Musa Hassan – resign as IGP as the tearful eye-witness testimony of traumatized 15-year-old Azamuddin on the police killing of Form III student Aminulrasyid has completely destroyed your credibility and authority!

I will like to tell Tan Sri Musa Hassan – resign as Inspector-General of Police as the tearful eye-witness testimony of traumatized 15-year-old Azamuddin Omar on the police killing of his friend, Form III student Aminulrasyid Amzah some 100 metres from the latter’s house in Shah Alam a week ago has completely destroyed your credibility and authority.

If you love the Royal Malaysian Police Force, then you have no other option but to resign immediately to protect the police from the consequences of your gross failures of police leadership as IGP.

For the love of the country and the police force, resign now as IGP!

Let a new IGP start the difficult, painful but not impossible process to restore public confidence in the police where they regard the police as friend and protector and not as threat and even killer of innocent Malaysians, including school-children.

As final amends, in your resignation letter, make two recommendations to the Home Minister and Prime Minister, viz:

  1. the establishment of a Royal Commission of Inquiry headed by former Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Hanif Omar to inquire not only into the fatal police shooting of Aminulrasyid but also all police shooting deaths since 2005; and

  2. endorse the proposal of the Dzaiddin Police Royal Commission for the establishment of the Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission (IPCMC) as a key step to create an efficient, incorruptible, professional and world-class police service. If the IPCMC had been set up in 2005 and not blocked in a campaign led by you, Aminulrasyid will still be alive today for there would be a greater sense of professionalism among the police.

This is what I would like to tell Musa but I do not know whether he is amenable to this drastic remedy I have proposed to restore justice to Aminulrasyid and to redeem the good name of Aminulrasyid’s family and that of Azamuddin defamed by public police accounts describing the two schoolboys as “criminals”.

However the cost of Musa’s stubborn refusal to bow to public pressures will be a high one – causing even further estrangement of the police from the Malaysian public and a sharper loss of public confidence in the Malaysian police.

The Malaysian Insider in its report today “Anger against police over Aminul’s death building up on Facebook” said that a week after the Form III boy’s tragic death, more than 60,000 fans had signed up on a Facebook demanding justice and expressing growing anger and concerns over cases of police violence.

It is a terrible indictment on the professionalism of the IGP that he continued to defend the police version that the two students were criminals when Azamuddin had lodged a police report and even given police statement on the same day of the tragic killing at 2 am the previous Monday.

Aminulrasyid has picked up Azamuddin in his sister’s car about midnight last Monday and they had gone to watch a football match (Chelsea vs Stoke) on TV as a restaurant in Section 7, Shah Alam.

Recounting the tragic course of events, Azamuddin was the lone passenger in the car when Aminulrasyid was shot in the back of his head, trying to flee home to seek protection from his mother and family.

Azamuddin categorically denied police claim and testified that Aminulrasyid did not try to ram policemen with his sister’s car.

The Home Minister, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein should take heed of this mounting public anger, particularly from the young generation of Malaysians.

His reputation and credibility are also on the line if he refuses to act decisively and do what is right to ensure justice for Aminulrasyid, Azamuddin and their families and end the rigmarole of a Abu Seman Special Panel which has no powers to inquire into Aminulrasyid’s death or make recommendations to the Police and forthwith to support the establishment of a Tun Haniff Royal Commission of Inquiry into Aminulrasyid’s death.

21 Replies to “Musa Hassan – resign as IGP as the tearful eye-witness testimony of traumatized 15-year-old Azamuddin on the police killing of Form III student Aminulrasyid has completely destroyed your credibility and authority!”

  1. This must the third time I am saying this same thing. We used to adhere to the principle of “presumed innocent until proven guilty”. This has been changed by the umno gobermen to “presumed guilty unless proven otherwise.” Now even this is not good enough for umno. In the recent past the attitude and actions of their police force have been to execute and shut the fu_k up. We now dont even have the chance to be “suspects” or “be presumed guilty” so that we may “prove our innocence.”

    Umno led the whole country to the dogs.

    BTW. A little diversion, Rashid Sidek and family are now out of hospital and he will be joining our thomas cup squad in Bkt Jalil for training as coach. Yes Yes Yes. Do us proud bro.

  2. I will blame the BN government for the rot that has beset PDRM. It started with the sacking, arrest, trial and demonization of Anwar Ibrahim.

    The police was at the beck and call of the PM and ready to do anything to please the master.

    Musa, a junior to many other officers, was promoted for his role in propping up Mahathir’s regime.
    When his tenure was extended after his retirement, the people protested and sent a petition to the King and yet he was appointed.
    Now to whom do we point our fingers – at Musa or UMNO or the King.

