Another attack of Muhyiddin’s “foot-in-mouth” disease when he claimed that Kamalanathan is truly 1Malaysia as “Kamal” is Malay, “Alan” a Chinese and “Nathan” an Indian name

Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin had another attack of his “foot-in-mouth” disease when he claimed that the Barisan Nasional candidate for Hulu Selangor P. Kamalanathan is truly 1Malaysia as “Kamal” is Malay, “Alan” a Chinese and “Nathan” an Indian name.

Muhyiddin is insulting the intelligence of the 65,000 voters of Hulu Selangor with such “garbage”.

Would Kamalanathan respond and answer in a crowd if someone shouts “Kamal” or “Alan”? Clearly not.

If Kamalanathan’s name comprises of “Kamal”, “Alan” and “Nathan” then he has a longer name and should be called “Kamalalannathan”! The BN candidate for Hulu Selangor will stare at you for being hostile and unfriendly if you call him that!

Does Muhyiddin Yassin’s name qualify to be a “1Malaysia” name? Where are the Chinese and Indian components? What about Kadazan and Iban components?

All existing names of Malays, Chinese, Indians, Kadazans and Ibans in Malaysia are truly 1Malaysia names, for this is proof of the wealth of diversity as well as the unique feature of Malaysia’s national unity from multi-racial, multi-religious and multi-linguistic diversity.

Muhyiddin should not trivialise the names of all Malaysians, whether Malays, Chinese, Indians, Kadazans or Ibans or Malaysians cannot but question his suitability and credibility as Malaysia’s Deputy Prime Minister.

It is sad that coming from someone who had declared that he is Malay first and Malaysian second, he should now come out with another blooper trying to play on the name of Kamalanathan as if the Pakatan Rakyat candidate Datuk Zaid Ibrahim does not have a sufficiently 1Malaysia name!

Muhyiddin should realise that he is making Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s 1Malaysia slogan and concept into a big joke!

[Speech at launching the DAP SuperSunday 18 walkabouts by DAP MPs, State Assembly members and leaders in 18 Chinese new villages, Malay kampongs and Indian settlements in Hulu Selangor constituency at the DAP Kuala Kubu Baru by-election centre on Sunday, 18th April 2010 at 9 am]


45 Replies to “Another attack of Muhyiddin’s “foot-in-mouth” disease when he claimed that Kamalanathan is truly 1Malaysia as “Kamal” is Malay, “Alan” a Chinese and “Nathan” an Indian name”

  1. Ha ha. MIC has become a “wing” of UMNO like Wanita, or Puteri. They have their own leaders but are subservient to the main UMNO body. They get little perks like ministerial posts, senatorhip, contracts etc.And when they choose a candidate for seats allocated to them, they must seek approval from their main bosses.

  2. Thats an original by Muhyiddin – Kamal” is Malay, “Alan” a Chinese and “Nathan” an Indian name signifying 1Malaysia ! 65,000 voters of Hulu Selangor will not look into the epistomological origins of thses names.

    “Kamal” is Hindu in origin. It means the perfect one. Its associated with some lotus flower or name of a Hindu deity. If some Malays may use it its because of Hindu influence of the past. So do Arabs and even Turks – eg Kamal Atatürk.

    Alan is a Christian name (of European origin) carrying connotations of harmony, nobility and handsomeness.

    It should be pointed out to Jews bashers that Nathan is Hebrew/biblical meaning God’s gift. It is also a Jewish short form of Jonathan or Nathaniel.

  3. “Ah Soh Ma Lee Kong’

    “Ma Lee Kong Sir Lum”

    Moo Hee Din is a real joker, and indeed can beocme a good circus clown, never run out of something for a good laugh.
    Kalau ini macam, Ah Lan sure to lose his deposit.

  4. Muhiyiddin is setting himself up to fight with Najib. Its amazing how his mouth is just killing everything Najib does. Seriously, the man is an emotional idiot.

    How Najib can think that he can do anything with this guy around his neck I have no idea. Seriously, Najib got to get rid of him or HE will be the idiot. At some point, the leader who don’t get rid of the idiot in his organisation is as big an idiot and can’t blame anyone else…

  5. I thought Malaysian students excel in their exams !
    Muh ( Muk )
    Yid ( Yi )
    Din ( Din )
    Sounds very chinese. Malaysian Chinese that is.
    ( cough ! ) In fact, RTM does translate names.

