Latest QS Asian University Rankings 2010 a sorry tale of unchecked drop/decline of the standards/international standing of Malaysian public universities.

The country’s premier institution of higher education, Universiti Malaya, has dropped two places to 41 this year from 39 last year, while Universiti Sains Malaysia which was granted Apex status in 2008 only managed to maintain its ranking at 69 – just like Universiti Teknologi Malaysia at 82.

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, however, took a tumble from 51 to be placed 58, with Universiti Putra Malaysia improving its ranking from 90 to 77.

The continued drop of ranking of Malaysian Universities in Asia is part of the larger disease of Malaysia becoming the “sick man of South-East Asia” – resulting in a decade of economic stagnation and national decline in all aspects of national life, whether educational excellence, good governance, institutional professionalism, human rights or environmental protection.

This is why the New Economic Model (NEM) crafted by a panel of local and foreign experts have sound the warning: “We must act now before our position deteriorates any further”.

Unfortunately, although the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak as acknowledged the national ills and decline exposed and highlighted by the NEM, he has yet to demonstrate that he has the political will to bring about government far-reaching reforms.

In 2004, Malaysia was still included in the Times Higher Education Supplement-QS Top 200 Universities Ranking, with University of Malaya ranked in 89th position.
In that 2004 international ranking, University of Malaya was ranked the 10th Top Asian University – but it has now fallen even further to No. 42 in Asia – overtaken by more than 30 other Asian universities in a space of six years!

During my schooldays in the fifties, students do not think about foreign universities unless their results were not good or their parents have a lot of money. This was because University of Malaya, which had just separated from its Singapore campus to spawn two separate universities with University of Singapore, was recognized internationally as one of the world-class universities.

Today, the first option of Malaysian students is to get places in foreign universities and local placing in Malaysian public universities is their last choice, because of the drop and decline of standards and prestige of Malaysian universities.

This is not progress but going backwards.

During my school days, we do not think too highly of Hong Kong University for instance for we believe that University of Malaya was comparable if not a better university!
What a world of a change in a matter of 50 years under Umno/Barisan Nasional rule!

In the Asian University Rankings 2010, three of the top four come from Hong Kong – with University of Hong Kong (first), The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (second) and the Chinese University of Hong Kong (fourth) out of the top 200 Asian universities.

The top 20 Asian universities in the 2010 Ranking are:

1. Hong Kong University (HK)
2. Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HK)
3. National University of Singapore (Spore)
4. Chinese University of Hong Kong (HK)
5. Tokyo University (Japan)
6. Seoul University (SKorea)
7. Osaka University (Japan)
8. Kyoto University (Japan)
9. Tohoku University (Japan)
10. Nagoya University (Japan)
11. Tokyo Institute of Technology (Japan)
12. Peking University (China)
13. Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST) (SKorea)
14. POHANG University of Science and Technology (POSTECH) (SKorea)
15. City University of Hong Kong (HK)
16. Tsinghua University (China)
17. Kyushu University (Japan)
18. Nanyang Technological University (NTU) (Spore)
19. Yonsei University (SKorea)
20. Tsukuba University (Japan)

Having been placed Top Tenth Asian University in the 2004 Times Higher Education Supplement (THES), the Prime Minister and Malaysian people (and the Sibu voters) must regard the dismal placings of Malaysian public universities in the Asian Universities Ranking 2010 as a final warning not only of the advanced nature of the Malaysian educational crisis but also Malaysian nation-building crisis.

The warnings of the NEM bears repeating here:

• We are not developing talent and what we have is leaving. The human capital situation in Malaysia is reaching a critical stage.

• Globalisation has created a fierce competition for talent, forcing companies and government to recognise that people are the most valuable assets. To compete on a regional and global scale, Malaysia must retain and attract talent. Malaysia must be seen by its people and by others as a land of equal opportunity to earn a good living and provide a secure, happy life for each individual and the family.

The Prime Minister and the Barisan Nasional parties, including SUPP, dare not tell the people the truth about the nation-building crisis facing the country. As I asked the other day, can Malaysia go the way of Greece and become bankrupt and if Malaysia goes bankrupt, can Sarawak be spared? No answer from PM and CM at all.
These are hard questions the SUPP and BN leaders do not want to share with the people or raise in Parliament.

This is why right from the beginning I had said that the Sibu by-election is the Battle of the Century, as demonstrated by the presence not only of the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister, but virtually the entire Sarawak State and Federal Cabinets – as if for the past week, the capitals of Sarawak state and Malaysian nation have shifted to Sibu and not Kuching and Kuala Lumpur respectively.

