“Battle of Century” Grand finale ceramah – tweets

#P212 #Sibu DAP grand finale crmh near Paramount Hotel MPs ChienJen Teresa NieChing SAs To speak Karpal Anwar Hadi LGE WHL Huge crowds bldg
Saturday, May 15, 2010 8:17 PM

#P212 Roaring +10k crowd near Paramount Hotel – record ceramah turnout in #Sibu history: testimony Sibuans want 2lead change 4Sibu/Swak/Msia
Saturday, May 15, 2010 9:53 PM

#P212 PM Najib in 3rd visit #Sibu promised RM5 mil Rejang 4flood mitigation if BN wins The +10k ppl roared approval 2hold Najib 2account (1)
Saturday, May 15, 2010 9:59 PM

#P212 If Najib does not honour RM5mil flood scheme when HoLeng is wins MP #Sibu serves notice dat Najib will b Opp Leader not PM after 13GE
Saturday, May 15, 2010 10:05 PM

#P212 From chanting +10k crowd #Sibu is prepared 2Lead Swak/Msia 4Change. 2hrs 2go – Odds r now 50-50. We have fighting chance. Go Sibu Go!
Saturday, May 15, 2010 10:18 PM

#P212 Karpal Hadi NgaKorMing rcd tumultous applauses 4their speeches PR leadership w Anwar on stage joined by +10k ppl sang “Just Change”
Saturday, May 15, 2010 10:39 PM

#P212 Mass singing took place under skies providentially brightened by superb fireworks marking it as a sign of destiny 4Sibu Swak Msia
Saturday, May 15, 2010 10:44 PM

#P212 #Sibu +10k ppl grown 2near 15k HoLeng pays tribute 2his wife Irene He explain Taib’s reduction of land lease renewal not good enuf
Saturday, May 15, 2010 10:55 PM

#P212 #Sibu Anwar lifted up by 15k crowd convinced Sibu can chart history of Swak Msia Thunderous applause when Anwar reaffirmed united Msia
Saturday, May 15, 2010 11:01 PM

#P212 #Sibu grand finale ceramah ended w LGE as anchor speaker summoning Sibuans 2lead change Great end 2campaign of Battle of Century
Sunday, May 16, 2010 12:06 AM

311 Replies to ““Battle of Century” Grand finale ceramah – tweets”

  1. Reading the above tweets….I am glad Najib exposed who he is…on the final day.
    Using another RM5 million offers with conditions to Foochow voters…I am happy to read the Foochows responses.
    It seems it will be a tight result…..meaning close to 50% Foochows support SUPP and Najib?
    I honestly cannot believe so many Malaysian Chinese in Sibu are that selfish and agrees to live with no dignity…as second class citizens to UMNO B Malays.
    Before 12th GE…understandable. They have no choice and need to survive .
    Accepting Sarawak is slow to know the truths….nevertheless..after one year…of the 12th GE….all should know the real situations of the country….and know….change of government with a strong alternative is real…right now.
    DAP…keDAILan and PAS….have shown..what PR is to them…not a dream..but real strong alternative for change in government.
    Foochow voters in Sibu…need to wake up and be counted for their conscience and dignity tomorrow.

  2. Bloody corrupt NR openly bribed voters 2 vote 4 SUPP/BN in exchange 4 instant cash pay back
    Based on dat alone, DAP/PR had won this by election – causing NR 2 piss in his panties n 2 resort 2 open illegal vote-buying tactic
    Must get NR charged 4 practising money politics n vote-buying
    Funny thing is his mama rosa sang a song dat showed dat she loves PAS – “d moon represents my heart” (sure got heart ah?)

  3. RM5million to buy the dignity of the Voters using Flood Scheme Money!!
    An humiliation of the wisdom of NJ and to challenge the wisdom of the voters!!
    1. If no Flood there, no money will be there?
    2. But, even if Flood is there, money will not be there IF Election is not there!!
    3. Why Food money should related to Election?

    Meaning at least that if no Election, PM or the Government can sleep their way out??
    However, has the Government, or, PM been creditable for their BASIC RESPONSIBILITY or WORDS??

    NJ has taken Sibu as Genting instead of performing his work!!
    Should anyone like to have a Government to place Terms & Conditions even if they have the Duty to perform, especially during Disaster period or Emergency, such as FLOODING?


    Sibu Voters should vote to Choose who has perform or can perform. SURELY VOTE OUT THOSE WHO COME TO BUY YOUR DIGNITY and Wisdom!!
    Or show your Selfishness to be bought!! – Not a SIN by Law but YOUR HEART!!

  4. ???????????! (Chinese)
    Flooding Fund for Lives (Rough Translation)
    PM take it for Votes!
    No Vote No Money?
    No Elected No Talk!
    Blackmailing or Joking?
    Sibu as Genting?
    If Dignity can be bought, BN sleeps all its way!!
    People have to continue with poverty & tough jobs.
    Where is stability despites of 50 years gone?

  5. Last night Najib said to a crowd in Sibu that if the vote for his Robert Lau Jr…..he will sign a RM5 million chegue on Monday.
    I am sure MACC will say that’s not a condition to bribe someone by Najib.
    But if same words spoken by Anwar or LKS…with lighting speed….they will be arrested for bribery and corruptions.
    They will give he reasons…Opposition uses own money…while Najib have the authority to use our money to do as he likes…even bribing himself…..no harm done.
    Any way….the die is cast.
    Lets wait for the results.

  6. Forget the bribe. RM5million for flood mitigation? Its pathetic. The problem is much much bigger than RM5million. That is all he could muster?

    The point to note is doubt is filling in Najib’s head. About what he can do to swing Chinese vote. When his bull**** don’t work, he will turn to underhanded means. Wait for it. More dirty stuff will come up. Changing the laws, forcing institution to do crap. etc. Zahid Hamidi, Khir Toyo and Muhiyiddin will be let loose like never before. He is absolutely predictable.

  7. Forgive my manners. I think DAP and PR ought to be congratulated already for what they have done. THIS was a good fight. Win or lose, DAP and PR deserve praise. It was different than Hulu Selangor – even PKR stepped up well in this campaign and PAS working in the Malay Melanau community who was unfamiliar with them was pretty good.

    If only this was the case in Hulu Selangor, I am sure Zaid would have won even with the heavy odds stacked against him.

  8. I’m very optimistic of a DAP win. Sibu people tend to vote similarly to Kuchingnites. The only worry are the Dayaks especially those living in longhouses where Tuai rumah have their pocket stuffed with cash. Hopefully they will not be able to influence the younger Dayaks like before.

  9. Let’s be circumspect about this big crowd. I remember the last night of Hulu Selangor’s by election campaign also attracted a 15k strong crowd. This morning I read about voters traditionally voted in Sibu have been transferred without their knowledge to Lanang constituency.

    Are we really the people of dignity (as mentioned by one odd ball here)? If we are, there shouldn’t be people like Robert Lau Junior and his gang of supporters contesting under the BN ticket in the first place. What purpose does he serve by contesting? He said he wanted to seek consensus within BN. May I know for what? – so that he and his family will continue to have cosy life while Sarawak and the common folks are marginalised and exploited without end? So that a Malay/Melanau (who total population is not even 20%) will continue to be the CM of Sarawak and amassed everything to himself?

    Robert Lau Senior was the MP for Sibu for many terms. May I know what did he achieve other than his family business. SUPP is like the big fat cat like MCA. Their participation in politics is never about serving or constructing a better Malaysia. They don’t have such DNA. They are business and self interest first and last. Today we have Lim Kit Siang against George Chan and Chua Soi Lek. In the past it was Lee Kuan Yew fighting against those renegades of similar orientation and character. We never change, we always have reactionaries within our midst and that is why are scr*wed from day one when this nation was formed. It is enough; the people of Sibu must do the right thing today, this morning, and this afternoon. Just do it!

  10. If LKY still around kit and anwar will not survive in politic
    Vote for BN , vote for muhibbah and 1Malaysia
    vote for dap means vote for pas , 2 chauvinist and racist party
    you can believe in Najib , a leader with universal value and color blind
    Vote for BN

  11. Yes, to the people of Sibu, vote for DAP and PR. You want to know why? It is that simple: Lim Kit Siang and the DAP have allowed this half baked cheng hole to come here and say whatever he wants. Now, you try and see whether you can say anything you want in Jib’s blog. It is that simple, but of course this half baked born of Malaysia’s b*astardisation programme will not be able to see it.

  12. I want to make one comment about the likes of family of Robert Lau, christian Chinese, who justify their alliance with BN under the excuse that the opposition cannot make practical difference in people’s lives while cooperation/cooption with BN can. Its the excuse given by MCA, SUPP and especially those in Gerakan that originally was formed to oppose BN. Those excuses may have been valid for a long time but today, those excuses have run out.

    While practicality is largely the most important thing in politics as with many other things. Ideals and ideas matter and sooner or later you have to come back to it. There is absolutely NO justification for working with BN whatever the realism it is. The time has run out for those things for reasonable men. Whatever downside of not working with BN, its better to pay the price now and faster because we can still afford it and the cost is still lower. Those downside of not working with BN is inevitable and have to be paid. Delay merely postphone it, not avoid it and the price higher in doing so.

    Dishing out cash by Najib is a sign of desperation and bankruptcy of idea. Najib should not need to votes of Sibu residence in order for him to lead nationally. (You help me, I help you? Why does Najib need Sibu residence help? The issues he face – corruption, cronism, broken schools, police, judges etc are all within his and his party power. What has or how much are those things got to do with Sibu residence? It should not matter that much. If it does, he is the wrong leader in the first place)

    Najib is lost and we cannot have a lost leadership in this pivotal time in the nation history. Its better to get rid of him and whatever mediocre leadership that comes out from the feudal system of UMNO/BN. Its better for them, its better for everyone. Whatever pain we have to pay to that end is justified even if means bankrupting this country to do so.

  13. Dayaks and Ibans should break the stranglehold of those tuai rumah, or headman of long houses who for temporary financial benefits will sell and have sold their own people’s heritage by urging them to continually support political control by Melanau group who though constitute 10.5% – 11% of Sarawak electorate disproportionately control 85% of Sarawak’s wealth!

    Its a case of haves/capitalists represented by White haired Rajah’s family/Sarawak Capital and Lau family and KTS versus foisting upon have nots dayaks Ibans and indigenous groups dispossessed of their native lands and rights, being relegated to backwaters of development for decades.

    Capitalists have exploited your social heirarchy and traditional subservience to the leadership of your long house patriarch, Tuai Rumah, Temenggung or Panglima or Penghulu, whatever you call them.

