Hanoi ASEAN Summit should take a strong stand to demand free, fair and inclusive elections in Myanmar allowing participation by Aung San Suu Kyi or ASEAN should withhold recognition of legitimacy for election result

The 16th ASEAN Summit currently being held in Hanoi should take a strong stand to demand free, fair and inclusive elections in Myanmar allowing participation by Burmese democracy icon Aung San Suu Kyi or ASEAN should withhold recognition of legitimacy for the Myanmese election result.

Malaysian Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak said in Hanoi yesterday that all countries, including Malaysia, must play their part for the concept of ASEAN community to become a reality.

He said ASEAN must take the multilateral resolutions agreed at the regional stage seriously if the grouping is to realize the ASEAN community by 2005.

Najib and all ASEAN leaders must be mindful that the ASEAN community is based on three pillars, economic, political and socio-cultural, in particular the human rights commitments made by all the ASEAN governments in the ASEAN Charter “to strengthen democracy, enhance good governance and the rule of law, and to promote and protect human rights and fundamental freedoms” (Section 7).

Unfortunately, on the biggest issue confronting ASEAN legitimacy today, the holding of free, fair and inclusive elections in Myanmar, Najib and other ASEAN leaders have been singularly silent at the Hanoi ASEAN Summit.

This is an issue the ASEAN leaders cannot avoid at the Hanoi ASEAN Summit without the regional organization and all the ASEAN leaders being subject to national, regional and international criticisms for being wishy-washy and insincere about their human rights commitments in the ASEAN Charter.

The ASEAN Summit has been presented with a petition by more than 100 ASEAN legislators calling on ASEAN leaders to sanction Myanmar if it failed to hold free and fair elections.

The petition reads:

On 8 March 2010, the military government of Myanmar published new laws governing the electoral process for the nation’s general elections planned for later this year. Numerous provisions in the laws guarantee that the elections will not be open and inclusive of Myanmar’s diverse population, notably excluding participation of Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, and Myanmar’s leading pro-democracy icon, Aung San Suu Kyi and other political prisoners who form a substantial share of the leadership of non-military-aligned movements and political parties.

With the promulgation of these apparent biased laws, clearly aimed at preventing opposition parties and candidates from contesting the elections, the regime has forfeited its best opportunity to show willingness to engage in an inclusive process of national reconciliation and the establishment of a lawful and democratic government for the Union of Myanmar. In light of this fact, ASEAN and individual governments of its member States must undertake resolute actions to convey to Myanmar’s military dictators that its disregard for principles of democratic governance and human rights is unacceptable and no longer tolerable by its regional neighbours.

Because of the exclusionary provisions of the election laws and the fundamental flaws in the country’s Constitution, enacted in 2008, under which the elections will be held, the results of the elections cannot be acknowledged or accepted by ASEAN, both morally and politically.

Furthermore, the elections are evidently designed to do nothing more than firmly entrench the military’s role in the future governance of Myanmar. The elections will in no way facilitate the formation of a representative, democratic government. If Myanmar insists on conducting the elections without reviewing and revising the 2008 Constitution and the election laws, it leaves ASEAN with no choice but to reject the results of the planned elections.

As Myanmar has thus far ignored ASEAN’s calls to reform and has not been positively influenced by the policy of ‘constructive engagement,’ a new and more decisive course of action must be undertaken. ASEAN should immediately enact strict and targeted economic sanctions against Myanmar’s military government.

Despite large budget surpluses generated from regional trade, the regime has done nothing to improve the welfare of its citizens. The living standards of average citizens have fallen desperately low while members of the military regime and their associates have grown increasingly wealthy off profits from the exploitation of Myanmar’s vast natural resources. Targeted sanctions would effectively cut the economic lifeline of these corrupt leaders and compel them to begin genuine dialogue and reforms.

Furthermore, Myanmar has categorically failed to uphold its responsibilities and adhere to the principles enshrined in the ASEAN Charter. It should, therefore, be immediately suspended from the grouping and its permanent expulsion earnestly considered.

Simultaneously, ASEAN should support, if not propose, to the United Nations Security Council that an arms embargo and most importantly a Commission of Inquiry on crimes against humanity be brought on Myanmar, as recommended by the UN Special Rapportuer on Human Rights, Tomas Ojae Quintana.

Immediate, substantial and effective action must be taken as all forms of constructive engagement with Myanmar’s military regime have undoubtedly failed.

Although a date has not been for the elections by the Myanmar military junta, it is believed that it will be held on Oct. 10, considered an auspicious date by the Burmese generals.

Najib and the other ASEAN governments must stand up and send an unmistakable message to the Myanmar military junta at the Hanoi ASEAN Summit that free, fair and inclusive elections allowing the participation of Aung San Suu Kyi in Myanmar is a litmust test of its qualification as a continued member of ASEAN in the light of the ASEAN Charter and its human rights commitments.

