Senior MBPJ officials own low-cost flats

by R. Nadeswaran, Terence Fernandez and Llew-Ann Phang
The Sun

PETALING JAYA (May 20, 2010): SHE is chauffeur-driven in an official four-wheel drive on duties and states her address in official documents as a double-storey corner terrace house in Kota Damansara. But Sharipah Marhaini Syed Ali is also the owner of the low-cost apartment in Ara Damansara and happens to be the planning director of the Petaling Jaya City Council (MBPJ).

She is not the only senior official owning a low-cost apartment.

MBPJ’s senior assistant engineer, Hanizah Katab, owns one in the same block – and so does about 500 other MBPJ employees, many using the names of wives, husbands and relatives to own low-cost homes in Petaling Jaya.

By her own admission, Sharipah is not the only director who owns a low-cost flat. Questioned by a councillor, she charged that there are other “directors and deputy directors” who own such properties.

In a reply to a memo from Deputy Mayor Puasa Md Taib dated Feb 4, Sharipah argued that “if the policy is that those earning above RM2,500 are not eligible, then all the other officers involved should be asked to explain”.

Going by the state government’s guidelines on eligibility for low-cost units, they would not qualify by a mile because only those having combined family income of less than RM2,500 a month can apply.

However, according to Sharipah, there was a policy introduced in 2001, when the council took over squatter eradication efforts from the state, to allocate low-cost units to council staff.

This decision, however, was in contravention of the state’s policy, which restricted the sale of low-cost units to those with a household income of not more than RM2,500.

Executive councillor in charge of poverty eradication Dr Xavier Jeyakumar said the policy still stands. “The state government’s policy on first-time ownership of low-cost units has not changed, and any exemption by the housing department must be sanctioned by the Exco,” he said.

However, documents made available to theSun revealed how the RM2,500 criteria could be circumvented (see also page 8).

Most, if not all, the low-cost units are not owner-occupied. Instead, they are an extra source of income because they can fetch rentals of up to RM500 a month.

Sharipah’s monthly bank loan repayment is RM322. Her apartment has been unoccupied for two months. According to neighbours, the Indonesian construction workers who were renting it had left for Kuantan after finishing a development project nearby.

Hanizah is collecting RM400 a month from an Indian family of six.

However, a search at MBPJ’s Valuation Department showed that in her application for the low-cost flat, Sharipah gave her address as a double-storey corner house on Jalan Nuri, Section 7 Kota Damansara, estimated at about RM450,000. Hanizah gave an address in Nilai.

The issue of MBPJ staff owning low-cost flats was first raised by councillor K.W. Mak in February when he asked the State Select Committee for Competency, Accountability and Transparency (Selcat) to investigate the non-compliance and malpractices in the sale of such apartments to non-eligible applicants.

In a statement last week, Mak said he had written to Mayor Datuk Roslan Sakiman on April 29 to also conduct investigations.

Mak raised the issues after receiving complaints from former squatters who were promised low-cost units but never received offers once the construction of the low-cost flat was completed.

“These former squatters have shown me proof that they were interviewed and given alternative accommodation prior to waiting for the demolition of their village to make way for development and subsequent relocation to the completed flat in their former locale,” he said.

Last week, two residents who had complained to Mak turned to theSun claiming that MBPJ officers had taken away apartments meant for them.

Mak said he has yet to see documents supporting the so-called policy to open up low-cost units to council staff.

In a statement today, MBPJ said developers offered excess units in eight low-cost housing schemes, on private lands, to its management team from year 2000. — theSun

33 Replies to “Senior MBPJ officials own low-cost flats”

  1. Of course there is massive abuse. Just go to any one of the those with good location – Bandar Tun Razak, Ara Damansara, Subang etc. the cars in the parking lots full of nice cars that cost more than the apartments.

  2. Hmmm. First read this piece of news in the stupid Star paper.

    But I dont recall reading this line there:

    “However, according to Sharipah, there was a policy introduced in 2001, when the council took over squatter eradication efforts from the state, to allocate low-cost units to council staff.”

  3. Kit,
    Its the same everywhere. I mean every BN ruled state. UMNO, MCA, MIC leaders and party members too get low cost houses. There is so need to consider income. All that matters is one affiliation to BN.
    These houses are then rented out. Of course these people will lover their status by living in low cost units.
    This patronage system is what UMNO uses to win support and votes…. “I help you, you help me” policy.

  4. Obviously these MBPJ officers abused their power and positions during the former administration under Toyol.They should be hauled up now and punished.These hypocrites and liars are a real disgrace to all law abiding citizens.I am sure there are many of them in town,city or district councils all over the country.If they are let off the hook,then where is justice and fairness to those who are poor and deprived?

