Is Utusan Malaysia capable of paradigm shift to be true standard-bearer of a 1Malaysia concept or will it continue like Canute to spearhead the resistance to the tide of change in Malaysia?

In his speech at the ground-breaking ceremony for the new Utusan Malaysia headquarters in Kuala Lumpur this morning, the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak urged the 72-year-old Utusan to transform itself if it is to stay relevant.

He said Utusan must be more than Umno’s mouthpiece and must be a medium to build an intellectual culture and a critical society.

He said that the groundbreaking ceremony must coincide in a paradigm shift for the newspaper – going beyond “race, Islam and country” to play a pivotal role in helping the government achieve its transformation plan.

But is Utusan capable of being Najib’s “partner to government” in forging a 1Malaysia and to implement the New Economic Model (NEM) reforms to overhaul the Malaysian economy to break away from the decade-long economic stagnation and middle-income trap to take the quantum leap to become a high-income developed country?

In the past year, Utusan has positioned itself as the biggest enemy and critic of Najib’s 1Malaysia as well as NEM.

In fact, in my 44 years of political life, I have never come across Utusan Malaysia which had been more irresponsible, communal and unMalaysian than in the past 24 months after the March 8 “political tsunami” of the 2008 general elections.

Never before had more Malaysians turned away from Utusan Malaysia – and I for one had stopped being a daily reader of Utusan, first time in 44 years!

Can the biggest enemy and critic of Najib’s 1Malaysia and NEM undergo a paradigm shift as to become their true standard bearer?

Or will it continue like Canute to spearhead the resistance to the tide of change in Malaysia?

I am prepared to wait and see.

30 Replies to “Is Utusan Malaysia capable of paradigm shift to be true standard-bearer of a 1Malaysia concept or will it continue like Canute to spearhead the resistance to the tide of change in Malaysia?”

  1. Najib is the President of UMNO. The entire editorial board of Utusan reports to the President of UMNO. Najib can dictate what he wants from Utusan, but from what I have read about his speech last night, the tone was more in line with “please be more inclusive” and “please be mindful of other races”.

    Mamakthir used to call in the Chief Editors of the UMNO press and dictated what he wanted – or the Editors resign. No mucking around. Najib was simply handling Utusan with kids’ gloves.

    Sack Awang Selamat first and then maybe – just maybe – the non-Malays can trust what you say about an “inclusive” mainstream paper.

  2. The problem is that despite changing its name to Utusan Malaysia, it is still acting very much as Utusan Melayu.

    If the utusan (messenger) keeps spinning the pravda (truth), then we can expect Canute to glue his a$$ to his throne…

  3. Uncle Lim mentioned about the loss of Malaysian talented people to the outside world. That is exactly the problem in Sibu. In Sibu, we lost the talented people to West Malaysia.

    Today, I saw an article that touched about the loss of people in the long houses at a much earlier age, at seven. Can you all believe it? Many of you are like me, living in the towns and failed to understand the true picture of Malaysia.

    I think this is a must read for fellow Malaysians:-

    For months on end longhouse folks only see their youngsters below the age of 7 and the very elderly.

    The youth would be either boarders at school or are already working young adults (some work below the age of 18). Other adults would be far away working off shore (as far as Solomon Islands or Russia) and in fact some of the elders are still working in Bintulu or Miri. The women folks have to keep “longhouse”.

  4. Seriously who wrote Najib’s speech. There was so much laughable material in it given what happened lately. ‘Build intellectual culture, critical society’, ‘works towards handling change’, ‘partner to the government because we are heading towards change’??

    Seriously? Seriously?

    In the face of the tide going against him and all his plans in shambles, his response is, lets just continue to plough on even though the plan was crappy one in the first place and failing?

    How more prodigal can he be? When the going gets tough, the prodigal child just pretend nothing has changed or there is no need to change?

