Najib cannot find real comfort in PKR’s agonizing self-cleansing process when his 1Malaysia concept and Barisan Nasional are in such tatters

UMNO and Barisan Nasional leaders are fully exploiting the present turmoil in Pakatan Rakyat caused by the PKR’s agonizing self-cleansing process but the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak cannot find real comfort when his 1Malaysia slogan and concept – in less than a year – and the Barisan Nasional are in such tatters.

Only in today’s Sin Chew Daily, the Gerakan youth leader Lim Si Ping said that this is the best time for Gerakan to pull out of Barisan Nasional and that it is only by leaving Barisan that Gerakan can restore its dignity.

If Pakatan Rakyat is tottering on its last legs as pictured by the mainstream media (msm) in the past few days, such a thought would not have occurred to the Gerakan youth leader!

Nanyang Siang Pau today reported that the Prime Minister has issued an ultimatum to the three MCA warring factions to “ceasefire” within this month because of an imminent Cabinet reshuffle in April, leading to the latest speculation that the newest permutation in the “Three Kingdom” MCA battle will see a Chua-Liow vs Ong realignment.

It is not only the lesser Barisan Nasional parties who are chronically afflicted with fatal schisms like MIC and PPP, even the UMNO “Big Brother” is seriously fractured, with Najib’s authority weakening, instead of strengthening, by the day.

This is obvious by the way that Najib’s 1Malaysia concept was rubbished by forces in Umno.

Yesterday, Berita Harian openly joined Utusan Malaysia in the divisive , provocative and incendiary campaign to falsely paint Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng and the Pakatan Rakyat Penang State Government as anti-Malay and anti-Islam, when such incitement goes against the very grain of Najib’s 1Malaysia campaign.

It highlights the impotence and irrelevance of the Minister in charge of the 1Malaysia programme Tan Sri Dr. Koh Tsu Koon and the entire 1Malaysia campaign.

In fact, it could be asked whether Najib is actually the real target of such an irresponsible and inflammatory campaign as the projects cited to attack Guan Eng and the Penang State Government were or are Federal projects – like the Penang Global City Centre, the second Penang bridge and the UDA project in Tanjong Tokong.

The 1Malaysia Government Transformation Programme (GTP) RoadMap launched by Najib in January, focusing on the need to promote an “all-inclusive 1Malaysia media”, admitted:

“However, when some of the reporting and writing becomes too ethnic-centric or even takes on a more race-centred angle, it raises, rather than breaks down, barriers. Further, instead of providing constructive and valid criticism, some writers abuse the greater freedom of expression now available to use terms and express feelings that are racist or inflammatory in nature and tone.” (p 16)

The 1Malaysia GTP Roadmap is describing the genre of Malaysian journalism which is anti-1Malaysia – presently spearheaded by Utusan Malaysia and now joined by Berita Harian, both UMNO-owned vehicles.

Would it be wrong to infer that the irresponsible, racist and inflammatory attack by Utusan Malaysia and Berita Harian against Guan Eng are directed ultimately at Najib by the Prime Minister’s enemies in Umno – unless Najib is himself the mastermind behind the Utusan Malaysia and Berita Harian attacks against Guan Eng?

On Sunday, former Prime Minister Tun Abdullah made a very significant speech when he publicly revealed that all is not well with Najib’s 1Malaysia in Umno itself, and asked UMNO leaders to bravely speak up on their reservations and objections to the 1Malaysia concept.

Abdullah should know better. When he was Prime Minister, there was sky-high praises for his “Islam Hadhari” concept but which disappeared from public consciousness in the first day of the Najib premiershjp!

PKR and Pakatan Rakyat can only emerge from the current long-overdue shake-ups and shake-outs stronger and healthier, unaffected and unswerving in the historic mission to bring about far-reaching political change in the next general elections.

Who can say that Najib can prove the famous RAHMAN prophecy wrong that he will be the last and final UMNO Prime Minister of Malaysia?

42 Replies to “Najib cannot find real comfort in PKR’s agonizing self-cleansing process when his 1Malaysia concept and Barisan Nasional are in such tatters”

  1. //the Gerakan youth leader Lim Si Ping said that this is the best time for Gerakan to pull out of Barisan Nasional and that it is only by leaving Barisan that Gerakan can restore its dignity.//

    The above young chimpanzee is just trying to catch Jibby’s attention so as to be rewarded with a deputy minister’s post in the coming cabinet reshuffle

  2. BN will have to create a new cabinet post to manage the big numbers of jumping frogs. The new Minister of Jumping Frogs will have a free-hand to manage the new Ministry of Jumping Frogs, which will be largely sponsored by Magnum, from the proceeds of conducting special-draws.