For the sake of Sibu,Sarawak and Malaysia, I call on the voters of Sibu to vote for the future, to write history and create miracle by sending Wong Ho Leng to Parliament as MP for Sibu to signify that the “fixed deposit” states of Sarawak and Sabah are ready with the rest of Malaysia to complete the March 8 “political tsunami” of the 2008 general elections to effect a change of government in Putrajaya in the 13th General Elections as well as to end the rule of “Peh Moh” in Sarawak in the forthcoming Sarawak state general election.

77 Replies to “Latest QS Asian University Rankings 2010 a sorry tale of unchecked drop/decline of the standards/international standing of Malaysian public universities.”

  1. Right now they are not even trumpeting a 10.1% GDP growth in the first quarter. Why? Because Singapore got 32%, China 11.1%, Thailand all messed up still got 9% all partly driven by US 3.2% growth. Meaning it has nothing to do with what the BN govt has done. Its cheap money and US, China/India growth driving it. The gap between Singapore and Malaysia used to be only a few points, now is in the multiples..

  2. ““We must act now before our position deteriorates any further”.

    What are you talking about ? The rambutan tree is still there, providing shade. We still smoke our homemade joints while squatting under the rambutan tree. Leave us alone !

  3. It is because Changehole/Chengho, a champion mama-topper, did it… He & his gangs have been sucking around for over 50 years since our Bolehland independence…. I saw his mama had been topped by bunch of hogs at Putrajava & MCCA… This is what he called himself as “Changehole”… His mama often change holes to holes…

  4. NEP, NEM or whatever, as long as it is propagated by UMNO/BN, is just hogwash!
    Just dump them at the next GE!
    They have laid waste to the country for five over decades!
    Time for change!

  5. Good. World ranking of Sibu b’U’y election candidates based on the universities they studied.

    Robert Lau=936
    Wong Ho Leng=126

    More information here:-

  6. National University of Singapore (Spore) at No. 3 and University Malaya at 41. Wasn’t NUS formerly University of Malaya?

    Alamak, we even lose to Thailand’s Mahidol University!

  7. The govt doesn’t care.

    They send their kids overseas…. on scholarship.

    The govt doesn’t care.

    They’re more interested in branding the Chinese community as “enemy of M’sia”…

    The govt doesn’t care.

    They’re more concerned about which tactics to use in order to win buy-elections

    The govt doesn’t care
    The govt doesn’t wanna care
    The govt says “screw you all”

  8. “The country’s premier institution of higher education, Universiti Malaya, has dropped two places to 41 this year from 39 last year, while Universiti Sains Malaysia which was granted Apex status in 2008 only managed to maintain its ranking at 69 – just like Universiti Teknologi Malaysia at 82.”

    Actually, we should not be comparing with Asia because we are in Southeast Asia. We are No. 4, not 41! We only lose to Singapore and Thailand!

  9. Mahathir says in his blog under the article “Rating Agencies”: “We are not conscious of it but the rating agencies have apparently become a factor in the failures or success of businesses and even whole countries… But they can be wrong or they can be influenced.”

    I totally agree with him. Take for example the National University of Singapore and Universiti Malaya. Both universities were at one time the University of Malaya. And to give NUS a rating of 3 and UM a rating of 41 obviously shows that their rating cannot be accurate.

    I agree with Mahathir that we should not believe in rating agencies…. unless they give us high scores, LOL. I am still wondering how Proton Saga got the Car of the Year Award (Economy Class) in 1985 when it was first launched with a Mitsubishi Lancer engine (which did not get any award)!

  10. CORRECTION: I agree with Mahathir that we should not believe in rating agencies…. unless they give us high scores, LOL. I am still wondering how Proton Saga got the Car of the Year Award (Economy Class) in 1985 when it was first launched with a Mitsubishi Lancer engine (which did not get any award)!

    Mahathir should know better! He obviously must have known that rating agencies can be easily influenced. No wonder our first attempt at building a car with outdated Japanese automobile technology can get an award!

  11. Yeah totally agree with ekompute. See we have angkasawan and spore hasnt. That is crucial. So if NUS is ranked 3 in asia, then MU must be above HKU – i.e. somewhere outside the ranking chart! And why shouldnt our universities be so ranked? After all we have people who can see logic in arguments like good wrong and bad wrong, like detaining people to protect them, like claiming monopoly right over allah, like calling others pendatang when they are also pendatangs, like the need display their ketuanans publicly etc etc.


  12. I would blame the rankings firmly on the government’s Ketuanan policy.
    Just like in any government departments, the promotions in the Us have been based solely on their racist agenda in that senior non-Malays were stepped over for promotions ever since the early 70s and that is the main reason why most non-Bumis avoid government jobs.
    That also happened in government GLCs and we can see the results quite clearly in the second Sime Darby fiasco.