9 Replies to “Hanoi ASEAN Summit should take a strong stand to demand free, fair and inclusive elections in Myanmar allowing participation by Aung San Suu Kyi or ASEAN should withhold recognition of legitimacy for election result”

  1. April 7 (Bloomberg) — China is considering allowing the yuan to trade against the Russian ruble, South Korean won and Malaysian ringgit to promote its use in cross-border trade, an official at the China Foreign Exchange Trade System said.

  2. YB Lim Kit Siang,I think it’s fair that you are concern of the ASEAN summit in Hanoi regarding Myanmar election to be free,fair and inclusive in view of the its military junta rule. However I think you must also do/ask like wise in malaysia as I have reasons to believe that NR/MY would not allow it to be free and fair to all opposition political parties too comes the 13th GE.

  3. The Commonwealth can take stern action against Fiji, Zimbabwe and Pakistan for their rogue governments’ handling of their respective countries. These countries’ memberships were suspended.

    But ASEAN has no bolas to take firm action against a rogue member, and turns a blind eye to all the thuggery that are committed by that country’s leaders. ASEAN is all NATO, no action, talk, talk, talk only. And enjoy the regular summit sessions and photo-shoots. Very weak leadership.

  4. He said ASEAN must take the multilateral resolutions agreed at the regional stage seriously if the grouping is to realize the ASEAN community by 2005.

    Typo error. Should be 2015 and not 2005

  5. Myanmar regime behaves as such because they know that ASEAN could not do anything to it!!! Moreover, most Asean states govts may do the same to their opposition one day, so they better keep quiet so that they wont be branded hypocrite one day!!!

  6. chengho :April 7 (Bloomberg) — China is considering allowing the yuan to trade against the Russian ruble, South Korean won and Malaysian ringgit to promote its use in cross-border trade, an official at the China Foreign Exchange Trade System said.

    Chengho – Time to buy Yuan and throw Ringgit !!!

  7. In a Global village we are, in words of the song “We are the World” (by USA for Africa), inextricably connected in fate as world citizens and everyone, including the 100 ASEAN legislators, has a right to criticize human rights & democratic violations as a positive contribution to a world replete with such transgressions.

    Unfortunately governments and their leaders (in particular ASEAN’s) with power to do something about it – eg impose sanctions or kick out Myanmar – have always evinced a lack of political will to uphold democracy/human rights because of other conflicting agendas. They can’t do so for their known countries: you think they would, for another? They prefer to hide under ASEAN’s ‘non interference of internal affairs’ than to uphold its other principles in article 1 (7) of ASEAN’s Charter – ie to “strengthen democracy, enhance good governance and the rule of law, and to promote and protect human rights and fundamental freedoms.” Any more pro-active enforcement of article 1(7) will only set the standard by which one day others – whether outside or within – will apply the same pressure on their own infractions in their own domestic backyards. Having regard to their track records none of the ASEAN members can hold high claim to upholding democracy/human rights and Myanmar’s flagrant violations, serve by comparison/contrast, to, at least, make them each look better (less undemocratic). Surely its overly optimistic to expect this year’s host –Hanoi – to put the travails of pro-democracy icon, Aung San Suu Kyi on the the scheduled agenda when it is a communist country with govt agents & spies working undercover throughout length and breath of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam! Or for that matter our own country when people may ask about human rights/democracy in relation to issues involving Anwar’s sodomy case or Altantuya, Teoh Beng Hock, RPK or BERSIH’s complaints.

    Besides politicians/political leaders are more interested in self interest – money. They’re more interested in bringing their own countries’ entrepreneurs, which of course include their own cronies’ companies, to invest and make money or sell their goods to Myanmar’s market with the Military Junta’s blessings. A few examples – Myanmar’s military government could buy arms/weapons Singapore produces or place their ill gotten gains in Singapore’s banks; our Petronas could participate in Myanmar’s offshore natural gas extraction/exploitation and her hydroelectric dams provide electricity power to the Thai population, and so on….

    So ASEAN govts/political leaders are more inclined to look for excuses to avert immediate drastic actions against Myanmar Military leaders – that would provide them breathing space and lead time to meanwhile reap economic benefits of having this roque regime within the regional grouping.
    There are, to be sure, no shortage of excuses, for examples: upholding the ASEAN’s other principle of non interference on domestic affairs; arguing that Myanmar’s generals are more susceptible to “constructive engagement” and coaxing than drastic action like sanctions or expulsion that violates non interference principle, not to mention sanctions have very little effect on Myanmar’s economy that has little in the way of international trade and more in narcotic trade! Another excuse is that by bringing investments to Myanmar her peoples could at least get employment; besides, ASEAN in 1967 was originally conceived as an economic bloc, whose primary object was to forge economic complementarity than Human Rights/Democracy promotion, and so on! As they say, the Devil would cite scriptures for its own Cause, so to speak! In realistic terms one cannot expect this Hanoi ASEAN Summit to achieve much by way of pressure on Myanmar’s generals.

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