  6. What thundering speech by Najib in New York,he will make difficult decisions in reforming Malaysia economic model and transforming the government.When the going gets tough,the tough gets going.In contrast to Tun Mahatir blog,those who take away crutches of Malays are selfish.To all hopeful Malaysians there will sunlight in all places where you live.It’s Malaysians hope that Najib will not be merely a LIP-SERVICE Prime Minister.Nifty slogans and empty promises are common in Malaysia politics

  7. Everyone know Muhiyiddin said he is Malay first…to carry Mahathir’s balls..and all the UMNO Supreme Council racists balls..and forgot how to carry Najib balls….as he proceeds to keep the art of carrying balls…reap the best result for his own future.
    Malaysians are fully aware Muhiyiddin have very low IQ…and that suits Mahathir…with his step son as PM.
    Suddenly Mahathir disappeared again from the lime light…in papers show his power from behind…no more powerful. He hates Nazri like poison…keep asking Nazri to be sacked…step son cannot comply…because…..also no power.
    Muhiyiddin have not choice …..but to try be a joker in the Hulu Selangor by election..with the candidate…he knows cannot win against Zaid.
    He thinks he is so smart to use the BN candidate name and make fun of it….hoping all Malaysians in Hulu Selangor will vote for a man…born with a name…representing few major races.
    In the process of trying to be too smart…with his most illogical and idiotic..decoding “Kamalanathan”….out come LKS to teach him spellings and missing words for his so call lousy decoding work.
    Yes this DPM is an idiot..and that’s good for all Malaysians to know…that the most unqualified team of Ministers are now under Najib….all supposed to be yes men…but backfired…..exposing Najib also as the worst PM for Malaysia….which ..he is not elected by the people at all.
    How can a man claim he is PM.elected by UMNO as President…now as PM…saying he has huge Malaysians support…..yet dare not call for a snap 13th GE…as a general to prove he is right.
    Yes..Najib is a crooked sly fox and Muhiyiddin is no better….yet both are not co-operating with each other.
    Chinese say…”kaki ku kaki”….meaning drowning men…each try to save himself.

  8. Is Moo or Perkosa sure that kamalanathan is not a pendatang? Sure..??? ..err… may be only when a person is needed, he is no more a pendatang; afterall, kamal or alan or nathan when given the choice, still surrenders and bows down to race other than his own.

  9. If Kamalanathan’s name comprises of “Kamal”, “Alan” and “Nathan” then he has a longer name and should be called “Kamalalannathan”! The BN candidate for Hulu Selangor will stare at you for being hostile and unfriendly if you call him that!

    Since MIC has no more saying or decision on their selected candidate in order to content with pro malay DPM,might as well call Kamalanathan as “Kamal”.He’ll be blushed with super honour and kiss every assess of Umnoputras whenever the name of “KAMAL” is being called or cheered.He probably might convert,no surprise!

  10. Kamal A/L Nathan…100% pure Malaysian Indian.
    Where got Chinese and Malay blood in his vein.
    You may as well say Samy Vellu as a British slave…as Brits call all Indians “Samy”…which gives us he famous song…”ai yo yo samy….”and Vellu is valueless in English.

  11. Lim Suck Ass simply cannot stand anyone talk cock about BN crooks.
    Why not he tries to be smarter instead of being a low class critic….and throwing insults back.
    What is o smart about that…Lim Suck Ass idiot?
    He wants it….he will get it.
    You know why he calls Chengho….a pondan?
    Both are so alike……but chengho refused to suck his ass….and out come asshole scumbag insults to poor Chengho.
    Chengho love backside pok pok…but Lim Suck Ass tool… very thin and power.
    See MCA and UMNO supporters do not see eye to eye too.
    Kopitiam fella are united and strong.

  12. chengho, you have achieved one notch higher than moo pig head…you prefer the “tongue and mouth” decease…
    learn to twirl and curl with your finger rather with your tongue, it is much safer…we hate to loose you in this blog, even though, you are a blessed pain!

  13. from day one, this guy is not minister material, how he made it ….i dunno perhaps he also got short sight, narrow brain , mata terowong followers or he use his bodek card.

    get his motivation from backseat drivers or copy cats

  14. I also know many Indians have Westerner names…that you think you are talking to a European….with the sound of the name..but actaully a darkie Indian…….when you meet… face to face.
    80 years all Indians are not so well educated and love seeing Charlie Chaplin movies.
    That is how Indians learn acting from…watching Charlie Chaplin…and all turned to be comediens…keeping moustache…as if without it…feel naked and not fierce enough.
    Lim Suck Ass must be without moustache….to suck asses without obstructions.

  15. I also know many Indians have Westerner names…that you think you are talking to a European….with the sound of the name..but actaully a darkie Indian…….when you meet… face to face.// monsterball

    You see, the half baked ball is also a racist but of course given his pea brain, he would not even know he is one. Forgive him, for he knows not what he was doing!

  16. I am quoting facts and it needs a chow ceebai kia and it needs chow ceebai kia.. Lim{his name} Kam{suck} Put{ass}….to make a fool of himself.
    Naturally…he thinks…he has caught me ..making a racist remark…..whereas…this truth is a welknown fact all over the world.
    “Forgive him”…he said. With his filthy dirty mouth….and hands….no one will forgive him…sucking his own ass…the one and only one found only…in Malaysia.
    With such MCA wonder is voted to be President.
    Birds of the same feather do flock together.
    And it is noted all who insults me are from pro BN or UMNO.
    Some fence sitters cannot stand to be balls to declare clearly…FOR or AGAINST…making excuses..votes are secret.
    Lim Suck Ass sucks with his nick. What more with his life.

