Pakatan slams DPM’s ‘small-fry’ remark

By Shazwan Mustafa Kamal and Asrul Hadi Abdullah Sani | The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, April 12 — Pakatan Rakyat lawmakers have attacked Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin’s remarks that the interfaith committee set up by the Cabinet only consisted of “small-fry,” with Lim Kit Siang claiming it was an example of the government’s indecisive policies.

Muhyiddin had said this morning the lack of any legal powers vested in the committee meant it would not have any influence over the nation’s official religion.

In response to this, Lim, the DAP advisor, said that the DPM’s comments were “insulting” and “a put-down on the role of the inter-faith panel” announced by Minister in the Prime Minister’s department Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon.

“This shows a big divide between proclamation and reality. When Tsu Koon announced the inter-faith panel, the impression given was that it was a major breakthrough,” said Lim.

The DAP man said that Muhyiddin’s ridiculing of the panel showed yet another sign of flip-flopping from Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s administration.

Lim continued by saying the DPM’s statement appeared to damage the 1 Malaysia concept. “On one hand, sweet sounding promises are being made by Najib, but on the ground the actual action speaks otherwise.”

“It is flip-flopping. If Tsu Koon has any dignity left, throw in the towel and resign in protest,” said Lim.

The Ipoh Timur MP further claimed that Perkasa was controlling Umno to the extent that even Muhyiddin was following the whims and fancies of the Malay right-wing group, which opposes the committee.

“This also shows the power of Perkasa. Why is Muhyiddin so afraid of Perkasa which is regarded as a fringe, right wing extremist organisation? They seem to be able to rattle Umno to the extent it can make [the] DPM come out with such a statement.”

PAS central working committee member, Dr Dzulkefly Ahmad, echoed the sentiments of his PR colleague.

“This is flip-flopping at its best, nothing more to describe it. Najib is seeping fast into Pak Lah’s greatest failure. Someone who dares not bite the bullet or take the bull by the horn.”

“The greatest obstacle for Najib is Perkasa and, of course, the man behind Perkasa, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad,” said Dzulkefly, who is also Kuala Selangor MP.

PKR MP Datuk Johari Abdul asserted that Muhyiddin’s statement showed Barisan Nasional’s lackadaisical attitude.

“What Muhyiddin said is unfortunate, and is a reflection of BN: not serious about handling religious talks, not brave enough to handle situations. At least with [the] inter-faith [committee] there’s a forum to handle [religious] matters.”

“This council is a big thing. Our racial composition is not 95 per cent Muslim. You have so many other races. Big things need big people with conviction. Not something you can sweep under the carpet,” said Johari.

The Cabinet agreed recently to form an inter-faith committee to foster religious understanding and harmony, damaged in recent months by religious conflicts such as the controversial “Allah” ruling.

It had earlier this year appointed Datuk Ilani Isahak to bring religious leaders to the table in an attempt to iron out such conflicts.

The idea for an inter-faith panel was first mooted in the early 1980s but was shot down following objections from Muslim groups such as the Islamic Development Department, better known by its Malay acronym Jakim.

According to sources, the objection was because an inter-faith council would place Islam, the nation’s official religion, on equal footing with the other religions.

This was the same objection put forward by Malay rights group Perkasa yesterday. Perkasa has demanded the Najib administration places its new inter-faith panel under the national Islamic Affairs Department, saying it rejected the entity in its current form.

Perkasa says it would tolerate the committee only if it fell under the guidance of Datuk Jamil Khir Baharom, the Islamic Affairs Minister under the Prime Minister’s Department and not Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon, who is currently the minister in charge.

Today, Muhyiddin refuted allegations and allayed fear expressed by Perkasa that the committee may threatened the sanctity of Islam and their faith.

Umno members, however, moved quickly to downplay Muhyiddin’s remarks.

“It is a good beginning, I don’t consider it as a set back because being a multi-racial country, there are certain constraints in progressing in this area.”

