Mahathir said he was not a dictator but after he unconstitutionally declared Malaysia as an Islamic State on Sept. 29, 2001 not a single SUPP leader in the past 10 years dare to say in Parliament and Cabinet that Malaysia is a secular state

Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad said yesterday that he was not a dictator in his 22 years as Prime Minister but the incontrovertible fact is that after he arbitrarily and unconstitutionally declared Malaysia as an Islamic State at the Gerakan National Delegates Conference on Sept. 29, 2001, not a single SUPP leader in the past 10 years dare to say in Parliament and Cabinet that Malaysia is a secular state as provided by the Merdeka Constitution 1957 and Malaysia Agreement 1963.

It is also incontrovertible history that although Mahathir unilaterally, arbitrarily and unconstitutionally declared Malaysia is an Islamic State in what DAP had described as the “929 Declaration” without first consulting and getting the agreement of the other Barisan Nasional (BN) component parties, the BN Supreme Council was convened within a week where all BN component parties including SUPP fully endorsed Mahathir’s unconstitutional “929” Declaration.

Only DAP stood up firm and fast in declaring that Mahathir’s “929” was unlawful and unconstitutional, in violation of the 1957 Merdeka Constitution and the 1963 Malaysia Agreement – pointing out that in the Cobbold Commission Report, the Malaysian Government made categorical assurance that Malaysia was and would remain “secular” when referring to reservations and fears expressed by Sarawakians and Sabahans about “freedom of religion”.

Now, SUPP leaders have betrayed the first generation of SUPP leadership in surrendering the fundamental constitutional feature of Malaysia as a secular nation with Islam as the official religion but an Islamic state.

It is a great shame for SUPP leaders that PAS, which they accused as being extremist, could be so moderate and open as to support the use of the term of “Allah” by Christians not only Sarawak and Sabah but also in West Malaysia – something the SUPP leaders dare not do, for fear of stepping on the toes of UMNO leaders.

In fact, the SUPP candidate for Sibu Lau Hui Yew , under the directive of the SUPP leadership, is even trying to out-Umno Umno by proposing that the Allah term controversy should be prohibited from discussion in Parliament!

Over the decades, Umno has become more extreme and intolerant than PAS, while PAS is showing a more open, moderate and accommodative policy in recognition of Malaysia as a multi-racial, multi-religious, multi-cultural and multi-lingual nation.

What has the SUPP leadership got to say for their retrograde political attitudes going against the interests of the people and the currents for the future?

The SUPP “killer weapon” of “A vote for Rocket is a vote for an Islamic state” is a lie but a very powerful one with great destructive force. One of the reasons DAP National Chairman Karpal Singh and I were defeated in the 1999 general elections was because of this “killer weapon” which was fully exploited by SUPP’s counterparts in the Peninsular Malaysia – MCA and Gerakan.

Since the unveiling of the SUPP “killer weapon”, the DAP momentum in the Sibu by-election to regain the advantage in the unfavourable “40% to 60%” odds on Nomination Day had been seriously affected.

After two days of campaigning, I had estimated that we have developed a by-election momentum gaining 2% each day to “44% to 56%”, but after the SUPP had come out with the “killer weapon” of falsehood that “A vote for Rocket is a vote for Islamic State”, the DAP/PR by-election momentum had been seriously halved – and I can only estimate gaining of ground of one per cent yesterday or an overall odds of 45% to 55% in favour of SUPP candidate.

At this rate, DAP/PR candidate Wong Ho Leng will lose on polling day on Sunday.

The SUPP “killer weapon” can stop the momentum to turn the Sibu by-election around, not because the SUPP lie “A vote for Rocket is a vote for Islamic State” is true but because there is not enough time to reach out to all Sibu voters to tell them the real truth in the next five days.

I call on the voters of Sibu to destroy “killer weapon” of lies and falsehood that “A vote for Rocket is a vote for Islamic State” in the Sibu by-election on Sunday.

This “killer weapon” has been destroyed in Peninsular Malaysia which is why 85% of the Chinese voters in Kuala Sepetang fishing village voted for Datuk Seri Nizar Jamaluddin, PAS/PR candidate in the Bukit Gantang by-election in April last year and why 82.5% of the Chinese voters in Rasa voted for the PR candidate Datuk Zaid Ibrahim in the Hulu Selangor by-election despite the RM3 million carrot for a new Chinese primary school in Rasa which was dangled by the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak.

