@ “The Smiling Warrior – Kit Siang” comedy

Monti and Logi presents Kit Siang

limkitsiang: At Actors Studio Lot 10 4latest “Kit Siang” Fair game
about 2 hours ago

NoorAzam: RT @limkitsiang: At Actors Studio Lot 10 4latest “Kit Siang” Fair game @sultanmuzaffar
about 2 hours ago

erichph: Hehe, even LKS has a sense of humor RT @limkitsiang: At Actors Studio Lot 10 4latest “Kit Siang” Fair game
about 2 hours ago

carboncopy: Ppl start laughing bfr show starts. RT @limkitsiang: At Actors Studio Lot 10 4latest “Kit Siang” Fair game
about 2 hours ago

orangasle: RT @limkitsiang At Actors Studio Lot 10 4latest “Kit Siang” Fair game (22 tweets 2 #8888)
about 2 hours ago

limkitsiang: @carboncopy enjoyable 90min comedy Monti n Logi at my expense Also impersonation Karpal in “KS n KS” glad 2meet old friend SAlwi n audience
41 minutes ago

limkitsiang: Comedy runs till sat shld ask them 2b my stand-in in future Had impersonated Sami Chua Dr M n KengYaik good clean fun let hair down
32 minutes ago

Kit Siang on stage with Monti and Logi

17 Replies to “@ “The Smiling Warrior – Kit Siang” comedy”

  1. Honestly, as a public person, to be impersonated and lampooned this way and to still command the respect and admiration of most people, is the highest order than any kowtowing or formal accolade or titles like TUN…Sdr. Lim is the greatest politician in this land since the days of Tunku-Razak and Hussein Onn..

    LKS single handedly created the highest honor of this land – the title Sdr. Not tun, datuk etc..

  2. YB LKS,

    Can u add a post on AG’s interest in justice.
    AG talking about justice??!!!

    Does ag know anything about justice save for its spelling? Yikes! I am going to puke. Gotta go.

  3. Anwar must be fully supported to the next GE….probably his last political battle before retirement.

    It is the journey with this man, a few like him, that is important and honourable, not the destination.

  4. chengho :enjoy your golden age Kit but i still stink you should replace Anwar as the Opp leader in Parliment.

    I stink… err sorry… I think it’s up to YB LKS to decide whether to retire and enjoy the rest of his golden years (unlike that supposedly retired old doctor from Kedah who continues to exert his subtle influence within his party), or to continue his political struggle, and anyway, if it is of YB LKS’s opinion that Anwar should remain as the Parliament’s Opposition Leader, so be it.

  5. LKS is his usual self. He always takes things in his stride.

    I had the honour to have met and talked to him when we were 40 years younger in Penang, on the Dato Kramat Padang before the eventful May 10th 1969 election.

    Since then, when other DAP leaders such as Goh Hock Guan, Fan Yew Teng, Yap Pian Hon, Yeap Ghim Guan, Siow Han Khim, Goh Lim Yam, Richard Ho, Lee Lam Thye (who turned BN-Umno friendly NGO) fell off or abandoned the ship, he soldiered on despite the muds thrown at him by the waywards and the sledgehammer wielded by the UmnoUtusans.

    Can we have more Lim Kit Siangs ?

  6. At the same time, we also must commend those who fought shoulder to should with him such as Dr Chan Man Hin, the late Dr Seevaratnam, Karpal Singh, the late V David, the late P Patto, Lee Kao, Lim Cho Hock, the late Ahmad Nor, Daing Ibrahim, Admad Don, Peter Paul Dason, Dr Tan Seng Giauw, Tan Kok Wai, the late Chan Kok Kit and the late Chen Qing Jia, among other unknown soldiers on the ground.

    May the flame of Dap’s ideals continue to light this land of ours

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