  5. This is a garbage reporting media. Those racialistic dickheads from the top to the bottom running the papers are just a bunch of running dogs of the politicians. They hide behind the government when sued like school boys. “Paper lama” jobs are more suitable for them.

  6. The 72 year old culture is already cast in steel. The tenure will soon come to an end, and they will die and they will be buried together with BN/UMNO after GE13.
    All the handicapped majorities will become beggars during the globalisation era. Only those who are hard-working and smart will survive.

  7. Swallowed d bluff hook, line, n sinker?
    Dat news just 4 show, play play saje
    D entire msm’s balls under NR, Loh Si Mah n UmnoB’s clutch – squeeeeze, oooouch
    How lah 2 hv paradigm shift n transformation
    Protectors of “Takkan Melayu UmnoB Yang Kaya Raya Hilang di Dunia

  8. ///He said Utusan must be more than Umno’s mouthpiece and must be a medium … There must be a paradigm shift for the newspaper – going beyond “race, Islam and country” to play a pivotal role in helping the government achieve its transformation plan.///

    What so difficult? Editors’ appointment and tenure are decided by committee in UMNO made up of UMNO’s leaders. If they all back the PM’s 1 Malaysia there’s no problem – this “paradigm shift for the newspaper – going beyond “race, Islam and country” – to build “an intellectual culture and a critical society” and “play pivotal role in helping the government achieve its transformation plan”.

    A mouthpiece is but the mouth (an agent) that represents and speaks for the “brain” (UMNO) and its policy or agenda.

    The problem is the Mouth knoweth not whether to speak a different inclusive language when the Brain’s commitment to this new language is uncertain.

    Does UMNO President dominate UMNO and is his 1 Malaysia really accepted by all? How’s Mouth to tone down on “race, Islam and country” others like former Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad and various NGOs like Perkasa and Gertak, which have reportedly won support from many Umno members/leaders, l champion and say its UMNO’s purpose and policy agenda to uphold these more so than ever with the 1 Malaysia PM himself defending that their views are not rightwing or extremist???

    It is trite that the Mouth cannot change tone and message of what it says when the Brain itself is ambivalent and unable to send a firm and consistent signal of what to say.

    So the question is really not whether Utusan can change or “continue like Canute to spearhead the resistance to the tide of change in Malaysia” . It is whether the majority in UMNO can in support of Najib.

  9. The only paradigm shift that can happened to Utusan is from external pressure. Keep them busy by suing them. Give them tonnes of court cases so that they have to attend court 2 to 3 times a day. That would keep them really busy.

  10. It was utusan melayu before. But it is utusan malaysia now. That is so that the papers could demean and belittle the rest of us from a higher position than before. The country is saying it. Not the malays. That is what they meant to tell us. Umno obviously felt the need to hang a little more weight to the printed words in the papers.

    Hah. I can see your ketuanans from down here – all limp and flaccid. Come down for some viagra.

  11. Utusan is not a newspaper per se.
    It is UMNO B’s mouthpiece and the worst of the lot in news…with twisted facts and half truths…and encouraging racial disharmony.
    This is a pure UMNO B racists paper.
    LKS is wise to give up reading it.

  12. chengho :
    leave it to market forces , if you do not like dont buy dont read , Malaysia is free country

    Changehole, sucker! Are you sure Malaysia is a free country? The issue of “Allah”, the ISA & etc etc….. Don’t try to suck around here! UMNOputra Hawk & Hog like you is damn chauvinistic & hypocrisy!! Back off to take care of your mama changeholes…….

  13. Utusan Malaysia lived thru the Wawasan 2020, “Ayam duh Prime Minister for All Malaysian zzzz” years pretty much in its own form and getting better at that

    wat maketh is think it can evolve into something better in Which 1 Malaysia era?