  17. wa…he is practicing Jesus famous last words on the cross on me.
    I like Elvis song….’If you are looking for trouble…you come to the right place. Looking for trouble…just look into my face”
    But he is faceless…how to sing that to his face?
    Sunday…he needs forgiveness himself…and out goes committing same sins over and over again…making a fool of Jesus…by saying HE is an ever forgiving super star.
    No wonder telling Malaysians to forgive and trust him…inspired by Lim Suck Ass .

  18. There is no such a thing as Malay names. But there is such a thing as Arabic names. And before Islam came, it was Indian names because of Hinduism. Therefore the original actual genuine true Malay names were lost in time. Before Hinduism ever came. And that is also a lost of culture. Same too. There is no such a thing as Christian names. In fact, Biblical names are translated into so many languages that the people who use the very first language will have their own names in their own language. Something like a Chinese having a Chinese name and still have a Chinese name despite whatever religion he follows. Religion is about the heart, mind, soul, spirit, thoughts; which altogether make up the inner man. Going into the history of Malacca. Parameswara was a Hindu Malay who later became an Islamic Malay and changing his name to Iskandar Shah.
    Kamala sounds Indian
    Nathan sounds English
    Kamal sounds Indian
    Alan sounds English
    Nathan sounds English
    Kam sounds Chinese
    Alanna sounds Russian
    Than sounds IndoChinese
    You can be creative here.

  19. Zaid Ibrahim also being insulted and attacked by BN scumbags.
    Like a great Jedi…Zaid responded with shut hypocritical mouths.
    I told you la…all who attack me…are scumbags too.
    Right now..Lim Suck Ass showing who he is.
    Want to shoo all ghosts…….who do you call?…GHOSTS-BUSTERS.
    Want to decode any nick…who do you call..MONSTERBALL……..hahahahahahaha
    Want to expose all UMNO corruptions…who do you call?….LKS….hahahahahahaha

  20. Orang Hutan….is rangatang or vice versa.
    Johovah….is not spelt with a “J”
    Moses is Musa …and so forth and so on.
    Kamalanathan….belongs to the long and confused specie….not here….not there.
    Chinese will English name…supposedly….Christians..not a must…but brainwashed to have it.
    Worst of all…so many Chinese not Christians have English names…where you cannot find Europeans with a Chinese name at all. These are the inferior minds.
    Chinese love t have strong heroic names.
    But one n this blog…is the worst kind of Chinese feeling so proud to tell all…that he is..Lim Such Asses.
    Yes…..enjoy yourself…talk cock back to UMNO crooks….and scumbags here.

  21. I thought kamalanathan sounds like kam-meh-lan-na-theng. In hokien translated to English, $uck my d*ck until longer. No wonder umno people love him. They need those kind of people.

  22. He is surely the most stupid DPM we ever have, and he is the minister in charge of producing unemployable graduates. Low-class minister with no brain. How to progress?
    Singaporeans must be laughing until their teeth drop.

  23. hahahahahaha…every fella here are talking smart and cute…and makes Lim Suck Ass …out of sight..out of place..OR maybe….sucking asses…mouth blistered…and need to go to holy ground.. and ask his Lord to forgive him.

  24. chengho :
    Muhyiddin ia a Malay Malaysian , Kit is a Chinese Malaysian , Sammy velu is Tamil Malaysian ,etc all muhibbah . Why many Malaysian wanna use European name , confusing..

    Muhyiddin’s statement about the name of his Hulu Selangor by-election candidate is another campaign gimmick based on 1Malaysia sloganeering. Pointless and a source for confusion and unnecessary arguments.

  25. Cow din is too old for jib to entertain. This is what happens when a young man tries to teach an old cow how to dance.
    Jib told the old cow to respect 1-malaysia, but the old man is impotent and could not care less. So jib ignore him. Since then the old cow is suffering from insomia.
    A battle will soon erupt between the young man and his old cow. In the meantime, kam lan lose his deposit in the hulu selango by-erection, and has to auction his 2 balls for a song. BN also lose the Sibu seat. jib decides to call a snap, and a big-scale civil war erupts, and last for 101 years.

  26. Hahaha… the one who is always against 1Malaysia is talking about Kamalanathan’s name being 1Malaysia. Even if it is true, what’s in a name?

    An MP must deliver… he is voted to deliver. Even if his name is Mr. Deliver, so what? I think Moohideen confused Alan with Ah Lan, LOL. Ah Lan is a female Chinese name. Lan Jiao is masculine. So how about Kamalanchaunathan then?

  27. Fooling with a person’s name is wrong
    There is nobody with a truly 1Malaysia name
    So many races, a 1M name will be one mile long
    Stop play-play with this name game
    Hulu Selangor and Sibu voters, come out strong
    Delegate BN/UMNO to the opposition where they belong

  28. Correction to my comment #44

    Fooling with a person’s name is wrong
    There is nobody with a truly 1 Malaysia name
    So many races, a 1M name will be one mile long Please stop play-play with this name game
    Hulu Selangor and Sibu voters, come out strong
    Vote in PR and put BN/UMNO to shame

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