    Its easier to control and bribe the few at top of social heirarchy and make them in turn make the rest in long houses and interior to deliver the votes to their patron. The patron only throws largesse during elections and by elections when they need the votes but otherwise they have no time for you. By this method combining money politics – and timing when to re-distribute some of the deveopment entitlment withheld until election time – a vise like choke-hold is put around your neck and hopefully your future generations.

    What have got to lose by Change if not your Chains???

    There was a time when Dayaks (a compendious term for all indigeneous) won’t even entertain Opposition campaigners at entering the long houses.

    That they are wising up is signalled by the fact that nowadays they do.

    This is what Wong Ho Leng said as reported by Malaysiakini’s Wong Teck Chi and Joseph Sipalan May 7, 10 – “The response from the Ibans and Melanaus is very good when I visit their longhouses. For the first time my cheek and hands have been kissed by them. This time around I will try to cover all the longhouses.”

    At least this is sign of some ‘foreplay’ (compared to before). Lets hope the Dayak swing vote today, which may well be decisive, will signal more to come and lead to more engagement with a suitor in replacement of the usual one who has been ravishing and keeping them in that state by only the bondage of money.

  14. Let’s hope n pray: this day, we have a NEW HISTORIC MORNING n morning has broken

    Let’s hope n pray too dat at all polling stations in Sibu, we hear voters yelling loudly n bravely “TIM–BER” as they chop down or vote out d old, rotten tree of SUPP/BN

    B brave n b our pioneers n trend setters, Sibuans!
    Ride d ROCKET away fr a racist n corrupt Malaysia
    God bless n godspeed!

  15. I agree with bigjoe that using executive jets etc for campaigning is blatant corrupt practice as if not for buy election, PM would visit Sibu maybe only once in 5 years . Let us demand that any new government we elect will make better use of government facilities. So how much did the jet fuel cost the taxpayers?

  16. Despite d evil, cruel, self-enriching, divide-&-rule, n anti-nationalistic practices of UmnoB/BN 4 >50 years, there is unfortunately a pack of opportunistic nonMalays who justify their serfdom 2 UmnoBputras by telling others 2 b practical n 2 accept d pecking order
    As long as these opportunistic nonMalays r allowed 2 prosper under UmnoB, they r numbed 2 being sodomised by UmnoB
    Robert Lau n his family members n friends r so grateful 2 hv a business empire in Sibu at d mercy n generosity of UmnoB – n 4 dat, they sold their souls 2 d devils n r willing 2 suppress others, including their fellow
    Christians, fr voting against UmnoB/BN
    They want 2 serve d ppl, but really what hv they done besides looking after their own business interests n rubbing shoulders with UmnoB devilish masters?
    TIME 2 GET RID of these little devils controlled by bigger devils
    May Sibuans start d chain reaction n domino effect

  17. “Putrajaya. We have a problem!!”

    “Money not enough. Natives won’t bite”.

    “Please evacuate. Repeat. Evacuate.”

    “Please send 1Malaysia Jet pronto!!”

    “Tsu Na Mee coming. Hurry”


    “Sibu. We hear you”.

    “We are sending our submarine”.

    “The very one that won’t dive”.

    “Now it won’t surface”.

    “Don’t worry. We will fix the gear soon”.

    “Meantime, pray to TPK for mercy”.

    “Over and out”.

  18. ///“If Robert Lau becomes the MP on Sunday, on Monday I will ask the cheque to be prepared,” Najib told the all-Chinese audience./// (The Malaysian Insider)

    Najib has to be kicked out. We cannot have a PM corrupt to the core.

  19. Just hope and pray that the Rocket and PR will win Sibu.It is only with this success we,all the good citizens of the country can kick out all the liars,the cheats,the thieves,the robbers,the hypocrites,the opportunists,the racists,the religious bigots,the eunuchs who have squandered and plundered the wealth of the country for 53 years.

  20. In both HS n Sibu buy elections, NR poured instant billions n millions 2 d ppl there
    Just like dat, WITHOUT hving 2 go through proper approval process
    Maybe under UmnoB/BN’s governance, there is NO PROPER approval process, just up 2 d whim n fancy of PM 2 dish out billions n millions

    Dis is blatant open bribery n abuse of power without accountability by UmnoBputras
    Dis explains Y ppl like Razak Baginda n wife were able to receive 0.5 billion RM of commission without doing anything

    We should all b very worried at d way NR gave away our nation’s $$$$
    He treats our nation’s $$$$ like his private coffer 4 his own use (learned fr MMK?)
    Surely he can also give away billions n millions 2 his family members n cronies n 2 bail them out fr bad business ventures
    No wonder our citizens r suffering fr lack of funds 4 development of infrastructures

    A vote 4 SUPP is a vote 4 corruption; TAK NAK

  21. najis is color blind except green, red and blue. The colors of ringgits.
    sibu, vote for your sons and daughters future. There a no future with the house of thieves and murderers. Do not sell your vote for a temporary fix. We need another tsunami to really sweep and bury this evil regime.

    Remember gertak. Remember perkosa. Remember may 13 rally by mamak. This is what you get from this evil regime. Do you want your children, grandchildren, grand-grand children to go thru this and be oppressed?

    Vote for rockin’ rocket. Down with sinking dacing.

  22. “As traditional head hunters you should take head than give head to your ravishers.”

    Don’t insult the dayaks, Jeffrey. They have enough dignity not to give head to Najib. They know he has been getting it from Rosie…

  23. PR leaders from the Peninsula are paying for their flights to Sibu using their own money. The big question is— WHO is paying for the flights of bn personnel such as Jib? By-elections campaigning is not part of government business, so they cannot use military aircraft or public money for such purposes.

  24. BN is a regime of fear n intimidation, as well as a regime of ‘trial by convenience’
    NR n his ministers can openly abuse d government agencies n instruments, n bribe voters – no problem, not a single investigation by our mata-mata n EC
    PR MPs n state assemblymen, just some minor actions will invite mata-mata 2 investigate n, more often than not, b found guilty, fined, n then disqualified fr holding posts
    Of cos, if they indicate desire 2 jump, then they will b sanitised n not found guilty

  25. Boh-liao #29, looks like shades of Myanmar and Zimbabwe, isn’t it?
    I suggest that all Malaysians, who want a better future for themselves and their children, spread the word that UMNO/BN must be dumped.
    If they need convincing, suggest that they visit Uncle Lim’s blog; it’s an excellent chronicle of their nefarious activities.

  26. Regardless of who wins the Sibu buy-election, Pakatan should instituted legal action against Najib, the Election Commission, the MACC for blatant bribery and abdication of duties. Go to the people and appeal to their sense of fair play and morality. Collect donations to defray the cost. Anyone who has seen the “You help me, I help you” video and not felt revolted has already done a disservice to the country. This culture has been practised by the BN for a long time, but never has it been so blatant and cavalier as was practised by Najib.

    For the sake of Malaysia, sue the pants off Najib and the BN. The amount of collection from the people will reveal whether they want to stop the rot or to commit hara-kiri with the future of their children.

  27. We forget….even if DAP wins by a small margin.. DAP will surely loose…as famous juggling of votes in ballot boxes quite famous in Sibu.
    Therefore DAP trully depends on thousands of pro SUPP voters.. to turn against SUPP….to win by small margin.
    Lets see dignity and unity at it’s best or worst in Sibu.

  28. 4 excellent videos @ http://pahlawanvolunteers.wordpress.com/2010/05/16/selepas-tsunami-%E2%80%93-discern-for-yourself-seditious-or-objective/

    Plz ask young n old ppl 2 visit d site n watch them
    Plz transfer them into VCDs n give VCDs 2 rural folks – 4 them 2 C how UmnoBputras help themsleves 2 our money, wasting our money on themselves n their families (O yes, u help me, I help u, then hee hee, I help myself banyak banyak kali, first class here, first class there; no shame or remorse even when investigated)

  29. “Bribery, a form of pecuniary corruption, is an act implying money or gift given that alters the behavior of the recipient. Bribery constitutes a crime and is defined by Black’s Law Dictionary as the offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting of any item of value to influence the actions of an official or other person in charge of a public or legal duty. The bribe is the gift bestowed to influence the recipient’s conduct. It may be any money, good, right in action, property, preferment, privilege, emolument, object of value, advantage, or merely a promise or undertaking to induce or influence the action, vote, or influence of a person in an official or public capacity.”


    And it was reported in The Sunday Post paper that the DPM’s office made a RM 1.75 million “special grant” to 4 Methodist churches late yesterday. Its Sunday today, a holy day for the Christians.

  30. I have a strange feeling Chengho know something in advance to be so quiet.
    His silence is good sign for DAP.
    If Indonesia looses Thomas Cup to China…I will faark him day and night too.
    Bets are on….and Indonesia have never lost to China in Malaysia.

  31. The sad news is not that.. DAP may loose…but Sibu Chinese voters can be very selfish and seems to think supporting SUPP who supports to divide and rule…is good for Malaysia…OR…are they such cowards…dare not vote for change of government…..fearing peace and harmony will be destroyed by Najib?
    It seems DAP is trailing by 1200 votes right now…showing clearly Foochow voters have dead mindset and mentalities…that pleases Najib.
    Forget about dignity and unity.
    It will be to each his own ways …how to survive..as second class citizens.

  32. sheriff singh :
    And it was reported in The Sunday Post paper that the DPM’s office made a RM 1.75 million “special grant” to 4 Methodist churches late yesterday. Its Sunday today, a holy day for the Christians.

    You mean to say that the Christians sold their votes for money? That would have been the greatest irony! But from what I have observed so far, when it comes to money, even God has to step aside, what more religious values.

    This election has made vote-buying into a fine art!

  33. Based on d votes counted so far, sad 2 say, it looks like many Sibuans don’t mind 2 b abused, raped, n sodomised by UmnoB/SUPP/BN, as long as they r given some sin $$$ by UmnoB/SUPP/BN
    Well, folks, UmnoB/SUPP/BN knew how 2 continue 2 rule Malaysia – more blatant $$$ bribery
    Expect more PR politicians, eager 2 prosper while d market values r high, 2 jump

  34. it won’t be easy for dap to win since most ppl there, means, sarawakian and sabahan have already being brainwash thru media and gomen tv. have spoken to bro. in sibu, even some of the younger generations prefer bn. pR should start concentrating and move fast to the people from now for the next ge.

    anyway, i have type a comment in “wee choo keong” wordpress to tell him to resign fully instead of being an independent, since i vote for pR, not him in wangsa maju! pity, he did not post my comment at all.

    his wordpress…

    may pR dap win the sibu election!


