Pakatan slams DPM’s ‘small-fry’ remark

By Shazwan Mustafa Kamal and Asrul Hadi Abdullah Sani | The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, April 12 — Pakatan Rakyat lawmakers have attacked Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin’s remarks that the interfaith committee set up by the Cabinet only consisted of “small-fry,” with Lim Kit Siang claiming it was an example of the government’s indecisive policies.

Muhyiddin had said this morning the lack of any legal powers vested in the committee meant it would not have any influence over the nation’s official religion.

In response to this, Lim, the DAP advisor, said that the DPM’s comments were “insulting” and “a put-down on the role of the inter-faith panel” announced by Minister in the Prime Minister’s department Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon.

“This shows a big divide between proclamation and reality. When Tsu Koon announced the inter-faith panel, the impression given was that it was a major breakthrough,” said Lim.
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The trouble with titled beings

By Kee Thuan Chye

COMMENT When Pakatan Rakyat took over a few state governments in 2008 I hoped, among other things, that the coalition would not recommend its elected representatives for datukships.

At a gathering hosted by the newly elected Sivarasa Rasiah and Elizabeh Wong to celebrate their electoral victories, I expressed this hope to both. I asked the same of Lim Guan Eng after he became Chief Minister. “We are not giving any titles,” he assured me. “I will try if possible to remain what I am.”

It hasn’t quite turned out that way.

Guan Eng himself has stayed true to his word but people under his watch, like Zahrain Mohd Hashim who has since become an independent MP, were presented awards. Sivarasa and Elizabeth are still without titles, but the Selangor Menteri Besar, Khalid Ibrahim, already a Tan Sri, was made a Datuk Seri last year. I was disappointed that Nizar Jamaluddin, not long after becoming MB of Perak, became a Datuk Seri.
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DAP wants emergency Cabinet meeting on Dr. Pornthip’s claims

By Shazwan Mustafa Kamal | The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, April 12 — The DAP has demanded that the Cabinet convenes an emergency meeting to discuss Thai pathologist Dr. Pornthip Rojanasunand’s claims of “political pressure” which had forced her to pull out from testifying in the on-going Teoh Beng Hock inquest.

DAP advisor Lim Kit Siang said Dr. Pornthip’s claims of external pressure from Putrajaya that “could affect her work” in Thailand was a serious matter, which needed to be addressed immediately.

“The Cabinet should convene an emergency meeting to send a message that Dr. Pornthip be allowed to come and ensure her safety and well-being here and no pressure (from any parties),” said Lim at a press conference attended by Teoh family lawyer Gobind Singh Deo.

He also slammed Minister in Prime Minister’s department Datuk Seri Nazri Abdul Aziz for accusing Dr. Pornthip of lying about allegations of political pressure, and stressed that Nazri should withdraw his statements and apologize.
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The Labu and Labi Team of Najib and Muhyiddin (Part 3)

By M. Bakri Musa

(Third of Four Parts)

The Ugly and Dysfunctional Mahathir-Anwar Pair

As leader, Mahathir is essentially a one-man team, a loner. He exhibits the typical alpha-male monkey mode. An alpha monkey could tolerate other males in the colony only if they were to submit to him, or be seen doing so. Any hint of a non-deferring behavior or “dissing” would be dealt with quickly until the challenger is either driven out or fatally finished off. Such leaders have little use for a deputy, partner, or a team. Instead he needs a sidekick, in the manner of a Jim McMahon to Johnny Carson; someone to make the leader looks good and be the butt of his jokes.

Consider Mahathir’s relationship with his first deputy, Musa Hitam. It went well so long as Musa deferred to Mahathir, that is, by being submissive. In the beginning, Musa was exactly that. The moment he began to assert himself or received more attention than Mahathir, it marked the beginning of the end for Musa.

The same dynamics governed Mahathir’s relationship with his third deputy, Anwar Ibrahim. Like Musa, Anwar was only too willing to be Mahathir’s sidekick and to humor him, at least initially. And why not; Anwar was handsomely rewarded, as seen by his rapid ascent in the party and government. Mahathir never viewed Anwar as a threat seeing that he was very much younger and thus could patiently bide his time. That scenario would have successfully played out to the end had Anwar not succumb to the impatient goading of his many impatient and greedy supporters.
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Matthias Chang: Martyr without a cause?

By NH Chan

APRIL 11 — In the Sun newspaper of Friday, 2 April 2010 I came across this story:

Dr M’s ex-aide starts jail term for contempt

KUALA LUMPUR: Matthias Chang, former political secretary of ex-premier Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, was sent to prison after he refused to pay a RM20,000 fine for contempt of court.

Chang was served the committal order by the High Court before he was taken to Kajang prison.

The lawyer was cited for contempt of court on March 25 when he failed to apologise to the court during cross-examination in his defamation suit against American Express (Malaysia).

The committal order stated: “At about 2.30pm to day (March 25) … when the court refused your request to address the court as a witness, you lost your cool and walked out of the witness box and thereafter left the court during the proceedings. Your conduct is a contempt in the face of the court by virtue of Order 52 (1A) of the Rules of the High Court.”
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