In Peninsular Malaysia, the Chinese do not believe the lie that “A vote for Rocket/PR is a Vote for an Islamic State”.

If the people of Sibu destroy this “killer weapon”, it would have far-reaching implications for Sarawak and Malaysian politics for it would mean the end of one of the most potent weapons blocking political change in the country and signal that Sarawakians, together with Sabahans and Peninsular Malaysians, are prepared to take the March 8 political tsunami of the 2008 general election to its fullest impact in the next 13th Malaysian general elections with a change of power in Putrajaya.

41 Replies to “Mahathir said he was not a dictator but after he unconstitutionally declared Malaysia as an Islamic State on Sept. 29, 2001 not a single SUPP leader in the past 10 years dare to say in Parliament and Cabinet that Malaysia is a secular state”

  1. ///where all BN component parties including SUPP fully endorsed Mahathir’s unconstitutional “929” Declaration./// (Kit)

    If SUPP had helped Mahathir to declare Malaysia as an Islamic state, are they not hypocritical in alleging that “a vote for Rocket and DAP/PR candidate Wong Ho Leng is a vote for PAS and an Islamic State”??

  2. yhsiew :
    ///where all BN component parties including SUPP fully endorsed Mahathir’s unconstitutional “929” Declaration./// (Kit)
    If SUPP had helped Mahathir to declare Malaysia as an Islamic state, are they not hypocritical in alleging that “a vote for Rocket and DAP/PR candidate Wong Ho Leng is a vote for PAS and an Islamic State”??

    These suckers often use their ass to speak without going through brains! They lies, brag, rip, suck and etc…. as to win votes!! That’s BN and its coalition parties’ identities! Look at our Hanjin Chengho, a champion mama-topper, who brag much about his master BN/UMNO illogically… BN is bunch of suckers!

  3. We already are an Islamic State.
    What is this idiot in SUPP talking about? BN has already declared that Malaysia is an Islamic state. BN has even gone so far as to declare the word Allah reserved only for muslims. So what is all this BS about a vote for DAP is a vote for an Islamic State?

  4. Voters on Sibu should understand they are not voting just for themselves, they are voting for the state of Sarawak.

    If you want development for Sarawak then voters MUST vote for DAP. This will scare the pants of BN. After all, Sarawak is one of BN’s crucial vote bank. BN cannot afford to lose it.

    If voters in Sibu vote for DAP now, BN will be desperately pouring in the money to the state to shore up their support in preparation for the Sarawak state elections.

    So people of Sibu, be smart. You know what to do. Vote for DAP and save Sarawak.

  5. Tun M is still Asean great leader
    who is sleeping with Pas and the gangs, hadi, nik ajis ,hussam ,etc if not Dap? only Karpal and Deo suspicious of Pas Islamic nation..
    Vote for BN…

  6. Sarawak police today banned political parties from using the ‘Allah’ row in the Sibu by-election
    Ha, ha – cannot face facts, get mata-mata 2 ban lah, soooo democratic
    But BN can continue 2 spread lies 2 demonise DAP
    Sibu Christians, don’t let BN n police hoodwink you, JUST DO what you hv 2 do
    Sarawakians, please educate/enlighten your relatives n friends in Sibu, time 2 pocket 2 bribes fr BN BUT VOTE 4 DAP

  7. Toon Bak Kut Teh will soon kick the bucket, and he will go down in history as the father of corruption.

    Sabah and Sarawak should puul out of the federation as soon as possible.

    Malaya will soon be sold to Indon for FREE.

  8. A vote for dap is a vote for pas? Of course. They are in pakatan arent they? And whats wrong? Nothing. Look instead at umno the God. Everything about them is wrong. From the claim to monopolise Allah, the pkfz scandal, the block L & M give-away issue, to escalating crimes, wonton corruption, permitted infiltration of israelis into our security data and info, ketuanan and pendatang claims and loads more. They all marks all that are seriously wrong with umno. Look at ibrahim bin perkasa. Look at chengho – disguised as a chinese hoping to fool non-malays.

  9. ///It is a great shame for SUPP leaders that PAS, which they accused as being extremist, could be so moderate and open as to support the use of the term of “Allah” by Christians not only Sarawak and Sabah but also in West Malaysia – something the SUPP leaders dare not do, for fear of stepping on the toes of UMNO leaders./// – YB Kit

    What you have said has just been made seditious.

