Last 24 hours of the “Battle of Century” Sibu by-election – Tweets

#P212 #Sibu Battle of Century further effects – Swak Chief Minister announces 50% reduced rates 4renewal of urban land titles Victory 4Sibu
Friday, May 14, 2010 9:31 PM

#P212 #Sibu Dap/PR candidate HoLeng speaking 2biggest crowd @Rejang Park He spoke of DAP’s battle 4just deal 4renewal 4land titles since 06
Friday, May 14, 2010 9:37 PM

#P212 #Sibu is indeed Battle of Century PM Najib coming back 2Sibu again w more Angpaus tmw He will appear @Rejang Park Let Sibu do a Rasa!
Friday, May 14, 2010 10:08 PM

#P212 #Sibu Urged Sibuans 2vote Rocket 4fourth mission – 2save Msian democracy as denial of 2/3 BN majority in Parliament now in grave peril
Friday, May 14, 2010 10:21 PM

#P212 Final 24hrs campaign 4Battle of Century #Sibu Who say DAP/PR candidate Wong HoLeng cannot do anything? He has done what SUPP cannot do
Saturday, May 15, 2010 8:11 AM

#212 Tkz 2HoLeng both capitals of Swak nMsia shifted from Kuching/KL 2 #Sibu 4ten days Almost all Federal/State Ministers here. Glory 2Sibu
Saturday, May 15, 2010 8:15 AM

#212 Tks 2HoLeng Chinese Iban Malay voters #Sibu get unprecedented attn/ allctns totally beyond SUPP capability. Even Najib back 2Sibu 2nite
Saturday, May 15, 2010 8:19 AM

#212 Let #Sibu tell Najib/BN: many tkz but after 47yrs just not enuf! 1Malaysia talk but no action not enuf. Let MPHoLeng explain in Parlmnt
Saturday, May 15, 2010 8:24 AM

#212 4 SibuSwakMsia vote Rocket Now 1 more historic mission 4 #Sibu – Don’t allow Umno/BN 2wrest back 2/3 parl majority Save democracy/Msia
Saturday, May 15, 2010 8:31 AM

#212 Can HoLeng win #Sibu Its Touch-n-Go. From 40-60% odds Nomination 2some 50-50% in 8 days, victory is up for grabs. Last lap 2 decide all
Saturday, May 15, 2010 8:49 AM

37 Replies to “Last 24 hours of the “Battle of Century” Sibu by-election – Tweets”

  1. It’s too late. We would have invited Altantuya’s father to come and attend his ceramah.

    Or invite her spirit to RH Hotel and let her tell the truth on what had happened. The Tua Pek Kong temple is good in performing that, isn’t it?

  2. If we have any intelligence, we should know BN is insincere and merely out to hoodwink and entice us. We have to ask ourselves these questions: If Robert Lau senior had not died,
    1. would there be so much attention given to Sibu?
    2. would land rates be reduced?
    3. would allocations to Chinese schools which they duly deserved be given?
    4. would flood and garbage problems be looked into?
    5. would there be a promise of a university?
    6. would there be promises of more roads and drains?
    7. and would there be promises of more religious freedom and tolerant?

    The issue is equal citizenship and the rights to orderly development and amenities. The government gets the revenue from us, the people. They have no right to hold us to ransom. They have no right to tell us which longhouse, which village, which street and which road had voted for Pakatan and hence subtly intimidating us. What the BN promised you are quick fixes. Our country needs right and enduring policies – policies that could nurture national unity, equality, fair development allocations, transparency and good governance. If these things are not present, it is pointless for us to get some money now. A year or two down the road, we would be back to square one. Once the election is over, we are pariahs again sitting by watching helplessly the plundering and the pilferage that will go on ad infinitum. Wise up, stand up and be counted. We are not ostrich.

  3. If we have any intelligence, we should know BN is insincere and merely out to hoodwink and entice us. We have to ask ourselves these questions: If Robert Lau senior had not died,
    1. would there be so much attention given to Sibu?
    2. would land rates be reduced?
    3. would allocations to Chinese schools which they duly deserved be given?
    4. would flood and garbage problems be looked into?
    5. would there be a promise of a university?
    6. would there be promises of more roads and drains?
    7. and would there be promises of more religious freedom and tolerant?

    The issue is equal citizenship and the rights to orderly development and amenities. The government gets the revenue from us, the people. They have no right to hold us to ransom. They have no right to tell us which longhouse, which village, which street and which road had voted for Pakatan and hence subtly intimidating us. What the BN promised you are quick fixes. Our country needs right and enduring policies – policies that could nurture national unity, equality, fair development allocations, transparency and good governance. If these things are not present, it is pointless for us to get some money now. A year or two down the road, we would be back to square one. Once the election is over, we are par!ahs again sitting by watching helplessly the plundering and the pilferage that will go on ad infinitum. Wise up, stand up and be counted. We are not ostrich.

