKS’s blog. That’s why I don’t partake in commenting there. Rather disgusting.” (Unquote)

    Posted by commentator wits0 – March 25, 2009 at 10:51 am

  41. WitsO can make all sorts of excuses to have no guts to come here….because he have no ideas ..but wait for others to comment and catch the mood and ideas from others.
    In the past…witsO spoke with bombastic words due to his great inferiority complexes…but never thank so many who have corrected him.
    WitsO is no better than Limkamput…when characters are being judged.
    He likes to instigate and accuses me falsely.
    A man like witsO have no authority tyo judge others.
    He is a nobody.

  42. Variety of spices makes this blog intelligent and exciting.
    Jeffery should concentrate debating or attacking Lim Kam Put without bringing in third party reference,,,,,,especially that third party is a nobody….and indirectly insulting LKS’s wisdom and fair judgment.
    Enough of this cock and bull stuffs from Jeffery.

  43. You know why UMNO B ministers and kingpins never admit any mistakes.?
    Mahathir said admitting mistakes is a sign of weakness of a man.
    But Musa Hitam told him…admitting mistakes is a courageous act.
    I read this from Barry Wain’s book.
    Now you know why Najib and Mahathir and the whole lot are big liars…and hypocrites.

  44. Najib said…..’TRUST ME” to Sibuans.
    Mahathir said….’I FORGOT ” 14 times..at Lingam case.
    Come on Chengho….how much more proof you need to make you stop your balls carrying comments on these two great liars and cheaters.
    I can imagine Najib said to the supplier of the two Russian submarines…”Lets make a deal.You help me…..I help you”…and the rest..you can fill in RM500 million commission…concluded.

  45. On another topic.

    I would like to ask LKS, why Jeff Ooi so called champion of responsible free speech when a blogger, now that he is DAP ADUN, threatened to throw into jail his critics through the use of oppressive legislation like the Sedition Act and ISA. Is he not a hypocrite of the first degree??

    People like him and like many in PKR led Selangor state government should be publicly chastised for allowing arrogance to go to their heads now that they are ADUNs.

  46. Jeffery….You said witsO does not come to this blog because LKS does not moderate guys like Lim Kam Put.
    Tell me….what is so important about witsO and what unique and good comments he made that makes him so important to you?
    I know witsO for years.
    That man have no guts…and develop an art to wait for others to comments and follow through.
    He is no better than Lim Km Put and I still think Chengho is smarter than both of them.
    In blogging we looks for originality and smart ideas of various topics…..not only politics.
    No doubt Lim Kam Put is a pain in the ass….very boastful and badly brought up…no manners at all.
    Now you tell me…what is so great about witsO?
    Are you also teaching LKS how to manage his blog?

  47. hi “undergrad2″….do not mix up politician and elected parliamentarian actions and deeds with your nonsense about freedom of speech.
    Jeff Ooi is no more a blogger per se…but a brave elected DAP politician.
    Lim Guan Eng will be the first to know..if Jeff Ooi steps out of line..in his Penang government.,,which Jeff is his trusted man……right now.
    Do you know him personally? I do.
    Do not quote what Jeff Ooi said he will do…without telling all the facts.
    Yes…I think..many PR guys will sue anyone who tries to discredit their reputations.
    Zaid Ibrahim is doing that too…regardless the obvious double standards laws and orders..regulations and system we have now under Najib..that all good guys from the opposition can never get fair treatments or justice.

  48. ///Jeffery….You said witsO does not come to this blog because LKS does not moderate guys like Lim Kam Put./// – Monsterball

    I did not say that. I merely quoted what that commentator (witso) said in Susan loone’s blog. Neither did I say he was great.

  49. hi “undergrad2″….in case you do not know….
    Mahathir advised all UMNO B ministers not to admit any mistakes.
    Musa Hitam disagreed and said it takes courage to admit one’s mistakes. After that…he resigned as DPM.
    All these in Barry Wain’s book.
    Najib told Sibuans…..”Trust me. I never break a promise”…and the whole world know how he played out Tunku Razaleigh.
    Mahathir said….”I forgot”..keeping true to his words…not to admit any mistakes made.
    Now…you tell me…are these two PMs not great liars?
    Why talk of a brand new parliamentarian like Jeff Ooi and nothing about these two rouges?
    Why question the wisdom of DAP leadership…when you keep quiet about the bribes Najib made to Sibuans.
    What is…” Robert Lau becomes parliamentarian on Sunday night…on Monday…I will sign the RM5 million cheque to Rajang Park”
    Is that not a bribe for votes?
    So…lets talk big stuffs…big guys…big deals…all from UMNO B….a gang of robbers and thieves and downright low class liars and hypocrites.
    Are you one of them? I hope not.