  35. As at 5.11pm, all the votes have not been counted yet. Only polling stations in several Iban areas are closed and the unofficial results showed DAP trailing by 1,029 votes. Why is Undergrad2 so pessimistic, admitting defeat even before the bulk of the counting is over?

    As you can see, DAP does not lose, even if it lost this buy-election. On the contrary, it has shown itself to be able to give a good fight, making BN jittery enough to keep on pumping out money, even up to the very last minute.

    Even if BN wins, there is no glory, given that they won by unfair means and blatant vote-buying in broad daylight… degrading Malaysia to the status of that of banana republics. Not surprisingly, EC knows what they are there for…. to help BN win, LOL.

  36. Undergrad2, why don’t you just die! You got yourself kicked out from UM in the70s, and that was because the standard of the university was too high for you at that time. So there is no need for you to feel bitter about everything. Get yourself readmitted and I sure you will pass this time. There is no Dr Lai Ah Hoon there anymore. With all the nincompoop lecturers, you should pass this time.

  37. http://www.themalaysianinsider.com/malaysia/article/najib-dishes-out-more-money-as-race-tightens/

    Najib says: “I want to make a deal with you. Can we have an understanding or not? The understanding is quite simple. I help you, you help me… Do we have a deal or not? We do! You want the RM5 million, I want Robert Lau to win,” he told the crowd… If Robert Lau becomes the MP on Sunday, on Monday I will ask the cheque to be prepared.”

    And that’s how Robert Lau will win, a win without glory… I bet that’s also the magic touch that turn MPs into frogs.

    DAP is the only political party that never join BN even when it was first formed in 1974. It sticks to its principles, unlike Gerakan. Look at what Gerakan has become today? Koh Tsu Koon does look pathetic.

    I rather be Wong Ho Leng and lose, rather than be Robert Lau and win. Winning by hook or by crook… that’s not what I feel is right. Winning is not everything. We ought to live by certain principles.

  38. monsterball :
    I have a strange feeling Chengho know something in advance to be so quiet.
    His silence is good sign for DAP.
    If Indonesia looses Thomas Cup to China…I will faark him day and night too.
    Bets are on….and Indonesia have never lost to China in Malaysia.

    The results are out. NST reports: “China wins Thomas Cup”

    KUALA LUMPUR: China won the Thomas Cup 2010 badminton tournament, beating Indonesia 3-0 in the final at the Putra Stadium in Bukit Jalil today:

    Lin Dan bt Taufik Hidayat 21-7,21-14;
    Cai Yun/Fu Haifeng bt Markis Kido/Hendra Setiawan 25-23,16-21,21-12;
    Chen Jin bt Simon Santoso 19-21,21-17,21-7.

  39. yea 3-0….Indonesia habis wayang.
    Lin Dan is undoubtedly much better that all.
    Chong Wei and Taufik…no where near.
    Lin Dan is the new “Mr.Ting”…who beat everyone easily.
    And looks like DAP is heading for a defeat too.
    Congratulations to China and sad news for Malaysian politics..

  40. Undergrad2 was reporting the truth about the Sibu election….and look at Lim Suck Ass insults poured to him.
    Wishing Undergrad2 to die too.
    What a jerk this scumbag Lim Suck Ass is.

  41. I enjoyed the thomas cup final until the prize presentation,,,,

    It was this short and fat woman giving metals to indonesian team… oh god, 1st time saw her on TV, she can hardly walk,,,,

  42. monsterball :
    Undergrad2 was reporting the truth about the Sibu election….

    I need to see the overall result before I decide whether DAP loses. A loss of 3,000-4,000 votes (excluding postal votes) to me is not a loss. You know what postal votes are.

  43. Hopefully d low turnout % was translated 2 d low turnout of Chinese BN supporters – perhaps their conscience pricked them into not going 2 d polling stations, no votes 4 SUPP but kia si 2 vote 4 DAP (kia si voting is not confidential)
    On d other hand, hopefully, Chinese DAP supporters voted in large number
    Then, DAP/PR victory may b possible

  44. Malaysian Insider reports: “With just over half of the ballot boxes counted, the DAP leads by 838 votes against the Barisan Nasional (BN) as counting continues in the Sibu by-election.

    According to unofficial sources, the DAP has received 8,888 votes to BN’s 8,050, with 57 out of 110 ballot boxes counted.”

    With 2,537 postal votes, 838 x 2 = 1,676 votes majority by DAP may not translate into a win. But with so much daylight vote-buying, DAP cannot be said to have lost if it really loses. If anything, it shows that DAP is a formidable opponent these days. Anyway, the days when BN can win hands down in any by-election is over.

  45. According to Malaysiakini, DAP’s majority is 1,577 with about 75% of the votes counted. If this trend continues, it means that DAP’s final majority will 2,103, not enough to counter the postal votes.

    Obviously, even if DAP loses, BN cannot be too jubilant. The signs are there that BN’s heydays are over.

  46. monsterball :
    Latest news is that… DAP lead by more than 2500 votes with 75% being counted.

    Wow, where did you get that result from? If your report is more accurate than Malaysiakini, it means that DAP may win with a 3,333 majority, more than enough to counter the postal votes!

  47. ekompute…I think undergrad2 was reporting latest news ..and not the final result.
    I also read DAP was loosing and now..DAP is leading by 2500 votes.
    There is no need for Lim Suck Ass to swear at undergrad2 and wish him dead.

  48. Latest Malaysiakini report: “DAP leads by 2,817 votes. About 87% of votes have been counted so far.”

    That’s going to translate to a 3,238 majority if the trend continues. We can give all the postal votes to BN!

  49. Regardless whether undergrade2 trying to fool us…you need not be that too smart…to expose him and wish him dead.
    Now you wish I die with him too.
    Is that how you prove what a smart ass you are?
    You better wish you can live as old and healthy as me.
    For me…everyday is a bonus you suck ass braggart.
    I wish you long suffering life…sucking asses your whole life…a confirmed bachelor…where no female wants to get near to you.
    UMNO B toads wishes I die too..few years ago.
    Yes I wish you long life with no happiness..empty heart and mouth full of sh…t worms.

  50. With 90% of votes counted DAP’s lead is 2,920 votes per Malaysiakini (as at now).

    Accoding to The MalaysianInsider: “With more than three quaters of the ballot boxes counted, the DAP leads by 2,817 votes against the Barisan Nasional (BN) as counting continues in the Sibu by-election. According to unofficial sources, the DAP has received 15,655 votes to BN’s 12,838, with 90 out of 110 ballot boxes counted.”

    The strong showing of Chinese votes for PKR in Hulu Selangor – and the present trend so far showing in Sibu may have something to do with the fear of Non Malay groups arising from the well publicised activities of TDM/Perkasa and other groups like Gertak.

    Their activities could have made Najib’s traditional method of throwing devlopment & educational grants ineffective.

    The country has become very polarised on ethnic/religious lines notwithstanding – and because of – 1 Malaysia that has caused the proliferation/rise of Malay nationalistic groups supporting NEP.

  51. Looks like DAP win. There is a god. All you so-called christians of MCA, Gerakan, SUPP etc. Repent.

    I have lived among all sort of christians all over the world – What MCA, Gerakan and SU{PP leaders and member does is UNchristian. Its blasphemy.

    Same goes to all the corporate titans that lived of BN largese. To not do righteous when you can because of material wealth in this world, is a sin.

  52. It’s now 3,022 votes majority in favor of DAP. About 90.5% of votes have been counted so far.

    Seems like the gap is getting bigger and bigger! Big upset for BN expected!

  53. Same goes to all the corporate titans that lived of BN largese. To not do righteous when you can because of material wealth in this world, is a sin. Bigjoe

    that is right, i think i know who you have in mind. This guy talks too much about God, but he is no difference from most scumbags corporate asses.

  54. This is better news than winning the Thomas Cup.
    Who cares about that ass sucker now….who can wish undergrad2 and me….dead.
    When you wish good people to die….becareful…..it may be you to die after all….with your dirty stinking mouth.
    Let Jeffery take care of him.

  55. According to MI: 2,809 postal votes not counted
    Apa itu? Tot EC informed us d number of postal votes is 2,537!??
    Votes in today = 32,742, postal votes = 2,537
    Total votes = 35,279
    50% of dat = 17,640 sure win 1

  56. Jeffery, polarisation is their doing, not the non Malays’. I think we have to send the message to them unequivocally. They can not continue to behave like third world tribes in a modern world. It is time they learn. Of course they will continue to influence the fence sitters among Malays but I believe there are liberal and right thinking Malays whom we can cultivate. This country must change or we die altogether. People like Ibrahim and even that mamak should be sent to Kamunting for a year or two. I tell you what if Jib dares to do that, he will win back the support of many. All UMNO leaders present and future must decide whether they want to be liberal and inclusive or choose to remain a third world tribal leaders like that mamak, period.

  57. Malaysiakini server down! Go to http://anilnetto.com/malaysian-elections/live-eve-of-polling-for-sibu-by-election/

    DAP: 16,786
    BN: 13,656
    Ind: 136
    Majority: 3,130
    93.9% votes counted

    Even if BN wins the balance of the votes, amounting to some 1,986 votes, DAP will win tonight. But the majority of just 1,144 will definitely be wiped up by the postal votes. Postal votes should not be allowed as it makes a mockery of the election results.

  58. limkamput :
    People like Ibrahim and even that mamak should be sent to Kamunting for a year or two.

    Well, I strongly believe that they will be sent to a place thousands of time worse than Kamunting. I-s-l-a-m abhors racism. Let these people enjoy their ‘heaven-on-earth’ now because they will never be allowed to enjoy anything at all in the hereafter.

  59. Why are remaining of the boxes not bought in and counted quickly, why the delay?

    Please I hope they are man enough to honour the result. See what happens in Thailand -precisely you take away the democratic right of the people, the country will be in chaos. The present government is illegal, period.

  60. yip….ekompute…Malaysiakini jammed by UMNO B?…hahahahahaha
    I am now watching TV107 …for latest.
    DAP win is sure….as you can see all Malaysians TVs are so quiet on the election.
    When they in…in Hulu Selangor..before the results..they show those crooks sitting and watching the results.
    In fact they knew the result already..as no PR guys seen watching said result.
    That was for show to the public.
    Now all shut off on DAP victory.
    That’s how fair our news from UMNO B are.
    Never mind…lots of ways to get latest news.
    Cannot wait to see Najib sign RM5 million on Monday as promised….plus all those promised to schools..totally another RM18 million.