“It is not for solving the problem but to manage the problem. If there are things like this, you have got to manage the problem because it is about the relationship between the people. As such you do not want to cause disunity among Malaysians,” said Datuk Abdul Rahim Bakri, Kudat MP.

Another Umno member,Datuk Razali Ibrahim, said the focus should not be on what anyone said, but the bigger picture.

“It is a beginning for many other things. If we don’t do anything then they will get mad so it is a good beginning,” said Razali, who is Umno Youth Deputy Chief.


48 Replies to “Pakatan slams DPM’s ‘small-fry’ remark”

  1. Really, this pattern of one thing said by Najib and then next day Muhiyiddin contradicting it, and worst Najib THEN saying there is no contradiction.

    Where does that leave us? The answer – nowhere.

    We are in a mode of “Administration by Confusion’. The left hand does something and the right hand does another and they don’t fight with one another – they do nothing. What can best be achieved is that most people are confused and just vote what they have done in the past.

    BUT state of confusion is UNNATURAL. its the tendency of people to want to make sense of their choices. The issue is, in a state of confusion, where does the vote go? Its a question how demographic – the young will vote for the new while the very old will not change. Anything in between is up for grabs but it favours the one that make sense – which is the opposition. The current state of affair is a time bomb waiting to explode in Najib and Muhiyiddin face. All the opposition need to do is pound the fact that they will take care of those who need help, no one except the corrupt and greedy need fear them, and everything should fall into place..

  2. Muhy has always been a “fishy” character. He was also the one who backstabbed AAB after agreeing in Cabinet and UMNO meetings for AAB to bow out in June 2010.

    Next he screwed up big time with Zahid Hamidi in the Permatamg Pasir by-election by nominating a disbarred lawyer and then tried to defend the indefensible by claiming the Bar Council was wrong!!

    Now he’s further undermining Najib’s administration little by little from refusing to scrap the AP system, screwing up our education system vis-a-vis science & maths etc. This “small fry” statement is yet another dirty salvo calculated to embarass Najib.

    It’s obvious Muhy desperately wants to be the next PM, sooner rather than later. The Malays have a saying for it – “musuh dalam selimut!!”

    It may yet work to the advantage of DAP and Pakatan!!

    We are all of 1 race, the Human Race

  3. This Muhiyiddin smart ass said he is Malay first..a Malaysian second and said Lim Kit Siang is also a Chinese first…Malaysian second.
    This smart as knows UMNO BARU keep playing race and religions…apply double standards…and when LKS protects the minorities….including the Chinese..he is twisted to be a racist too.
    I wonder why this fat ass dare not accuse Lim Guan Eng to be carrying Malays balls..when he defended a young Muslim girl being raped by the ex CM of Melaka and went to jail for that…and the girl mother was very grateful to LGE.
    Everyone knows no one can exposed UMNO BARU crooks and get away with it….until 12th GE…where the light of the tunnel can be seen..for the first time in 55 years…for a Malaysian Malaysia…and until then….the minorities should be grateful to brave Lim Kit Siang…keep exposing who these UMNO BARU buggers are.
    Muhyiddin???….why that gutless good for nothing man…have to be elected as DPM…to be a puppet for the UMNO Supreme Council…to pull as a puppet.
    It must always be a racist and a yes man with a big mouth…smart to twist and tell half truths.
    One smarter and have his own mind..a real sincere non racist at hear……can never be a UMNO President.
    And if found one like so…one that does not encourage double standards and corruptions…also cannot be UMNO future leader.
    It must always be greedy and steal for the party and pocket some…as commission.
    If else can UMNO buy frogs and souls….and eventually buy up the whole country?
    Right now…using money to buy up the people with power to protect and support UMNO is working …proving money is what UMNO is using to keep winning votes.
    Whose money is that?
    Who is getting richer…and who is getting poorer?
    Compare our country with our neighbours…and you can clearly see….we are going back to jungle laws.
    Muhyiddin better spend more time in the mosque and learn more truths….but I strongly suspect..most UMNO crooks go to mosques to ask for forgiveness…and repeat same crooked personalities…over and over again.
    They think Allah is ever forgiving one…and so..keep stealing.lying… problem..will all go to heaven…one good day.
    Are they not a bunch of weird people…besides being so greedy and crooked?