  4. Free Malaysia Today reports: “But the prime minister has asked for our trust; he said he will keep his word… we want to see promises delivered now and we cannot wait,” he said.

    Does this mean the Chinese will vote for BN’s candidate Robert Lau Hui Yew?

    “Let’s see the money first,” he said.

    If this is not vote-buying, what is?

  5. Najib’s stupidity of b’U’y elections led to the rest of Malaysians kept asking: when is my MP going to die? We should pary for the death of the MP and hold big celebrations whenever an MP dies

  6. What have the three BN assemblymen under the Sibu parliamentary constituency done so far? Looks like they have done nothing.

    Sibu voters should vote for DAP since the state assembly seats are already won by BN and what Najib has promised is what his state assemblymen should have done anyway.

  7. Hope people of Sibu are mature and wise enough to look past all this bribes and promises and understand that they are voting for all the people of Malaysia.

    Vote for a better Sarawak. Vote for a better Malaysia.

  8. Free Malaysia Today reports: “But the prime minister has asked for our trust; he said he will keep his word… we want to see promises delivered now and we cannot wait,” he said… “Let’s see the money first,” he said.

    Are they saying that they can’t even trust the Prime Minister? And why should the Prime Minister trust them? Supposing they take the money and then vote for DAP, doesn’t it make Najib look like a fool?

    Najib should insist that the voters vote first before he pays, just like in Hulu Selangor…. kalau BN menang, lu latang ke KL… kalau kalah, tak payah latang!

  9. As a side issue, pakatan ought to organise a May13 celebration to (someone said) “re-colour” the incident and in the name of 1malaysia. The objective is to desensitise and disinfect the issue. And very importantly, invite Dr mamak to deliver the opening speech.

    A vote for BN is

    a cold stab in the heart of democracy;

    a hard kick in the groin of sarawakians; and

    a wet kiss on the lips of ibrahim ali.

    Vote wisely. Vote DAP. Vote Pakatan. Be responsible.

  10. from BT;
    Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said the country’s economy expanded by a superlative 10.1 per cent in the first quarter as against the 4.4 per cent registered in the previous quarter.

    Meanwhile, Bank Negara Malaysia, at its Monetary Policy Committee on the same day, raised the Overnight Policy Rate by 25 basis points to 2.50 per cent.

    The ringgit ended the week at 3.1835/1860 against the dollar compared with 3.2560/2590 a week earlier.

    It also strengthened against the Singapore dollar to 2.3079/3160 from 2.3361/3416, the Japanese yen to 3.4457/4511 from 3.4716/4759, the British pound to 4.6424/6477 from 4.9009/9061 and the euro to 3.9818/9865 from 4.1582/1624. —
    1Malaysia , vote for BN

  11. Yes Najis would deliver his promises, but bare in mind, RM18 million means maybe Rm1.8 millions only benefits the Sibu folks, whereas would go to all their cronies Don’t be silly, all Sibu folks MUST wake up, BN has been trying to fool all the Malaysians, DO NOT get into the trap, corruption is hyper serious in this country, it is an disease, this disease is now in the BN blood.

  12. So why then are so many people still living in abject poverty in so many areas in Semenanjung, Sarawak and Sabah? Why are they finding it so difficult to make ends meet? Why is the crime rate so high?

  13. To all Sibu voters,
    remember that bN is infested with corrupt and scandal ridden leaders. They can strip the country naked with their practices.
    If you vote for BN, you are condoning evil deeds.
    As most of you are Christians, remember Jesus Christ come down to fight for righteousness.
    Yes, for Christ sake, vote DAP! A party whose members always have your welfare at hearts.

  14. Eunuch Cheng Hole, usually I don’t entertain you. But since you copied from somewhere and the write up sounds credible, I shall give you a response in case some nincompoop balls here were influenced by you.

    More than 10 years ago, one US$ was only RM2.50. So today RM strengthen from 3.2560 to 3.1835 to a US$ and you nincompoop gets so excited. So is Singapore Dollar. More than twenty years ago, the Sing$ and RM were at par, but today the Sing$ is almost two and the half times the value of RM and yet you moron could get so excited over the appreciation of RM from 2.3361 to 2.3079. I guess you nincompoop will never know that quarter to quarter oscillations are actually noises and insignificant. For long term sustainability, you should look at the trends. Your hero has run everything in this country to the ground the last two years. It is most likely that all the negative trends will continue because everything in Malaysia is b*stardised with you being the epitome of that b*astardisation programme.

