I was angry, real angry in Parliament (video)

I was angry, real angry when I spoke in Parliament during the 2009 Supplementary budget committee stage debate of the Prime Minister’s Department yesterday morning at the “blind and brute” Barisan Nasional simple majority in rejecting my motion on Wednesday (April 7, 2010) to refer the BN MP for Pasir Salak, Datuk Tajuddin Abdul Rahman to the Committee of Privileges over his lies and baseless allegation that “pemimpin Pulau Pinang” frequently visited Singapore and Hong Kong to “sell national secrets” and that I was former political officer to Lee Kuan Yew as well as over the mindless passage of a motion by the UMNO MP for Kuala Krau Datuk Ismail Said to refer the PAS MP for Pokok Sena Datuk Mahfuz Omar to the Committee of Privileges over the “Umno Apco, Apco Umno” chant – resulting in Parliamentary proceedings going out of control which had to be adjourned more than an hour earlier as scheduled.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5


15 Replies to “I was angry, real angry in Parliament (video)”

  1. Ha, ha – d usual acts of racist Umnoputras
    Simply hentam first, spread lies first, then pretend 2 apologise later
    Dat’s what Noh Omar did – after his racist speech, he apologised for hurting d feelings of others; he said he did not mean to offend any race, soooo kind of him
    Wah lau, save d crocodile tears lah – if nonUmnoputra did d same thing, mati lah

  2. Big lies is one of the secret weapon for BN/UMNO to win votes. Bunch of suckers can never get my vote!!! Suckers have been practicing big lies over 53 years to stay on powers! They brought in more suckers to lies more….

    Hanjin Chengho will be skinned off probably on or after December 21, 2012 as he is no longer a Chinese….. Malaysia would be glorified with new government! Bunch of suckers will be exhilarated completely…. I gonna to get you, suckers!!

  3. This nation needs more people like Abdul Kudus Omar 2 bcome a great n united nation
    Not becos of his undying support 4 AI, but becos of his values, principles, n faith in all humans, regardless of ethnicity
    He exposed d evil n corrupt deeds of UmnoB/BN
    He can certainly teach MMK, AB, NR, MY, HH, UmnoB/BNputras, n all political toads many proper values n principles
    Hats off 2 Abdul Kudus Omar, a true patriotic 1Malaysia’s Malaysian

  4. This is becoming a Fantacyland, with idiots, HP6, thieves, daylight-robbers, murderers, and what not, with one common intention to enrich themselves while they can, and all out to prevent the opposition from doing their jobs to save the country from going to the dogs. They are acutely insane and could not be bothered about the country and people anymore. No shame at all, even as they know that Singapore is far ahead of us.

  5. Had YB Lim alleged that “pemimpin umno” frequently visited Iran and Afghanistan to “sell national secrets”, he would had been suspended from Parliament for the next 50 years…..

  6. How could mp TAR cook up such baseless lies against the DAP leaders and still managed to excape ? As an elected representative and a muslim,didn’t he has any guilt at all ? I think he broke both the rule of law and his religious obligation and should be charged. I think he has also abused parliamentary rules to speak what he has spoken. Moreover I think every elected representatives should not waste tax payer’s money to spread lies in the honourable august house. Members of Parliament should have good characters and good attitudes and must serve as good role model as well and not acted like TAR a SOB.

  7. Bcos of BN simple majority in d parliament, BNputras behave as lawless scumbags
    Shame 2 d nation n all Malaysians
    Thank God 1 BN MP Sibu decided 2 kick d bucket, RIP
    Another buy election – YES, can East M’sians show d way, CHANGE n kick out BN

  8. What strike me is this – all these guys doing the lying and slander – they are the same guys that shout Islam and Malay rights.

    Problem no 1. Islam clearly says lying is a no no. So basically they are not Muslim.

    Problem no 2: If they have problem no 1, then by constitutional description, they are NOT Malay. So what Malay right?

    That above basic legal and logical arguments aside. If you are a persistant liar and a bad one at that. In practical terms, do these people have any rights in proper practise (as oppose to the practical one), to voice their views at all? There are even legal precedence that people should be protected from such voices, after all its basically noise pollution at its best.

  9. PR should write to US Congress to call off the caucus because the composition from Malaysia is not from its Parliament. I am sure US will accept the argument of PR. Try and see.

  10. I wonder how much these two (deleted) are worth. God must be crazy over their insanity. BN is now a breeding ground and a refugee camp for the rejects and retarded toads and sick animals.

  11. In the issue of Pasir Salak, Barisan MPs voted with blind loyalty to their Great Leader without conscience. Pariah mentality who cannot differentiate between right from wrong. That is why there is no hope that the leopard will change its spots. “BN MAMPU BERUBAH???”, they just can’t change. Period.

  12. Uncle Lim, don’t be angry.
    It doesn’t pay to waste your anger on these SOBs!
    However, do highlight every bastardly acts of theirs as widely as possible.
    Let the people be angry with them; this will galvanise them (the people) into action.
    And this action will lead to the undoing of the UMNO/BN government! Give the Federal government enough rope and they’ll finish themselves off!
    Just remember not to let up on the momentum.
    You and PR are doing a very good job!

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