Kit Siang chides EC over ‘disrespectful’ and ‘rude’ claim

By Rahmah Ghazali | FMT

PETALING JAYA: DAP supremo Lim Kit Siang chided the Election Commission (EC) for saying the party was “disrespectful” and “rude” during the tallying of the Sibu by-election results.

“As far as DAP is concerned, we were very civil,” he told FMT, in response to EC deputy chief Wan Ahmad Wan Omar’s statement in Malay-daily Utusan Malaysia today.

Lim stressed that DAP was only aiming for a free and just election and said that the party has been fully cooperating with the EC to ensure such objective being achieved.

Wan Ahmad was quoted as saying that the opposition party was “rude” and “disrespectful” to the EC and accused them of obstructing their workers during the tallying of the postal votes.

He claimed that the DAP leaders and supporters, including the winning candidate Wong Ho Leng had accused the EC of being deliberately slow in their vote counting.

Wan Ahmad also said commission workers who were bringing in the ballot boxes to the tally centre were heckled and booed at by DAP supporters.

The controversy started when DAP leaders questioned the delay by the EC in announcing the result which was initially to be made by 9pm. Instead, it was made about two hours later.

“They said that our workers were deliberately slow in counting the votes. Actually, they (DAP) were the ones who had caused the delay,” Wan Ahmad was quoted as saying.

However, Lim today justified the party’s action as the EC had “a displayed gross blunder” by delaying the announcement for more than two hours.

“They held back the result for more than two hours and they will have to explain the delay…we were suspicious. We could not ignore it and keep quiet about it,” he said.

EC mulls new rule

Then EC came under intense scrutiny by Pakatan Rakyat leaders and supporters during the vote counting as they sensed that the DAP was edging towards a historic victory.

When the result was finally announced, DAP’s Wong Ho Leng defeated BN’s Robert Lau with a slim majority of 398-vote.

Wan Ahmad also was quoted as saying that the commission is mulling a new rule which will prevent such an incident like the one in Sibu from happening again.

This, he said, will be discussed at the by-electing post-mortem meeting that will be held next week.

Responding to this, Lim countered that whatever new rule the EC comes up with must show “fairness, impartiality and independence”.

“If not, the public will lose confidence in the integrity and the professionalism of the EC,” he said.

25 Replies to “Kit Siang chides EC over ‘disrespectful’ and ‘rude’ claim”

  1. Yep. The new rule must cover the need that counters and officials must pass standard three arithmetic.

    They must know that 60% is 60% and 70% is 70%.

    An error of 10% means an error of 16.67% which is significant.

    The officials must also know how to read time. 8.30 is not 11.00. A tick is not a tock.

  2. Its SOP for UMNO tools and warlords to accuse the other party of the wrong they have committed to pre-empt criticism. AG does it, Police does it, judges do it, and of course many of the minsters and YB.s.. Mahathir trained them well. People criticize Perkasa and the charge the ‘Chinese extremist’ of the same thing but conveniently leave out the name. All those shootings by police including Amirul and before evidence is clear, he already said public don’t understand.

    Its infantilism honestly – point finger back at the other person first to deflect and defend. Just confuse people who would otherwise join the criticism against them.

  3. Of cos lah, they r trained 2 blame others 4 whatever faults they did
    Their KPI mah
    So, end up with words against words
    Got video taped d incidence or not?
    If no, next time video tape n transmit it real time, OK? Use technology lah

  4. Nowadays, it is extremely difficult to deal with the Public Complaints Bureau (PCB) under the Prime Minister Office and the Department of Skills Development (DSD) under the Ministry of Human Resources. They tried to frustrate me. On 13.2.2010, I registered a complaint to PCB but the first response was after two months. Currently, it is put on hold because DSD has invoked Sub-section 71(1) of the Act 652, which seeks to prohibit any officers from DSD responsible for skills development from disclosing any information which has been obtained in the course of their duties. I have no choice but have to wait.

