Umno media are ironically furnishing the best evidence of the rise of Middle Malaysia

The 1Malaysia GTP talks about “promoting an all-inclusive 1Malaysia media”. It said:

“However, when some of the reporting and writing becomes too ethno-centric or even takes on a more race-centred angle, it raises, rather than breaks down, barriers. Further, instead of providing constructive and valid criticism, some writers abuse the greater freedom of expression now available to use terms and express feelings that are racist or inflammatory in nature and tone.

“While censorship is antithetical to democracy, there is a need to introduce, instill and internalize a commitment to journalistic professionalism, a sense of responsibility and self-restraint, with sensitivity to the divergent views and feelings of the diverse communities in Malaysia.”

Any independent survey of the mass media scene will show that those most guilty of the sins of being “too ethnocentric or even takes on a more race-centred angle” and abuses of using “terms and express feelings that are racist or inflammatory in nature and tone”, totally insensitive to “the divergent views and feelings of the diverse communities in Malaysia” in the past two years since the March 8 “political tsunami” of the 2008 general election are the Umno media of Utusan Malaysia and Berita Harian.

Nobody is suggesting the closure of Utusan Malaysia or Berita Harian but have those responsible for the 1Malaysia GTP Roadmap in particular the KPI Minister, Koh Tsu Koon done anything apart from advocating “an all-inclusive 1Malaysia media”, to communicate with the errant Umno media “to introduce, instill and internalize a commitment to journalistic professionalism, a sense of responsibility and self-restraint, with sensitivity to the divergent views and feeling of the diverse communities in Malaysia” and above all, the meaning of the 1Malaysia concept?

In a way, the Umno media are ironically furnishing the best evidence of the rise of Middle Malaysia.

In the past, the vial of poison, lies and sedition relentlessly pumped out by Umno media like Utusan Malaysia and Berita Harian relentlessly for two years – for instance the falsehoods that DAP is anti-Malay and wants to abolish the Malay monarchy by establishing a republic – would have sparked unrest and turmoil in Malaysia pre-March 8, 2008 when mainstream media (msm) were virtually the sole source of information in the country.

But today, there would be those who would read this cealesless spiel of poison, lies and sedition with a yawn because it lacks credibility, although its capacity to create mischief cannot be under-estimated as not all Malaysians can escape the thrall of the Umno/Barisan Nasional monopoly of msm.
In previous years, DAP leaders would be very alarmed by such poisonous and seditious fare in the Umno newspapers.

There is still cause for alarm but also room for confidence that with the rise of a Middle Malaysia it is no more a one-sided affair where the Utusan Malaysia and Berita Harian lies are taken as gospel truth. More Malaysians, whether Malays, Chinese, Indians, Kadazans and Ibans, have a greater capacity to discern truth from falsehoods like those spouted by the UMNO media.

The best way to debunk the Utusan Malaysia and Berita Harian poison, lies and sedition is to subject it to the exposure of reason and truth, but this does not mean that those in authority, particularly the Police and the Attorney-General should not take the necessary action against these Umno media to protect the integrity and the best interests of plural Malaysia.

[Speech (4) by DAP Parliamentary Leader and MP for Ipoh Timor Lim Kit Siang in Dewan Rakyat on the Royal Address on Thursday, 18th March 2010]

17 Replies to “Umno media are ironically furnishing the best evidence of the rise of Middle Malaysia”

  1. The basic problem with Utusan and Berita Harian is that its a propagation of hate and fear. The problem is its too tiring to be hating and being afraid all the time. No one want their life to be about hate and fear – they want it to be about hope and trust. Its simple nature. Hate and fear is unfortunate reality, not the reality people want. People succumb to hate and fear when they have nothing or little i.e, desperate. For most, if they have even just some, not enough as its never enough, but when they are not desperate then they don’t want to hate or fear. When no one is desperate, the only one that still want hate and fear are the greedy, the selfish – those who want much more than what they are entitled to. That is simple NOT most people because most people are rational and don’t dream of having more than they are entitled to.

    Utusan and Berita Harian assumed they understood why their way worked before. They never did in reality and the world is changing around them and their assumptions are what is slowly eroding their message and method.