    According to TheMalaysianInsider report by Adib Zalkapli, May 11th 2010, “Sarawak police just banned political parties from using the ‘Allah’ row in the Sibu by-election, hours after DAP told a well-attended gathering for local Christians to vote for the party on May 16 as a sign of protest over the issue. The ban was announced by Sarawak OCCI SAC II Huzir Mohamed who also threatened to take action under the Sedition Act or the Internal Security Act (ISA) against those who defied the order.

    “We have been monitoring the ceramah and found that some parties have been using the khalimah Allah issue…This is a sensitive issue. We advise all parties to stop using it once and for all”, said Huzir. If any party persists in using it, we can take action under sedition or the ISA. To all parties, please don’t bring unnecessary problems,” he told a media briefing today.

    There are a couple of anomalies here regarding the ban.

    First on what is seditious or not seditious, is it not determined by law or courts rather than by Sarawak police?

    Second, if it is determined seditious only now what about before when our Minister of law Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz talked and discuss this issue extensively now only in Peninsular’s press but an exclusive Q&A with The Borneo Post team of Phyllis Wong on Jan 16 2010?

    Or there’s a such a thing that the Allah issue is seditious only in Sibu for the campaign period but not during anything outside (both before and after) the campaign period? In any case, how can Sarawak OCCI SAC II Huzir Mohamed determine the Allah issue seditious when our Minister of Law apparently does not think it so by talking about it with the Borneo post? Otherwise it would imply our Minister of law had also made seditious statements on Allah issue???

    How is DAP going to reply to SUPP’s “A vote for Rocket is a vote for an Islamic state” if it cannot rebut by pointing out how DAP/PAS supports the use of Allah by Non muslims?

    Isn’t police supposed to be neutral in partisan politics?

    How come suddenly an issue can become seditious when it was not before, and since when the police and not courts or law being arbiter of what is seditious???

  10. Which Dictator is so stupid to admit he is a Dictator?
    Mahathir is famous for his lies and deceits…..his half truths and twisted facts.
    An ex PM said “I forgot” 14 times..within half an hour….questioned by Royal the Lingam case…shows what kind of a man he is.
    The said Royal Commissioner made a report that Mahathir lied….yet no further actions against him.
    Mahathir is the dirtiest ….most crooked PM in the entire history of all Prime Ministers.
    He set up UMNO BARU to be a Dictator…period…..and his 22 years have shown…what he was.
    The next thing he will say….he has not stolen one sen from Malaysians.
    And when you ask him…how come his sons are so rich…..he will tell you….they are smart sons of his..and I know thousands sons are much smarter than his..yet cannot earn hundreds of millions like his sons.
    You go listen to Mahathir’s logic…you must be half pas six…like Chengho.

  11. I agree with Dr M that he is not in the same class as Mao Zedong or Kim Il-sung. That he did remove the independence of the judiciary and interpreted the laws to suit his purpose, to call him a democrat cannot be further from the truth. To him, grey is black when it suits his purpose because grey contains black. When white suit his purpose, grey becomes white. No, no, no… he is not a dictator but a Machiavelli through and through.

  12. When it comes to the issue of Islamic state – there is no guarantee whatsoever that any side PR or BN will not go down that path. Mahathir did that. The issue is who is going to focus on other issues first like corruption, crime, economy before the Islamic state issue – PR.

    The people who are worried about Islamic state issue – are the dumb ones. They put themselves there in the first place – they assume they did not have to worry about it for too long. Who made them the fool in the first place? SUPP/BN. Who is trying to fool them again? SUPP/BN

    What do they say about the difference between fooled once and fooled twice? Honestly, its whose fault is it?

  13. Jeffrey,please don’t pretend to be naived. Everybody knows including you that Umno is the supreme law of the country. Umno is above the King and the country constitution.The IGP and all his officers are nothing but tools to Umnoputras and warlords.If they(Umno) don’t like you or me,they can “isa’ you,or even c4 you by a click of a button.Don’t talk about the police,you know they are paid tools and the courts are all kangaroo ones.Frankly speaking I have not heard anything about the police being neutral in partisan politics since 1963 . you won’t re-but my saying would you ?

  14. SUPP,UMNO and the Big Mamak are all hypocrites.The Big Mamak was undeniably a dictator and a big sucker too.We remain relatively backward as compared to many other Asian countries today because of the many misdeeds committed by these hypocrites in the past and even today.