  50. Changehole/Chengho

    “You can put wings on a pig, but you don’t make it an eagle. “, William J. Clinton

    Please refrain from spawning & spiting your hates and nonsenses over this blog. Perhaps, Bakuthair’s & Pussi-kat NR websites are best places to do so… Get your butt out of here….

  51. Monsterball – well that was not the intention. That invalidates witsO’s comments doesn’t it? Shall we refer to Bakri Musa’s blog then? Taking references from this blog itself will fill up the full page of this thread.

  52. We all know the character and the conduct of a person who has no commonsense or probably with a secret agenda.

    I don’t care, in our present circumstance, whether there was a good law or otherwise in Malaysia today, got it sage? That is why I said, EVEN good laws are being selectively and unfairly applied in this country. Here you have one law you probably can find fault with DAP (or in particular Karpal Singh) and immediately you find joy and pain (you choose one) in writing and explaining as if DAP is totally unaware or unethical or cannot see its own follies. I can’t find a person more idiotic than you given your intellect, unless of course you are compromised.

    We can find the 1981 law unsuitable and no good as it stands, can we not? The federal court can review and remake its own decisions, can it not? Look sage, this country has enough of injustices and pains now. There is no need for you to pounce on this issue simply because you find it wrong in law. Law is not justice. Law is blind and can even cause injustice.

  53. To this odd ball, I just want to say this: humility is like sleeping, the moment you know you are sleeping, you are actually not. So stupid ball, you are no humble person, you are one of the most boastful assh*le in this blog and elsewhere and I am saying this without any qualm at all.

  54. And to this pimp roaming the streets of kampung attap i just want to say this: if you can differentiate between an ADUN and a MP, then i think you should just go back to being a pimp instead of coming.

  55. undergrad2 :On another topic.
    I would like to ask LKS, why Jeff Ooi so called champion of responsible free speech when a blogger, now that he is DAP ADUN, threatened to throw into jail his critics through the use of oppressive legislation like the Sedition Act and ISA. Is he not a hypocrite of the first degree??
    People like him and like many in PKR led Selangor state government should be publicly chastised for allowing arrogance to go to their heads now that they are ADUNs.

    You talk b**dy nonsense. First, how and where does Jeff Ooi get his power to throw people into jail? He might have said it out of frustration. The critics may be totally unreasonable. When a person believes in free speech, that does not include irresponsible speech or speech that are untrue or dishonest. And those in ADUN, what did they do? No matter what they do, they can’t be as bad as those in BN, can they? Since when they bought you over?

  56. I am assuming that you were referring to me. Let me tell you this, there was this spineless ass impersonating me and saying all kinds of nonsense in this blog before. And it was the kindness of Jong who told me about it. That is why I hardly go to other blogs nowadays. The blog hosts usually have their own agenda, show favoritism and like to tell their own pitiful stories.

  57. Jeffrey :From Susan Loones’ Blog – (Quote) “Limkamput may be sometimes another nut there and maybe another erstwhile imposter elsewhere too but this one is worse. Imagine the LKS moderator(s) giving him all the leeway there nevertheless. It reflects on LKS’s blog.That’s why I don’t partake in commenting there. Rather disgusting.”(Unquote)By commentator wits0 – March 25, 2009.

    Jeffrey, nice try to get me moderated or thrown out, don’t you?

  58. ///Here you have one law you probably can find fault with DAP (or in particular Karpal Singh) and immediately you find joy and pain (you choose one) in writing and explaining as if DAP is totally unaware or unethical or cannot see its own follies./// – Lim Kam Put.

    It shows your mentality. I have already said in my second last paragraph of posting #44 that “we do expect incumbent to make federal allocation in good faith and not in an unfair way.” So criticise by all means what Najib says and how its not done in good faith or ethical or fair way. Rakyat can understand. However to say to everyone that what he did was corrupt/bribery in sense meant in Elections Act when in law its not is simply shooting your own credibility for (1) not saying the truth not to mention (2) the difficulty of how to explain in what way DAP’s own offer (via PR Manifesto in Sibu by election)of monetary benefits of 20% instead of 5% royalty and Sarawakian Senior cititizens above 60 years of age a minimum of RM100 per annum as a gift for their contribution to the Sarawak economy any less corrupt in terms of financial inducement for votes than what Najib said and (c) how to justify urging the opposite side to honour promises of payments that one labels as corrupt implying that the promisees/recipients want and desire the honoring of corrupt inducement.

