Hulu Selangor by-election is no sure-winner for Zaid – winnable provided PAS, PKR and DAP fully mobilise to get out every single Malay, Chinese, Indian and Orang Asli vote on April 25

We are launching this SuperSunday18 walkabouts by DAP Members of Parliament, State Assembly members and leaders from all over the country even from Sabah (we have MP for Kota Kinabalu Hiew King Cheu and DAP Kadazan leaders with us) in 18 Chinese new villages, Malay kampongs and Indian settlements in the Hulu Selangor constituency in the only available Sunday in this eight-day by-election.

Hulu Selangor by-election is no sure winner for the Pakatan Rakyat and our candidate Datuk Zaid Ibrahim.

In the March 2008 general election, PKR candidate Datuk Zainal Abidin defeated Barisan Nasional candidate G. Palanivel with a slim majority of 198 votes.

However, in the three constituent state assembly seats, all won by BN, the three majorities secured by BN totalled 6,176 votes, comprising 3,548 majority in Hulu Bernam (contested by PAS), 2,179 majority in Batang Kali (contested by PKR) and 448 majority (contested by DAP).

What is the reason for the reversal of the total BN majorities of 6,167 votes from the three constituent state assembly seats into a 198-vote majority for the PKR?

Was it because 6,167 votes for BN at the state assembly level turned around to vote for PKR at the parliamentary level?
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Another attack of Muhyiddin’s “foot-in-mouth” disease when he claimed that Kamalanathan is truly 1Malaysia as “Kamal” is Malay, “Alan” a Chinese and “Nathan” an Indian name

Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin had another attack of his “foot-in-mouth” disease when he claimed that the Barisan Nasional candidate for Hulu Selangor P. Kamalanathan is truly 1Malaysia as “Kamal” is Malay, “Alan” a Chinese and “Nathan” an Indian name.

Muhyiddin is insulting the intelligence of the 65,000 voters of Hulu Selangor with such “garbage”.

Would Kamalanathan respond and answer in a crowd if someone shouts “Kamal” or “Alan”? Clearly not.

If Kamalanathan’s name comprises of “Kamal”, “Alan” and “Nathan” then he has a longer name and should be called “Kamalalannathan”! The BN candidate for Hulu Selangor will stare at you for being hostile and unfriendly if you call him that!

Does Muhyiddin Yassin’s name qualify to be a “1Malaysia” name? Where are the Chinese and Indian components? What about Kadazan and Iban components?
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