Call on Najib to release a full chronological order on the events resulting in the ceding of Malaysian sovereignty to Blocks L and M to Brunei and the position of Brunei’s territorial claim to Limbang

The statements by Wisma Putra, Petronas, the Prime Minister Dauk Seri Najib Razak and former Prime Minister Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi all have one common purpose – to avoid answering two important questions:

  1. When and why Malaysia ceded away Malaysian sovereignty to two oil and gas-rich offshore areas in South China Sea, namely Block L and Block M, in favour of Brunei; and

  2. Whether and if so, when Brunei had surrendered its territorial claim of sovereignty to Limbang and recognized full Malaysian sovereignty instead.

Although Wisma Putra, Petronas, Najib and Abdullah know fully well that their statements would be scrutinized for answers to these two most important questions, all their verbiage have one common thrust to avoid answer to these two questions.

This can only raise suspicions to crisis point.
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Are Umno leaders to issue the “Get Out from BN!” order to MCA Ministers if MCA cannot recapture Chinese support?

The New Straits Times headline today ‘MCA must prove it can recapture Chinese support‘ has come as no surprise, considering the utterances and threats which have become the staple diet of some UMNO leaders who are suffering from a terminal denial syndrome refusing to admit that the biggest problem faced by Barisan Nasional post-March 8 political tsunami stem from Umno and not the other BN component parties.

In fact, what is surprising is that the warning had not been made by Perkasa, which seemed to have received the out-sourcing of such chores from Umno, but from none other than Umno Vice President Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein after the general assembly of 30 Umno branches in Cameron Highlands yesterday.

The question is: Are Umno leaders going to issue a “Get Out from BN” order to MCA Ministers if MCA cannot recapture Chinese support?

I myself was surprised to read of the admission by the MCA President Datuk Dr. Chua Soi Lek in the Star last Friday that MCA leaders accept that MCA only had 14% Chinese support in Hulu Selangor at the start of the recent by-election.
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47 years in Malaysia – why Muruts feel strangers in their own land?

On Sunday, 2nd May 2010, DAP leaders including DAP Deputy Chairman Senator Tunku Aziz, DAP MP for Serdang, Teoh Nien Ching and DAP Sabah Assemblyman Jimmy Wong, DAP Sabah Publicity Secretary Dr. Edwin Bosie and I visited Kampong Murut, Ulu Kalabakan.

It was a long bumpy ride from Tawau to Kalabakan but worse is to come in the next stretch of the Trans-Borneo Highway, from Kalabakan to Sapulut which I have termed as the Highway Rip-off of Sabah – as a 179km permanent bitumunous road with sealed pavement turned out, after prolonged delays, into a gravel road!

The video clip is my speech asking why Muruts feel strangers in their own land while foreigners have come to regard themselves as owners of the Land Below the Wind.

Najib’s “Do not cover up” warning to Police over Aminulrasyid killing long overdue and a clear slap in the face of IGP and Home Minister

The screaming front-page headline of New Straits Times today tells it all –“‘Do not cover up’ – Public wants transparent inquiry into boy’s shooting, says Najib”.

The Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s “Do not cover up” warning to the police over the fatal police shooting of 14-year-old Form III student Aminulrashyid Hamzah in the early hours of Monday last week 100 metres from his Shah Alam house is long overdue and a clear slap in the face of the Inspector-General Tan Sri Musa Hassan and the Home Minister, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein.

One is entitled to ask why the Prime Minister had only spoken after six days of national outrage at the police shooting of Aminulrasyid and outrageous government response and mishandling of the heinous killing, from the IGP downwards and even the Home Minister – but it is better late than never.

Speaking in Sibu, while expressing regret over the shooting of Aminulrasyid, Najib said the investigations must be open and transparent as the public demanded this.

He said:
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Coming Back Swinging!

By M. Bakri Musa

It is the mark of a great leader that having encountered an obstacle, would bounce right back to plan the next offensive strategy. The results of the Hulu Selangor by-election have yet to be officially ratified, and already Zaid Ibrahim has come out swinging to challenge the legitimacy of the election process and the validity of the outcome. A flawed process produces flawed results.

In springing right back, Zaid demonstrates an admirable ability to focus on winning the war and not be distracted by the loss of a battle. That is the measure of a great general.

Lesser leaders would have taken the easy path out. Those with shaky integrity and even shakier commitment would readily switch sides at the first tribulation, with or without sweet promises. There were many such examples in the recent Hulu Selangor by-election.

Not Zaid. He is suing the Elections Commission alleging that it “allowed intimidation, false information, and unfair and illegal electoral practices by the Barisan Nasional machinery.” Additionally, Zaid is suing Utusan Malaysia for libel.
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