Target of Pakatan Rakyat in Sarawak in the forthcoming state general elections must be to form the next State Government or deny BN 2/3 majority

I feel great satisfaction and a sense of fulfillment at today’s opening of the RM800,000 Kuching DAP premises as it is the culmination of the blood, sweat and tears of DAP leaders, members and supporters in Sarawak in the past 32 years since 1978 when Sarawak DAP was first formed.

We pay tribute to the Chairman of the Building Committee Sdr. Chong Siew Chiang, the founding Sarawak DAP Chairman who had planted the DAP flag in Sarawak in 1978 with a handful of Sarawakian visionaries. Another such visionary, who is with us today, is Sdr. Ling Sie Ming, the “dragon slayer” in the 1982 general elections when Sarawak DAP made the parliamentary breakthrough winning two parliamentary seats.

But the DAP struggle in Sarawak was a very arduous and testing one, as we were unable to make a breakthrough in the Sarawak state general elections for 18 years until 1996 when we first sent the Rocket to the Sarawak state assembly with the election of three Sarawak DAP State Assemblymen.

The May 2006 Sarawak state general election saw another historic breakthrough when DAP Sarawak sent six representatives to the Sarawak state assembly out of a total of nine successful Opposition candidates – a prelude to the March 8 political tsunami of the 2008 general elections in Malaysia.

The question Malaysians are asking is whether the forthcoming Sarawak state general elections, expected anytime this year, will be another curtain-raiser to the completion of the “political tsunami” in Malaysia in the next national general elections to put the Pakatan Rakyat in power in Putrajaya?

Now, Sarawakians can seriously think about the possibility of unseating the Sarawak Barisan Nasional as the next Sarawak state government.

If this is to be achieved, the Opposition must win at least 36 out of the 72 State Assembly seats in Sarawak. At minimum, the objective in the forthcoming Sarawak state general election must be to win at least 24 seats to deny the Barisan Nasional two-thirds majority in the Sarawak State Assembly.

DAP cannot achieve on its own achieve either of these objectives in the next Sarawak state elections.

It is the challenge to Pakatan Rakyat as it can only be achieved through the collective effort of the Pakatan Rakyat parties together with the support and co-operation of friendly political parties, groups and individuals in Sarawak.

I am hopeful that the Pakatan Rakyat parties in Sarawak have learnt from the lessons of the 12th general elections in 2008 and that the Pakatan Rakyat will fight as one unit in the forthcoming state general elections.

[Speech (3) at the opening of the new RM800,000 Kuching DAP premises at Jalan Abang Abdul Rahim, Kuching on Monday, 8th March 2010 at 10 am]

25 Replies to “Target of Pakatan Rakyat in Sarawak in the forthcoming state general elections must be to form the next State Government or deny BN 2/3 majority”

  1. Sarawakians especially the rural people are more concern with development issues rather than national issues.It is a challenging task for PR to give a fight in these areas.There is no doubt that PR is gaining popularity here in Sarawak,but the ways which the election is carry out is an advantage to BN,like transports,money and others.

  2. “the Sarawak people will tell you to stay away from Sarawak unless probably u have another son to be groomed as CM of Sarawak.” – by chengho on Monday, 8 March 2010 – 7:03 pm

    As long as YB LKS’s son & his Pakatan Rakyat administration can show an example of good governance in Penang, there will always be Sarawakians who are interested.

  3. chengho :
    the Sarawak people will tell you to stay away from Sarawak unless probably u have another son to be groomed as CM of Sarawak.

    So do you think the Sarawakians should continue supporting Barisan Nasional whose leaders thought that is is alright for them as non-believers to dictate the followers of another religion on how they should call or address their God?(which is tantamount to makes a mockery of another person’s religion!!)

    ….or even suggesting that the believers may call their God as “Allah” when in Sarawak but the God’s name must be replaced with another name suggested by these non-believers upon their arrival to Peninsular Malaysia(after they had crossed the South China Sea )?

    So should Sarawak people let this tyranny to continue? Should the Sarawakian send a signal to Barisan Nasional that it is alright that ‘the non-believers who are in power’ can at their whims an fancies- prescribe how a believers of another religion on how they should pray and address their God?

    The Sarawakian must send the right signal to Barisan Nasional-UMNO and its partners in the coming state election!

  4. Leave it to chengho who is a Muslim…dressed in cheongsam…with his usual balls carrying comments to Najib.
    This young fut is full of “sheet”.
    He needs to learn farming and fishing survive.
    Meanwhile…he is trying very hard to impress UMNO ..hoping he need not pay scholarship funds loan to him..without realizing…it is funds.. from Malaysians..not UMNO…unless he also think UMNO own the as they like with our money.