    Yours a mentality that does not see further the implications and inconsitencies beyond your nose and hence it explains cogently how you constantly shoot first and think later and often shoot your yourself by what you said.

  59. ///Jeffrey, nice try to get me moderated or thrown out, don’t you?/// – LimKamPut.

    You are very wrong: if I want to get you thrown out why would I go to our Moderator?

    Trolling – ie the posting of provocative, inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum or blog, with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion, notwithstanding it is due to pent up frustration, paranoia, various personal insecurities or just overall boring and unfulfilling lives – is a cyber offence under our cyber laws – and a simple complaint to the proper authorities via filling up a form and emailing it, citing the number of instances of your trollish postings, forming permanent record in cyber space, easily retrievable will be sufficient for the Regulator to requst this blog for your Internet Protocol.

    It is just that I still respect the freedom of speech not to think seriously of this.

  60. Jeffrey, you shouldn’t talk politics, you should be a librarian. Let me answer your three points mentioned above:
    1. The Election Act says what Jib did was not corruption, but what matters most is we all know what he did was corruption, and that is enough. In the past at least it was not as blatant as now. Of course I don’t expect a nincompoop to see it.
    2. What the DAP offered is NOT corruption. First, DAP did not offer the “goodies” specifically to the people of Sibu, but the people of Sarawak. Second, DAP does not have the mean to deliver those goodies even if they have won the Sibu by election. Of course nincompoop can not see it again.
    3. That is politics, you promised you deliver. You find it illogical or unethical, the majority don’t, and that matters. Nincompoop is what nincompoop does.

  61. Just because you don’t agree with postings you make allegations that the poster is “compromised” or bought over.

    According to your own postings you had served the BN government in public service and got benefits and medal/title out of it: who are you to rant others of being “compromised” or bought over when better part of your productive life has been doing that, serving an administration that after retiring you criticise??? In what way you’re different from Mahathir talking about Zubir being the only one asked to leave in Sime Darby RM1.8 billion losses when in his time Ismail Zakaria was only one asked to leave???

    No wonder a commentator here says in #43 that you’re “a little mahathir in ego and a lot of nazri” posted on Saturday, 30 January 2010 under Blog thread “Disappointed Doctor” filed under Good Governance, public service.

  62. It is just that I still respect the freedom of speech not to think seriously of this.//the great sage

    Tell you what, you threatening me? I am finished lah, because under the cyber laws, if you complain, I will be a goner for sure. But if i complain against you, i am sure nothing would happen, right or not sage. You really can’t see your own follies, you are a nincompoop.

  63. Hi Jeffrey, I agree with you. I am sick and tired of people who think they have a better sense of justice and cannot tolerate those who do not believe as they do. They think they are always right and I can’t see any difference whether this guy you are mentioning or UMNO runs the government. In fact, given only 2 choices, I will choose UMNO because this guy is even worse.

  64. According to your own postings you had served the BN government in public service and got benefits and medal/title out of it: who are you to rant others of being “compromised” or bought over when better part of your productive life has been doing that, serving an administration that after retiring you criticise??? In what way you’re different from Mahathir talking about Zubir being the only one asked to leave in Sime Darby RM1.8 billion losses when in his time Ismail Zakaria was only one asked to leave???// stupid sage, that is oxymoron.

    Prove it, show it. Can’t imagine a sage listening to a pimp of kampung attap, pathetic.

  65. limkamput :
    Prove it, show it. Can’t imagine a sage listening to a pimp of kampung attap, pathetic.

    This is a forum, not a court case. It’s either true or it’s false. You are using a pseudonym and you can hide behind it. Are you saying that what Jeffery says is false? If you claim to be fighting for justice, just say it and we will trust you. And cut out those unnecessary words that don’t add meaning to your message. We could do the same thing like what you are doing, but what will it do to this forum except bring it down to the level of monkeys.

  66. limkamput :
    ekompute, not man enough to tell it on my face? What is even worse, you?

    When I was writing that piece, I find you so disgusting. Anyway, did you read my reply at “Sarawak By-Election: Old Habits Die Hard” Comment #32 and #33.