  15. Pouring RM18 million into a traditional BN stronghold, with the PM being forced to campaign…. that goes to shows just how strong DAP has become. Even if DAP loses, it is still a win. Keep up the pressure! Every percentage point increase will make UMNO more jittery!

  16. Honestly, the best way to teach this imbecile Cheng Ho is to ignore him. He is like a child , lost for attentions ,trying gain it thru nonsensical posting. Ignore his comments and you will find that he will fade into oblivion.
    Anyway. let us pray that voters in Sibu are wise enough to vote for DAP!!!
    Yes, vOTE DAP TO safeguard our right!

  17. Thanks Grace for your advise….but in blogging..few wants attention like lost children…no lov from parents..and no manners at all.
    One thing you forgot……Grace…is that young readers do not know these braggarts put out nonsensical postings.
    They think it is a debate…and argument…and if we leave them alone…they will think Chengho and his kinds are telling the truths.
    We need to confront Chengho for two reasons…
    One…to battle him and expose his lies.
    Two…to enjoy insulting him he keep insulting LKS and carry Najib’s balls.
    For me…I am killing the two birds with one stone…and hope you will join in.
    Do you notice…many highly intelligent commentators like you are faarking Chengho too?
    As for luck…an ass sucker by the name of Lim..wants my personal attention badly.

  18. Lim Suck Ass keep saying using the line..”I usually do not entertain Chengho.
    He wants to start off proving he is smarter than Chengho.
    Chengho is a pain in the ass to all…but Lim Suck Ass is an asshole..a self proclaimed scumbag….a real braggart..from MCA.who turned coat now..supporting PR.
    This frog cannot be depended upon not to leap frog back to MCA.. .as braggarts cannot be depended upon as down to earth sincere people.


    Najib dishes out more money as race tightens: “I want to make a deal with you. Can we have an understanding or not?” Najib asked some 1,000 people who attended a public rally at the residential area. “The understanding is quite simple. I help you, you help me,” said the Barisan Nasional (BN) chairman… Do we have a deal or not? We do! You want the RM5 million, I want Robert Lau to win,” he told the crowd… “If Robert Lau becomes the MP on Sunday, on Monday I will ask the cheque to be prepared,” Najib told the all-Chinese audience.

    Oh dear, a blatant disregard for democratic principles. UMNO is doing what it knows best… buy people. And where is the referee? How can one say that EC is impartial? Had this been done by the Opposition, they will clamp down hard on such mispractice if they themselves are not doing it already.

    On the other hand, it clearly shows that BN has admitted defeat in Sibu just before polling day and after one week of campaigning. They feel that they still need an additional 28% or RM5 million on top of the RM18 million to buy the Chinese community.

    Shame on the Chinese community if they buy into such tactics. Do not complain about corruption then if voters themselves are corrupted. By the way, RM23 million is just pocket change, when you compare it with multi-billion scandals like the Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) and many others.

  20. There are 2,537 postal voters for this Sibu by-election and voting stretches to Friday, allowing room for tacit campaigning if BN loses by a very slim margin. We all know what postal votes are. This means that if BN loses on Sunday, it still have a chance to win if the margin is less than 2,000.

    Sibu voters should therefore give DAP a margin of at least 2,500 majority to ensure that a win is a win.


    “I came a few days ago and I felt like Chinese New Year because I have been giving out ang pows,” he said… “But it is not because of by-election, but because we are listening to you,” said Najib.

    Sibu voters… so it is your fault! You didn’t say you want anything before until this by-election, although the three state assembly seats are controlled by BN. So don’t blame anyone but yourselves!

  22. hahahahahahaha….If Sibu folks can stomach and digest what Najib said are true and sincere…it also means Sibu folks are so stupid…kept quiet and it needs Najib able to read their zoombie minds.
    What Najib is saying…is Sibu folks are good for nothing…do not speak up and ask for money. It needs him to see first hand and notice so many millions needed to help the poor……..hahahahahahahah
    I guess he gave RM100 million to Hulu Selangor also mean those Felda Settlers are stupid too….and the settlers admit they are and gave him their votes?
    No Siree…those are programmed real zoombies.
    Are Sibu folks zoombies?
    Remember…more than RM100 million to Malays and less than RM20 million to Chinese. That is his “People First.Performance Now”

  23. The issue is equal citizenship and the rights to orderly development and amenities. The government gets the revenue from us, the people. They have no right to hold us to ransom. They have no right to tell us which longhouse, which village, which street and which road had voted for Pakatan and hence subtly intimidating us.

    Procurement Staffing

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