Press censorship of ntv7 talk show involving Prime Minister’s wife Rosmah resulting in resignation of senior producer Joshua Wong must be deplored by all Malaysians as an undesirable and dangerous precedent

The press censorship of popular hour-long ntv7 talk show “Editor’s Time” involving the Prime Minister’s wife Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor resulting in the resignation of senior producer Joshua Wong must be deplored by all Malaysians as an undesirable and dangerous precedent.

Two important issues and principles are involved in this scandal and fiasco.

Firstly, media censorship. When Datuk Seri Najib Razak became Prime Minister a year ago, he promised the country an open, accountable and transparent government as well as a free press.

The press censorship of ntv7 popular talk show is a flagrant violation of Najib’s pledges on his assumption of the sixth premiership in the country.

The media censorship and restrictions on the ntv7 talk show includes:

  • The show not allowed to discuss political issues;

  • Opposition leaders cannot be invited to the show, including DAP MP Tony Pua who was to take part on the topic relating to the New Economic Model; and

  • Ban on the ‘Hulu Selangor by-election’ show, which was originally scheduled for April 22.

  • I fully agree with Joshua that these restrictions of the ntv7 talk show are completely unjustifiable as they “threatened the independence of my job as producer” and “a form of self-censorship, which is against the principle of fair and independent reporting”.

    Joshua said “these restrictions have seriously affected the professionalism of the producing team”.

    Such media censorship and restriction by the Najib administration is completely unacceptable and intolerable at a time when Malaysia is trying to escape the “middle income trap” with a national transition to become a high-income developed country with all the attributes of successful high-achieving developed countries – an important aspect of which is media freedom.

    Secondly, the involvement of the Prime Minister’s wife in the media censorship of ntv7 talk show resulting in the resignation of Joshua Wong, which is the first time in the nation’s history where the wife of the Prime Minister intervenes in public and governmental affairs.

    Is she acting as if she has become the de facto Information Minister!

    The Prime Minister’s wife should stay clear of politics and public affairs. Nobody says that Rosmah has no right to be involved in politics or governmental affairs, but if that is her interest, then let her enter the political arena and get elected to Parliament on her own right with a proper mandate for her actions.

    She should not abuse and misuse her position and influence as the Prime Minister’s wife to improperly intervene and inferfere in government and public affairs.

    DAP through our Senators will raise and highlight the protest resignation of Joshua because of unjustifiable media censorship and restriction in the Senate next week.


27 Replies to “Press censorship of ntv7 talk show involving Prime Minister’s wife Rosmah resulting in resignation of senior producer Joshua Wong must be deplored by all Malaysians as an undesirable and dangerous precedent”

  1. This is what the 1malaysia hypocrisy is all about—- no place for opposition in bolehland. Next, PR MPs will not be given seats in the Dewan Rakyat, they will have to squat on the floor like naughty schoolkids being punished by their teacher.

  2. “….abuse and misuse her position and influence…..”

    You should simply ask her if she knows the meaning of the word “shameful”. I don’t think so. For one who went all out to tell others not to attend her own daughter’s wedding, this is just a minor matter.

    I applaud Joshua Wong.

  3. Our Hanjin Chengho says, “If we could believe all our PM, BN & UMNO bullsh*ts, my stinky mouth would be able to lick my own ass happily… I would have to stick bundle of chopsticks into my ass for relaxations and excitements… My mama needs not work as belly dancer in the Putrajava. My papa won’t be a pimp… I will cum hogs hysterically… & I need not to champaign damn hard for my paychecks… “

  4. LEG did not have any power to ban, he just refused to pay for rubbish. Here it WAS A DIRECTIVE, can you differentiate? maybe it is beyond you?.
    I would think, this is the first time a 1st lady has directly involved herself.

  5. She should go to Bollywood and co-starr with Latuk cunt and the carpet-man to produce a movie entitled “Devil-Woman”.
    Using thick make-up to cover her ugly face ….eeeee, sangat gilleeee-lah. BN supporters in HS sure pensan to see her porky face, and give PR a walkover. Kam Lan lose his deposit.

  6. That’s fatty-poo-poo mama? Piss off for seeing her ugly face, man! That’s Hanjin Chengho step mama, oh!! She has been involving in all pussi-kat matters & decision makings, man…. An economic graduate from Louisiana State University where she often jazzed a lot at Louisiana downtown pubs for drinking during holidays! I think so…

  7. “Opposition leaders cannot be invited to the show, including DAP MP Tony Pua who was to take part on the topic relating to the New Economic Model.”

