Lim Kit Siang

Sibu4Change manifesto


Both Sarawak and Malaysia are at the crossroads. We deserve and need better state and federal governments. Sibu has the unique and historic opportunity to set the tone for the future and be the beacon of hope for Sarawak and Malaysia.

Sarawak, with the largest land mass in Malaysia and an abundance of natural resources such as oil and gas, is languishing in the bottom half of all the states in Malaysia when it comes to poverty levels.

In 2009, the total estimated revenue of the state was RM3.726 billion. We have timber, palm oil, gold and many other natural resources.

Yet, more than 70% of longhouses do not have access to electricity and many do not even have treated piped water. Until today, there are no roads to many Sarawak villages. The people of Sarawak are among the poorest in Malaysia because of low pay, poor employment opportunities and a business environment which is monopolized by selected individuals.

The only conclusion is that 47 years of BN’s “politics of development” has been a total failure, not only in economic terms, but more importantly, in political terms. Sarawak is the only state in Malaysia where one family practically has complete power over the state’s entire economic and political activities.

For our children, For Sarawak, For Malaysia

Wouldn’t it be great if our children can remain in Sibu and Sarawak to work, live and play? Today, most of our children have left for greener pastures. Some
return only once every few years. Most have not looked back since in their search for greater opportunities out there.

There are more than 300,000 young Sarawakians working in West Malaysia and Singapore because there are no jobs for them in their homeland. A better government creates opportunities at home and keeps families together.

Sarawakians must protect their constitutional rights to freedom of religion and must halt the slippery slope to religious extremism. The rights of Sarawakians to practise their religion in their language of choice is now challenged by the BN federal government’s ban of the use of term “Allah” in BM language Bibles.

Many Sarawakians have become squatters in our own land. Many landowners in Sarawak are facing severe problems in renewing their land leases as the state government can reject any application without reason. If the state refuses to renew the lease, no compensation will be paid to the landowners. But if the lease is renewed, landowners have to pay a hefty premium.

For the Sarawak bumiputera community, their land defines their identities. Under BN’s “politics of development”, their Native Customary Rights (NCR) land is treated as an economic asset to be sold or leased out to timber and plantation companies and other commercial entities. NCR landowners are not even given employment opportunities in these “development projects” as these companies prefer to use cheap foreign labour.

Good Governance = No More Taib

Chief Minister Pehin Sri Abdul Taib bin Mahmud has been in office for more than 29 years. It’s time that we take the mandate back from them and herald a new era of reform and rejuvenation.

DAP and Pakatan Rakyat stand for good governance. Taib Mahmud’s BN has a track record of bad governance. Taib’s family through Cahaya Mata Sarawak (CMS) controls the most lucrative contracts and businesses, impoverishing the rakyat while making life difficult for small businesses.

Sarawak is a very rich state. By implementing open tender systems for all government procurements and contracts and demanding a higher percentage of royalty fees from Petronas, all Sarawakians will be richer by half, at least.


  1. Sibu’s Future

    When DAP and Pakatan Rakyat becomes government at the federal and state level, we promise to solve the flood problems in Sibu in two years, as well as invest in human capital and infrastructure to make Sibu the next world centre of shipping industries, marine engineering and tourism.

  2. Senior Citizens’ Bonus

    When DAP and Pakatan Rakyat becomes the government of Sarawak, all Sarawakians above 60 years old will receive a minimum of RM100 per annum as a gift for their contribution to the Sarawak economy.

  3. Minimum Wage

    When DAP and Pakatan Rakyat becomes government at the federal level, it will set a minimum wage of RM750/month for all workers in Peninsula Malaysia and RM830 for Sarawak.

  4. Education

    When DAP and Pakatan Rakyat becomes the government at the federal level, all schools will be given allocations according to needs as practised in Penang, Selangor and Kelantan so that our children can have a bright future.

  5. Oil royalty

    When DAP and Pakatan Rakyat becomes government at the federal level, Sarawak will receive 20% in oil royalties from Petronas, instead of the current 5%.

  6. Land reform

    When DAP and Pakatan Rakyat becomes government in Sarawak, all NCR land will be surveyed and titled issued while all expiring leases will be unconditionally renewed thereby unleashing the great economic potential of Sarawak.

  7. CAT Governance and Democracy

    When DAP and Pakatan Rakyat becomes government at the state and federal levels, we will practise Competency, Accountability and Transparency (CAT),
    and implement open tender systems, allow freedom of speech and reinstate local government elections.

Download Manifesto in PDF version.