  5. //Wan Ahmad also was quoted as saying that the commission is mulling a new rule.. //

    Will the new rule prevent the presence of Opposition observers while the postal votes are being counted?

    Or that EC workers, by virtue of their importance, are allowed to vote more than once?

  6. its all crab-talks or shit-talks by wan about dap being the cause of delay. just another denial team who sits under bn’s ass !!!

    the oppositions this time is really smart enough to have hawks’ eyes on the ec . hopefully, they will have more realiable hawkeyes in the future since ec is now cracking their heads as to how to ensure that their ‘bos’ will always win.

    hopefully by now, the oppositions has a black book which contain names of people who abuse power or not respecting the law.

    when pk comes into power in the next election, they should only then , open this black book by stripping off these offenders of their posts and any retirement benefits that they are supposed to entitle in the future !!!

  7. Dear EC,

    I am glad that DAP had been “disrespectful” and “rude” during the tallying of the Sibu by-election results. Had DAP been meek, humble and polite, you would have made SUPP the winner of the by-election!

    I believe it was DAP men’s pressure on the EC that made them (EC) release the results and give up plans to fiddle with the votes.

  8. I think stalling, delaying, postponing and purposefully doing things to hinder is wrong and these tactics are used. Malaysians are tired of all these games. Who is that officer who reported to one of the news reporter about certain people being sent away and coincidently on that day ? What other games are there up the sleeve ? But Allah is great. Manusia merancang. Allah menentukan. Trust versus games. Maturity versus childishness. If it is 9 p.m. the results will be announced, then it should be 9 p.m. Not 3 hours later. Not 4 hours later. Napa ? Tak percaya kah ? Percayalah !

  9. BN/UMNO is extremely creative! From Sodomy to New Rules for EC & etc….

    The New Rules are:
    1) Changehole will be a bouncer at the Lady Restrooms
    2) He must report any BN peeping toms to the Oppositions
    3) Every BN politicians are required to changeholes often
    4) etc….

  10. EC legitimately allow to criticise DAP in disrespectful and rude. However, the entire rakyat of Malaysia known EC connivance with Umno manipulating voter votes then what are you????? Are you EC consider of committing treason?

  11. Anyone working for the Telekom? Let’s release the calling record of his hand phone in the evening to ensure that he did not call Najib or any UMNO men or Taib Mahmud

  12. EC deputy chief Wan Ahmad, you forget who are you supposed to work for? Not for BN, not for DAP, but for the voters of Sibu.
    It is understandable to be under-pressure to come ‘clean’ with vote counting as this is no miscounting business. Every single vote counts! Is this ‘Cemerlang, Gemilang, Terbilang’ public service? Otherwise, without DAP tight but fair supervision, we might see some votes ‘terhilang’!

  13. get foreign independent EC for all by and general elections. and united nation army to guard the ballot boxes. you cant trust these goons with your bowl of rice, let alone your vote.

    too many chapchengho’s type around disguise as phantom.

  14. We all know UMNO B top guns are smart in twisting and blaming others.
    We all know how corrupted all are…..corrupted to the core.
    We all know they have developed the art to divert attentions of Malaysians…to prove how noble and honest they are.
    We all know…non stop accusations of corruptions on to UMNO B top guns …all not acted upon by lawful means….and indirectly…treat Malaysians like fools..enjoying complaints without proofs.
    Even proven guilty….the real UMNO B justice emerged with all sorts of stupid reasons to say again….how stupid Malaysians are…nothing else to do..but keep accusing our very finest and cleanest government…any human being can hope for. We have that in UMNO B…and how ungrateful we are.
    And only idiots do not want UMNO B to govern the country forever.
    But when the right thing is put to the test….Sibu have spoken to shut UMNO B and Najib’s mouth.
    Let any UMNO B top guns accuse DAP anything.
    Indirectly they are also accusing Malaysia voters supporting DAP are a bunch of hooligans.
    People’s Power will decide…not DAP.
    Election Commissioner needs to find an idea how to lease Najib.
    The results spoke clearly by Sibuhans.
    Go to hell with that racist puppet opinions.
    He is just a nobody that can juggle votes to favour Najib….but this time..the overwhelming support for DAP…makes him useless to SUPP and shamed Najib like hell…..and he will get hell from Najib.
    Meanwhile..he needs to keep trying to please Najib…with his art and craft…to win confidences back for UMNO B.
    Bought Barry Wain’s book…RM99.90 at MPH bookstore.

