Condemns “Alcohol” attack on Zaid Ibrahim – Pakatan Rakyat candidate in Hulu Selangor by-election

Section 6 provides that disclosure of improper conduct may be made against a member of Parliament or State Legislative Assembly.

Just received this Star news flash: “20/4 Kinabatangan MP Bung Mokhtar Radin pleaded guilty at the Gombak Timor Lower Syariah court to committing polygamy without the court’s consent.”

Does this fall within the “improper conduct” in Section 6?

Do the “drinking” habits of MPs fall under this term, as this has become the weapon used by Barisan Nasional in the Hulu Selangor by-election campaign in its “alcohol” attack on the Pakatan Rakyat candidate Datuk Zaid Ibrahim, calling him “kaki botol”.

I challenge UMNO and Muslim Ministers, in particular the Umno Youth leader and MP for Rembau Khairy Jamaluddin, the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz, the Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein, the Deputy Prime Minister, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin and the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak whether they dare to declare that they had never drank alcohol in their youth in the past!
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Pakatan Rakyat’s policy statement on New Economic Model (Part 2)

Right Diagnosis Vindicated Pakatan Rakyat

Pakatan Rakyat feels vindicated that the diagnosis on our economic position presented by NEAC in the report corroborates directly with Pakatan Rakyat’s views.

On 25th February 2010, Leader of Opposition YB Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim had cautioned the Prime Minister in prematurely declaring that the “worst is over” for the economy and that Malalysia could put the impact of the global economic recession behind us.

In reality Malaysia’s performance is lagging relative to other economies in the region. YB Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim highlighted the worrying decade long trend of stagnant private investment which was a direct result of an over reliance on pump priming measures. This analysis was elaborated at length in the NEAC Report published approximately a month later.

Consequently, in his speech to Dewan Rakyat on 16th March 2010, YB Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim again outlined five critical economic areas which require urgent remedy if the country were to escape from the middle-income trap. These are: Continue reading “Pakatan Rakyat’s policy statement on New Economic Model (Part 2)”

Pakatan Rakyat’s policy statement on New Economic Model (Part 1)


The question of what direction to steer the Malaysan economy to lift it from its prolonged state of lethargy and decay is one that should command the immediate attention of our government. The decisions that are taken today will have serioues ramifications for the livelihood of future generations.

An all encompassing economic framework designed to dramatically shift the trajectory of our economy should have been given the utmost priority at all level of public and government discourses.

It is therefore deeply troubling that the commendable report prepared by the National Economic Advisory Council (NEAC) was from its onset sullied with partisanship and politicking as the Dewan Rakyat was never consulted during its formulation nor was its content ever presented and deliberated upon even after its launch.
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NEM: Pakatan sets out acid tests for Barisan Nasional to prove its commitment to economic reforms

Press Release : Pakatan Rakyat Leadership Council

Pakatan Rakyat has scrutinised the 193-page report on New Economic Model for Malaysia (Part 1) prepared by National Economic Advisory Council (NEAC); released in conjunction with the launching of New Economic Model (NEM) by Prime Minister on 30th March 2010.

For a start, YAB Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Razak must clarify to the public the status of NEM prepared by NEAC for his Minister of Economic Planning Unit (EPU), Tan Sri Nor Mohd Yakcop has openly declared that NEM is a compilation of suggestions by NEAC forwarded to the government for consideration; and not government policy. This puts into question whether the Government is serious about the NEM, or it’s just another public relations exercise!

Nevertheless, Pakatan Rakyat feels vindicated that our diagnosis on the problems of the economy highlighted over the past 15 years is finally conceded by the Government. The NEM admitted that our “economic engine is slowing”, “private investors have taken a back seat”, “productivity is growing… far too slowly”, “we are not developing talent and what we do have is leaving”, “the gap between rich and poor is widening” and we are “stuck in a middle income trap”.
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Most important issue in Hulu Selangor by-election – send stirring message to all Malaysians that time has come for Putrajaya change of power

The most important issue in the Hulu Selangor by-election on April 25 is to send the stirring message to all Malaysians all over the country that the time has come for national change of power in Putrajaya come the 13th General Elections.

Yesterday at the launch of the DAP SuperSunday 18 Walkabouts by DAP MPs, SAs and party leaders in 18 locations in the Hulu Selangor constituency, I had said that the Hulu Selangor by-election is no sure-winner for the Pakatan Rakyat and our candidate Datuk Zaid Ibrahim and there must be no complacency on the part of any Pakatan Rakyat campaigner, whether DAP, PKR or PAS.

I had used some wrong data for the 2008 general election results for the Hulu Selangor parliamentary and the constituent three state assembly constituency results for Hulu Bernam, Batang Kali and Kuala Kubu Baru, but the underlying thrust of my warning remains unchanged.

To put the record straight, the Barisan Nasional polled a total majority of 6,176 votes in winning the three state assembly seats of Hulu Bernam, Batang Kali and Kuala Kubu Baru but for the Hulu Selangor parliamentary contest, the BN incumbent candidate G. Palanivel lost the seat to the PKR candidate Datuk Zainal Abidin in a wafer-thin majority of 198 votes.
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Hulu Selangor: A critical political litmus test

By Bridget Welsh | Malaysiakini

The Hulu Selangor campaign has begun in earnest as Malaysia heads into a record 10th by-election since March 2008.

Admittedly, many Malaysians are fed-up – they are tired of the empty promises that by-elections bring, the disappointments that come with politicians on both sides of the political divide not delivering on electoral promises, the pettiness of the campaign mud-slinging and the distraction from addressing the problems the country is facing.

This election, however, is one where people should take notice. The fact of the matter is that more than any other by-election since March 2008, this is a critical political litmus test for the country’s future. It is a national contest, with national stakes.

Allow me to briefly elaborate:

1) Referendum on Najib Razak
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