    Is this what we called democracy? Well, you may say many banana republics do that too and I don’t deny that!

  8. If this was done by the developed country, Najib would have been impeached. The wife of the PM has no state power, merely a ceremonial one. Breaching that boundary should make Najib impeachable because its a violation of oath of office.

  9. Q: What would happen if Obama’s wife orders American TV stations not to allow Republican politicians in their talk shows?

    A: The whole Obama family would be FedEx-ed to Guantanamo Bay in 24 hours

  10. After hearing so much of Rosmah as a hands-on person, should PR be even surprised that this woman would strike wherever she can – NTV7 included.

    BN wouldn’t care 2 hoots about press freedom or democracy as if either even matter to them. So the only way for Malysians to regain their freedom is to give BN the boots.

  11. Rose Ichibawa tak tahan oredi, macam monyet kena belachan, fat and ugly, but still wants to mess around busy-body, I think the spirit of Altantuya is haunting her, and soon she will end up permanently in Tg Rambutan, or better still send to the Orang Hutan sanctuary in Sabah.

  12. chengho :
    What so difficult to understand Penang state government ban certain newspaper in their PC , ask Leg?

    Surely the Pakatan Rakyat state government of Penang will appreciate members of the media who report Pakatan Rakyat state government related affairs & events as accurately as possible in its entirety, and not edit the contents of the news so that it is satisfactorily to the advantage of Umno-BN especially when Umno-BN has a significant stake in the mainstream media.

  13. Not one wife of past like Rosmah…..who is directly involving into government matters….forcing a senior producer of the TV station to resign…who values principles in life more than being a puppet on the string to Rosmah.
    Hats off to Joshua Wong.
    LKS have said it all…but will Rosmah ever feel shameful and hide her face? NEVER!!
    The feelings she is powerful have sunk into her head…since RPK and Bala also disappeared and the Mongolian murder case…stays at it is….all murderers caught…and so call justices have been done…in the welknown kangaroo court case..

  14. Chengho seems to understand everything and know exactly what is right and wrong always…..whenever he put out a comment.
    The problem is….he speaks like a lunatic…taking a walk in the asylum…to all his inmates…or like
    “Bunch of Sucker” writer said…that is what he is paid for to do…working for Najib.
    I guess….the more he gets faarked by all…the more siok he becomes.
    Yip…chengho loves people faarking him with a the river of no return….moving one way on ad on…to nowhere..typical one track minded idiot character.

  15. All the suspicion about Alatantuya is added even more with this piece of information given Rosmah name in the whole fiasco.

    Lee Kuan Yew does ask to meet wife of anyone if they are not involved in state matters. He did not even ask to meet Cherie Blair or Hillary Clinton who were highly influential in their own right. The extent of Rosmah involvement in state matters is ‘ultra vires’..

  16. ///Is she acting as if she has become the de facto Information Minister!/// – Kit

    Rosmah is only a housewife and not a people’s representative, how dares she give orders to the media?

  17. yhsiew….That’s typical UMNO mentalities and behaviors….no manners…dressed up with false titles and stolen billions from Malaysians….thinking as long as they can keep fooling majority Muslims…they are safe.
    Rosmah is lowly showing who she is…one fat…short.. wild cat woman…just the opposite of the comic Cat-Woman.
    Yes…the band of robbers and thieves are showing their true colours….which also mean..they have no more choices.
    Wait for the time…they throw more goodies to the Muslims. Right now…they must have small tenders…thrown out…all for Malays to win….making thousand happy.
    That’s one they buy up souls and the country.

  18. As a wife Rosmah is just doing her role to help her husband. But the act is at the expense of Rakyat, what is 1Malaysia concept to her and her husband? Rakyat diutamakan? They seems to be no difference from Tun Dr. Mahathir, as Soros described “hypocrite” who insulted others moron

  19. chengho :
    Betty live in Penang now? already forgot her Malacca supporter , that what happened to the party belong to father , son and daughter in law.

    If that’s the case, Najib should not live in Putrajaya & he has to move back to Pekan because he must not forget his supporters in his constituency over there.
    And he has to ask cousin Hishamudin to leave Umno because he can’t have people saying that the party is being dominated by the two cousins…

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