  5. yeah, the rental is RM 800 to RM 900 per month.
    then, units are easily sold to new owners for RM 90,000.00 to RM 100,000.00.
    ( so, how easy to make RM 100 K per transaction.)
    ( if the official has many units under different family names, wow ).
    if the new owner rents it out, then, within 8 years, new owner will get back its capital.
    no title, no problem, its good investment.
    even buying to stay is even better.

  6. That’s the reason why there must be local government elections. Councillors would not dare play the fool once they realize their future depend on the votes of the people. The same goes for the posts of mayors, penghulus and so on.

  7. if there’s abuse in the low cost by mbpj, should take immediate action to sake them from office and if any of the low cost owners made use of their apartments to rent it out to others, the government has the right to take back such apartments and resold it to those who are truely eligible !!!!

  8. Shock? Surprise? Outrage?
    Y? No need lah 4 it’s a common knowledge such abuse is a common practice under UmnoB/BN’s patronage governance
    It’s this “U join UmnoB/BN, UmnoB/BN look after U, legally n illegally” practice dat ensures UmnoB/BN hold on 2 power 4 >50 years

    Civil servants r supposed 2 serve rakyat, but under UmnoB/BN, civil servants fatten themselves first through all sorts of projects meant 2 benefit rakyat n exploit rakyat
    Even funds meant 4 d hardcore poor r swallowed by UmnoBputras

    Dis is shameful n disgusting, Malay civil servants n UmnoBputras exploiting economically disadvantaged rakyat of all ethnic groups
    But d saddest part is many of d exploited individuals continue 2 vote 4 UmnoB/BN

  9. If no one can act on the possession of a Super Luxury House of the previous CM in Selangor, why care to catch the flies?

    If Selangor Government are really concerned and really want to act, catch those Tigers!!

    1. the violation of turning Water Retention Pond of Subang Jaya, also a Town Park, into private Land of Sime-Darby?
    2. Why part of the Water Retention Pond has gone to a Residential Project – the Wangsa Baiduri?
    3. Why part of the land go for SJMC?
    4. Why the Club House of Wangsa Baiduri can turn into an Hotel under 3rd part (but sister company of the Developer) together with half piece of Condo land.
    5. Why Condo can be changed into Apartment after being sold, built and occupied!!


    These are known to Subang Jaya People long long time ago and LWB’s “famous” 2007 historical “Objection” hearing of the Subang Ria Park!!

  10. This is nothing new. Check the same thing in PKNS. Its been going on for ages. Remember all the incriminating documents they shredded when the BN government fell?

    Ask how many of the low-cost flats have been allocated to UMNO, MCA, MIC, Gerakan, PPP etc members according to their ‘quotas”.

    That’s how the gravy is distributed. That’s how they all grow fat under Khir Toyo and his predecessors. And they can travel the world with millions of cash in suitcases.

    That’s how a simple railway gateman and satay seller can be a multi-multi millionaire in triple quick time.

    That’s why everyone wants to jump to UMNO.

  11. “By her own admission, Sharipah is
    not the only director who owns a lowcost
    fl at. Questioned by a councillor,
    she charged that there are other
    “directors and deputy directors” who
    own such properties.
    In a reply to a memo from Deputy
    Mayor Puasa Md Taib dated Feb 4,
    Sharipah argued that “if the policy is
    that those earning above RM2,500 are
    not eligible, then all the other officers
    involved should be asked to explain”. The Sun front page

    She how cheeky and defiant she is? But she’s spilled the beans.

    All this while they all have a deal “You scratcha my back, I scratcha your back”. (Wink, wink)

    Whenever new projects are launched, its the insiders who get all the allocations first. They know what to do.

    This Sharipah is a gold-mine of information. Invite her to “tea” for a chit chat.

    Where’s Manikavasagam? Does he want to lodge another report?

    And don’t wait for MACC to act.

  12. Mr. PM, Sir, “the era of government knows best is over” and dare to become forces of change. We, ordinary Malaysians, are at the mercy of the Department of Skills Development (DSD) under the Ministry of Human Resources. This looks like a hastily conceived, bumbling, incompetent and ill-thought out plot.

    The flow or sequence of events in the morning of 5.1.2010 at the Tribunal:-
    1. Evidence could be deduced from a site visit on 2.12.2009 and DSD’s letter dated 10.12.2009. (Documented)
    2. Before the hearing commenced, the officer did interview three (3) trainees. They told him that their training was 8 months instead of 24 months.
    3. I submitted a stack of documents to the officer and briefed him on the dates of the course (for the period 31.3.2008 to 28.11.2008).
    4. The respondent (skills training provider) defended that SKM was from 31.3.2008 to December 2009. (Documented)
    5. The Senior Assistant Director (after hearing what the respondent had defended) testified that SKM was from 1.1.2008 to 10.12.2009 according to DSD’s record. (Documented)

    There were 3 versions of course duration recorded. Here, it is crystal clear that only one party is telling the truth and 2 parties are telling lies. I am wondering why the officer still missed the point altogether? Is this our expectation from a government servant?