    If there is a change of editor, senior writers and put some old guards into ISA protection camp maybe perhaps possibily so but I would luv to read wat our best friend, the friendly objective and approachable Awang Selamat have to write to shuck up to

  14. Utusan malaysia will switch to utusan melayu again when Umno needed it be. The whole bunch of editorial staffs are nothing but Umno’s tools. Some one has sued them for RM10 million and I think many more would follow suit.Maybe just to avoid being sued further more, Najib is now trying to play game by urging Utusan to be a good boy.But how long it’s going to stay ,still remains the 64 million question.

  15. //What so difficult? Editors’ appointment and tenure are decided by committee in UMNO made up of UMNO’s leaders. If they all back the PM’s 1 Malaysia there’s no problem – this “paradigm shift for the newspaper – going beyond “race, Islam and country” – to build “an intellectual culture and a critical society” and “play pivotal role in helping the government achieve its transformation plan”.// (Jeffrey)

    The question is not all UMNO leaders will back the PM’s 1 Malaysia slogan at the moment. It is an undeniable fact that the present day UMNO is indeed formed by a bunch of warlords who carry the different individual political ambitions which may or may not be in conflict with one another. Perhaps it is still too early to call Najib a lone ranger in 1 Malaysia concept in view of his still getting strong support and political assistance from his dearly cousin Hishamuddin Hussein. However, by taking a look at Hishamuddin’s administrative entrenchment in Johor by the embedded political threat from UMNO’s deputy president, Muhyiddin Yassin, we can only be sure that Najib’s political threat for the coming UMNO party election is real.

    While Hishamuddin as the Home Minister may have the good intent to propose launching of an illegal foreign workers ambush campaign in Johor in order to get rid of some illegal workers from the restauranteur and hotelier sector for purpose of freeing some existing job opportunities for the new batch of high school graduates and university graduates, strong resistance will be anticipated coming from Muhyiddin’s political camp. Throughout the past 25 years, Muhyiddin Yassin had been able to build up a strong personal connection with the business community in Johor. Many business funding through the loan being released by the government-linked banks have been given to many businessmen who have good connection with Muhyiddin Yassin in Johor. Of course, as a return of mutual beneficial scheme, Muhyiddin Yassin have been able to obtain his personal political funding from the private sector businessmen who have been given high gearing business loan by the government-linked banks.

    Even though the Home Minister may have the political will to clean up some illegal foreign workers problem in Johor, it is likely that the Immigration Department of Johor will be facing a strong resistance through the invisible hands being manipulated by the disobedient officers in cooperation with private business sector which has strong connection with Muhyiddin Yassin.

    Newspaper media such as Utusan Malaysia are only part of the invisible hands which can cause decisive influence in politics. As a matter of fact, PM Najib seems not to have full control on UMNO and therefore he also has no full control on the editors’ appointment of Utusan Malaysia. Besides Muhyiddin Yassin, there are other warlords in existence in UMNO, such as Mohd Ali Rustam and Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, not to mention Tun Dr Mahathir and his gang.

    PM Najib’s 1 Malaysia concept may only have about three years’ short life span. When comes the next UMNO party election, Najib will quite likely be replaced by Muhyiddin Yassin as UMNO’s new National President. I bet that Najib has no gut to remove the present insubordinate editorial board of Utisan Malaysia for fear of having to pay a high political cost.

  16. uncle monsterball,
    we have a case of chauvinist and racist call another person chauvisinist and racist . do not get in sync with bunch of sucker who do not understand freedom of expression ,not good for your health..u read harakah or rocket lately…