  67. Lim Kam Put in posting #26 shows you still do not understand what is election bribery corruption. Told you many times before that cannot sink into your thick head that monies that are federal funds (and not personal funds) offered as part of campaign pledges of policy or articulation of political platform not to indivdual voters but “classes” segments or groups of people (whether FELDA settlers, schools, churches, whole of Sarawak or whole of East Malaysia or whole of Malaysia) is not considered in many places, including Malaysia, as an electoral bribery per se in violation of the law even though there is financial inducement involved given the fact money and money matters is primary consideration of voters one way or another. Go read what Eusoffee Abdoolcader said in previous page in that case. Statement “DAP did not offer the “goodies” specifically to the people of Sibu, but the people of Sarawak” is baseless, the distinction of Sibu or Sarawak as a whole has no bearing at all for these purposes given that politicians are entitled as part of development allocation to take care of segments or sub segments and sub-sub segments of populace.

    The comment in 3 “That is politics, you promised you deliver. You find it illogical or unethical, the majority don’t, and that matters”.

    This is ridiculous, illogical and stupid.

    When you make a someone who made a corrupt promise carry out the corrupt act or promise you only implicate yourself as an abettor, accessory to crime and corruption giving you no better right to condemn the giver for something as a taker you so easily succumb. How absurd can you put your own position into?

    Rivalling in equal idiocy is the statement “you find it illogical or unethical, the majority don’t, and that matters”.

    Aren’t we not dissuing here whats true or not true right or not right or just what majority think? In context of this thread or this issue you arrogate unto yourself the presumption of knowing what majority think that matters but in other context like majority voting in preference for BN candidate in Hulu Selangor or as a pro UMNO blogger said in a recent annual gathering ‘Bloggers Universe Malaysia’ debating over the “Allah” controversy as reported by Regina Lee in Malaysiakini on May 22nd, a pro UMNO blogger [Akhramsyah Muammar Ubaidah Sanusi] has opined that the racial/religious minorities should be accepting to the needs and wants of the majority, (ie “If the (Malay-Muslim) majority is uncomfortable with the usage of the word ‘Allah’, then the minority should stop pursuing it. That is the true meaning of racial harmony” he said) are you going to say the majority opinion matters or selectively by your own whims say otherwise???

  68. //Prove it, show it//

    You deny that in archives you yourself had said you had a pingat? Not too long ago when Godfather mentioned some honour you deny you posted that he downgraded the honour/title you actually received? Would you get one if you did not serve BN??? Don’t twist and turn for convenience like Mamakthir!

    /// But if i complain against you, i am sure nothing would happen, right or not sage. You really can’t see your own follies, you are a nincompoop.///

    You wanna run a test?

  69. Being spineless or compromised is not the function of one’s professional. That would be an illogical argument. I am not disclosing my profession, past of present. But the fact is if one has worked in the public service, that does not ipso facto preclude him/her from talking about issues of public importance to this country. He/she understands the neutrality of public service and the difficulties faced when ethical issues were involved. In fact, many of these public servants know more than what most of you ever imagine, at least based on my interaction with many of them.

  70. Yes, the majority ought to know when a practice is ethical or unethical, corrupt or otherwise. That majority includes those who voted for BN. In other words, there are people who actually know BN are corrupted and bias but they still vote for them, for whatever the reasons. See, you are too straight.

  71. We can see here that we can’t even carry out a discussion professionally without resorting to personal attacks, so why do we think that PKR, DAP, and PAS, or for that matter the component parties of Barisan Nasional, should do better?

  72. ///But the fact is if one has worked in the public service, that does not ipso facto preclude him/her from talking about issues of public importance to this country/// – LimKamPut

    That is true. Just like the fact that under Mahathir’s administration the fact that only Ismail Zakaria was asked to go when Sime Bank’s loss blew up in public face does and ought not preclude the ex premier from now criticising why only ex CEO Ahmad Zubir was asked to be accountable ion the latest Sime Darby’s mega financial loss.

    So I must be wrong. So was Kit when he said “however, Mahathir should not be overhasty in his bombardment of Musa and Sime Darby, as during the Sime Bank Bhd financial crisis when it incurred losses amounting to RM1.8 billion during the 1997/8 Asian financial crisis”.

    We’re talking of same thing, aren’t we – whether “compromised” or bought over (short term) or long service under BN admin???

  73. Your statement under scrutiny whether sound or stupid is “you find it illogical or unethical, the majority don’t, AND THAT MATTERS”.
    Yes, the majority ought to know when a practice is ethical or unethical, corrupt or otherwise. That majority includes those who voted for BN.

