Tweets since polling eve


ntv7 censorship n Joshua’s resignation – call 4public inquiry as Najib’s denial of Rosmah’s role lacks credibility
about 24 hours ago via web

1+million MCA mmbrs shld openly vote agnst MCA/BN candidates in next GE as they cannot hold heads high, in pride/honour
about 24 hours ago via web

#P94 #HS Latest survey shows PKR slightly ahead PR 51.7% vs BN 48.3 %
about 23 hours ago via web

Very true RT @ahpooki: @limkitsiang uncle lim, be careful wif these borderline numbers..can go either way. PR must hv 80%..yeah !! go PR go..!!
04/24/2010 01:44 PM

At Felda SgTengi 4Himpunan Warga Felda Kebangsaan Ke2 opened by NikAziz n will b closed by KhalidIbrahim Anwar also addressed Felda G2 Meet
04/24/2010 03:52 PM

Felda settlers n 2nd generation from over 100 Feldas all over country represented Recd memo LurahBilutFelda settlers n will raise it in Parl
04/24/2010 04:32 PM

Pledged 2nd Felda G2 Meet 2speak up 4Felda settlers n AnakPeneroka in Parliament agnst gross injustices Anak bcome labourers or displaced
04/24/2010 04:53 PM

Selangor MB Khalid announces appointment of #ZaidIbrahim as head of state task force 2resolve all problems esp land of Felda settlers n G2
04/24/2010 06:14 PM

Khalid sets 3month timetable 4#ZaidIbrahim Selangor Felda TaskForce 2complete its term of reference 2work with him 2resolve Felda problems
04/24/2010 06:17 PM

Khalid announce special housing program 4second generation Felda settlers Selangor n assigned responsibility 2Azmin who is PKNS board member
04/24/2010 06:21 PM

Finale at KKB stadium RT @nirajz: RT @skthew: Where is the grand finale for tonight? Pls assist. #hs #P94 @limkitsiang
04/24/2010 08:15 PM

#BeliveIT/x34 Najib in Rasa promised 2issue Monday cheque RM3million 4new Rasa Chinese primary school only if BN wins #HS tmr Where is MACC?
04/24/2010 09:13 PM

When Najib tried 2induce Rasa votes w RM3mil cheque 4Ch pr sch Monday if BN wins MCA president CSL 1Minister KCH 2dep min GKS CCH present
04/24/2010 09:32 PM

MCA leaders dare not but PR MPs will hold Najib 2account 4RM3mil 2Rasa sch in Parlmnt every meeting regardless of #HS result or shame d PM
04/24/2010 10:52 PM

Not ruling out possiblty 2lodge rpt w MACC agnst Najib 2expose MACC uselessness n hypocrisy of anticorruption campaign of Najib/Ministers
04/24/2010 11:00 PM

Blocked by traffic roadblock Took motorbike 2enter KKB stadium w sea of humanity last ceramah 4#HS with major PR leaders from all 3parties
04/24/2010 11:32 PM

#94 Anwar arrivd after me He had come from previous ceramah on motorbike 4 40mins Anwar speaking now abt self-respect/ dignity of Msians #HS
04/24/2010 11:59 PM

On stage NikAziz Karpal CMLGE MBKhalid SyedHusin Azmin @ZaidIbrahim Tamrin With grand finale n sea of humanity there’s hope victory @HS tmr
04/25/2010 12:07 AM

Earlier UluYam ceramah was stomping crowd full support of @zaidibrahim 2send signal nationwide dat time has come for change of govt 13GE
04/25/2010 01:05 AM

#HS #P94 10 am: 26.25% voter turnout – 16,932 out of 63,701 voters
04/25/2010 11:24 AM

#BeliveIT/x35 #HS #P94 Najib’s RM3mil bribe “If we win dis by-election.. I will write personal lttr 2approve d money.”
04/25/2010 11:39 AM

#HS #P94 11 am 38.21% of voter turnout or 24,645 out of 63,701 voters Brisk voting
04/25/2010 11:45 AM

#HS #P94 12 noon 49.04% voter turnout or 31,632 out of 63,701 voters. Very high voter turnout indeed.
04/25/2010 12:43 PM

#HS #P94 BEWARE!BN dirty tricks polling day Fake Chinese SMS in LGE’s name urge DAP supporters x 2vote @ZaidIbrahim BEWARE othr enemy action
04/25/2010 12:58 PM

#HS #P94 1 pm 56.82% voter turnout or 36,650 out of 63,701 voters. Hurrah Keep it up
04/25/2010 01:47 PM


9 Replies to “Tweets since polling eve”

  1. Cardinal rules of voting for Pendatangs:

    (i) Voters in constituencies wishing for new Chinese/Indian schools must elect a candidate with 1 foot in the kubur, so that their wish is granted when that candidate puts both his feet in the kubur.

    (ii) Ever wonder why Chinese/Indian voters are willing to vote for BN, whose declared aim is to transform their present status of citizens in “immiigrants” via the GTP?

  2. Under NTR Bocorland will bleed to death. If Rose Ichicbawa continues to campur tangan, tak lama NTR oso bocor, and MY takes over, and soon after that Malaysia Bo-liow, kena di-jual to Singapore.

  3. Malaysiakini reports, Kit Siang: Zaid trailing, need 85% Chinese vote.

    Good one there. Short and simple, but very very powerful. If the Chinese don’t wake up, then don’t complain.

  4. New party anthem for mca

    We are the pendatangs
    Pleading for Chinese schools
    Begging for funds and scholarships
    While great snake leader
    Enjoys itself with Angela yam

    How nice it is to be pendatangs
    Looking for crumbs under tuans’ tables
    Getting 3% for FDs
    While tuans get 13% for ASN

    Can someone compose the new party anthems for gerakan, mic ect?

  5. Kam Lan can now become the new carpet-boy to service Rose Kacangmah. He is young and strong.
    HS folks can now look forward to brighter and more sunny days ahead ….hopefully. Don’t be surprise if the 3 million cheque has to wait until the next by-election, as a bait. All the other promises may also be hold back, pending more by-erection. Frustration explode and HS back to square one. Or have to wait for the money from more special-draws. The next one on Tuesday 27

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