Najib should make personal visit to family of Aminulrasyid latest fatal victim of trigger-happy police shooting and set up public inquiry headed by credible independent Commissioners

The Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak should make a personal visit to the family of the latest fatal victim of trigger-happy police shooting and set up a public inquiry headed by credible and independent Commissioners into the killing of 14-year-old Form III student Aminulrasyid Hamzah by trigger-happy police in the early hours of Monday near his house at Section 11 in Shah Alam.

This morning, together with Penang Chief Minister and DAP Secretary-General Lim Guan Eng, I visited the bereaved mother, Norsiah Mohamad and his family immediately on our return from Sibu and extended our condolences and shared the outrage and anger at the unacceptable police killing of a 14-year-old student.

The official police version of the shooting/killing of Aminul as given by the Selangor Chief Police Officer Datuk Khalid Abu Bakar had been challenged on the most important facets by the family and eye-witness account.

Firstly, Khalid alleged that Aminul, who was driving, had suddenly reversed the car and tried to ram into the police personnel while his companion “had exited and was able to escape”.

The family said it was not true that Aminul tried to reverse the car to jam the police personnel. Aminul had died when he was shot in the head and the friend who was with him came out to surrender himself but was kicked and punched but he managed to escape. Continue reading “Najib should make personal visit to family of Aminulrasyid latest fatal victim of trigger-happy police shooting and set up public inquiry headed by credible independent Commissioners”

Open Tweet to Cabinet on police killing of 15 year old Aminul Rasyid

OPEN TWEET TO CABINET Suspend all police invlvd in police killing of 15yr Aminul ShahAlam Order public inquiry 2assuage public anger/outrage
04/28/2010 08:21 AM

Will visit Aminulrasyid’s aggrieved mother ShahAlam w Penang Chief Minister when we return from Sibu 2express sympathy support solidarity
04/28/2010 08:36 AM

#Aminulrasyid Let Msian Twitterjaya raise firestorm protest anger @ police killing 15yr teen n demand no more indiscriminate police shooting
04/28/2010 09:09 AM