  4. When Jib meets Obama, will he demand that Obama declares himself to be an African first and an American second? And that Barak Hussein Obama should be stoned for abandoning his father’s religion?

  5. YB Muhyiddin,

    Wow! Your brutal honesty is matched only by your banal stupidity. Of course, a zebra doesn’t change its stripes, neither a racist its colours.

    That’s point one. Now, point two: take a poll amongst the non-Malays on your approval rating – I bet you your last sen that an ungerrymandered poll will show you for what you are in the eyes of 1Malaysians, brother – that you are a ‘small fly’. And we are no racists, we call a zebra, a zebra and a racist, a racist. Period.

  6. DPM is insulting other religion with this kinda “smallfry” remark – 1Malaysia inclusive concept shot to hell, a contempt for his boss’s idea and political gamemanship all roll into 1 package? A politician must know when to wear his politician hat and when to wear his official hat

    Everyone who practises a religion would take it seriously. DPM is insensitive. The Moslem world got so hyped up after a Danish newspaper’s ignorance/insensitivity and yet after going through such an emotional event, surely a fair-minded muslim would not wish the same thing to happen to another fellow human being?

    I can’t imagine any right minded Malaysian would want this DPM as the next PM.

    MEB talks about strong political leadership and inclusiveness…so the DPM is going against the signature dishes of Najib administration namely 1Malaysia and MEB?

    I thought the cakap tak serupa bikin was bad during Badawi’s time, now is even worse exhibition of inconsistency, arrogance and insensitivity

  7. UMNO is so divided that we don’t know which direction they are heading… and neither do they. I guess the best thing to do is to throw them out and let them do some soul-searching while they are free from the task of governing.

  8. It is obvious it is a dual track strategy – DPM will be the extremist and PM will be Mr. nice guy. Just watch, more will come. These are all planned out. It is that simple, people will get confused – the extremists/racists/ketuanan-ists will vote for BN because they have Perkasa and DPM; the moderates and 1Malaysia-ists would also vote for BN because of Najib and his 1Malaysia. May be the consultant fees paid to foreign consultants was well spent. They think this is how stupid Malaysians are and they could be right. I don’t know, sometimes I also think Malaysians are stupid, naïve and could be easily manipulated. PR has to come up with better ideas fast.

  9. It is common in this BODOH Land that Third Class Mentality leaders making stupid comments.Perhaps his comment is directed to MR YES DR.Khsu KOON who has no substance at all in prime minster DEPT.He is just a small fry flying in from Back Door to Najib office with no power at all.

  10. I agreed with #10 limkamput.My added opinion is, external forces is the only option to create a real CHANGE for 1MALAYSIA.Let’s start with Dr pornthip.See what else can they bad-mouthed beside any other party/nation than PKR’s reps?

  11. He looks more and more like Brutus…where Popeye keep pouncing his head.. …winning all fights.
    This fat ass is real stupid fella……trained by others how to talk..dress and act.
    Leave him alone..he is good only to sell satay at road side.

  12. It is only natural that a small brain always think small.
    Here we have a HP6 brain who thinks exactly like a HP6. God help us, for surely we will go to the dogs, because our retarded leaders are becoming like circus clowns with warped brains.

  13. Let me add: even the lizard on the wall will stay away from this “small fly”.

    The stories I hear about this dpm when he was Johor MB makes me puke. I continue to puke everyday he sits ensconced on the dpm pedestal. UMNO really has no class; so short of talent that they must make flies, fleas and farts to feather their beds.

  14. “This also shows the power of Perkasa. Why is Muhyiddin so afraid of Perkasa which is regarded as a fringe, right wing extremist organisation? – (Kit)

    UMNO is afraid of Perkasa because Perkasa can acquire power through palace intervention and they know the palace has the power to sack Menteri Besar(s) and the Prime Minister.

