Video : US President Obama’s praise of Najib during their Washington meeting which was blacked out in all Malaysian mainstream media


9 Replies to “Video : US President Obama’s praise of Najib during their Washington meeting which was blacked out in all Malaysian mainstream media”

  1. hahahahaha …Washington Times…..about to go bankrupt…put out one full page Najib’s photo…and not that no nonsense famous Washington Post paper.
    hahahahahaha.Rev.Moon owns that lousy paper??
    Cat is out of the bag….where got guts to reprint what Washington Times published!
    One page bought la.
    Leave it to UMNO low class crooks.
    Last time…Mahathir paid US1 Million to meet Bush.
    Advertising and promotional campaigns…all bullshit and cannot pakai. Only in Malaysia…with papers to try to fool all Malaysians.
    That’s how they get elected…but no more. Malaysians all woke now.

  2. Our newspapers dare not publish the front page from Washington Times…because it is a front page news….bought up by Najib.
    It is not that Straits Times and Star are nice and honorable papers.
    It is out of no choice. LKS have exposed them.

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