  13. Everything and every institution in Malaysia is b*stardised. How then can we expect universities to produce credible ranking. We compromise standard because we want to produce Prof Dato Dr, never mind there is nothing in between their heads. We compromised standard when students seemingly getting ‘As” but know next to nothing were admitted into these universities. Students knowing almost nothing taught by lecturers also knowing nothing and surely it is a perfect recipe for disaster. We produce graduates knowing nothing who then proceed to become policy makers, implementators, regulators, IT experts, bankers, and officials in GLCs. I have never seen so much incompetency and so many nincompoops in my life. You have a graduate who has studied one semester of macroeconomics and one semester of microeconomics. You asked this graduate what is the difference between the two and he could not tell you one sentence of difference. This is Malaysia, the land of the nincompoops.

  14. What?Our Uni is still in the top 100 Uni in Asia OK!That’s very good already.Look at countries like Laos Cambodia and Myanmar.We are still better OK!.We cannot compare with HK Singapore and Korea or Japan or even China.We are in a different league.(lower league of course)>maybe next 20years we compare with African countries like Zimbabwe.

  15. dagen :
    After all we have people who can see logic in arguments like good wrong and bad wrong, like detaining people to protect them, like claiming monopoly right over al-lah, like calling others pendatang when they are also pendatangs, like the need display their ketuanans publicly etc etc.

    It is hard to understand the Malay mind. You probably can understand them better if you don’t use logic at all. For example, The Star reports: “As long as Friday’s demonstration [8 January 2010 by Muslim groups] did not spill over into something more serious, Najib told reporters that the government cannot stop people from protesting over the Allah issue.” So why is Musa Hassan threatening the use of ISA in Sibu? What kind of justice are we practising in Malaysia?

    And why is that no Muslim group has ever protested against ISA when “I-s-l-a-m has laid down the principle that no citizen can be imprisoned unless his guilt has been proven in an open court. To arrest a man only on the basis of suspicion and to throw him into a prison without proper court proceedings and without providing him a reasonable opportunity to produce his defense is not permissible in I-s-l-a-m.”

    Is the country actually practising our official religion or is it doing so only when it suits its purpose?

  16. rahmanwang :
    What?Our Uni is still in the top 100 Uni in Asia OK!That’s very good already.Look at countries like Laos Cambodia and Myanmar.We are still better OK!.We cannot compare with HK Singapore and Korea or Japan or even China.We are in a different league.(lower league of course)>maybe next 20years we compare with African countries like Zimbabwe.

    Ya, I agree with Rahmanwang. We are ketuanan in the junior league. Why, we don’t even see the names of Laos, Cambodia and Myanmar in the list!

    (NOTE: Because we are Ketuanan, then by definition, Thailand cannot be in the junior league. Ketuanan Thai was only in those days when we have to pay them bunga emas, but not anymore!)

  17. its very NOT UN-USUAL why malaysian universities or its education system is dripping to percentage low yearly. its not because the students are stupid but its because the way the education department making a system that malaysian teachers and students becoming STUPID !!!!

    a very fine example why malaysian education drop is the ignorance of ENGLISH !!! the ministry is so obsessed with bahasa malaysia that they are forcing the teachers and students to master this particular language !!!

    for the lucky rich families ,they can send their kids overseas to study or they can even migrate !!! but for the unlucky poor, they will have to stick to whatever the moron government tells them to do !!!

    its very sad and unfortunate that these ‘poor’ people doesn’t know that when it comes to any elections, they can exercise their rights to change government !!!

    its also very sad that the pk team doesn’t really voice out the importance of this language for reasons only known to them.

    why not we have a education system where there’s a malay government school and an english version government school. let the rakyat decide where to send their kids to then .

  18. Unfortunately the present and previous Education Ministers did not want to make the hard decision of doing just that – ie let the parents decide what language they wanted their children to study in.
    That is why they even ban parents from discussing the “back to BM” switch in PTA meetings.
    Seriously we have major problems in the Education Ministry from an unbalanced gender teacher intake that produces boys who are sissies to the poor quality of teacher training.
    We also had the headmasters ordering teachers to come back on Teachers’ Day to clean up the toilets recently but luckily the NUTs made an official stand and the teachers were spared that task.

  19. newchief :
    why not we have a education system where there’s a malay government school and an english version government school. let the rakyat decide where to send their kids to then .

    UMNO wants to create kataks di bawah tempurung. The top people in UMNO knows that if the people become too intelligent, they will be thrown out. When many Malaysians access the internet, they cannot read and so they just go to local forums where they say, “Assalamualaikum… kekekeke.”