  2. I think the 2 papers (fit for jamban purpose) have their agenda to acheive.They want to portray the bumi as poor people and the non bumi as the rich ones.So they can inculcate forever the hatred and fear into the minds of simple village folks.Therefore they think all the village people are fools and believe whatever they want to propagate.Of course BN Umno is behind the dirty tricks.

  3. The reporters and editors of Utusan Malaysia and Berita Harian are not professional journalists,they are mercenaries. I think Umno is paying them pretty well. These guys do not work for country. They only work for money.Similarly the IGP,the head of MACC,the head of EC ,the AG and the CJ are also mercenaries employed by UMNO. All these guys work together to ensure the Umno/Bn regime remains intact .I think we needed patriots to save the poeple and country not mercenaries.

  4. Before we go for the weekend, I just want to comment on report that the NEM will change NEP significantly. The NEM is not going to fly.. Its dead because Najib is already doing the wrong thing even BEFORE its announced.

    Its reported its going to be tabled in two parts and will involve public feedback. In actuality what it intend to do is break up the content in order break up the backlash that is expected. Its the wrong approach to get this done.

    These kinds of tough paper only get done one way – the top guy has to get his team together and back him. THEY HAVE TO DECIDE TO DO IT FIRST BEFORE it can be moved elsewhere. In other words, Najib must get the Cabinet and at least most of UMNO Supreme Council behind the paper or it will never fly.

    The way he is doing it, is just giving those people in Supreme Council and Cabinet Members the opportunity to reverse when the heat gets hot.

    It has no chance of it. I honestly do not think Najib is stupid to try to push something that won’t fly but the fact of the matter is, it does not make any sense what he is doing..

  5. ///In a way, the Umno media are ironically furnishing the best evidence of the rise of Middle Malaysia./// – Kit.

    Another indicative sign of ‘the rise of Middle Malaysia’ is, I suggest, the fact that after a spate of arson attacks on several churches and a surau, and boar heads being thrown in the compounds of two mosques over the Herald’s Allah controversy these provocations have failed to elicit any violent response from any group towards the other and people still went around in daily business and yawned as if to say, “we know that this has nothing to do with any group of citizenry being incited against the other but just some desperate attempt by some desperate politicians to stir unrest or give the impression of it to capitalize on the situation”. This view is not wrong: for in spite of only three men having been charged so far for fire bombing the Metro Tabernacle Church, the desecration of the places of worship has stopped with the perpetrators, perhaps bored that their methods would be productive to get the results intended.

  6. Police and AG take action against Utusan and Berita?

    Ha, this is the privilege of being the Tuans in this country.
    They have the god given right to mock at the pendatangs and protected by Law.

  7. ‘Middle Malaysia’ should be seen as taking the middle common path whereby the people first see themselves as being citizens of Malaysia before considering ethnic origin and faith.
    Each Malaysian will then have this sense of belonging to the same country, and thus, a sense of unity…

  8. We should follow middle Thailand , middle Taiwan , middle Indonesia , middle Singapore and even Middle Kingdom , perhap Middle Kingdom is the best model , superpower economic and military .

  9. ///Nobody is suggesting the closure of Utusan Malaysia or Berita Harian but have those responsible for the 1Malaysia GTP Roadmap in particular the KPI Minister, Koh Tsu Koon done anything……/// (Kit)

    How come MCA, Gerakan and MIC can be so dumb and mute? Are they not tacitly condoning Utusan and Berita’s irresponsible publishing?

  10. chengho: “We should follow middle Thailand, middle Taiwan, middle Indonesia, middle Singapore and even Middle Kingdom, perhap Middle Kingdom is the best model, superpower economic and military.”

    We Malaysians ourselves should be able to find our own middle common path towards moderation & unity.
    Let the people of the other nations find theirs on their own…

  11. very funny as things are going among the five HANG brothers,

    all seems to be working in order by themselves.

    it seems some one is behind them coordinating , and is very harmful to our nation.
    It is us surely leading us somewhere but definitely not the correct direction.

    as usual no original ideas , anyway it is okay , we have perfected the idea of outsourcing and get over the seas consultant’s help .
    Just like the good old days of East india company , only this time the consultants has becomes more careful.

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