    The killing of this young boy is the result of a decadent system that we have in place.
    We cannot look at PDRM in isolation since all its abuses are sanctioned by the AG , the Judiciary and the govt.

    The only way we can change this is by changing the govt.

  3. An unnecessary loss of live; one so young with a bright future ahead of him.

    An unnecessary use of lethal force, one not commensurate with the alleged crime.

    A system that is rotten to the core (from Executive, Legislative, Judicial, Administrative et al).

    A misuse of power by those 4 branches above created a situation now where the citizens are “slaves” to the “master” (the ruling party).

    The unspoken truth of this situation is that had these 2 boys not been Malay, the public would not be screaming for justice, the main steam media would not be front paging it, the ruling party would not “promise” a fair & open investigation.

    An innocent loss of life should not be racial. Just like TBH, Kugan et al loss of lives should not be racial. A life is a life. All lives are precious, irrespective of your race or religion.

  4. Let’s be honest: IGP Musa would rather suffer a heart attack and die than to resign as IGP.

    So the ball is on Najib’s court, literally, to REMOVE the worst IGP not oonly in Malaysian history but perhaps also in the history of this ASEAN region!

    The annals of PDRM will forever be tainted! O God!

  5. The Police kept on shooting, about 20 rounds it was reported, during the chase. Is this Standard Operating Procedures?

    It looked more like a traffic offence with a speeding car being pursued by motocyclysts (Mat Cemerlangs)?

    Yet the Police deemed it necessary to shoot, shoot, shoot.

    Every bullet discharged has the potential to kill, whether the victim or innocent passers-by. So there were 20 attempts to kill. There is no justification for this. Their lives were not at stake or in jeopardy.

    Can the Police reveal to the public what is their SOP?

    “This is not Manchester or L.A. This is Shah Alam”.

    Yes, in Shah Alam we do things much, much, more differently.

    Maybe the Police think they are in Chicago during the bad, bad, old days of Al Capone.

  6. The Police kept on shooting about 20 rounds

    The igp must try to provide his traffic police with bazookas. Press the trigger, and Vahoom! No more witnesses to tell stories about police brutality

  7. Musa, UMNO and the KING, they come from the same specimen. This IGP is not man enough and neither, has he the integrity and honor to resign his position for misleading the public. He tried desperately, to convince the rakyat that a car is a weapon!…twisting the actual happening of the whole episode.

  8. He is a classic example of a HP6 (as described by TDM) serving a HP6 government in a the land of bodohs and mafia of the worst kind. “Royal” ? They only know how to bully, Chinese say … “eat small”.
    The whole force need to be totally overhauled. There are too many redundant and HP6 idiots under “gaji-buta”.
    He is not even qualified, and tak ada standard. He is only good at carrying mattress. He should be working for Dunlop pillow.

  9. Would you imagine if IGP goes, who else have to go with him?

    Let the tsunami of resignation happen..

    Lots of shiits flying in the sky before this latest shooting..

    1Malaysia is already an anarchic nation…

  10. “The killing of this young boy is the result of a decadent system that we have in place.
    We cannot look at PDRM in isolation since all its abuses are sanctioned by the AG , the Judiciary and the govt.”


    All paid by hard earned Tax-payer money to abuse the Rights of all Malaysians except those with power and corruptions!!

  11. it is baffling that the highest ranked policeman in Malaysia say such an irresponsible thing. i bet the international community must be shocked. i am shocked. i’m not sure about the rest of the malaysian. r u shocked? i am.

  12. Give me a break.Stopped being narrow minded.Not being insensitive.Everybody well known it is his family fault.If he did not drove the car without the licence that night nothing will happen.So stop being hipocrite.When he drove the car in such manner, speeding and running away from cop.He having the “WEAPON” to kill in his hand.That is the car itself.It could be your children or your love one crossing that road that night and you definately will have different opinion about this issue.

  13. Secret societies are more professional and respectable than the police … What a shame.

    The IGP only knows how to carry mattress … Malu

    The HM only knows how to bark … Big Mouth HP6

  14. If Musa goes…so will Sodomy 1&2, Mahathir, Jibby, Hisapuddin, UMNO. Altantunya’s soul will finally find its peace without having to haunt Puncak Alam, Plaza Masaalam, Section 11 Shah Alam…and really dont know where next?

  15. So the police are suffering from heated bottoms. That’s a good sign for Malaysia. The dawn of responsibility of the mighty Police Department to the weak citizen! We are catching up with developed countries, aren’t we.

    Nevertheless, let me give due appreciation to the numerous police officers who serve the country well, day after day.

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