Prime Minister Najib given until 11 am tomorrow to set up Hanif Omar RCI into police trigger-happy killing of Aminulrasyhid or I will ask Sibu voters to use by-election to send clear message that they want a IPCMC

Prime Minister Najib given until 11 am tomorrow to set up Hanif Omar RCI into police trigger-happy killing of Aminulrasyhid or I will ask Sibu voters to use by-election to send clear message that they want a IPCMC to create an efficient, independent, incorruptible world-class police service

I congratulate the Selangor Police Chief Datuk Khalid Abu Bakar for the speed with which his official car stolen two days ago had been found.

This however cannot be attributed to any police efficiency.

This was the result of the bungling of the car thief in stealing of all things the Selangor Police Chief’s official car which will condemn not only the thief but all handlers of stolen goods as targets of concentrated police search, surveillance and fire, which will make their lives among the most miserable on earth.

No wonder the car thief abandoned Khalid’s jet-black Perdana V6 when he discovered the identity of the car which he had stolen, leaving the vehicle on the side of the road in Prima Damansara with the apologetic note on the dashboard from the car thief: “Sorry PDRM tesilap sapu” (Sorry PDRM: a mistake).

The car was found at 8.45am by police officers who were making their rounds in the area.

The farce of the Selangor CPO’s stolen official car for two days however is at the expense of the Police and the ordinary people – for it is a frightful reminder to Malaysians how unsafe Malaysia has become, whether in terms of their personal safety but also of their property.

Who would expect thieves or robbers to return their ill-gotten gains with an apology attached, unless the victim happened to be the Selangor CPO or Inspector-General of Police?

The farce of the Selangor police chief’s two-day stolen car and the tragedy of the police trigger-happy killing of 14-year-old Form III student Aminulrasyid Amzah some 100 metres from his Shah Alam house on April 26 at 2 am whose only crime was unlicensed underaged driving of his sister’s car to watch a live football with his friends at the neighbourhood mamak stall combine to underline that the country is grappling with a serious crisis of confidence in the Malaysian police – despite the formation of a Police Royal Commission six years ago.

It is precisely because the Barisan Nasional government had failed to take the Police Royal Commission’s recommendations seriously, in particular its key recommendation for the establishment of an Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission (IPCMC) to create an efficient, incorruptible, professional world-class police service with three core functions to keep crime low, wipe out corruption and uphold human rights, that public confidence in the police today is at an all-time low.

The Deputy Home Minister and Chairman of the Special Panel into Aminulrasyid’s killing, Datuk Abu Seman Yusof said yesterday that there are “some inconsistencies” in the police case on the killing of Aminulrasyid that needs to be resolved as “We do not want the public to raise any issue of a cover-up”.

Abu Seman has made an under-statement as the ordinary rakyat can see “huge holes” in the police case on Aminulrasyid’s killing – for instance:

  • why the police classified the case as murder yet the Inspector-General of Police, Tan Sri Musa Hassan calls for an inquest;

  • why both the Selangor CPO and IGP jumped to the conclusion that Aminulrasyid and his companion and eye-witness of his being shot to death by the police, Azamuddin Omar, 15, were suspected criminals (even claiming that a parang was found in the car) without any thorough and professional police investigations?

  • Why the IGP and Police CPO have not apologised for the slur on the reputation on the two boys as well as on their families; and

  • Why is it necessary to subject Azamuddin to three sessions of police questionings over the very same version of events if the Police investigators had been responsible, thorough and professional as the 15-year old stuck consistently to his first police report on 26th April as to the circumstances leading to the heinous killing of his friend.

It is not just the police, but Abu Seman himself who must explain the many “inconsistencies” about the Special Panel, viz:

  • How it started as a powerless body which cannot inquire into Aminulrasyid’s death or make recommendations to the police and transformed into a super-powerful body which seems able to do anything; and

  • Under what laws the Special Panel derive all these extraordinary powers overnight or is it an illegal and unconstitutional body?

