Most important issue in Hulu Selangor by-election – send stirring message to all Malaysians that time has come for Putrajaya change of power

The most important issue in the Hulu Selangor by-election on April 25 is to send the stirring message to all Malaysians all over the country that the time has come for national change of power in Putrajaya come the 13th General Elections.

Yesterday at the launch of the DAP SuperSunday 18 Walkabouts by DAP MPs, SAs and party leaders in 18 locations in the Hulu Selangor constituency, I had said that the Hulu Selangor by-election is no sure-winner for the Pakatan Rakyat and our candidate Datuk Zaid Ibrahim and there must be no complacency on the part of any Pakatan Rakyat campaigner, whether DAP, PKR or PAS.

I had used some wrong data for the 2008 general election results for the Hulu Selangor parliamentary and the constituent three state assembly constituency results for Hulu Bernam, Batang Kali and Kuala Kubu Baru, but the underlying thrust of my warning remains unchanged.

To put the record straight, the Barisan Nasional polled a total majority of 6,176 votes in winning the three state assembly seats of Hulu Bernam, Batang Kali and Kuala Kubu Baru but for the Hulu Selangor parliamentary contest, the BN incumbent candidate G. Palanivel lost the seat to the PKR candidate Datuk Zainal Abidin in a wafer-thin majority of 198 votes.

Palanivel secured 22,979 votes for the Hulu Selangor parliamentary seat, which is 3,285 votes less than the total of 26,264 votes cast for the three BN state assembly seats.

Clearly over 3,000 voters for the BN at the State Assembly elections in 2008 did not vote for Palanivel but split their votes by voting for PKR at the parliamentary level.

Will these 3,000 voters go back to BN in the by-election?

It is clear that the BN strategists are also zeroing on these 3,000 “split” votes in the last general elections, which explains the talk emanating from Umno camps about BN winning the by-election with 3,000 majority on April 25.

Undoubtedly, the resort to very dirty and unscrupulous election campaigning by Umno, including character assassination of Zaid, is meant to enhance Umno’s chances of ensuring BN victory in the by-election.

All Pakatan Rakyat election workers should be on notice that the Hulu Selangor by-election is of paramount importance not only to the constituency and Selangor state but also the future of Malaysia and go all out to ensure that every vote counts if Zaid is to win in the uphill by-election on Sunday.

[Speech at the Pakatan Rakyat Hulu Selangor by-election ceramah in Kalumpang on Monday, 19th April 2010 at 10 pm]


22 Replies to “Most important issue in Hulu Selangor by-election – send stirring message to all Malaysians that time has come for Putrajaya change of power”

  1. The APCO RM77 million is no nothing compared to Mamak’s lost RM100,000 million, PKFZ’s RM12,500 million, Raz Bagin’s RM500 million commission and so on.

    Why did the macc investigate Teoh BH’s for an allegedly discrepancy of RM2,000 but closed its eyes to all the missing millions listed above?

  2. I don’t disagree that is the most important issue and the vote actually will say that one way or other. Hulu Selangor in a way reflects the difficulty of change in this country. Its considered rural-semi-urban but its also not far from the city. If Hulu Selangor cannot be educated to change, there is not much hope that change is possibly in Putrajaya. The margin will reflect how ready this country is for change. Its just as important the margin is as big as possible.

    A big win can break UMNO/BN back. The component parties of MCA, MIC are changing their leadership bringing new people in tempoarily relieving the infighting. A big win will tell the new people in MCA, MIC that UMNO/BN has a shrinking pie they need to fight tooth and nail for. It will set them up for all hell to break loose come GE 13.

    Muhiyiddin screwed up this campaign not only with his foot-in-the mouth disease but the campaign is overwhelmingly negative creating doubt the man can lead by positive changes and ideas. It will be obvious to everyone that Najib cannot last long with someone negating what little positive idea he has.