  61. DAP 18,211
    Menang lah! Well done, Sibuans n all PR ground workers!
    If we doubted you all b4, thousand apologies!!
    U showed d way: gasak BN’s $$$, but vote 4 DAP/PR!
    May dis b d beginning of d downfall of BN in Sarawak n Sabah!

    Let’s C what MMK, Perkasa, SUPP, MCA, n UmnoB hv 2 say

  62. So proud that Sibu voters value dignity and spoke so well for all Malaysians.
    Yes..if I also have offended the Foochow voters..I humbly apologize.
    But to those Foochow voters that still support SUPP and Najib’s …never too late to learn.
    Cannot get in Malaysiakini.
    I guess….their work is done…and close shop for a short rest?

  63. Anilnetto.com latest says: SIBU – OFFICIAL DAP 15493 BN 13425 with 95 of 110 boxes reported. Maj 2068

    Bad news… but even if DAP loses, it did put up a good fight, that’s more important.

  64. Anilnetto.com latest says:

    limkitsiang: #P212 #Sibu Told BN leaders left counting centre virtually admitting defeat. Some time b4 off results are known awaiting postal ballot

  65. vsp :
    Malaysiakini latest update”
    DAP leads by 3,944 votes, leaders claim victory

    Contradictory reports that I am receiving. I certainly hope you are right because even if the 2,500 odd postal votes are not yet counted and given wholly to BN, they will still lose.

  66. R DPM n BN agencies now busy cooking up a new version of Kampua Mee n will they give us a shocking announcement 2moro?
    Will mama rosa fly 2 Sibu 2moro 2 hand out d millions promised by NR?

  67. NR 2 mama rosa: Maaf lah, 1st lady, orang Sibu ni useless, bribed them millions, still kalah lah
    Mama rosa: U betul useless ni, badminton kalah, Sibu pun kalah, don’t touch me 2nite n dis week, no shiok shiok too, pee sleep outside, go cari your kawan ful of sai tidur lah

  68. DAP lost by one vote because a nincompoop by the name of Lim Kam Put aka Lebai b. Kamput is not sure if he wants to wash his backside like Saiful did after two days or wipe his ass. As it turns out he wiped his ass and spoiled the one vote that would have made the difference!

  69. tweet from Anil:

    Anil: Something very strange is happening. Now, Mkini reports that the Election Commission chief has sent an SMS saying that voter turnout “could be more than 60 per cent”.

  70. Ho ho… It might something is going to happen like Perak state!!! Cheat & force! Boleh, boleh, tentu-lah boleh!!! Bunch of suckers!

    If bunch of suckers demanded for recounting, they must do the same in Hulu Selangor for recounting!!! What if DAP lost after recounting? It could happen; this is Bolehland! They cheat, manipulate, distort, rip, rape,etc….

  71. 21:47

    limkitsiang: #P212 Is there any attempt 2steal #Sibu byelection from great ppl of Sibu after a great campaign involving PM DPM n Swak CM?

    Anil: But if you add the figures of the unofficial tally DAP 18570, BN 15980 and independent 201, you get 34751 – which is more than the votes cast of 32742!

    Now, that’s a big Hmmmm.

  72. Looks like bn is playing the dirty trick again!

    the “extra voters” must be phantom voter hidding inside the counting center waiting for the order to appear since it is a razor think margin!

  73. Bunch of suckers have to cheat, distort and manipulate, rip and etc to win, man! It is important to them for this election after all the pussi-kat promised bunch of elites to Sibuans…. They expect to win, no matter how…., CHEAT & FORCE! They did in PERAK, WHY THEY CAN”T DO IT HERE?

  74. D whole world had watched d most dirty n worst buy election in Malaysia

    D whole world is watching d dirty tricks of our despicable EC guys working in cohoots with n UmnoB 2 cheat DAP/PR of VICTORY in Sibu

    D election process is abused by EC n UmnoB
    We MUST kick UmnoB/BN out of Putrajaya 2 reestablish dignity, honor, trust, good n transparent governance

  75. “You give me what I want, I give you what you want.”
    Disgusted Rakyat to Slimy Najis: THE OPPOSITE!
    a la liberté!
    Champagne to right-thinking Malaysians, to DAP! To all Sibu folks, And to the 70 postal votes (UR brave).

  76. DAP won by 398! Wonderful!
    Thank you, Sibuans, esp d Chinese there!

    A wonderful display of united efforts among DAP, PAS, n PKR against d common evil, SUPP/UmnoB/BN!
    Keep up d efforts but do reflect n improve 2 win d eventual war against UmnoB/BN
    Morning has really broken n we hv a brave new dawn

  77. Congratulations to DAP/PR and Sibu voters. Sibu voters. It it a beginning of new era for Sarawak and Malaysia.

    Together we fight against corruptions, cronyism. racism and religious bully!

    Sibu boleh! Sarawak Boleh! Foochow boleh!

    Jom…kita ubah!!

  78. D mighty Rejang River has roared its approval 4 CHANGE n support 4 DAP/PR
    Thank you 2 d late MP who decided 2 kick d bucket – a truly great sacrificial act 2 Sibuans in d name of democracy
    Any BN or PR-dropped out MPs decide 2 mati as d greatest servce they can do 2 their constituents? Let’s pray hard
    Let’s C what RTM n TV3 will spin abt this great Sibu victory in d upcoming news

  79. Congratulations to Kit/DAP.

    The underground betting was in favour of DAP by 5% margin. Malaysiakini’s political commentator/scientist [Ong Kian Meng] who predicted wrong for Hulu Selangor was uncannily accurate in his last week’s analysis and prediction of a narrow DAP victory by less than 500 votes (He’s only 102 votes off the mark!)

  80. Jeffrey,

    me too less than 5% margin for Dap to win..
    Congrat uncle Kit eventhough i do not support Dap but you must get worry too the racial line was clearly divided between chinese and non chinese…

  81. The frogs from PKR including the latest WCK from Wangsa Maju should now resign and let the people decide if they still have the support of the respective electorate.To these thick skinned and b_lless opportunists,resign and seek mandate from the people again.

  82. Congratulations to the people of Sibu for voting with their conscience and wisdom! Despite the millions of ringgit in taxpayers money being used by UMNO to bribe the people of Sibu, they were not as gullible as Ulu Selangor. Hopefully and prayerfully, PR will take over the state as well next year. Shame to UMNO for using taxpayers money for their selfish agenda to remain in power. Shame to UMNO for manipulating the ballot box and postal votes through their EC puppets and other government machineries. Shame to all the UMNO and BN ministers who spread blatant lies about progress in Sarawak and Malaysia. Let us pray hard for the downfall of UMNO in the next GE! Let us pray hard for the leaders in PR who are undergoing unjust persecution by UMNO, especially Anwar. Let us hope that the international community will also help us to put pressure on UMNO and its cronies to stop its corruption, cruelty and injustice!

  83. Congratulations Sdr Lim and DAP, but please remember to stay united with PKR and PAS. All must genuinely work toward a liberal and inclusive Malaysia. Deeds not words, please. Malaysia has suffered enough under one moronic leader after another. Please for once do the right thing for the people of this country. We can’t take our fame, positions, power and wealth when we leave. Please genuinely love the people and bring decent livelihood to all. Malaysia is rich enough to provide this much.

  84. Re post #3, sorry Ong Kian Meng is not ‘off mark’. His prediction “less than 500 votes” is on mark to the dot. A remarkable prediction – in hindsight.

    Prediction based on 7% swing of Chinese votes to DAP and up to 5% swing from Iban to DAP assuming no change in the level of Melanau/Malay support for SUPP, which will remain at a high level of approximately 85% – the 2008 level.

    Reasons for the swing :”There are a number of factors which can account for the expected fall in the Chinese support for BN. Unhappiness with the incumbent chief minister and the uncertainty of the impending leadership transition, infighting within SUPP, a number of campaign issues which can have local salience, such as the ‘Allah’ issue, are some of the more prominent factors.” – Malaysiakini Ong Kian Ming
    May 15, 10.

  85. ///but you must get worry too the racial line was clearly divided between chinese and non chinese…/// – Chengho

    It is not the DAP or PKR that starts this. One has to be honest regarding who starts it and has intent to firther exacerbate it.

  86. undergrad2, you are talking nonsense. There is only one party that continuously want to instigate the people to racial politics. DAP, PKR and PAS are certainly not such parties.

  87. DAP’s next battle is to strategize how to win support from other races (like what PAS is now doing).

    DAP should understand that there is a LIMIT it can win if it just depends on Chinese votes.

    It is high time that DAP studies what strategies it can deploy to win the hearts and minds of other races before the party steps into the war zones of the “election war of the century”, namely the 13th GE.

  88. This is a classic case of David killing Goliath. With millions of the rakyat’s money being used as bribery, the people of SIBU stood firm and did no succumb to the torrents of open bribery by the UMNO head honcho who spoke loud and clear ” I help you and you must help me and you know what I want” This is exactly what the mata mata (policemen) will say when they are holding out their summon book in front of you. ” Saya tolong you , you pun mahu tolong saya ”
    It is a bloody shameless act and a low down tactic to win the voters. This is already an indication that UMNO will not change. Corruption is in their blood and probably a trademark in their DNA.

  89. To fight BN, you have to fight the whole government establishments – the civil service, the judiciary, police, MACC and now EC. EC must explain the delay. Don’t let it rest.

  90. Its the beginning of the end for Najib and Taib.

    No doubts about it. Oh, for Rosemary too. She’s sulking tonight. After all the practice she did to screech out that Chinese song.

  91. We can do better. We need to kick the backside of the younger voters to make the effort to vote – although it must be difficult for someone to travel from KL to Sibu to vote in a by-election.

    The message to White Hair and UMNO is simple – no amount of bribery or intimidation is going to stop the march for change. You have mismanaged the State and the country. You have stolen what rightfully belongs to the people.

  92. White Hair is going to put the blame on Najib and vice versa. Najib made this into an UMNO initiative, relegating SUPP to an almost invisible role. Najib is going to say that the rot was at state level.

    Face it guys – Sarawakians don’t want UMNO and they certainly have enough of White Hair.

