Call on Najib to appear before Parliament when he returns to face MPs on his visit to United States

I have received the following assessment of a Malaysian in Washington on the visit of the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak, which raises many important questions.

The following is the assessment:

Assessment of a Malaysian in Washington on Najib’s visit to US

It is difficult indeed to make any serious assessment as there has been hardly anything substantive on the subject in the US media. All we have is what the Malaysian media are reporting. That said let me share some thoughts for what they are worth.

My reading is that much is being made of this visit. First and foremost, the Ambassador aided and abetted by the Malaysian media that is in tow, is painting a picture that is very sparing of the truth. For instance, they have made out that Najib was only one of two Asian leaders that met with Obama – the other being Hu Jintao. The truth was that Manmohan Singh and Gilani, the PMs of India and Pakistan , were there individually for sessions of between an hour and half and two. It would appear the Malaysian spinmeisters have redefined the borders of Asia in a revision of geography with the sub-continent not being part of Asia. Perhaps this is the input provided by the experts of APCO! Then there is the business of lunch with Vice President Biden – if our news media are to be believed, then Najib was the sole guest. The truth is stranger as he was one of a dozen leaders who lunched at the VP’s residence according to the NY Times.
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DAP wants government to explain APCO’s RM76m bill

By Shazwan Mustafa Kamal | The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, April 14 — The DAP wants the Barisan Nasional (BN) government to explain why RM76.8 million (US$24.2 million) was paid to APCO Worldwide, the public relations consultancy engaged by the Najib administration.

DAP advisor Lim Kit Siang told reporters here in Parliament that a proper explanation was needed on why such an exorbitant amount of money was paid to the consultancy firm.

“A proper explanation should be given, at least at the committee stage (of the 2010 Supplementary Bill).”

“Why are millions being spent just for the purpose of the Prime Minister and the 1 Malaysia concept?” said Lim.

The government paid RM76.8 million to APCO Worldwide, the international public relations consultancy linked by Pakatan Rakyat (PR) leaders to Israel, for its services from last July until June this year.
Continue reading “DAP wants government to explain APCO’s RM76m bill”

Barisan Nasional warned that they will lose Sabah as a “fixed deposit” if the basic rights and interests of Sabahans continue to be marginalized and discriminated

I regret that the Cabinet has neither taken Parliament seriously nor the long-standing problems and grievances of the people of Sabah.

The Prime Minister’s Department has five Ministers apart from the Prime Minister and the Deputy Prime Minister as well as five deputy ministers, but not a single one of them rose in Parliament to answer issues about Sabah development neglect, whether during the winding-up of the debate on the Royal Address or during the committee stage debate on the Prime Minister’s Department on the 2009 supplementary estimates.

Just laid on the table is the 2009 annual report of Suhakam. A staple criticism of MPs and the civil society is the failure of Parliament to have any specific debate on the Suhakam annual reports in the past nine years.

I want to ask Barisan Nasional MPs whether they take the Suhakam annual reports seriously, as most BN MPs would not even open the Suhakam annual reports to read them.

For instance, in the latest Suhakam report on its activities in Sabah, various long-standing problems of Sabahans were referred to.
Continue reading “Barisan Nasional warned that they will lose Sabah as a “fixed deposit” if the basic rights and interests of Sabahans continue to be marginalized and discriminated”

Why MCA leadership dare not ask for Senate President to be filled by MCA for the rest of two years and four months after Wong Foon Meng’s mini-term of eight months so as to make a full term of three years?

The term of Datuk Wong Foon Meng as Senate President expires yesterday on the expiry of maximum of two terms totalling six years as Senator.

I understand that the new Senate President is going to be an Umno nominee, former MP for Kuala Pilah and currently President of Majlis Bekas Wakil Rakyat (Mubarak), Tan Sri Abu Zahar Datuk Nika Ujang.