  5. Dear Kits

    Please make indelible ink an issue and challenge the “White Hair” to accept it. Challenge his EGO and it is too big for him not to follow.

    We need the indelible ink in Sarawak, else you will never know who is voting. Especially the interior where only river transport is the only mean. Agent voter can travel from one polling station to another with a stack of NRIC.

    Shiok Guy

  6. I have alot of faith with Sarawakians…more than Sabahans.
    I think the Sarawakians will not sell their votes…and hundreds of thousands..are patriots…having very high regards for what DAP or Lim Kit Siang have done for the country.
    Most Sarawakians are non racists….as compared to Sabahans.
    I just hope Sabahans have changed for the better…but DAP and keDAILan can depend on 13th GE.
    Short of possible Emergency Rule…to be cooked up by Najib..when he knows UMNO will loose..Sarawakians…will support Malaysian Malaysia.

  7. Honestly, if PR gain a couple of seats in Sarawak, its a win already. Like many people have pointed out, Sarawakian vote BN because they believe they hold the purse strings. The only conceivable way they would change en-mass is that they believe that the Federal Govt will change hand. Even if THAT was possible, they are likely to follow rather than lead the change.

    That is not to say its not possible to change some things. You still want to sell it to the tribal leaders that change in Putrajaya is actually real in GE 13 and they don’t want to be left behind when it does. Do the math – gains in Terengganu, Kelantan, Sabah, Perak plus a few other MCA places should make it possible already. If Sarawak swings just a bit, its almost guaranteed.

    That will encourage some tribal leaders to start to agitate against Taib & Co which they have long wanted to. All PR have to show is a dozen seats or so in Sarawak and it will already be a major win. Sell the idea that whatever development that BN promise, they won’t get most of it and will in fact be marginalised like the Indians in Peninsular.

  8. ReformMalaysia, you’re right!
    It is utter, downright, concentrated stupidity for the Federal Government in West Malaysia to tell the East Malaysians, that they can only call their god by the name that they have been using for eons in their home states, but not when in West Malaysia!
    Perhaps those who imposed such laws are too stupid to be aware of how stupid they really are!
    Such stupidity is beyond believe!!!
    And East Malaysians still want such people in the Federal Government?
    I definitely don’t think so!

  9. Actually if I were Sarawakians, I would vote PR no matter what I believe in. Najib is terrified of losing ground in Sarawak and Sabah in a General Election and will do anything to make sure the ‘deposit’ pays off. This is just a state election. What better way to ransom a lot of money, projects and money by threatening to throw Najib and UMNO out of Putrajaya in the next GE? Vote overwhelmingly opposition and Najib will be selling Rosmah’s jewelry to keep Sarawak in the fold!!!

  10. MERDEKA !!

    I wish Sarawakians don’t have to depend on Semenanjung Malaysia.

    If tiny Brunei and Singapore could outclass the vast MALAYsia, I don’t see why this rich Sarawak couldn’t..

    Just a wish / dream for the time being…….

  11. On second thought : is it possible to choose our PM based on the number of seats won (MPs)?

    That would mean a Sarawakian ( from a strong party) would be able to become PM.

    Impossible is nothing, eh?

  12. Sarawakians like Sabahans are now fed up with the corrupted Umno/Bn regime. Tell me who doesn’t after 53 years of being discriminated ? No matter what this ugly-Ho said of DAP,I think Sarawakians would prove him pretty mistaken and wrong too. Enough is enough.

  13. BN/UMNO is already badly injured. They will suffer more injuries enroute to GE13, due to internal squabble. The “1-Malaysia” slogan is becoming a joke.
    The ghost of Altantuya, TBH & Kugan, and the 6 Sabahan plan-crash heroes, must be haunting Putra Jaya.

  14. The majority of the Sarawakians and Sabahans must become the head and not the tail in their own states!!! BN-UMNO or its cronies will only ensure their own kinds benefited from the huge allocations to these two states!!!
    Dont look further, Kadazans and Ibans are marginalised in their own states!!! Dont miss the golden opportunity for a change!!!

  15. Election in Sarawak is all about money.If you dare to spend few millions,you stand a chance of wining especially in areas with small number of voters.For example with 7-8 thousand voters.You can buy about 6000 voters at RM 200-300 per vote.6000×300=1.8 million only.Adding in the operations expenses it might cost you 2-3 million only,then you stand a chance to be so call YB.That the famous rich are doing in Sarawak.

  16. If either Sabah or Sarawak is the cause of Barisan losing the Government after the next general elections, then it will be the Singapore issue all over again – one, or both of them would be invited to secede from Malaysia!

    Would there be secession? If not, can the present bunch of Barisan leaders stand sitting in the opposition bench?

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