I am giving the Prime Minister Najib until 11 am tomorrow to set up a Royal Commission of Inquiry headed by former Inspector-General of Police Tun Hanif Omar to investigate into police trigger-happy killing of Aminulrasyhid and all police shooting deaths or I will ask Sibu voters to use the current by-election to send a clear and unmistakable message that they want two things:

  1. A Royal Commission of Inquiry into Aminulrasyhid’s death and all cases of police shooting deaths since 2005; and

  2. An IPCMC to create an efficient, independent, incorruptible world-class police service.

Why the short notice until 11 am?

Firstly, this notice is not a short one as in this era of instant communications in the age of Internet, Najib would know of what I say in a matter of minutes of issuing the statement.

Secondly, the heinous crime of Aminulrasyid’s killing did not happen yesterday but close to two weeks ago and the Prime Minister has all the facts for an instant decision to be taken without needing any further report or briefing from the police.

Will the SUPP Candidate for Sibu, Robert Lau Hui Yew, support the establishment of a RCI into the Aminulrasyid’s death and all police shooting deaths since 2005?

Will he support the establishment of an IPCMC to create an efficient, incorruptible, professional world-class police service?

Or would he have no views saying that these issues have nothing to do with the Sibu by-election?

14 Replies to “Prime Minister Najib given until 11 am tomorrow to set up Hanif Omar RCI into police trigger-happy killing of Aminulrasyhid or I will ask Sibu voters to use by-election to send clear message that they want a IPCMC”

  1. hahahahaha….a thief stealing police car….run like hell…abandoned the fast as he stole it?
    And tomorrow….Amin’s matter? I say…it will drag on with all sorts of excuses and reasons.
    Will Sibu voters care or be selfish….kaki ku kaki type of attitudes.

  2. ///Will the SUPP Candidate for Sibu, Robert Lau Hui Yew, support the establishment of a RCI into the Aminulrasyid’s death and all police shooting deaths since 2005?

    Will he support the establishment of an IPCMC to create an efficient, incorruptible, professional world-class police service?/// (Kit)

    Whether Robert Lau Hui Yew supports or does not support the establishment of a RCI or IPCMC is not going to make any difference, as we all know whatever decision he makes will be overruled by UMNO (remember the case involving the hike in traffic fines). BN component parties are redundant parties as they have no power over decision-making and have no say in BN.

    People should not waste their votes on these parties.

  3. Kit,
    I lost my car some 4 years ago and I can tell you that there is great possibility that the thief, the buy and some snakes in PDRM work hand in hand.

    When I lodged the report, the police NEVER even came to the spot where the parked car was stolen. (It was parked opposite the guard house of a condominium at Puchong).
    I suspect the guard is the thief or part of the team.
    When I confronted the guard, he just said, “I don’t know”.
    Why didn’t the police come to the condo to investigate or question the guard?
    Nothing was done but 3 months later I was given a letter which enable me to make my insurance claim, which is another sad story of high handed cheating, that is unwilling to pay 80% of the insured sum.

  4. Khalid Abu Bakar to his men : ‘All you lazy good for nothing SOB get the word out now – if my car is not return within 48 hours – we will shoot any/all ‘criminals’ on sight. Celaka you guys can’t even keep my car safe, how can you keep the rakyat safe? Oooops don’t qoute i said that.’