  17. After the defeat in Sibu…Barry Wain’s book is now available in Malaysia.
    Why so many months delay….when Mahathir said…he will not sue……means OK now?
    It is very offensive……but how can real crooks sue accusers….like Lee Kuan Yew do to all accusers?
    Najib said….”Lets make a deal. Robert Lau wins on Sunday…RM5 million cheque ready on monday. I never break any promises I make”
    Najib not only broke so many promises….he lied and treat Malaysians like suckers.
    The biggest promise he broke was to Tunku Razaleigh.
    But UMNO B politicians are famous to tell you to forget the past.
    The second biggest promise he made was choosing to be a crooked stealing RM500 from Malaysians..twisting it as ridiculous huge commission paid out. What kind of politician will steal from Malaysians that voted for him?
    Naturally ..saying he does not know the Mongolian model…is a big big lie..all covered up…with original photos handed to a police officer by the father…destroyed…immigration record of her visits ..all destroyed.
    Destroyed for what…to cover up the two small fut policeman asses?
    Yes..Barry Wains book is released…to start all over again…how to please Malaysians…and few more good news will be planned…to start all over again…”lets forget the past”.
    That’s not freedom nor democratic rights.
    That’s their famous calculated make sure Mahathir shut his mouth for Najib maybe thinking.. mamak supports for Perkasa..may make him loose few votes in Sibu?
    Crooks support crooks…and each if fighting to protect his own ass as much as he can …in UMNO B….which we have seen so many times..being performed….so disunited….yet accuses PR is weak with few frogs jumping out.
    Having serious PR special favour…to corrupted acts…no opportunities to make money in tenders….totally opposite to UMNO B..those few frogs better leave.
    Yes…good riddance to bad rubbish have made Sibu voters trust DAP and PR more.
    Shameful….very shameful….PM stoop so low to make deals with voters in Sibu and lost.
    To Malaysians…that’s the best news for months..with hope and charity for all Malaysians…jump started by Sibu wonderful news.
    LKS said…it was a Sibu miracle.
    What did Najib said?…..’No money to Sibu” Now is that not breaking his promises? Sure it is…but to cover his own ass…went against Najib and said..all promises will be kept.
    That’s doubly shameful for Najib.
    But like old onion face Samy Vellu…keep acting with no shame.

  18. Going further from what Onlooker Politics said in #26, the problem is that both No. 1 or 2 is decided/voted in by party delegates (not voters nationwide or even party members on whole) unlike the US system. Under US system No. 1 chooses no.2 as running mate based on loyalty and compatibility of styles and ideology. It mitigates imperatives of human ambition. Under our system No. 2’s power base is derived more from delegates than the immediate party boss. One has to keep delegates happy and as far as boss goes, not step on his shoes. But every no. 2 has tendency to an inflammation of ambition thinking, as is natural how to nudge his boss to retirement and take over his boss’s job more than his current one. The delegates of course would support exclusive Ketuanan than inclusive 1 Malaysia because the former is where butter is spread on the bread and anyone aspiring to take over top position will then have to be ambivalent to pay lip service to uphold 1 Malaysia so as to not upset the boss apple cart, and yet be seen not conceding on Ketuanan to maintain confidence of the delegates and goodwill of its patron-saint (you know who). Its never easy to try reconcile 2 opposing irreconcilable policies but (to borrow PM’s term) “bull shine” here and there a bit, telling different audiences different things, one hopes to get by! In such a milieu what paradigm shift could be expected of the “Mouthpiece” when the “Brain” is all the time doing Wayang Kulit and giving conflicting signals???

  19. chengho :
    uncle monsterball,
    we have a case of chauvinist and racist call another person chauvisinist and racist . do not get in sync with bunch of sucker who do not understand freedom of expression ,not good for your health..u read harakah or rocket lately…

    Ha ha ha! LOL!

    monsterball Changehole tried to win your heart for supports and backup by addressing you as Uncle !!! Such a cunning wolf! Next time, he will address you as “Tan Seri” or “Sir”. Ha ha ha… LOL!

  20. yea…Bunch of Suckers….I noticed that too…but my monsterball is too heavy for him to carry..and not meant to be carried at all.
    It is meant to hit hard at guys like him.
    He is a real cunning toothless wolf…no doubt about it.
    He has called me Sir too..but I am like Sibu voters….cannot be bought by money or sweet words of nothing.

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