  93. I don’t know Sarawak’s affairs first hand enough to say with confidence but, as I have said before, my guess is firstly DAP is a party better organised, campaigned better than (say) PKR in Hulu selangor crippled by its infightings, defections, late start in campaign etc; secondly, as I said in earlier posting on Sibu electorate – neither the Chinese (67%) nor Sarawak Bumis (22%) (whose position is hardly comparable to Bumis in Semenanjong) benefit from status quo especially the NEP or Ketuanan! We’re talking of 89% of the electorate has no great problem with change but with considerable grouses of status quo!” This is not the case of Hulu Selangor where more than 50% electorate are supposedly beneficiaries of status quo. In Sibu the ‘new factor’ in equation between 2008 and now is
    intensification of ‘Ketuanan’ by various groups given patronage by a former premier and the apparent acquiescence, if not outright support, by many within ruling party for their agenda in spite of espousing 1 Malaysia to which the Ketuanan agenda is diametrically opposed. All these racial talk and hypocrisy frighten others of their future..not to discount the fact that such an agenda is also identified with clamours to ban the use of Allah word in East Malaysia that is seen as an unwarranted encroachment into East Malaysian religious affairs that must have incurred the displeasure of many a Christian Chinese as well as some Dayaks/Iban.

  94. The turnout at the by-election was more than that at the GE. It was over 70% but the EC said initially it was a low turnout below 60%.

    They can’t be that wrong by 10 over percent. They can count can’t they?

    They must be hiding the extra 10% for some purpose. Sneaky !!

  95. ///Time is changing for better///.

    This is so only if such results (of Chinese electorate) rejecting BN (in Hulu Selangor & Sibu) make UMNO see the importance of being more “inclusive” in line with professed 1 Malaysia. It will NOT be so if it elicits the contrary and opposite response, which is unfortunately the likelier case.

  96. CONGRATS to DAP and the brave people of Sibu!
    It is now time to plan on how to win the state elections as Sarawakians can play a pivotal role to get more control in the Federal Government – if Sarawkians control enough seats, they can help form a coalition government with PR after the next elections.

  97. A very sweet victory of Justice vs Corruption!

    Four Sibu Methodist churches sold their votes to the federal government for RM1.75 million in the final hours of the by-election campaign.

    Shame on them… If I were a member of one of these four Methodist churches, I will forsake them and join another church. Jesus must be shaking his head in Heaven!

  98. CORRECTION: 1Malaysia is not working because of people like Mahathir and Ibrahim Ali… They think they are geniuses by trying to intimidate the voters of another May 13 but Heaven is shaking its head.

  99. ROCKIN’ ROCKET…congratulations. People of Sibu…you have spoken. You are theirs no more.

    Freedom from the evil regime of gertak, perkosa and mamak may13 rally. But sadly, it is still based on race.

    well najis, you still have to pay up even though you lose…LKS, make him pay, pay and pay…

  100. With all their juggling on postal votes….DAP still won it by a majority of 386 votes.
    It looks like a close fight?
    Not so…….but useless to explain the famous magic tricks by the Election Commissioner……one after the other….all the same.
    A win is a win.
    Look back and recalled…besides money….Najib went to Sibu three times…saw Tau Pak Kong…and used the famous Bill Clinton words…”Trust me”.
    Bill Clinton also lied about sex…..but at last admitted and forgiven.
    In Malaysia…Najib admit anything he is being accused of….it’s a life jail sentence or hang till he is dead.
    ‘Trust me”…bribing and fooling with Chinese God got Allah hoping mad too.

  101. Congrats to the DAP and PR!!! Well done! But the majority could have been 10,000 if not for that greatest cheat on this land…Najib Razak and Taib, the Sarawak pirate

    But what really cliniched it is DAP’s well oiled election machinery which is comparable if not better then PAS. In direct contrast to the poor election machinery the PKR fellas have. Both DAP and PAS must shore up PKR’s election machinery or Anwar needs to outsource it completely to these parties if Putrajaya is the objective.

  102. undertaker888 :
    ROCKIN’ ROCKET…congratulations. People of Sibu…you have spoken. You are theirs no more.
    Freedom from the evil regime of gertak, perkosa and mamak may13 rally. But sadly, it is still based on race.
    well najis, you still have to pay up even though you lose…LKS, make him pay, pay and pay…

    Not a good sign for BN when the DPM is in charge of the election campaign and the PM personally visited Sibu three times and still lose… even worst is when the PM is personally involved in vote-buying and still lose!

    The chance of DAP winning in Sibu is so much less than the chance of PKR winning in Hulu Selangor and yet they still win! It’s a miracle and we must thank Tua Pek Kong for that! As for the four Methodist churches, shame on you!

  103. monsterball :
    SUPP candidate Sibu residents will suffer.
    Well the have been suffering for decades…”what’s new doc?”

    I think Robert Lau has forgotten that this is a parliamentary by-election and not a state assembly by-election! What he is saying is that Sibu residents will continue to suffer under BN because all the three state seats under the Sibu parliamentary constituency are held by BN! Sibu residents, do take note of what Robert Lau is saying.

  104. Robert Lau had a majority of 3235 in 2008.
    Now DAP won with a majority of 398.
    Look at whichever way you like….more than 3500 voters have awakened to the real truths.

  105. Najib, don’t expect us to believe in 1Malaysia with the cries of Bangkit Melayu! Don’t expect us to believe in 1Malaysia until you can convince UMNO to accept 1Malaysia. It is not that the non-Malays do not accept 1Malaysia… it is that 1Malaysia is drowned by the voice of Mahathir and Ibrahim Ali and the silence of your other UMNO ministers!

    Anyway, thank you Mahathir and Ibrahim Ali. DAP would not have won in Sibu without your help!

  106. Jeffrey, BN got 18,447 votes. Other than 2000 odd postal votes and those from Ibans, I would assume that the majority of these votes have come from the Chinese. Your analysis did not included why so many Chinese still voted for BN despite, as you said their “discontentment” with BN and its outsourced outfits like Perkasa and Bangkit.

  107. monsterball :
    Robert Lau had a majority of 3235 in 2008.
    Now DAP won with a majority of 398.
    Look at whichever way you like….more than 3500 voters have awakened to the real truths.

    You know what postal votes are and the final result of the postal ballots:

    DAP – 70
    BN – 2,323
    Ind – 36

    Take away the postal votes and DAP would have won by 2,651.

  108. yea…Najib…keep bribing and tell them to trust you…in all your future election campaigns.
    I am also very sure Malaysians of all races are proud of Foochow guys in Sibu too…..hahahahahahahahaha

  109. And so…ekompute..if DAP should have won by 2651 in 2010…plus the 3235 SUPP won in 2008….can we say..Najib lost 5886 votes…visiting 3 times…insulting Allah….applying bribing tricks…and copying low class Bill Clinton….”Trust me” ??
    He should try Obama “Change”.

  110. Jib wants to have the cake and eat it too, that is the problem. If he is decisive and fair to all, I believe the Malays too will support him. Right now a few lunatic jingoists who probably have only limited support are calling the shoot, but our Jib is giving them too much face thinking that they indeed have wide support. People like IA and that former premier are spoiled goods lah (although there are also many cabinet ministers that should be buried with these two). The faster they are cast into garbage dump, the better is for you, Jib.

  111. RM20 million bought not one vote!
    Sibu voters know that RM20 million are from Malaysians…not from Najib…so why be thankful to Najib…delaying so long to give what is rightfully belonging to Sibu too.
    Yes…leave it to UMNO B crooks…day in day ouit talk politics…not one qualified to be a sincere minister….never admit that….those schools in Sibu should have been attended by SUPP.. to their needs and wants…for the sake of education….so important….long long ago.
    Serve Najib right….for covering up lousy SUPP hypocrites and corrupted lot….like him.
    ‘TRUST ME”…..hahahahahahahahaha

  112. Limkamput, I think the R-A-H-M-A-N prophesy is on its final leg. Who would have thought that Abdullah Ahmad Badawi would have a chance to become Prime Minister before Mahathir chose him to become DPM? He came in from behind to fulfill the R-A-H-M-A-N prophesy.

  113. The Sibu voters got nothing even after they elected three BN state assemblymen in the Sibu parliamentary constituency. So why are they getting the RM20 million now?

    Obviously it is because of DAP. So to me, it is the DAP that gave them the RM20 million, not the Prime Minister!

    The moral of the story is: If you want money, vote for DAP in the coming Sarawak state election. For all you know, this will up the stake to billions, not just millions the next time round!

  114. From the Sibu by-election…you can see what Najib’s character is.. and what does he dare not say or do..to win votes….like a true devil reincarnated son.
    Fortunately…the POWER of good over evil is stronger…right now.

  115. monsterball :
    Ekompute…indirectly….Najib used RM20 million to bribe Tau Pak Kong and Jesus too…..hahahahahahaha

    I beg to disagree. Actually, DAP didn’t even have a chance to win this by-election. By his own admittance, LKS admits that DAP only has a 40% chance of winning. Some may claim that LKS was only playing reverse psychology but looking at past election results, there is nothing to say that DAP will win. But thanks to Tua Pek Kong and Jesus, a miracle happened!

    Actually with all these vote-buying, I thought DAP would definitely lose. I was just hoping that the loss will not be too big so that DAP can still be in the game in East Malaysia.

    I did asked Jesus two days ago and he said DAP would win, but I found it unbelievable until it really happened! Oh no, I am not a Christian, I pray to both Tua Pek Kong and Jesus at the same time, LOL. To me, they both exist, although in different realms. I think Allah also help DAP this time, LOL… with all these injustice, no God will help BN.

  116. No la…the RM20 million rightly belongs to Sibu guys too.
    It’s Malaysians money..not DAP.
    But…..in one way you are right….only in by-elections…keDAILan…DAP and PAS made Najib gave out money to those lucky takers.
    I think…PR should get one strong guy to resign and get another stronger guy to stand for election…and trap Najib to give out more millions.
    PS: I heard Bintulu also have a by-election coming? True or false?

  117. monsterball :
    Ekompute…indirectly….Najib used RM20 million to bribe Tau Pak Kong and Jesus too…..hahahahahahaha

    Opphs, I get what you mean…. Najib attending Tua Pek Kong’s festival and giving RM1.75 million to four Methodist churches. Ya, Monsterball, you are right. Seems like Najib is playing with fire. Gods, unlike mere mortals, cannot be bribed!

  118. WOW….Ekompute….Jesus also talk to you?
    Never mind la…I am sure Tau Pak Kong also talk to thousands about Najib.
    Usually gods do not like to talk or interfere with politics….but Najib went too far…with his hypocracy.
    Can you imagine a suspected murderer and confirmed thief tell you….’TRUST ME”??

  119. Johore controls by UMNO B.
    Johore Bahru will be a nice test for Malaysian Malaysia.
    Guess who is coming to meet Allah soon…die and walla…another god gifted by-election?