    People of Sibu, please vote wisely as this present opportunity is a rarity. We have all seen and heard during the last few weeks all the atrocities umno commited and threaten to commit , from hulu selangor to aminulrasyid and in between there are the perkasa goons and mamaktuk stirring the pot,potential of may13th the second , the very public slapping and dressing down of semi value and chua soiled leg and so on.
    Umno does not even bother to do all these subtley and behind closed doors. It’s so blantant telling all Malaysians with Umno, all other BN parties are nothing but umno accessories to be worn or discarded at umno’s whim.
    For MCA and MIC the time is now ripe for you to show your two fingers to umno and be independant or join forces with PR.
    Side-tracking, I would much prefer to remember Samy Vellu as the fiery greenbuck back in the seventies. I could also remember my first time canvassing for him in my hometown of Sungai Siput and also the time in his KL office where i was totally in awe of him – watching him bollocking the UK High Commision when they refuse me a student visa in 1977. I’m pretty sure after that telephone conversation that poor girl on the other end would be crying her eyes out, such was the ferocity of Sammy Vellu. For that I’m grateful as the High Commision reverse their decision almost immediately and I’m able to further my education in UK.
    But Sir all good thing does come to an end and you have gone way past you sell by date in the MIC. Leave now as it is not too late and let the people remember the good you have done and not the wrongs you want commit to strengthen your hold in MIC.
    People of Sibu with you vote you can be the catalyst that stop/slow umno in it’s path in destroying our beloved Malaysia. Come GE13 with concentrated efforts from Malaysian across the country we can finally finish umno and permanently nail shut it’s coffin.

    I have said this before the HS by election and I will say this again today. ‘It might not happen in this our generation but think and do it for the coming generations.’

  5. I hope Sibu people from east n west malaysia will togehter encourage a CHANGE for better goverment OR just live as what we are now.CHANGR for betterment=Live for betterment.Vote PR for a better change!

  6. Another piece of news about a 17 year old motorist hit in the abdomen. While there is an investigation into the way Mat Rempits are handled, the authorities should find out if the issue of Mat Rempits is really that bad. Imagine if you are driving in your car and this group of Mat Rempits overtake you in groups. What are your feelings and thoughts ? Probably the JKR or the people who make roads should purposely make bad roads. Bumps here and there. Holes here and there. Just so that these will keep the Mat Rempits out of the way. In order to race, good roads must be available. Imagine too if Hell Angels take to the streets of Singapore. Now, what will the authorities there do ? Probably they will prevent it before it even happens. Or may be they will come over and race on Malaysian roads.

  7. “Prime Minister Najib given until 11 am tomorrow to set up Hanif Omar RCI into police trigger-happy killing of Aminulrasyhid or I will ask Sibu voters to use by-election to send clear message that they want a IPCMC.”

    I have stopped believing in our laws… it seems to be enforced according to the government’s whims and fancies.

  8. Kit,
    what a joke , what a publicity stunt
    this is the land of foochow ,politic is local
    even yb wong pumping 1Malaysia yesterday nomination
    he believe in Najib ,they believe in Najib 1Malaysia
    vote for BN, vote for BN
    you better be careful with the troop from Pas they may damage your image at Sibu

  9. Land Of FooChow, so what? Sitiawan is also land of FooChow and it is a DAP stronghold, the smartest boys and girls came from there, and they have voted the DAP. I beleive the Sibu FooChow will do the same, it is simply they are the smartest FooChow.

  10. Oh mine!…the sewer rat Eunuch Hangin Chengho have made his appearance with his usual craps.
    Hey, the “First Lady” requires a baggage boy, that
    job is yours if you sniff around her and make your presence felt….

  11. “Prime Minister Najib given until 11 am tomorrow to set up Hanif Omar RCI into police trigger-happy killing of Aminulrasyhid or I will ask Sibu voters to use by-election to send clear message that they want a IPCMC.”

    Its an hour till the deadline and so far, nothing!!!

    I bet Najib had a sleepless night and had to take half a dozen sleeping pills to get some sleep.

    Or maybe he stayed up all night watching football.

    Yes, he was “shivering” all night long but the Fat, sorry, “First” Lady managed to calm him down.

    So go ahead. Carry out your “threat”.

  12. It remains to be seen whether national issues will actually strike a chord with voters at Sibu. But seeing the recent by-election trend, that appears to be unlikely, especially in East Malaysia.

    But we hope the East Malaysians will be wise enough to send a strong signal to BN so that BN do not take them for granted as “fixed deposit” and to really look into their woes. We also hope thatEast Malaysian see the larger picture in the struggle for a freer and better Malaysia. Save Sarawak. Save Malaysia.

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