  13. Sdr Lim KS,

    Now the can of worms have already been opened.

    I am now watching closely how the PR state govenrment is going to take actions agaisnt all these heartless people who benifits themselves at the expanse of the poorest of the poor rakyat. Th theese people deserve harshest actions. This is so disgusting.

    PR – please don’t fail me, otherwise I don’t think you will have my and another 36 other votes from my family members and relatives in Selangor come next GE.

  14. Aiyoo yo yo, what is new. In fact, i am surprised why the PR government takes so long to uncover all these. What about those in the land offices – check them out. I tell you PR state governments, you better examine each of your senior officers from State Secretary downward.

    Senior MBPJ getting low cost flat, what is new. How about I tell you almost all super scale officers in JPA get government JPA overseas scholarship for their scholar deficient nincompoop children.

  15. Orangutan :
    Sdr Lim KS,
    Now the can of worms have already been opened.
    I am now watching closely how the PR state govenrment is going to take actions agaisnt all these heartless people who benifits themselves at the expanse of the poorest of the poor rakyat. Th theese people deserve harshest actions. This is so disgusting.
    PR – please don’t fail me, otherwise I don’t think you will have my and another 36 other votes from my family members and relatives in Selangor come next GE.

    Wahhh, even orang utans vote these days and they seem to be a kingmaker, LOL. Just joking with your nick…

  16. If there are any more Malaysians still holding out hope for any change for the better as espoused by UMNO/BN, all such feelings and hopes should have evaporated.
    Make a concerted effort to dump them as soon as possible!
    Not only that, galvanise every body you know to do the same!

  17. See…Chengho agrees to investigate small fishes…but not Najib or Mahathir.
    Both are pure as white sheets and heroes to Chengho..totally clean politicians.
    hi Chengho….go read Barry Wain’s book….best seller..right now.

  18. Syabas 2 Nadeswaran, Terence Fernandez and Llew-Ann Phang, & The Sun
    Hopefully the investigative reporters don’t get grounded n The Sun’s KDN kena tarik balik
    Y Utusan M’sia didn’t condemn those greedy Malay officers 4 exploiting poor Malays in need of low-cost flats

  19. from Star ” The controversial sale of 500 low-cost flats to Petaling Jaya City Council (MBPJ) officers is morally wrong although it is legally right, Selangor Mentri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim said….” Why no futher action ,afraid of losing support? why no comment from T KoK..
    Instruct t s Khalid to to action..

  20. Yes, good idea, publicise d NAMES of all who bot low-cost flats
    Hv a team 2 check on d ppl who live in low-cost flats – Are they d low-cost flat owners? Do they rent fr d low-cost flat owners?
    Hv a rule dat PROHIBITS low-cost flat owners fr renting out their low-cost flats
    If low-cost flat owners don’t stay there n use d flats 2 make money by renting them out, they MUST NOT b allowed 2 keep d flats
    The State has d right 2 sell the flats to other genuinely low-income folks

  21. So, this is one of the ways the taxpayers’ money is squandered?
    Justice must be done and seen to be done!
    No wonder the government wanted to withdraw subsidies on everything and, on top of that, impose the GST?
    Now we know, don’t we?
    What a very “caring” government!
    Uncle Lim, add this latest episode to your armamentaria.

  22. this ic call malaysia/umno/bumi boleh ,salah guna kuasa/ bully/ rasuah/curi/rompak/ragut. so don’t wait after 50 something years don’t know how much they aready CUri , u think this najis can change them after 50 years something old habid, chance the goverment by cote for PAS /PKR /DAP/ BEBAS. HIdup real Malaysian for MALAYSIAN

  23. The PR Government must bear in mind that even they are the new Government on some States they have responsibilities to see what had gone wrong in the past to be fixed. And, the responsibility of what had gone wrong must be passed onto whom who had done it!!

    BN has moved a lot of public reserved land which should not be meant for residents or housing into private Housing Project. Many water retention pond, slopes, green areas had been mis-appropriated. PKNS has been the machine for washing these kind of land. If these cannot be uncovered and healed, Selangor will never be able to stand clean when a lot of them are still on the way. At the time of MPPJ, many of the recreation area of Subang been mis-appropriate into Buildings, such as Subang Plaza

    Many of these land were used to boot-up the book value of many Developers who in terms are in KLSE.

    Return what should be belong to the People!!
    Stolen property is stolen property no matter who is owning them.

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