  20. Wee Choo Keong announced today his resignation from PKR// reported in Malaysia insider

    Let me warn PR to NEVER ever allow scumbags like Wee to stand under its ticket again. If in the next general election, PR allow Wee, Tan, Zul and those who have left the party for whatever reasons to stand again, I will campaign against PR. This much I felt and this much I want to say. Malaysia is a nincompoop country administrated by moronic farting politicians willing to sell their mothers and daughters. It is not about sand, it is bloody s.o.b.

  21. Whatever economical policies formulated by BN/UMNO are useless! They are going to manipulate and demerit whatever stipulations at the end.

    Well, it took less than 50 years to deteriorate such levels. Perhaps, it might another 100 years for our Bodohland to raise its pars up to its former levels. However, I still doubt that 100 years are sufficient. It could be not rescues and solutions at all. With their demerit systems in place, such as Ketuaan “this” & “that” or Bumiputra “these” & “those” or even pendatang you and Uumoputra theirs! Our moron chicken brain changehole (Chengho) who often change holes here and holes there… HOPELESS!!! Bodohland is really hopeless!!! Let’s wait for our Bodohland to be wiped by 2012 December or earlier… DOOMSDAY!

  22. Let me warn PR to NEVER ever allow scumbags like Wee to stand under its ticket again. If in the next general election, PR allow Wee, Tan, Zul and those who have left the party for whatever reasons to stand again, I will campaign against PR. This much I felt and this much I want to say. Malaysia is a nincompoop country administrated by moronic farting politicians …” nincompoop

    “I will campaign against PR” nincompoop

    Wooo ….! I’m scared. If nincompoop campaigns against PR all is lost! Wooo ….. I’m already peeing in my pants for PKR-Pakatan.

    Universiti Malaya is now trash. Even a community college in the U.S. from where Limcompoop graduated from is better.

  23. How to improve ? You take an UMNOputra like chengho who copied wholesale some paragraphs from an article about PIIGS and the Greek crisis, and then adds his comment in a sentence that has no semblance of proper English at the end.

    He passes this excerpt around as though he wrote it…and then gets an “A” from UMNO’s university. You think that UMNO’s university can ever get a proper grade ?

  24. Things started to rot when the University of Malaya became Universiti Malaya. There is a big difference between the two. The earlier one has standard. The latter one : mana ada standard.

    And things will get worse.

    We have admitted THOUSANDS, yes, THOUSANDS of foreign students from third world countries to assist them. e.g from Africa, Middle East, Central Asia and the like. This is very noble indeed but tell me, how many universities in these countries are really top ranked?

    Malaysian universities have thousands of Iranian students for example, but how many Iranian universities are top ranked? Just how good are all these foreign students who are admitted based on other considerations among which are religion, G to G, technical assistance, the need to boost our universities’ foreign student score (never mind the quality) etc etc. Won’t all these pull down our averages, our standards? If we admit top students (like Singapore) fine, but we are just taking in a lot of crap.

    Even our “international university”, the International Islamic University is at 151 in Asia.

    The bulk of the top universities are from Singapore and East Asia. Are there any top universities in the Middle East?

    As for our local students, well these days you can get a place in a university. No efforts needed. No need to be competitive. You can get a degree.

    Not like before where you must be the top to get a place. It was very competitive. And when you graduate, you are really good. You got respect.

    Nowadays, when you graduate, you can’t even make any sense of things, you tokkok and are unemployable. Only the gomen wants you, and they pay you to help mismanage their system.

    No wonder many groups still need to scream “Bangkit” and ask the gomen to continue giving them crutches.

  25. That bloody sickening Najib!
    All of a sudden he goes to see the badminton and brought bad luck to the Thomas cup team.
    Chong Wei was not himself and the double so call specialist Khoo made so many mistakes.
    Choon Han…sure to loose.
    3-0…game over.

  26. The good news is PKR Wee Choo Keong has finally resigned.
    That double headed snake have been playing his political card for selfish reasons far too long.
    With a majority of 4 in Selangor….Najib need to buy few frogs and we will have another Perak look-a-like.
    As for me…it is the 13th GE that counts.

  27. monsterball :
    That bloody sickening Najib!
    All of a sudden he goes to see the badminton and brought bad luck to the Thomas cup team.
    Chong Wei was not himself and the double so call specialist Khoo made so many mistakes.
    Choon Han…sure to loose.
    3-0…game over.

    The players must have been thinking that Najib had come to offer them goodies by the millions. How disappointing when Najib did not mention anything.

    We cannot blame the players. We now expect Najib to promise millions before we deliver, otherwise it is so unfair when some get and some don’t.

  28. This is the very price we pay for the manipulative, prejudicial, short-sighted and non-meritorious educational policies since 1970. We were at the headstart of Asian education status, but look at what now! One day, we will lag behind Thailand and Indonesian.
    Without shame, our leaders will still proclaim Malaysia Boleh, a tagline for ‘katak dibawah tempurong’ who knows nothing about the survival games of life.