As Wong’s predecessor, Tan Sri Dr. Hamid Pawanteh served two terms comprising six years as Senate President from July 2003 to July 2009, why the MCA leadership dare not ask for Senate President to be filled by MCA nominee for the rest of two years of four months after Wong Foon Meng’s mini-term of eight months so as to make a full term of three years?

This incidence showing the increasing irrelevance of MCA even in Barisan Nasional.

In the first place, why should the appointment of Senators and Senate President be parcelled out like “spoils of office” among the Barisan Nasional component parties, which is completely against both the letter and spirit of the Merdeka Constitution.
Continue reading “Why MCA leadership dare not ask for Senate President to be filled by MCA for the rest of two years and four months after Wong Foon Meng’s mini-term of eight months so as to make a full term of three years?”

Shafie Apdal not fit to be Cabinet Minister and Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Chairman

Shafie Apdal not fit to be Cabinet Minister and Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Chairman if he does not know that an amendment to motion of thanks for royal address is customary parliamentary practice and not an assault on the institution of monarchy

Mingguan Malaysia on Sunday, 11th April 2010 carried the following report under the headline “Kit Siang wajar di kenankan tindakan”:

“HULU SELANGOR 10 April – Ahli Parlimen Ipoh Timur, Lim Kit Siang wajar dikenakan tindakan atas perbuatannya yang disifatkan sebagai mengganggu-gugat institusi diraja apabila cuba meminda titah ucapan Yang di-Pertuan Agong, Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin di Dewan Rakyat, 1 April lepas.

“Naib Presiden UMNO, Datuk Seri Mohd. Shafie Apdal berkata, langkah itu perlu kerana perbuatan Penasihat DAP tersebut dianggap melampau dan keterlaluan.

“Beliau mengakui sebagai seorang ahli Parlimen, Kit Siang berhak serta bebas untuk bercakap tetapi ia tidak harus sehingga ke tahap tidak menghormati institusi tertinggi di negara ini.
Continue reading “Shafie Apdal not fit to be Cabinet Minister and Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Chairman”

US President Obama’s praise of Najib during their Washington meeting which was blacked out in all Malaysian mainstream media

Today’s mainstream media continues the publicity blitz of how successful is the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s visit to the United States, with front-page photograph of what has been described as the “historic bilateral meeting” between him and United States President Barack Obama.

However, a strange thing happened. Obama praised Najib in their meeting but this praise from United States President has been completely blacked out by the Malaysian mainstream media when it would normally be trumpeted not only nationally but also internationally.

I have here the statement issued by the United States White House on the duo’s bilateral meeting. Continue reading “US President Obama’s praise of Najib during their Washington meeting which was blacked out in all Malaysian mainstream media”

Refer Lim Kit Siang to the Rights and Privileges Committee

P Ramakrishnan
13 April 2010

Barisan MP for Pasir Salak Tajuddin Abdul Rahman had alleged in Parliament on 6 April 2010 that Lim Kit Siang had served as a political officer to former Singapore Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew.

Tajuddin had also alleged that “a leader in Penang” was selling state secrets to Hong Kong and Singapore .

We can presume that he was referring to Lim Guan Eng, the Penang Chief Minister.

Kit Siang reacted by flatly stating, “This is not true, so he (Tajuddin) should be referred to the committee.”

Accordingly, Kit Siang moved a motion to refer Tajuddin to the Rights and Privileges Committee. But Tajuddin was adamant in his allegation and countered Kit Siang’s denial by claiming in the House, “I don’t like to lie or make slanderous statements with malicious intent. I am responsible for what I say.”

In responding to Kit Siang’s motion, Tajuddin took an uncompromising position. He stated, “If the House thinks I should be referred to the committee, no problem. I will take it. I’m prepared to face all the consequences. If you want to suspend me, go ahead but I believe in what I said.”

In this case, both of them could not be lying – but one of them definitely did. The question is: Who was lying? Continue reading “Refer Lim Kit Siang to the Rights and Privileges Committee”