    ///The Perkasa president said he will lobby Najib to review the committee set-up and propose that the current committee be changed to an inter-racial committee and drop religion from its scope.

    Perkasa will also send a memorandum of protest to the Conference of Rulers soon.///

  15. this muyiddin is just a small fry following the order and odour of mamak the puppet master. Everything he say or do has this chop mamak on it. Frankly, he can’t simply think beyond 1+1=2.

    Do you realize that this Dpm never engaged in any talks with foreign dignataries? He knows he can only spill HP6 standards of debate and the rest is self glorifying. Jaguh kampong boleh la. Bully rakyat with his bigoted views boleh la. Apalagi boleh?

  16. What the Fed Constitution said about this? the official religion of Malaysia is? i will alway respect fed Constitution..why suddenly everyone getting religious , let s sing john lennon song…

  17. 1) Why was the interfaith council set up?
    2) What is the object of the interfaith council?

    Last year, we have a situation wherein places of religious worship were damaged by people intent on disrupting racial and religious harmony.

    Now we have people attempting to equate the interfaith council with ‘trying to make other religion equal to Islam’.

    Obviously there is a group of people who loves to see Malaysia divided for their own self interests.

    Right thinking Malaysians can see this plot and will not fall for their trap!

  18. If you need to hold rank in Umno, you need to behave like a “bust@rd”.
    The more higher you go, the more “bust@rd” you are.
    That’s why you tend to see certain ministers trying to compete each other even if they looked harmless.
    Requirement are that one must act and speak stupid, be brainless and most of all, a perfect liar.
    Minister’s like Tengku Razaleigh do not meet those criteria and with so many years in Umno, he never had any chance to hold any minister’s post.
    All of these rules are set and and laid out during the “birth” of the new Umno by the so-called “Toon Mahathir”.
    That’s why our DPM is fond of farting thru his nose!

  19. Muhideen is correct. The interfaith committee is a committee of small fry. And that is so typical of jib. Wayang. For show only mah. If they want interfaith thing, I give them interfaith thing. So we really ought to thank muhideen for bringing this fact to our knowledge. That jib, in his typical style, again decided to put up another show.

    Hoi jib. U punya deputy snubbed you again.

  20. Syabas! Moo moo MY 4 being brutally honest n transparent, no wayang n pretence
    KaTaK, if his PhD brain is still working, should understand d mesej n step down graciously n with dignity, rather than pretending 2 b a naked emperor with his new clothes
    Can’t keep hiding inside d sarong of mama rosa

  21. Bunch of Suckers :
    Hanjin Chengho, please tell your step fathers to behave instead of farting freely like bunch of wild animals….

    Actually, you shouldn’t insult the Hanjin. Chengho is shameless enough to pretend to be of another race.

    1) The Chengho in this forum is an eunuch.
    2) The Chengho in this forum is a Muslim
    3) The Chengho in this forum is not Chinese or Hanjin.

  22. The object of the Interfaith Committee set up by the Cabinet is (as I understand it) to provide a forum for knowledgeable representatives of various faiths to engage in dialogue and exchange of views regarding the tenets and beliefs of the diverse religions and faiths, bridge misunderstanding if any, with the view to also advise the Government on how and what measures to take to avert mediate or resolve any subsisting or future disputes between our multiracial/religious communities of different faiths – such a forum and engagement for conciliation being obviously impossible to be carried out or its laudable objective attainable if any one side takes the view that its faith is of greater dominance and importance than the rest, and to appease that side, the second-in-command of the government called the forum a “small fry”, with all its implications diminishing the value of the forum’s activities and advice.

  23. jin:So now you only know”big fry=blood sucker,rent seeker,damn lazy fu.ker”like us make all the decision what!We’re above everbody,law or anything you name it!Kami semua pun BOLEH.BOLEH!BO.DO.EH!BO.LIAU.EH!