  120. MMK, IA, n UmnoBputras r very angry with SUPP n MCA n KTK 4 getting NR 2 appear in d Tua Pek Kong procession
    They believed dat a bludi sinner like NR must hv been punished by d righteous TPK
    Bad news in view of NR’s father who died in harness or died with his boots on
    Will history repeats itself?

    Something seriously fishy n wrong with our shady n biased EC
    First they said less than 60% of the 54,695 registered voters cast their ballots
    Later when d results were announced, they revised d turnout 2 70%, 37,919
    Also, d total number of postal votes kept changing
    What is d EC up 2? Any hidden agenda?
    EC must realise by now dat they cannot FOOL ppl ALL d time, just like our sodomy case judges! Go ask d infamous irrelevant Augustine Paul

  121. Johore controls by UMNO B.
    Johore Bahru will be a nice test for Malaysian Malaysia.
    Guess who is coming to meet Allah soon…. and walla…another god gifted by-election?

  122. Okay, I am going to have a good night’s sleep, rejoicing over DAP’s victory. I believe Najib went to bed earlier but I think he is still tossing in bed wondering why his trump card of “You give me what I want. I give you what you want. And you know what I want” is not working, LOL.

  123. Najib should plan to visit the 9 Gods festival in Ampang…world famous.
    If he can visit Tau Pak Kong…then let him prove his sincerity by respecting and visit Wesak Day and 9 GODS FESTIVAL…real real mystical.
    Berst he goes last day..when fire walking ceremony is on…and he can also walk on the fire…to prove his is pure hearted.
    Deepavali best.
    Let Murugan make him see more TRUTHS….with him jumping like a monkey…in a trance.
    Yes…he started the “People First. Performance Now”….fooling Jesus and Tau Pak Kong also.
    What will not this kepala agin PM will not do.

  124. Ha, ha, ha – of cos, d infamous irrelevant AP had kicked d bucket awhile ago
    Go figure out lah what it meant when d EC Chairman was asked 2 go n consult AP mah
    By telepathy ah or apa itu ……….. Ha, ha, ha

  125. Pls confirm a certain rumour dat a toad, so shocked by d miraculous DAP’s victory in Sibu despite its jump, jump, jump, is down with an unspeakable malaise
    Is d next buy election in Wangsa Maju?

  126. Tuesday, 17 May 2010 – A beautiful morning, d beginning of d end of Pek Moh’s n BN’s era in Sarawak
    Here, heavy thunderstorm n howling wind outside, both excellent omens fr heaven above dat signify d washing away n cleansing of d dark n evil forces
    They also signify d arrival of clean forces n fertility of d land
    At last, there is light at d end of a long dark tunnel n also a little spark dat eventually will light up d entire nation

    Thank you, Sibuans n d tireless PR leaders n ground workers – there is hope yet 4 this UmnoB/BN-skrued up nation

  127. D battle was won with tenacity, blood, toil, tears and sweat
    (Listen 2 this great speech n u will realise d similar situation we r in here – 2 unite n fight against a common evil enemy, UmnoB/BN)
    N with a little bit o’ bloomin’ luck

    Hopefully, a revolution will evolve fr here 2 free d nation fr d racist n evil UmnoB/BN
    A few years fr now, Malaysians will realise “Never in the Malaysian politics was so much owed by so many to so few” (Thanks 2 Sir Winston Churchill)

  128. Alamak, so excited I cannot sleep! How about putting up a one-page advertisement in Sarawak Tribune from the people of West Malaysia thanking the Sibu voters for upholding justice and democracy? If anyone wants to organize, I will contribute RM100. Not a big sum but I am a poor man.

  129. The Art of War says: “For to win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill.”

    DAP should take a lesson from Art of War and network marketing. Reach out to the grassroot. Organize a leadership program and then get these leaders to form groups, using the techniques of network marketing. If each leader can get 6 members who each can get 6 members, you never know how fast you can cover the ground. Create NGOs and do community service and organize self-improvement programs. Get travelling speakers to give leadership talks and offer motivation and moral support. Start with Sarawak since the state election is looming near. This way, DAP can win without a tough fight. Whether the NGOs are politically affiliated or not is not important. If this scheme is effective, you won’t need to guess where their loyalty lies.

  130. show us gertak, we will show you how to fly kite. Show us perkosa, we will show you the way out. Show us mamak may13 rally, we will show you the point of no return.

    We must keep the momentum moving. People of malaysia whether Indian, Malay, chinese, ibans, kadazans, melanau, …etc must move in tandem to create a tsunami of 100 meters high to drown bn and its evil apparatus. Only then we can achieve a united country that is progressive.

  131. M’siakini: (( Robert Lau, meanwhile, expresses sadness: “I’m sad, because Sibu is going to lose out on a lot of things. I have said in my campaign that if we lose, we lose the confidence of the federal government.))
    That’s the problem, the mentality problem. BeeN rep never learned, rakyat is the paymaster, not the otherway round! Fed gomen is losing the confidence of the rakyat, not the other way round. Still never repent???

  132. baochingtian :
    M’siakini: (( Robert Lau, meanwhile, expresses sadness: “I’m sad, because Sibu is going to lose out on a lot of things. I have said in my campaign that if we lose, we lose the confidence of the federal government.

    That stupid man doesn’t know that the next federal government will be Pakatan Rakyat. Isn’t it true that the signs are already there? Day by day, BN’s strongholds have become strong holes.

  133. http://www.themalaysianinsider.com/malaysia/article/sibu-vote-shows-difficulties-for-bn-pakatan/

    Malaysian Insider’s article, “Sibu vote shows difficulties for BN, Pakatan” does seem to show that it has lost its independence. Unlike before, its articles have lost its bite. On top of that, it has removed the comments section which is usually in favor of the opposition. I am wondering whether they too had been bought over by Najib. You know what I believe! I scratch your back, you scratch my back, right?

  134. Something fishy here… first it was about 60 % turn outs, then it turned out to be 70%. In this computer age, when a polling station closed the number of turn outs should be already confirmed within mere minutes and if done manually in less than an hour.
    Thus before the count started, the total turn-outs must be known and confirmed
    Someone please enlighten me !

  135. Yes, Sibu people will lose big time in terms of largese from the Federal Govt. That is besides the point. Its better to lose now and fight the right fight and yet live better now and yet never to win, to have injustices on you again and again forever.

    Lets not kid ourselves. Its not a major trend that will lead to Putrajaya for PR. This is more an opportunity for BN to go back and reform. Its an opportunity for MCA, Gerakan, SUPP to go back to UMNO and force reform on them. If that does not happen, THEN PR has a chance to take Putrajaya. For now PR gets a lease of life. Its cause still intact. That is still cause for celebration.

  136. Bigjoe :
    Yes, Sibu people will lose big time in terms of largese from the Federal Govt. That is besides the point. Its better to lose now and fight the right fight and yet live better now and yet never to win, to have injustices on you again and again forever.

    And why should it be so when the three state constituencies of Bawang Assan, Pelawan, and Nangka state in the Sibu parliamentary constituency are won by BN.

    Do remember that this current by-election is a parliamentary by-election and not a state assembly by-election. Who are they trying to bluff? As you can see, they will do nothing if they win, and they will still do nothing if they lose. Better let DAP win then.

  137. moko :
    Something fishy here… first it was about 60 % turn outs, then it turned out to be 70%. In this computer age, when a polling station closed the number of turn outs should be already confirmed within mere minutes and if done manually in less than an hour.
    Thus before the count started, the total turn-outs must be known and confirmed
    Someone please enlighten me !

    I think they don’t know how to use the computer.

  138. show use gertak, we will show you to fly kite. show us perkosa, we will show you the door out. show us mamak may13 rally, we will show you the point of no return.

    this umno is totally out of tune. they are good at saying, ‘we will give you money for development and basic needs only if you vote for us’. what baloney government is this. providing the rakyats with basic needs like good schools, roads, etc are their obligations and not a privelege.

    keep voting for them, we will be in deep sh*t. All races must unite to create a tsunami 100m high to totally bury and drown with evil regime.

  139. “Selepas Tsunami” by Haris Ibrahim, video clip from malaysiakini enables people to have a better idea on what PR-states are doing for the rakyat. Good job Mr Haris Ibrahim!

  140. http://www.sun2surf.com/article.cfm?id=46816

    Sun2surf reports: “Dissolve, Muhyiddin tells PKR”

    Who is he to say whether PKR should be dissolved or not? If anything, he should dissolve himself if he needs Najib to campaign in every by-election, after being tasked to head the BN polls machinery!


  141. http://malaysiaonlinetoday.wordpress.com/2010/04/16/this-taxidrivers-sources-the-true-story-muhyiddin-yassin-call-at-2pm-mugilan-we-need-you-badly-to-fixup-zaidthe-pm-needs-you-we-hope-you-help-us-and-we-will-not-forget-you%E2%80%99/

    Malaysiaonlinetoday: This Taxidriver’s sources the true story. Muhyiddin Yassin call at 2pm: “Mugilan we need you badly to fixup Zaid, the PM needs you. We hope you help us and we will not forget you.”

  142. Now that the Sibu Voters have shown what the BN can do with its corrupted money & regime, I wonder what “excuse” they are going to give us?!
    PERKASA, their Racist watchdog has alreday begun to “sound” again!
    Congratulations Bro Kit & PR!

  143. baochingtian :
    “Selepas Tsunami” by Haris Ibrahim, video clip from malaysiakini enables people to have a better idea on what PR-states are doing for the rakyat. Good job Mr Haris Ibrahim!

    Thank you baochingtian for the link! DAP should compile Youtube videos in CD format for distribution as part of their election campaign the next time! Youtube has a lot of interesting videos such as those showing the behavior of Nazri and other BN MPs in parliament, etc etc.

  144. ekompute :

    moko :
    Something fishy here… first it was about 60 % turn outs, then it turned out to be 70%. In this computer age, when a polling station closed the number of turn outs should be already confirmed within mere minutes and if done manually in less than an hour.
    Thus before the count started, the total turn-outs must be known and confirmed
    Someone please enlighten me !

    I think they don’t know how to use the computer.

    My intuition is that the EC tried to help BN in cheating initially! Then, they gave up because it was pretty obvious or infeasible to do it secretly! There, it could be don’t how to use computer is another possibility because most of IT graduates were admitted on demerit systems and mass produced! Everything is possible in this Bolehland!!!

    You know, I know, we know, they know, the entire world knows… Malaysia BOLEH, tentu-lah BOLEH……..

  145. Why does Muhiyiddin talk about PKR on day after of DAP victory – isn’t he suppose to be COO of election for UMNO/BN and not Najib?