  15. If the people of Sibu are so gullible as to believe it (i.e. voting for DAP is voting for Islamic state), then I say, so be it. The people are not ready. They are nincompoops and as nincompoops, they deserve a nincompoop government. We can highlight all the failings of the incumbent government, but ultimately, the people must wise up and stand up and be counted. They cannot continue to behave like an ostrich and just want goodies to be heaped on them. The opposition has done enough and its leaders have sacrificed enough. It is up to the people now. If you ask me (and please don’t blame the opposition, it is my view), sometimes I find that Malaysians in general are not worth fighting for – we are greedy, self-centred, no sense of justice, tolerating corruption (in fact subtly promoting it), ever willing to betray, disinterested, and self serving. Many never read beyond msm and hence easily manipulated like puppets. When I read the other day there are people in this blog who actually believe that the farting psychologist from Sunway University was talking sense, my heart sank.

  16. frankyapp, i think you are not fair to Jeffrey. His views are well articulated. In fact, if the trend continues, UMNO may not the ultimate boss of this country. You want to guess who. I have said many times already.

  17. The MalaysianInsider says: “The rally [to commemorate May 13, 1969] is organised by a group calling itself Gerakan Kebangkitan Rakyat (Gertak) and they expect some 10,000 members of 45 Malay non-governmental organisations to attend… It is strange that Dr Mahathir — the man who first introduced the concept of Bangsa Malaysia — would choose to lead a potentially explosive and divisive gathering.”

    And who was behind May 13? Read Dr Kua Kia Soong’s book, “May 13: Declassified Documents on the Malaysian Riots of 1969”. To start a riot and blame it on others is the highest level of deceit.

    And why is the police allowing the rally when they are threatening the use of ISA for raising the Allah issue in Sibu? Such double standards make me wonder what kind of government we are having here in Malaysia.

    Yet, unlike Malaysian Insider, I do not find it strange that Mahathir who first introduced the concept of Bangsa Malaysia to choose to lead the gathering. He will do anything to suit his purpose, or rather his children’s purpose, given his age.

  18. I believe that the May 13 commemoration rally will not materialize. It will be called off at the last minute when it has served its purpose of attempting to remind and scare the voters in Sibu into voting for BN. This tactic may just backfire if the Sibu voters are far-sighted enough and not be swayed by immediate concerns.

    BN must go, there is no doubt about that. And I believe God is on PR’s side since 2008.

  19. Banning the use of Allah for non muslims and allowing the rally to commemorate May 13,1969 for malay NGOs are nothing but to show the supremacy of Umnoputras and warlords or Umno’s Ketuanan melayu.These two actions affirmed the “malay first” agenda and TDM,Ibrahim Ali aka Perkasa and Umno are working hand in glove to making malays are the master of and others are slaves in this country.Hence I hope it’s an eye opener for SUPP,MCA.MIC,Gerakan.PBS to think and act quick to leave the BN and joining PR to save this nation from going to the dogs.An initial start should begin with the Sibu voters on the 16th May2010.

  20. I have this nagging feeling that the government is already formulating a contingency plan to suspend parliament and declare a state of emergency, should it lose in the 13th general election. I also have a feeling that the next general election will be held on May 13. Is the 13 in May 13 and 13th GE purely coincidental or am I just neurotic?

  21. Jeffrey asked: “Isn’t police supposed to be neutral in partisan politics?”

    Is that a rhetorical question? Well, you know the answer better. Nowadays, practically all, if not all, the top government officials are politicians in disguise. Do remember who put them there. It is sickening to see these hypocrites pretending to uphold justice.

  22. SUPP and Gertak belong to the same group AND Sibu voters will believe that DAP and PR are the ones more likely to make Islamic state?

    If Sibu voters are that dumb, then SUPP are the same as baby killers, child abusers, wife-beaters, slave traders, colonialist, pimps and pornographer..