  29. Reportedly, USM vice-chancellor Prof Tan Sri Dzulkifli Razak said that the university had formally informed QS that it was not participating in any of its rankings because of the methodological flaws.

    See, told you so before, another know nothing prof tan sri dr etc in our university.

    Hello hollow prof tan sri dr, if the methodology is flawed, it can’t always be systematically bias against us. It would be random. You can’t manage the universities’ ranking (up or down) by piecemeal and public relation approach which most universities in Malaysia are trying to do. There is only way to up the ranking is through academic excellence.

    The worse is that Indian that Professor Ambigapathy Pandian. He said instead of focusing on ranking, one should look at the university’s role to fulfil the need of the nation and educate its community. As long as we can educate our sons and daughters and enable them to find good occupations, the ranking is not important.

    See the nincompoop prof talking. He can’t see our universities are precisely not able to meet the need of the nation and we are producing thousand of incompetent and equally nincompoop graduates who are unemployable everywhere except the government service. Told you so before; nincompoop prof tan sri dato dr lecturers will produce nincompoop graduates who then become nincompoop policy makers, regulators and GLCs hot shot managers.

  30. NR n MMK warn M’sians not 2 believe in d Asian University Rankings 2010
    They yell: Just look at d list of d top 20 Asian universities n we shld realise dat it’s a plot 2 glorify Confucius culture

  31. Both HKU and HKUST gave conditional offer to my daughter together with study grant based purely on her Mid Year’s results. She was a reject from the JPA’s scholarship list although having full house in all her examination and was active in extra cocurrillum. So they ask what more does the Chinese want? I don’t want anything as long as things are fair and square. Just a simple request. I am fortunate to be able to finance her food and lodging there which is about HKD 72,000 per annum with the tuition fee fully or partially waived. Others may not be so lucky. All applicants to both HKU and HKUST are based sorely on merit with interviews conducted here or through phone and study grants are awarded conditionally to all successful students. Now you see why they are top in ASIA.

  32. boh-liao :
    NR n MMK warn M’sians not 2 believe in d Asian University Rankings 2010
    They yell: Just look at d list of d top 20 Asian universities n we shld realise dat it’s a plot 2 glorify Confucius culture

    Well, all our rankings are dropping and I rather not believe in them, if only it were not true.

    I don’t believe in any statistics churned out by the government, not even the census statistics, what more the KPIs. It’s sad that Malaysia has no philosopher of Confucius’ stature. But we have a lot of doctors who doctor every official document so that now the Melaka Sultanate is said to have started in 1300 instead of 1400. If they push it any further, they may well find that the peninsula was ruled by Indian kingdoms!

  33. I read this letter in the Sun written by John Greig and wish to share with all of you:

    …..the principle of collective secret ballot is also important – no one should know how a particular community, race, area, village or longhouse has voted. Voters should be free from threats and punishment collectively as well as individually.

    The result in Hulu Selangor clearly showed how each community, village and channel has voted. I thinking for the coming Sibu by election, many would feel intimidated.

  34. whether you want to enter the competition or not, I think the people who rank the Us are not too concerned because we are not some famous Us whose absence is felt. We will forever be Jaguh Kampong! Maybe, our mind-set is set up to that level only. After all competitiveness cannot be created overnight; it must be nurtured over a period of time. Looking at the motive behind our educational policy aiming at mind-control, those minds will NEVER compete in any arena, even locally! They limit the boundary of competition so that they can be Jaguh within that boundary! we can all lament about quality, it would be a waste of time; Ketuanan is a safer bet when you can control the environment. otherwise, it is NOt fair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    This continuing drop in M’sian education standards happened under the watch of Muhyiddin, Hishaamuddin and before that some ignoramuses of little note and name!

    Now Muhyiddin – u can put yr mony where yr mouth is; now how r u going to save Malaysia from plummeting, oh no, plunging further?

  36. Our Changehole is using hands to eat as he tends to follow those hogs. His right hand sticks into his mouth and the other hand inserts into bottom-back hole. Then he change his right hand to insert into the bottom hole while his left-hand into his mouth. This how he eats by changing holes. No wonder he named himself changeholes. His papa & mama are proud of his name Changeholes.

  37. “As I asked the other day, can Malaysia go the way of Greece and become bankrupt and if Malaysia goes bankrupt, can Sarawak be spared? No answer from PM and CM at all.” (YB Kit)

    By looking at the sloppy and lack-of-discipline way of approving and releasing bank loans to the inferior quality loan borrowers by the Government-linked commercial banks and agricultural banks,
    we will not be surprised that Malaysian Federal Government is moving along the bankruptcy route and heading towards another financial
    fallout very soon. About 9 out of 10 ruminant farmers who resort to high gearing through debt financing from the Agro Banks are on the verge of bankruptcy, while the only one who can still be spared from financial trouble has got himself actively involved in the illegal loan shark business using the cheap loan (3.75% per annum interest rate in accordance with fund for food scheme) being financed by the government-linked banks.