    How is that statement defended by Lim KamPut’s posting #37 “In other words, there are people who actually know BN are corrupted and bias but they still vote for them, for whatever the reasons. See, you are too straight”?

    You try to clarify by obfuscating the issue further?

  74. Everyone have sen my face. I am not faceless and nameless…..all exposed by UMNO B balless toads.
    Monsterball have been blogging while you are playing marbles.

  75. ///I am sick and tired of people who think they have a better sense of justice and cannot tolerate those who do not believe as they do. They think they are always right/// – #29 by ekompute.

    He’d be deliriously happy if he spits to someone face and that someone says in gratitude “phew its hot, thank god it now rains”. There’s lots of emotionally marginalised and intellectually challenged denizens out there under the cover of Cyberspace.

  76. hahahahahahaha….My blood and body are strongly fortified.
    Thanks for your concern…..Jeffery.
    He wants me to be a ragging bull? He will have it…….hahahahahahaha

  77. No worry Jeffery. You are a real gentleman.
    Just explain and I can understand and read characters very well…you bet.
    I may misunderstand certain messages…but kopitiam fellas are totally loyal to change of government.

  78. You know what guys??

    When I’m bored I visit LKS blog for some comic relief. The intellectual masturbation of one nincompoop of Kg. Attap fame who once boasted of the long service medal (not a medal for distinguished service) he got from the many years of service pushing pen to paper in the BN government has kept me entertained.

    LKS should give him an award. Even the moderators have given up.

  79. From #31, is clear and straight forwards that a public official bribes or tries to bribe voters to vote for him or his party is corruption. The bribe can be any kind of benefits.

    1. There is no exception saying that Government Fund is excluded.
    2. NJ, as a Government Official, had offered “Flood Scheme Fund” to voters to vote the individual RL is well documented. This fulfilled the criteria of corruption as stated above.

    a) I believe any kind of funding with specified demand for voting to any receiver should be deemed corruption.
    b) Is the RM5 million flooding scheme a Policy?
    As such can a policy be set and executed with Cheque issued in the next Monday?

    Therefore, corruption by NJ in Sibu is well established. Why debate further?
    and mutilated with Gifting and Policy. And, it is confusing and misleading to say PR is doing similarly!!

  80. #33 This posting contradicts with the possible exception if the “promise” to tempt for vote could be exempted if it is a “Policy” as in #31.

    A. If “Tengku Razaleigh promised that if the Barisan Nasional won, he would personally give more money for the improvement of Pengkalan kota!”

    He is also naive to say so as a “Policy” be approved just by a Financial Minister? Same for a PM to promise Flood Scheme Fund. Or it is exposing the Dictatorship of a so called Constitutional Administration.
    1. Administration wise, can it be done so, just by the Minister or PM?
    2. How can a public official emphasized to give “personally” guarantee or promised towards a Government funding?

    B. The Long Long flip-flop judgement was obvious an attempt to “white wash” what had happened with hinting that
    a) the compassion or consideration such be given in regardless if there is any election. (Therefore, it is wrong to say it only during election).
    b) also try to net “personally” in related to his being a Finance Minister.
    c) the possible Rights of Approving. But, according to proper Administration or Laws, can the PM or Minister alone starts and approves any fund?

    Basically, when PM or Minister are in a public political gather, they should not speak as a Public Officer to break the neutrality of being a Public Servant!! Did the Judge took also this every basic Rules?

    C. The fact that his is one of the sacked Judge in 1988 should not give him a better credibility but on a sound Judgment on the key and basic facts or criteria – they are not there as mentioned above!!

    Many Judgments in Malaysia can be all kind of twisting, confusion or misleading of law, loosing even the fundamental points. I believe the illustration is just one of the many.

    D. The Referral to Karpal there had mentioned nothing that Karpal agreed with the Judgment or law.

    That is another piece of mutilated posting.

  81. #48
    The Court is to clarify any law and not to lay down any law. It gives a case for reference, if and only if similar situations come out, or, to lay down the conditions for applying certain law.

    What NJ had done has fulfilled the criteria of corruption. He should at least subject to investigation by MACC and leave it to AG if to prosecute. The reference to any court case can only be done during trial with sufficient reasons for using that case. Any competent Judge should only allow competent court case with sufficient relationship to be used.

    The assumption that the case is void because of certain case exists such that MACC can skip the investigation is a violation of procedures. And, it is misleading to be posted here.

    The Corruption Practice under Part III of the Election Offense Act, at http://www.spr.gov.my/eng/ is showing other thing else!!

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