  24. Who cares what this lembu said. Talk shit all the time and always contradicting himself. Just like that (deleted) Ib Ali, arrogant, egoistic, lembu brain and think only of themselves.

  25. Small fry,then stop it. Let’s see you ( MY )come out with a big fry with steel teeth. If you can’t then please shut your mouth. And you (KTK) please sit down and shut your mouth too if you can’t come out with some kind of big fry. And why do you let bully and be bullied. Don’t you have any bxlls ?

  26. Folks, they are playing the good cops, bad cops roles!
    Don’t even believe that the top man doesn’t know what his subordinate will say or do!
    To do that is very, very naive!
    They are play acting as usual.
    As far as you are concerned, just dump UMNO/BN.

  27. Its not Muhiyiddin’s arrogance that bothers me, although it does. It actually his very limited mind that bothers me. He is one step away from the highest office in the land. For more than 20 years, we had a PM, although intelligent, still limited view of certain issues and the damage was as much as his contribution. The last two PM have a broader view of things but limited in talent and abilities – we have stagnated or falling behind basically because of that. Muhiyiddin view are narrower and mind more limited meaning his damage will be far far greater and his contribution far less than any before him if he gets into highest office.

    No its not his arrogance that should bother us. Its simply mediocrity.

  28. Actually I am really, really, very, very disappointed! The MCCBCHST has fallen right into their trap of postponing the inter-faith panel talks. They should have been less egoistic and proceed even if labeled small fries or french fries.
    Because it is a golden opportunity to test PM’s sincerity and political will to see his reforms go through!

  29. “n his perception, Chinese have been controlling the Malaysian economy and among the examples is, the number of Chinese tycoons is more than the number of Malay tycoons. Another example is, “who are the owners of those private colleges”. The third example is, all automobile parts stores in Setapak are operated by Chinese.”

    PERKASA fatty President farts like morons!!! In other words, the government has to give and help his race in every mean?? If Chinese controlling the economy, it would be reserved for Chinese as they are smart & hard working. Chinese often sweat, tear & blood for their own rice bowls without assistances or stealing. Please stop blame and jealous over others’ successes because they strike hard for it… What you & your cohorts & cronies just waiting for spoon-feeds, that’s!

    Like Hanjin Chengho, Bunch of suckers always suck, fart & blame others for nothing….

  30. Remember Chengho was the eunuch in 15th century China.

    Moreyoudin wants to reduce the interfaith committee to one led by Chengho ?

    UmnoUtusans are the obstacles towards a unified, strong Malaysia. Boot them out !

  31. Chengho loves John Lennon’s “Imagine” and is imagining he can fool a Chicago crook… pretending to be good…when he keep carrying UMNO BARU balls for years.
    John Lennon was assassinated ….being a song writer with great influences with his songs to fight against racists and crooks.
    Chengho…should love Chubby Checker…
    “Lets twist Again” see who can twist better in the coming 13th GE.
    And be like his grandmaster chief crook…who loves …”My Way”…..proudly proclaiming..he is so proud to have fooled all Malaysians for 22 years and stole billions.
    Yes…Chengho..should keep polishing Najib’s backside…and stop imagining he is a nice guy….which all in this blog ..know…what a scumbag he is.

  32. Cant believe this guy. He has a special knack for showing his stupidity. Committee of small-fry it seems. Wrong idiot. Your wrong man. Its smaller and lesser than small-fry. That committee is actually a committee of small-farts. KTK is a small fart.

  33. Mr. Moo Hee Ding claimed that the press misquoted him. Then what was he trying to say? “Spanish Fly” if not small fry. I wonder what is in his small mind. Small English, small balls, small this and small that.

  34. Small talks seems to be the order of the day.
    Spanish Fly must have flew to Vietnam ..suck the rose water..and became Vietnam Rose.
    Both are now out dated…killed by smart medical scientists…to debug them…no more trap girls or inject into girls to trap enemies.
    Now is sucide bombers.
    That is why UMNO BARU will be out-dated soon.

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