    With most food-based companies reported faked over-exaggerated figures in production in order to claim the government subsidy (which is calculated based on the production quantity), Malaysia is quietly facing an under-going food shortage problem. The prices of agricultural produces are bound to go up in an escalating manner due to supply shortage. More and more market capital will soon be channeled into speculation on agricultural commodities, especially on cash crops like rubber or Crude Palm Oil, and mining commodities such as gold, copper, maganese and coal. Lesser and lesser capital will be pumped into food producing sector due to the slow payback period or unattractive return on investment. Barisan Nasional’s ambition on providing food security to all Malaysians will remain an unreachable mythological goal.

    Malaysians will soon find that their standard of living has been kept worsening off due to the ever-increasing food prices in view of serious supply shortage problem. Interest rates will keep rising due to the Central Bank’s inefficiency in providing checks-and-balances on the approval and release of bank loans by the government-linked banks to some unproductive sectors, such as betting sector and securities speculation sector.

    It is beyond doubt that Malaysia will sooner or later be heading towards the financial fallout destiny which Greece, Spain and Portugal are facing now if Barisan Nasional Federal Government does not take necessary precaution in order to put check on the running up food inflation, which is caused by unplanned diversion of market capital away from food production sector towards the betting sector!

  38. Our Universities are run by nincompoops who appoint more nincompoops to be Deans….a clear cut case is the UM. More then 50% of the University’s budget goes to the Medical Faculty…if you ask the VC an engineer what’s going on there ….he will probably say “tak tau”. And of course we have the VC from UKM and USM who cant even compete with an Institute…Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST) (SKorea)….and they want to call themselves Universities. Better be an Institute and produce quality students rather then call yourself a University and end up bottom of the table. UM, UKM, USM fully deserve the grave they are in now…..the staff we have at our Universities are rubbish. They should just close down all the Universities and call them Institutes or something to prevent further humiliation ….Satu sen tak malu!!!!

  39. Decades ago, even up to the 70s, who were the deans running the faculties in University of Malaya? They were people of meritorious calibre, people with standing, substance and most important with scrotum and who dared to implement what were for the good and benefit of all. Unlike now, where all we have are ball carriers, slime ball carriers actually. Then, eminent academics would even grace the university by appearing upon invitation to give lecture (e.g Nobel laureate CN Yang). Today, it would be hard-pressed to find any academic worth his/her salt who wouldn’t run and hide away from an invitation to come to this university.

  40. Onlooker Politics :
    It is beyond doubt that Malaysia will sooner or later be heading towards the financial fallout destiny which Greece, Spain and Portugal are facing now if Barisan Nasional Federal Government does not take necessary precaution in order to put check on the running up food inflation, which is caused by unplanned diversion of market capital away from food production sector towards the betting sector!

    If I have money, I won’t keep them in ringgits. I have no doubt that our ringgits will sooner or later turn into rupiahs. Follow the lead of Muhammad Haji Muhd Taib who buys properties in Australia. But I think Vietnam may be more promising.

  41. D ridiculous hard-2-believe sperm in rectum, lubricated-poked-but-not-washed-4-2-days arsehole cock-n-bull story reflects d status of our local universities since MMK’s twist-n-bend rule
    Totally incredible n incompetent, n yet d system pretends everything is OK
    Most likely administrators fr our local universities could not even understand d QS form in English n were unable 2 fill d form properly
    Easier 2 say ‘Pass’ n not 2 participate in d ranking exercise, headache saja
    Local public universities continue 2 mushroom, who cares abt ranking
    Local public universities continue 2 produce graduates n postgraduates (Masters n PhDs) 4 our nation

  42. D ridiculous hard-2-believe sperm in rectum, lubricated-poked-but-not-washed-4-2-days @rsehole cock-n-bull story reflects d status of our local universities since MMK’s twist-n-bend rule
    Totally incredible n incompetent, n yet d system pretends everything is OK
    Most likely administrators fr our local universities could not even understand d QS form in English n were unable 2 fill d form properly
    Easier 2 say ‘Pass’ n not 2 participate in d ranking exercise, headache saja
    Local public universities continue 2 mushroom, who cares abt ranking
    Local public universities continue 2 produce graduates n postgraduates (Masters n PhDs) 4 our nation

  43. Vietnam it is…ekompute. How farsighted you are.
    Money matters?….Ringgit is still OK…but UMNO B dealer wheelers must have at least 6 kinds of currencies with their millions stolen.
    They cannot afford to have all the eggs in one basket..even though Mud Taib and lots of UMNO B filthy rich guys and gals love Australia.
    Go to Jokja and you will note….high properties expensive bangalows are owned by UMNO B crooks relatives.
    How can all those relatives became so filthy rich…MACC cannot be bothered to investigate.