  15. Had EC been ‘respectfully and politely’ treated
    DAP might have been defeated
    The suspicious tactics of EC should not be repeated
    Anyway, BN still lost even if it had cheated

  16. Dap should apologise to EC for over zealous ..but every Dap leaders want to project their hard working image to Kit ..uncle Monsterball too , hoping to be YB Subang Jaya…

  17. This chengho keep uttering nonsensical stuffs..insulting DAP…now lumping me in it too.
    hi idiot..I support DAP and will withdraw my support if DAP is corrupted link UMNO B party.
    The problem with this Chengho ….an UMNO B toads…have so much inferiority complexes…dare not reveal himself.. a Malay…dressed in cheongsam…with no balls or guts to vote for change in government.
    His one track minded personality and weird character…clearly seen with his messages…all carrying Najib’s balls.
    True Malaysians do not carry DAP balls.
    We support change of government and there is no reasons for us..not supporting DAP at all.
    Chengho will pee in his pants if DAP keDAILan and PAS…come into power.
    Afraid to loose his government easy life job…Chengho..keep putting out stupid messages…to save his own skin..not worth one sen….copying Najib style to save his own skin too…worth hundreds of millions stolen from us.
    Najib being exposed and embarrassed by Sibu voters…not one word from Chengho….how much Sibuhans love DAP.
    I simply love faarking him.

  18. First of all congratulation on DAP/PR for wining the SIBU by Election. IT was a surprised to me and I very proud of it. I hope it happen to every by election.

    It doesnt matter what they said, claim or whatsover as long as the people know DAP/PR is right and do for the sake of the Rakyat. THIS THE MOST IMPORTANT.

    They can claim, said everthing until the cow come home BUT who will believe them?

    Seriously, if DAP/PR dont push, the result 100% different.

    My only hope that DAP/PR be more aggresive and truthfully telling the Rakyat what is happening to BN, Government, EC and etc. You guys can convince the Chinese to vote for DAP/PR, I dont believe DAP/PR cant convince the Malay and Indian voters. Take for example SIBU by election, if DAP/PR get more than 3000 votes , do you think you need to depend on the Postal Vote? They are nothing. You guys almost there. Keep up the good work.

  19. “Wan Ahmad was quoted as saying that the opposition party was “rude” and “disrespectful” to the EC and accused them of obstructing their workers during the tallying of the postal votes.”

    I too will be disrespectul to people who has no self-respect, LOL. The way they have been conducting the election, what respect can they expect? Respect has to be earned, not demanded.

  20. It’s just another ‘roti canai’ act by the EC just to cover up their delaying tactics in announcing the results. How can the postal votes be delayed, are they adding more last minute votes into the postal votes?

    Anyway, everybody knows who dominate what and just be extra careful in the poll stations. Nothing is independent or neutral in Malaysia.

  21. chengho :
    Dap should apologise to EC for over zealous ..but every Dap leaders want to project their hard working image to Kit ..uncle Monsterball too , hoping to be YB Subang Jaya…

    Chengho is amazing! I wonder what principles in life he holds. But then again, it takes all kinds to make a world.

  22. ekompute…Chengho is balls carrying Najib..all the way to Timbuktu,.in the 13th GE.
    He is paid to do that.and it is not amazing.
    He is simply an idiot with no dignity nor principles in life…exactly like his bosses.
    But his bosses are world class crooks.
    He is a world class idiot.
    For that…you are right…it is amazing…Malaysian boleh dapat ini macham punia otak tak center world class support world class crooks.

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