    Yes, this campaign is about change in Putrajaya BUT such a message won’t sink in with voters of Hulu Selangor, not enough anyway. Instead the word to be sold to voter is that PR delivers while UMNO/BN promises. The time has come to sell PR having delivered with what little they had to work with. The voters should realise that with more, PR can deliver so much more compared to UMNO/BN. Not only that what PR deliver, it does not ask voters to pay it back – it does not give and take back later. No GST, no removal of subsidies of essential goods, no toll increases, no bailout of cronies. What is the use of essentially a promise of Maika or money for Felda settlers, if have to pay GST, higher toll and essential good price increases?

  3. HS people ought to realise these points:-

    1. zaid vs kamlan = pm material and pm potential vs local indian boy with odd name given by din.

    2. pakatan vs umno = loyalists (true malaysians) vs traitors (they are enemies within) and shin bet co-operators.

    3. new way vs old way = sunshine and fresh air vs dr mamak’s stuffiness and perversion.

    Old way: Its about nep. Yeah thats it. Malay rights. Actually umnoputras’ rights. Yeah. Yeah. Umnoputras’ rights means wot? It means rounds and rounds of makan to establish contacts. Rounds after rounds of meetings to get inside info on projects. Alamak contact passed away. Start all over again. And then rounds and rounds of discussion on who gets what percentage. Rounds after rounds of finding out who to sub-contract the project to. Aiyah celaka betul contact posted to another ministry. Start all over again. And again. And again. Days became months and then years. Finally kauteam. Letter of award released. Payment time also means distribution time. Celaka again. After distribution nothing much left. All those countless rounds and rounds of makan and meetings and discussions. Sial betul.

    New way: check out government postings / ads on projects / invitation to tender. Interested? Buy tender documents and prepare tender. Then submit and wait for reply. If tender is attractive or competitive enough could be given a chance (ie interview). No more rounds and rounds of nonsense. Less unnecessary costs. Less unnecessary efforts. Less needless makan sessions.

    So what are you waiting for? Vote pakatan now and always. Make pakatan your only choice.

  4. To put the record straight, the Barisan Nasional polled a total majority of 6,176 votes in winning the three state assembly seats of Hulu Bernam, Batang Kali and Kuala Kubu Baru but for the Hulu Selangor parliamentary contest, the BN incumbent candidate G. Palanivel lost the seat to the PKR candidate Datuk Zainal Abidin in a wafer-thin majority of 198 votes.. Lim Kit Siang…..This’s a perfect example of voter’s awareness of the importance of the opposition in parliament .I think vast majority of voters know the party which controls the Federal parliament/government controls the state government under the opposition in term of fund for development,hence they voted Umno/Bn candidates for the state and voted the opposition PR to the federal parliament. However the current trend is CHANGE of overnment,meaning switching party from UMNO/BN to PR,Thus I think now the voters are voting PR for both state and parliamentary seats to ensure a pretty good change of the political screnario in malaysia,The important thing is PR leaders must keep up with this tempo (wind of change)with the people to ensure success in the current two by elections and then move forward with much more better tempo to capture Putra Jaya in the 13th GE.

  5. This coming two by elections r critical!
    Despite not hving 2/3 majority in d parliament, UmnoBputras r arrogant n kept insulting nonMalays as descendants of beggars, thieves, prostitutes, n pendatang
    UmnoBputras continue 2 manipulate all gomen agencies n machinery – corrupt practices remain 2 fatten them n their cronies
    UmnoBputras continue 2 push 4 ultra religious n racist practices

    Imagine what UmnoB will do once BN get 2/3 majority in d parliament again!
    Say NO to BN in HS in Sibu!

  6. Sdr Lim ,
    The mindset of the voters has since changed since the last general election , they are more aware of what is happening now rather than years ago where they were deprived of the truth – thanks to the internet , the voters now are not looking at the local issues , rather they are looking at the national level where they want a clean govt with good governence and transparency , having suffered for the past 53 years or so , the voters want a change of govt , that’s the reason why feel the march to putra jaya is within reach now for PR come next 13th GE – just work harder – your dreams will be realised soon

  7. Kamamalalathan— ” I have a dream that my real name is Kamal. Now that’s very bad because I might get arrested whenever I go to a non-halal shop for a cup of bahkut teh or a glass of Guinness Stout. Will Jakim come after me when I breathe my last and bury me in a place not of my choosing. Will my family get to inherit my assets? Will I have to join Linda Joy in hiding in order to continue to practise my Hindu belief? Aiyah!”