  44. Vietnam it is…ekompute. How farsighted you are.
    Money matters?….Ringgit is still OK…but UMNO B dealer wheelers must have at least 6 kinds of currencies with their millions stolen.
    They cannot afford to have all the eggs in one basket.

  45. This is worth repeating!

    “ekompute/boh-liao :
    D ridiculous hard-2-believe sperm in rectum, lubricated-poked-but-not-washed-4-2-days @rsehole cock-n-bull story…

    Sounds like he also doesn’t s-h-i-t for two days, LOL.”

    This simply means this chia-sai-kia (‘shit-eater’) didn’t bathe for 2 days too. Then how did he attend the party at Anwar’s house the next day without bathing?

    Hey, listen O judge, it is a reflex action that when one bathes, one washes one’s anus,balls and cock too, ok!

    It’s a truism that when one lies to cover another lie, it gets more and more preposterous each time, any judge with any brain left will see the gulf between fact, fiction and fantasy, ok!

  46. Undergrad2 was kicked out of UM in the mid 70s. That was how high the standard of UM those days. Since flunked out of UM, this guy is just earning minimum wages working for an odd ball known for exploiting workers, both foreign and local. This is a true story. He studied under Lai Ah Hoon, the Public Finance lecturer who used to come to class in sexy sunglasses and mini skirt. You should know why Undergrad2 failed now?


    “I (was) not going there to stir up feelings between the different races, but to remind them if we don’t take care of this problem of race, then we will repeat our mistake… But then if I go, of course I would be called a racist,” Mahathir told a press conference here.

    Oh, you all have wronged this angel. He was there to remind the Malays not to repeat the mistake!

    (NOTE: This is a liar who can tell lies with a straight face. No wonder he can be a PM for 22 years.)

  48. The continued drop of ranking of Malaysian Universities in Asia is expected.

    How can lecturers concentrate on lecturing when MQA (Malaysian Qualifications Agency) constantly asks them (lecturers) to compile teaching methodology, teaching guidelines and syllabuses in new format. Even before the lecturers have finished compiling with the existing format, MQA would come up with a new format and require them to adhere to the new format. It seems there is no ending to the format MQA wants – every couple of months is new format! So eventually the lecturers become compilers of teaching methodology, guidelines and syllabuses rather than executers of the three items.

  49. Ha, ha, as expected, our spin master crawled out fr ful of sai’s constipated ARs hole 2 justify 2 d world dat “don’t worry, our unis r top, only d QS Asian University Rankings didn’t know how 2 do their job properly”

    Our esteemed Higher Education Minister said: “Other aspects our universities focus on, including community engagement and contributing to societal development, are not taken into consideration in the rankings”

    What he meant is our unis r compliant with UmnoB’s wishes – producing brain-washed graduates forever grateful 2 UmnoB/BN
    And this factor was not taken into consideration in d rankings, ha, ha, ha

  50. Going by the virtual domination of the ranking table by owners of chopstick economies doesnt it show that umnoputras do have more than a thing or two to learn from chinese in malaysia. And for a long time already this has been a piece of public knowledge – not merely writings on some walls. Actually, Malays are not bad either. Look at bakri. And I hv a few malay uni mates who excelled in their work – loads of drive and good grey matter. I am sure most of us here hv malay friends who are truly excellent. It is just that they have either been suppressed by umno like the rest of us or were indoctrinated with umno’s get-rich quick ideas. A righteous malay who stands up to denounce cancerous corruption and wasteful nep would immediately be labeled a traitor. Malaysia under umno is a malaysia with neither hope nor future.

    A vote for BN is

    a cold stab in the heart of democracy;

    a hard kick in the groin of mca; and

    a wet kiss on the lips of ibrahim ali.

    Dont waste your vote. Vote DAP. Vote Pakatan.

  51. Malaysian Maverick Mahathir is a straight-talking liar! How he feigns to have selective memory in the ‘Correct, correct, correct” Commission of Enquiry. What an awesome set of forked tongue he has.


    Now Mahathir is trying to resurrect his Mahathir dilemma. Sorry, mate. Lightning doesn’t strike twice at the same place. You can fool Malaysians some of the time…blah…blah…blah… But this time we know the chicken has come home to roost…aqnd no more c*ck and bull story or croc tears will do, ok.

