Why SUPP candidate Lau Hui Yew is like other Barisan Nasional Ministers and leaders who have no confidence in their own school system by sending their children to international schools or overseas?

[Speech (2) at the launching of the Rejang Park Operation Centre of the DAP Sibu by-election campaign on Friday, 7th May 2010]

Another headline in Borneo Post today is “Zahid: Vote for Hui Yew to be heard in Dewan Rakyat”.

My first reaction is one of great skepticism and to ask why the SUPP candidate Robert Lau Hui Yew is like other Barisan Nasional Ministers and leaders who have no confidence in their own school system by sending their children to international schools or overseas.

Will Hui Yew speak up in Parliament against the national educational system over which he, like other BN Ministers and leaders, have no confidence by not sending their own children to them?

DAP candidate for Sibu by-election Wong Ho Leng has five children, all in the local schools – three in secondary and two in primary.

I have been informed that Robert Lau2 has sent all his three children to the international school in Kuching. Continue reading “Why SUPP candidate Lau Hui Yew is like other Barisan Nasional Ministers and leaders who have no confidence in their own school system by sending their children to international schools or overseas?”

Police investigation into Aminulrasyid’s killing most disgraceful and unprofessional in subjecting 15-year-old Azamuddin to three questionings when the student had consistently stuck to his version as given in his first police report the very same day

(Speech at the launching of the Rejang Park Operation Centre of the DAP Sibu by-election campaign on Friday, 7th May 2010)

Borneo Post carries the headline today: “Drop in crime index for first four months” . However, it does not give Malaysians any accompanying assurance of greater safety and security whether in the streets, public places or privacy of their home since the beginning of the year as illustrated by two recent episodes:

• The charade of the Selangor police chief’s official car being stolen; and

• The trigger-happy police shooting and killing of 14-year-old Form III student Aminulrasyid Amzah some 100 metres from his Shah Alam house 12 days ago at 2 am on April 26, 2010 whose only offence is underaged and unlicensed driving to watch the football match Chelsea vs Stokes at the neighbourhood mamak stall with his friends.

Continue reading “Police investigation into Aminulrasyid’s killing most disgraceful and unprofessional in subjecting 15-year-old Azamuddin to three questionings when the student had consistently stuck to his version as given in his first police report the very same day”

Tajem’s message to the Ibans

The Broken Shield

SERIAN: An adviser to PKR and former deputy chief minister Datuk Daniel Tajem (pic below)warns the Iban community that they will lose their native customary rights lands if they continue to elect the State Barisan Nasional coalition in the coming State election.

“Many Ibans in other parts of Sarawak have already lost their lands and we will continue to loose our land, if the State Barisan continues to govern Sarawak.

“In Balai Ringin we are about to lose our lands, when four companies linked to Chief Minister Abdul Taib Mahmud have been given provisional lease (PL) to plant oil palm in our lands.

“A total of 741,000 hectares of our NCR lands have been earmarked for this purpose,” he said, adding that the land owners had protested, but to no avail.

In fact, he said, he and the land owners have written to UMNO to intervene and stop the State government from taking away people’s lands.
Continue reading “Tajem’s message to the Ibans”

Who are against 1Malaysia concept?

By The Broken Shield

1Malaysia concept as espoused by Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak should be accepted by all if it is to be implemented. In spirit or sloganeering alone is not enough; it must be implemented in deed and in action.

Under the concept “every race is equal” as Dr. James Masing, PRS president explained over Radio Iban some time ago.

But there are people, government departments, ministries and universities which are working against this concept.

For example, UiTM is one such organisation which does not practise 1Malaysia concept.

Starting 29 April until 7 May, UiTM campuses in the country are recruiting students who achieved only 4 credits to be adopted under “Destini anak Bansa” (literally it means the destiny of our children).
Continue reading “Who are against 1Malaysia concept?”