  8. Actually if you want to talk about big issue – its this – Do we want Malaysia to be that envisioned by Tunku Abdul Rahman who loved us and we him OR do we want a Malaysia envisioned by the Brutus-usurper Mahathir which we were enslaved to..

  9. All HS and Sibu voters must go, go, go
    Each one of you is so, so, so
    Important to vote for PR and launch your ‘torpedo’
    To destroy and sink MV BN/UMNO
    Signifying Putrajaya change of power is hopefully a yes, not a ‘yes and no’

  10. The Ketua Pengarah of Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran gave us a written reply on 16.4.2010 that JPK had followed the criteria when JPK granted accreditation to skills training provider in accordance to “Garis Panduan Peraturan-peraturan Pentauliahan Persijilan Kemahiran Malaysia 2005” on 24.9.2007. The skills training provider applied to the RoC on 2.4.2008 for the change of company’s name.

    Now, our questions to the Ketua Pengarah:-
    1. Was the applied criteria drawn up with consideration of the relevant existing Legislative Framework and not offending the Legislative purposes?
    2. Was JPK empowered to recognize an unregistered company with a title Sdn. Bhd.? What happened to Section 367 of the Companies Act 1965?
    3. Was JPK empowered to grant bumiputera status to an unregistered non-bumiputera company?
    4. Is JPK above the laws?

  11. #8 by pulau_sibu on Tuesday, 20 April 2010 – 1:53 pm

    Why people jumped parties so easily and yet they are prohibited from ‘jumping’ religion? can they think a bit more seriously about their party?
    You see religion is some thing pretty personal whereas politic in malaysia is big money with Big time buyer UMNO/BN who is too willing to offer far far above market price to any willing seller (frog) especially during by or general election time. What’s a party to frog mentality politicians ? Money is all they want.They have no honour,no dignity,no soul .In fact they are devil,maybe even worse .Hence never take for granted all the time,any politician is a good politician.Frankly politic is clean,it’s the politicians who make it dirty and hard for us to accept it.

  12. Agree!, after Hee was made a Datuk, time was ripe to change the arrogant government.
    First, it insults the title of Datuk, by eliminating the benefit of doubt that irresponsible people like Hee are people who could be conferred a Datukship. Ngah Ku Han should stop using the title of Datuk, he should hide the title of Datuk, nothing to proud off, Altantuya Baginda has something to ‘proud of it’, but really you don’t have any proud of being a Datuk, except in the rank of Datuk Hee.

    Second, it make “froging” a carrier, rewarding carrier with opportunity of Datuk-ship.

    Third, this is what we called arrogant!

  13. All-out war against BN/UMNO has started. The sentiment will pick up speed like a tsunami. A big-scale civil war cannot be avoided. It is God’s way of bringing justice to the innocent people.

  14. chengho :
    tell us your shadow cabinet?

    “Palanivel secured 22,979 votes for the Hulu Selangor parliamentary seat, which is 3,285 votes less than the total of 26,264 votes cast for the three BN state assembly seats.
    Clearly over 3,000 voters for the BN at the State Assembly elections in 2008 did not vote for Palanivel but split their votes by voting for PKR at the parliamentary level.
    Will these 3,000 voters go back to BN in the by-election?”

    And what about those 3,285 ‘shadow’ voters who gave 3 Selangor state assembly assembly to Umno-BN, but gave the Hulu Selangor parliamentary seat to Pakatan Rakyat?

  15. Sorry. Typo. In my last comment, I meant to post:

    And what about those 3,285 ’shadow’ voters who gave 3 Selangor state assembly seats within the Hulu Selangor constituency to Umno-BN, but gave the Hulu Selangor parliamentary seat to Pakatan Rakyat?

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