    This is Muhiyiddin, his answer when he is under attack is to go on the offensive. Strike back anyhow. Its something PR should note because its a real bad habit. When the pressures really build, he is going to side with Perkasa and take over from Najib, you can bet your money on it. Najib better watch his back..

  146. The answer to Perkasa and Ibrahim Ali is this. Its not the Chinese is ungrateful. The Chinese knows better and is doing UMNO/BN and this country a favour in forcing reform. Its tough love. But that is what family and nationality is suppose to mean..

    UMNO/BN as well Najib, unless they are hopeless, must see this an an opportunity to face their schism and force reform on UMNO/BN. Otherwise, there is only one end – oblivion for all of us and those that UMNO/BN fooled into supporting them will suffer the most..

  147. Bigjoe :
    The answer to Perkasa and Ibrahim Ali is this. Its not the Chinese is ungrateful. The Chinese knows better and is doing UMNO/BN and this country a favour in forcing reform. Its tough love. But that is what family and nationality is suppose to mean..

    The Chinese community has proved yet again that their votes cannot be bought with money. If the other communities can learn a thing or two from the Chinese, I think Pakatan Rakyat will have a smooth ride in the next general election. But alas, the majority of them will still sell their votes.

  148. The Chinese know that Ibrahim Katak is a mouthpiece for UMNO. They also know that Razali Idris of Gertak is another mouthpiece for UMNO.

    You’re trying to bluff us ? You think the Chinese are stup!d ? We are only half as stup!d as UMNOputras like chengho.

  149. Ibrahim Ali is actually part Cambodian, part Thai and part Jakun.

    Yet he talks like he is pure. And everything belongs to his kind.

    No wonder he can’t win on his own and get erected.

  150. Sibu victory by DAP for change is a big lesson to those racist,rent seeker.biggest plunder and uncountable shameless acts by umnoputras.Serve them very well!Banzai to Zaid with teh tarik.

  151. SIBU will forever b remembered as analogous 2 Omaha Beach along the coast of Normandy, France, on D-Day, 6 June 1944.
    SIBU is d beachhead 4 PR 2 penetrate BN’s fixed deposit in Sarawak n Sabah

    PR – don’t rest on dis miraculous win; reflect, strategise, organise, cooperate 2 win d hearts n minds of East M’sians, forward march

    Beware of d devilish n evil EC dat pretended not 2 know how 2 count d total number of voters who balloted, 60% then up 2 70%
    A sudden increase in d number of voters is a very sinister act aimed 2 cheat
    They might hv gotten ready 1 or more boxes of ballot papers (with X against SUPP) cast by phantom voters
    N d ballot papers in these boxes were then added to d pile of genuine ballot papers when d counts were wafer-thin close 2 favor d SUPP/BN candidate
    Great job PR guys glued their eyes on proBN EC dogs which kept delaying d counting n wanted 2 move d ballot papers around

  152. Maybe ibrahim is possessed of a micro-ketuanan. That is why he saw the incessant need to make up with his loud but alas foul mouth. Then again, do we care? He is not our problem. He is umno’s problem.

    Umno was wrong footed. Again. Umno lost in sibu and won miserably in HS. To umno people, they measure their popularity strictly by the popular support they get inside umno. They were simply overwhelmed and consumed by the going-ons inside the party when they should look outside to gauge their popularity and the popularity of the party as a whole.

    The malignant money-politics cells cultivated by umno have migrated to mca and others. All these people are easily and readily swayed by money and riches. The culture amongst them is money-talks and nothing else matters. And because they were so consumed by their own practices and code of bad behaviour they rather conveniently assumed that the same could be applied to voters. Of course they forgot for they were way out of touch with reality – voters are not like them. Voters, unlike umno politicians, actually care a lot for the wellbeing of their country and they could not be compromised so easily with money.

    So umno, pls stop dangling the carrot. There will be very few takers, if at all. And for allah’s sake dont wave the stick. It would only backfire on your people. So come next election, general or by, keep things clean. And no dirty tricks. OK? BTW, ask ibrahim bin perkasa to shut the phaaark up.

  153. 50 something year in power, absolute power absolute abuse/coruption, after all this 50 something, they all were very-very rich and now using their rich money to stay on power to grap more-more money.( power =money). now they found out money cannot buy everything…good…

  154. Dear Kit,
    Victory for DAP is victory for the people. For far too long have the people witnessed all kinds of abuses, blatant corruption from BN, racism and intimidation that they have become too much for Malaysians to stomach. It is time for fair minded Malaysians to stand up and be counted to vote out all tainted and corrupt politicians/parties and replace them with principled and colour blind ones.
    Hidup DSAI! Hidup PR!!

  155. this rahim guy, speak for conbodian/thai/jakun/if this kind of thing live in this earth later we truly malaysian land become united massy nation.. Oh Mine Ghost.

  156. Congrat to PR and YB LKS,

    As long the candidate is from PR CAMP, even PAS, PKR will have won this by-election. This clearly and positively shown Malaysian from all race know how Umno-BN robbing the country wealths in the past few decade.

  157. son of perpaduan :
    Congrat to PR and YB LKS,
    As long the candidate is from PR CAMP, even PAS, PKR will have won this by-election.

    You must be joking or you did not follow the election! SUPP was attacking DAP’s association with PAS, don’t you know that?

  158. Sarawakians are mainly christians arent they? So there umno. Keep that fact in mind the next time you people think of buying their support with money and promises. Absence of scrupples and dirty/evil desires are not universal virtues. They are peculiar to umno only.

    Anyway. Umno’s mistake with non-malays, esp chinese, is becoming glaringly clear. Umno has been practising carrot dangling for a long long time to buy chinese support and to prop up their popularity during general elections. And umno mistook chinese support for bn (i.e. support for mca) as a sign of their willingness to be bought over with money and promises.

    No. Wrong, umno. For a while, chinese (well some of them) supported the mca. That was because there were hopes then (rightly or wrongly) that mca could further their cause and interest and would give them the necessary support. Their supports were never premised on the carrots umno dangled but on some other considerations.

    Now that mca has obviously failed to perform and in the best interest of the country the chinese has very little difficulty in moving away from mca.

    So umno, the weapon which you people believed had worked so well in the past (ie carrot dangling) is now useless and obsolete. In short, it is time to panic. I would start by getting rid of jib, din, keris and ree.

  159. If Najib or Muhiyiddin abandon the Chinese vote as Perkasa and Mahathir is advocating, it will be interesting. Watch what happens. None of the UMNO clowns read Chinese history. The last time when the towkays join forces with the Chinese gangs and intellectual the Qing Dynasty was brought down. When the Jews was persecuted by the most successful despot of all time, an entire world was changed.

    So go ahead Mahathir, Perkasa, abandon the Chinese vote.

  160. dagen :
    So umno, the weapon which you people believed had worked so well in the past (ie carrot dangling) is now useless and obsolete. In short, it is time to panic. I would start by getting rid of jib, din, keris and ree.

    I beg to disagree… I sense something ominous going to happen. You know UMNO is a sore loser. They couldn’t take it in 1969 when they won with a reduced majority. I bet they feel even more threatened now and you know what people can do when they feel threatened.

  161. Malaysian Insider reports: “Datuk Seri Najib Razak said today he has yet to decide if he will approve the RM5 million flood mitigation projects promised to Sibu voters if Barisan Nasional (BN) won yesterday’s by-election.”

    Never mind that they won the three state assembly seats in the Sibu parliamentary constituencies. Sibu voters have to rethink whether to vote them for the state assembly seats in the next general election.

  162. PM admitted that BN “campaign machinery is old fashioned and could not match the more innovative DAP” (Source, Malaysiakini May 17).

    Could it be PM personal style was more creative?

    On eve of poll PM also BN chairperson said in Sibu’s Rajang Park: “Let’s make a deal. If you deliver me Robert Lau Jr on Sunday, I will sign the cheque on Monday (for flood mitigation projects in the area)”.

    Now that that Robert Lau Jr was not delivered by difference of 398 votes he said “we’ll see first because we have not made any decision on that!”

    That’s creative.

    What about those other nearly ½ of voters who relied on the promise and voted for Robert Lau Jr?

    Just because 398 tilted the other way, the end result the rest who voted for SUPP/BN don’t deserve the flood mitigation projects in the area (which anyway) is government’s responsibility to provide?

    Next time voter has also to assess whether the deal is worth taking quid pro quo. Voter has to assess if majority of other electors no matter how slim go along. If not, deal appears not cast in iron for accepting.

  163. And that fat ass said PR is finished. Few more will resign…ai a K.L. speech he made…after the fall of Sibu.
    What kind of an idiot is he……loosing an BN stronghold…to PR….and talk cock….next minute?

  164. Lim Kit Siang said…it is a Sibu miracle.
    I said Najib offended the Gods.
    I say Foochow residents in Sibu cannot be bought by money.
    I say Najib insulted the dignity and intelligence of Malaysian Chinese….the voters have spoken.
    Foochow have awakened.
    Muslims will wake up too..in Sabah and Sarawak.
    “Malai ren…Wa ren….Indu ren…too se it chia ren”…so said Anwar Ibrahim
    UMNO B Melayu…don’t understand…get translator…..hahahahahahaha

  165. ahso….It was Minister Chin who blamed “white hair” CM of Sarawak….the loss to DAP.
    Where DPM got the balls to talk like that.
    But Minister Chin is carrying Najib’s balls too.
    Anyway…who cares…we won.
    AND…as expected…Najib said the RM5 million donations..not decided yet. What he meant was…his candidate lost….no money.
    Is that not clear sign of bribery and corruptions?

  166. “Give me what I want, then only I give what the country wants”

    This is a classic (deleted)-failure leadership who has no one iota of commonsense or Rakyat-empathy to lead by servitude. To him, every by election is a ‘Pasar Malam bargain’, without consideration for the Rakyat’s welfare. So outrageous is such a ‘bargain’ with his countrymen, he still thinks we beg for his leadership under his fantasy 1-Malaysia banner. Poorah, in no time we will see more of his true color, his slimy demeanor and smoke-screen antics to cheat the nation.
    Sibu by election is a classic case of cutting the devil’s tongue & resisting temptation from vote-bribing. And also not giving in to ‘Deal or no Deal’

  167. Mahathir and Najib understand that perfectly.
    How can rouges doing anything good for all?
    They must choose a race to fool and what better than his own race..the Muslims..the majority race….to come out with the race and religion dirty politics…and succeeded so well for decades….giving them full power to steal as much as they like….because UMNO B is the protector of their own majority race…being threatened by the minorities.
    Refusing to educate his own race with the nbest educational system…decades have produced thousands of weird mentalities and half pass sixes.
    This gang of robbers and thieves know exactly hat they are doing…and if applying.. Liberty…Equality & Fraternity…they will kill their own evil intentions.
    There is no way….Najib”1Malaysia” means a Malaysian Malaysia…..and we can see how Najib can twist and turn like a double headed snake,,,befitting to be proudly known…as Mahathir… the devil reincarnated adopted son.