  52. Really pathetic. This is one of the resuls of our former mamak kutty PM doings. Now we have another similar dickhead Ib Ali of the so called ketuanan Perkasa.
    I hide my face whenever i mentioned our “universities” in other countries.Just take a look at most the guys currently running the universities nominated by the BN/UMNO. I dare say the rakyat will know what i meant.
    If we have dickheads like mamak kutty and his cronies like that Ib Ali around, the country will never ever progress. Actually we have no cheek to talk about country moving forward. But how far are we falling behind countries like Burma, Indonesia, Vietnam etc….to name a few.
    God help Bolehland.

  53. Talking about the MQA, I was told that this “expert think-tank” seems to be the best paper churning machine in the Ministry. They keep on harping their version of the THEORY to be included and yet the fact remains, those who have undergone their syllabi are not acceptable by the industry. This fact seems to be oblivious to their think-tanking!!! It is also obvious that they will keep repeating all those theories written by the experts from the West and just reproduce them to justify their lofty position in the heirachy of pecking order. Such set-up has been going-on all these years; the theories are repeated parrot-like without any concern for the real outcome. hence we put anyone who has a PhD and who TOE the kine to become professor or VC! RThey will run the Us like robot without passion or even understanding of the changing environment. I beleieve this process will continue for the next generation unless change is forthcoming at the very top of the political leadership!!

  54. I don’t like to keep harping on the same argument but this problem of making major improvements in our Us is not going to happen untill we are able to change the government in Putrajaya – just like improving/reforming the PDRM and even the Judiciary.

  55. I don’t like to keep harping on the same argument but this problem of making major improvements in our Us is not going to happen untill we are able to change the government in Putrajaya – just like improving/reforming the PDRM and even the Judiciary.
    So the way to end all our problems is to vote out the BN government – that is the Gordian knot that is keeping us from further progress,

  56. D stark truth is all we need is ONE or a few good guys with vision n absolute probity 2 change d fortune of this nation
    But don’t expect these few good guys 2 come fr UmnoB/BN, which hv been given >50 years 2 rule but failed miserably in making this nation a globally respected nation
    CHANGE we must, vote out n replace UmnoB/BN!

    Look at d little red dot, yesterday a titan Dr. Goh Keng Swee, though born a Malayan in Malacca n once a Malaysian, passed away
    This 1 man, among d founding fathers of Singapore, plotted d paths dat made Sg what it is today
    He fathered many babies: Singapore Armed Forces, Economic Development Board, Monetary Authority of Singapore, Government of Singapore Investment Board, Temasek Holdings, Jurong Industrial Estate, Sentosa, Jurong Shipyard (Sembcorp Marine), Jurong BirdPark, Singapore Symphony Orchestra, Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, Institute of SEA Studies, etc
    He shook up n improved d Ministry of Education n d education system of Sg

    GKS had served as Minister for Interior n Defence, Minister for Finance, n Minister for Education
    NR too had held similar posts – but what legacy did NR leave? Corruption, murder, keris raising n yelling 4 nonMalays’ blood, chaotic education system, engineless fighter jets, undiveable submarine, astronomical commission 4 cronies, a national service with corrupt practices n deaths of trainees, etc

    So, how 2 expect our unis 2 perform under UmnoB/BN?

    So sad, we missed d service of visionary, patriotic, n honest ppl like GKS – imagine what Malaysia COULD have been!!

  57. DPM: Why are 80% of Malays in low income category?

    Why DPM so stupid? DPM shud simply ask his alter ego, the Minister of Education-lah. If both DPM and Minister of Education still do not know, then they deserve the label “Bodoh”-lah.

    Education, brother, good education will lift a country, every community from the pits of poverty, ok. Betul, betul, marah-lah.

    Why UMNOputras send their sons and daughters overseas and keep the poor BUMIs in SRJK/SMK?

    Why UMNO scared that an educated BUMI class will be diffcult to rule / enslave?

    Are UMNOputras scared that all graduates from Oxford like Khairy will want to be PMs?

    OK, do what u want but don’t complain why 80% Malays are in Low income bracket, ok? Just ask DPM and Minister of Eduaction why the answer is at the tip of his nose and he is so stupid and blind.

  58. DPM: Why are 80% of Malays in low income category?

    Guess what? 95% of Indians are also in low income category. So too about 80% of the chinese. Why? Because there are only low income jobs in Malaysia!

    Here is a “secret” that many Malays who live in America know. If you want to have a high paying job, you have to leave Malaysia. A case of “If you tak suka, you boleh pergi”

    But wait, 300,000 Malaysians are already working overseas… so 1 in 9 Malaysia already do work overseas.

  59. The only university that can compete with other Asian universities is Kampong UITM,WHICH IS GOING TO HAVE 200000 STUDENTS in 2015.The only single race uni in the world.Most of their students speak very good Manglish not English.

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