  23. aduhai malaysia…badminton kalah kepada jepun tadi. bolasepak pulak dah lama kecundang kepada jepun. hoki pulak sekarang ni tak digeruni negara jepun. ekonomi pulak tak terkejar kejar negara jepun. dasar pandang ke timur ? layu…malaysia. sebab ? sibuk berpolitik, sekejap hulu selangor sekejap sibu…

  24. Did I hear Mahathir say he was not corrupted and encourages corruptions?
    How can UMNO B be corrupted to the core under Mahathir for 22 years and he took tax payers money…from Employee Provident Fund… RM1.2 billion to save his son…without being investigated…if he was not a Dictator.
    Barry Wain wrote a boook msdaid Mahathir stolen more than RM100 billion.
    How can one steal by the billions..if he was not a Dictator….and look at him traveling to almost all countries in the plane loads to enjoy himself..with tax payers money too.
    He may not have one sen in his bank account to prove he is not all crooks are smart enough not to pocket stolen money into his account…but he does have powerful rich cronies…that educated Malaysians know who that are.
    Check out the list of few of his Malaysians cronies…mostly….half dead..businessmen or R2 paid up company… suddenly….became multi billionaires.
    Mahathir not only is proven…a Dictator but the most corrupted and dirtiest racist politician in Malaysia.
    He was such a thick skinned hypocrite too…with low class action skills….to fool his own UMNO B member…being made half past six by him…with the usual low class education and unproductive government jobs.
    Najib ask Malaysians… forget the past and give him a chance.
    Only a Dictator son dares to talk such idiotic reason…stealing from Malaysians..and ask all to forget the past.
    Meanwhile this corrupted son…who stole RM500 million from one deal and God knows how many more…plus dare to kill…all under Mahathir 22 years….and only made known after Mahathir retired…shows clearly mouths are shut…when Mahathir was PM…because any Malaysian talk against him…..police will arrest you under ISA.
    This most crooked and corrupted racist politician…is born evil…and under his 22 one dares to insult he made sure…all who opposed him…especially Anwar…Lim Kit Siang…Lim Guan Eng….Karpal Singh…and many more….were all put to jail under ISA and false charges.
    He was a Dictator and still showing the clear signs who he was…right now…talk and do as he likes.
    Worst still…if you consider he thinks he is the retired King Of Malaysia…happy that his adopted son in PM..doing his best to please the adopted father.
    Judge Ian Chin said Mahathir is the devil reincarnated….all all we need is to look how UMNO B politicians….are conducting and behaving themselves.
    Ordinary folks call them greedy corrupted..arrogant…weird and hypocritical creatures.
    Are Malaysians ..all liars and these UMNO B crooks have been unjustifiably accused by us?

  25. If at all Malaysia is an ISLAMIC STATE, what are the non-Muslim political parties still doing in the parliament of this Islamic State? Shouldn’t all people handling the affairs of an ISLAMIC STATE be MUSLIMS only? Then what are the members of MCA, MIC, Gerakan, PPP, etc doing in the government of an ISLAMIC STATE? Do they know the least bit of how an ISLAMIC STATE is run? Have they been CIRCUMCISED? Are they HALAL?

  26. “Business Council for International Understanding”

    Wots this? Any one here has any idea?

    This council gave fat first mama ros something and consequently fat first mama ros took out a 2-full page ad in NYT to congratulate herself on the account of the country.

    Oi people of sibu, is this what you all want?

  27. ekompute :
    I believe that the May 13 commemoration rally will not materialize. It will be called off at the last minute when it has served its purpose of attempting to remind and scare the voters in Sibu into voting for BN. This tactic may just backfire if the Sibu voters are far-sighted enough and not be swayed by immediate concerns.
    BN must go, there is no doubt about that. And I believe God is on PR’s side since 2008.

    Just as I expected. Malaysian Insider says: “May 13 rally called off”.

  28. “Aminulrasyid was 14 and so we pay special attention. If he was 25, do you think the same furore would have taken place? Remember we still have Kugan and TBH fresh in our memory.” nincompoop

    What if he were Nincompoop from Kg Attap a retiree with no job and bills to pay??

  29. Simple if you are a hapless undergrad earning minimum wage, there is no problem for the police to shoot you, and if you survive the first shot, the police should shoot you again.

  30. To ALL readers & commentators : Complained and whinned ALL you want,there is NOTHING,absolutely NOTHING you ALL can do. However there is one and ONLY one thing which we ALL can and SHOULD do viz is start your own “VOTER-get-VOTERS” campaign for PR. Do it not tommorrow but NOW cos GE13 is just around the corner..closer than you think. Start this ” VOTER-get-VOTERS 4 PR” campaign NOW by chain emails,sms,words of mouth to everyone….for a BETTER Malaysia..Join us at “VOTER-get-VOTERS for a Better Malaysia ” in facebook.

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