  168. Check it out….
    Najib asked Sibu Malaysians…”Trust me”
    That is the first sign he is admitting indirectly…he cannot be trusted.
    Then he offered RM5 million and said..”You help me…I help you”….showing UMNO B have successfully stolen so much with fear..that he openly offer bribes and say indirectly..”take it and vote foe me”
    And why so daring to offer bribes openly?
    Because UMNO B had Mahathir for 28 yeas as a Dictator…and Najib thinks UMNO B owns the country…and being the adopted son…he also think he is now the King of Malaysia.
    As this Kingship needs the art to keep fooling Malaysians….and know8ng Malaysians hates Mahathir…his “father”..so he put on the role of a different personality..a nice and understanding son….to be one up better than the father’s art to fool Malaysians.
    The crying style is out-dated.
    The dramatic style is out-dated.
    The accusing others first before being accused is out-dated.
    The only workable style inherited is the twisted and turning….telling half truths and be champion of own race…proudly embracing UMNO B …their racist party…as their life and future .
    Najib seems to be a very daring PM..to offer bribery and corruptions openly with no fear.
    Like I said…he thinks he is the King of Malaysia,,,areal nice down ti earth King…that all Malaysians must not take advantage over his kindness as a weakness.
    If he finds out..and get angry…just watch the true Najib performing.
    Malaysians from all walks of life are beginning to understand….UMNO B is a Devil’s own party.

  169. You have to understand how the sub-conscience mind works…to understand the true characters of anyone.
    That has always been the problem…that majority do not understand and these UMNO B crooks are banking on the hope..they can be fooled.
    Mahathir is the dirtiest politician you can ever find in the whole wide world.
    Again he once said…”I can play dirty politics too”…revealing himself…using a excuse to play dirty politics…as a justifiable thing.
    Remember…all have guilty consciences.
    These crooks have to faithfully believe one thing….so that no matter what they do..all are clean and righteous.
    The one clear sign..is UMNO B think they own Malaysia..and all Ministers are chosen by Allah to do his work.

  170. Malaysian Insider reports: “The Barisan Nasional will fulfil its campaign pledges to the Sibu electorate despite losing the seat by 398 votes, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said today. The deputy prime minister’s promise contradicted Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s statement that BN would rethink its campaign pledges to Sibu, including RM5 million to alleviate flood woes in the Chinese-dominated Rajang Park suburb.”

    What’s happening to UMNO? Who is leading UMNO now?

  171. Ekompute….Let me put it this way….Mahathir should have stopped it and many Malays would have much stronger personalities and mentalities.
    It is UMNO B that cannot stop it…as smart Muslims favours change of government logically and sensibly.
    Mahathir knew that too well.
    Will you keep pampering your sons and daughters for 55 years?
    What will become of them…knowing the father is always there to help them out financially?
    The problem is the father is a crook..and therefore..crooked children suits him fine.

  172. Muhyiddin is covering the ass of Najib who is furiously mad at Foochow voters.
    One want to play with words…..the other come quickly to his rescue.
    Both are crooked racist hypocrites.
    If they do not have team work…UMNO B is finished and all of them are heading to jail..or the gallows.
    That is why Malaysians must stay united with a vast majority against Najib…to stop him having funny ideas to find ways and means to declare Emergency Rule…if he knows..UMNO B looses the 13th GE.
    That is why Perkasa is created to so call protect the Malays…as if UMNO B is not doing that for 55 years and on going.
    It is the fact that Malaysians are rejecting Najib..no matter what he promises …says or do.
    Vast majority Malaysians never trust Najib now.
    And the way he conduct himself at Hulu Selangor and Sibu by elections…he is loosing more votes.
    Do not be fooled by Hulu Selangor result…which has always been UMNO B stronghold.
    Sibu is also UMNO B
    “agent” …SUPP…stronghold for past 18 years.
    That’s why LKS said it was a Sibu miracle…getting rid of SUPP…and indirectly shaming Najib… at it’s best.

  173. ekompute :
    Monsterball, do you think that the NEP should be stopped?

    Hi Monsterball, I was just wondering when we got ourselves brainwashed into thinking that the NEP is only for the benefits of the Malays. It is recorded in black and white that the objectives of the NEP are:
    1. to eradicate poverty irrespective of race; and
    2. to restructure society so as to eliminate the identification of economic sectors with race.

    I was wondering why no non-Malays are asking for the NEP to be extended so that the objective of eradicating poverty irrespective of race can be honoured and implemented. Instead, the non-Malays are asking it to be terminated while the Malays are asking it to be extended. Isn’t it an irony?

  174. monsterball :
    And the way he conduct himself at Hulu Selangor and Sibu by elections…he is loosing more votes.

    Actually I was really shocked when I hear him say, “Do we have a deal or not? We do! You want the RM5 million, I want Robert Lau to win.”

    Sounds rather crude! Doesn’t that make us a banana republic?

    I was giving him some respect for pushing ahead with 1Malaysia all alone by himself when all the rest of UMNO is not behind him. But when I hear what he said, “Awwww! What kind of character is that?”

    It was still not so bad when he did it the first time in Hulu Selangor because I knew he wanted to win so badly, but to repeat it again in Sibu was the straw that broke the camel’s back. If the PM doesn’t abide by the law, why should we think that the rest are abiding?

  175. Ekompute…Do not talk about what is recorded.
    Talk about what you can see and experienced.
    If you are still a young one….check out so many so call RECORDED from day one of Merdeka have been re-recorded ….to favour one race.
    Please o not expect to be spoon fed with facts.
    Go ..do your research by knowing the real facts of life in Malaysia.
    The fact that Najib need to ask Foochow voters…’Trust me” shows clearly Najib knows things in the past were not done right….and ask voters to forget the past and trust him.
    What were the past events that Najib need Malaysians to forget?
    Do you believe these things are done by UMNO B with no fear?
    If so..what is it so hard for you to believe NEP is twisted to help one race..the Malays..yet it is not the entire Malaysian Malays. It is chosen Malays by UMNO….that must stay loyal as UMNO members.
    Why do you think PAS is governing Kelantan….with the votes from Chinese?
    Notning done by UMNO B are sincere towards uniting Malaysians….as one.
    Najib’s “1Malaysia” is fool of sh..t ….don’t you know that?
    Please do not tell me what is written.Tell me what you know from actual events.
    Even UMNO admits that NEP is to help Malays…don’t you know that too?

  176. hi ekompute….Are you going to daily judge and find out.the good and bad of Najib..to decide how are you going to vote in13th GE?
    Are you a registered voter…staying in Malaysia?
    I see you have lots of questions to ask..and I need to know more about you…which I a sure..you can understand why.
    I will be more than willing to answer all your questions..when I know you better.
    I am sure…you know who I am…don’t you?
    Need to sleep now…Goodnight.

  177. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LwNLT428PqU&feature=player_embedded

    Did I hear wrongly? At 4.10 minutes of the video, Najib seems to say: “I don’t have to come here. But I come to Raja Ampat. Why? This is not a place for a prime minister to come. My security adviser semua ini says cannot. I say never mind.”

    I don’t understand. Does he mean that Raja Ampat is only fit for animals? Or is he saying that Raja Ampat is a very unsafe place? Sounds to me more like insulting the people of Raja Ampat! Where is the Malaysian police then?

  178. Good Morning to all.
    Ekompute….you did not answer my questions but you put out “youtube” on Najib’s speech at Raja Ampat…..that’s interesting.
    Holding the people at ransom….making a deal…to give RM5 million…only if the vote for Robert Lau.
    What kind of a PM is he….treating money…a if all belong to UMNO B to make deals?
    Talking about flood…using money to make a deal?
    This is clear sign Najib is bribing to win the election.
    He said….same deal done at HS and he kept his promise…what promise?
    You mean if DAP wins…no RM5 million to stop floods?
    Anyone governing have same power….and he uses the power to tempt and lure Malaysians with our own money…as if it was from UMNO B…only heaven knows where UMNO B gets it.
    No no no….that’s our money and he twisted it that sound like from his own pocket.
    In actual fact….Najib is bankrupt with no ideas how to fight DAP…accusing opposition talk empty nothing.
    DAP won….and he tries his so call diplomatic dirty politic talks….to break his promise.
    Then Muhyddin saw the danger…and promised to deliver.
    There you can clearly see…UMNO B is such a hypocritical dirty party of a band of robbers and thieves…with not one iota of truth uttered.
    All are done.. with selfish ulterior motives.
    MACC is sh..t if they don’t investigate and arrest Najib.
    Is MACC for protecting Malaysians or protecting Najib?
    The way Najib spoke…he is confident MACC dare not touch him..like they dare not touch Mahathir too..and the list goes on…to make sure..Samy and Liong Sik…are safe.
    Yes watch the video on Najib’s speech and all Malaysians…especially the Muslims….tell us….are they proud of such a PM?

  179. Be back after 5pm.
    Lets hope this post reaches…..the same majority votes that DAP won the Sibu election….after 18 years.
    386 or is it368….so cal official result?
    In true fact….few thousand more….and you can bet…phantom votes are always there for UMNO B.
    Trust UMNO B…….and Najib..my foot.

  180. monsterball :
    hi ekompute….Are you going to daily judge and find out.the good and bad of Najib..to decide how are you going to vote in13th GE?
    Are you a registered voter…staying in Malaysia?
    I see you have lots of questions to ask..and I need to know more about you…which I a sure..you can understand why.
    I will be more than willing to answer all your questions..when I know you better.
    I am sure…you know who I am…don’t you?
    Need to sleep now…Goodnight.

    How did I miss this post of yours? Yes, a registered voter in Johor Bahru voting for PR. I did mention that I admire Najib for his lonely stance toward 1Malaysia but I won’t vote for BN because BN is UMNO and UMNO only fights for the Malays, as is clear from its stance toward 1Malaysia. Actually I don’t know who you are but I guess you must be a DAP member.

  181. But alas, the majority of them will still sell their votes. – #7 Ekompute

    The PR can always inculcate in the vote sellers that it’s completely all right to take the bribes (taxpayers’ money) and still give UMNO/BN the boot!
    The earlier this is done the better it is.

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