  3. If you ask me, i say can now see a headless umno. Everyone inside umno has his/her own agenda/purpose/interest to serve. In short, umno is breaking up. It no longer acts and behaves as one. Wanita and puteri are MIA. Youths are fighting with perkasa. Umno’s media is ridiculing jib and his 1malaysia. Mamak and muhideen r plotting to topple jib. Son of mamak wants to be climb over the head of the hairy youth monkey. Ku Li jabbing away at umno’s rib over matters of principles and over national issues. Actually he is the only one in umno who is still talking about issues of national importance and actually doing something about it. Toyol is too busy playing with his remote control over the selangor state government and working hard to cover up beng hock’s death. There are lots and lots more sorry stories to tell.

    That also means, the country is pm-less. DPM wants to be pm? Nah. Definitely not good enuf. Neither is that son of the other ex-pm. And whoever takes over jib will face the same problems.

  4. Gerakan is now headed by back door boy who whack its tail where ever the pm goes.

    Gerakan can only redeem its self by pulling out from BN. Gerakan has no voices and the big brother will no respect them.

    Its is time or never for Gerakan

  5. It is clear that there is only one possibly game plan for UMNO/BN – to get 2/3 majority in Parliament and redraw the electoral map to ensure they continue to rule no matter if the opposition gets more votes than they do. I would not be surprised if they fail to get 2/3 majority that they will STILL find a way to redraw the electoral map before the election. If they can ignore the law with oil royalty to Kelantan, what is the difference with electoral map?

    There is no underhanded way they will not resort to.

    There is only one respond to UMNO/BN – go ahead and get as many defection as they can. BUT if they change the electoral boundary whether with 2/3 or not, that is as good as killing the innocent lives that will be lost when they rush into Parliament to tear it down. Ridiculous gerry meandering is no different than saying ‘some animal are more equal than other animal and some pigs are more equal than other pigs’ a mockery of democracy no matter what the legal basis is and no different than fascism..

  6. Dear All,

    The present situation erupting in PKR goes to show that many of them were interested in power, fame and money and have no interests to fight or serve the rakyat. They have once again potrayed the acts and reaffirmed that most politicians are out in politics to make money. These were wastages from UMNO and found themselves an avenue to attain fame and possible wealth through PKR or Pakatan Rakyat. The several examples mentioned by Syed Husin Ali on them, left us no choice but to confirm that they were friendly to PKR or Pakatan for personal gains. But then again, they were quick to denounce such claims and projected an angelic behaviour of themselves.

    Having said the above, one must reconcile with the fact that Malaysian politics had never been able to leave money aside. Whether or not you are with the government or opposition, money is something a politician in Malaysia could not ignore. They need money just for about everything they do in politics. They even need to buy their supporters at least a cup of coffee after those shouting of slogans and protests. Imagine how much would Tian Chua be needing just to buy his supporters coffee after a walkabout protesting say in the Federal Court. Lesser supporters will be seen the next time should the coffee had not been forthcoming on the last walk.

    Also, one must discern the background of these so-called self proclaimed Independents. Were they financially well off before joining politics? Were they university graduates, holding reputable posts before ? Can they survive without real income? What kind of lifestyles do they lead?

  7. It has become appallingly obvious that you never failed to shield LGE in the recent past…. Like everyone else, we’re wondering…. What’s more important:, family or safeguard the interest of every Malaysians? A Simple Analogy…when your son is not doing well in school… why must you blame the teachers…. Tan Tee Beng is absolutely right…Penangite should lead Penang….anyway, we can’t say much…. It’s family first for DAP, right?

  8. Let’s get one thing very, very straight.
    Penangites should be proud and delighted to have a leader like LGE to lead them!
    If anyone is displeased about his leadership, please come to Kuala Lumpur; I’ll be only too happy to show you the rubbish dump that is KL!
    This so-called “city” has been in the grasp of UMNO/BN since Independence and even in the last GE when ten of the eleven Parliamentary seats were won by the opposition, UMNO/BN still retains overall control of this territory! Because that’s the law!
    Kuala Lumpureans are chaffing for changes in this “city” and anyone who sorely misses the administrative abilities of this UMNO/BN can gladly have them!!
    With our compliments!!!

  9. The not-so-bright UMNOputra is now saying that we should have 1Penang, and let Penangites run Penang. I wonder if they do read the precise words of Deng Xiaoping – it does not matter if the cat is black or white; as long as it can catch mice, it is a good cat.

    There are no good cats in UMNO, and maybe that’s why people like Fairuz are upset with the progress made in PR-run states in spite of the obstacles thrown at these states. We all know why Zahrain was upset when his friends with the RM2 company wasn’t given a contract in Penang.

  10. ///Only in today’s Sin Chew Daily, the Gerakan youth leader Lim Si Ping said that this is the best time for Gerakan to pull out of Barisan Nasional and that it is only by leaving Barisan that Gerakan can restore its dignity./// (Kit)

    I am not surprised that Lim Si Ping made such a statement for he knew that the future of Gerakan, MCA and MIC remains bleak if they stay in BN. The writing is on the wall. Gerakan, MCA and MIC will soon lose their status as “privileged coalition members” of BN following the announcement that UMNO may open its door to pro-BN individuals, NGOs and other parties.

    Apparently Najib is losing his patience with the endless infighting and power struggles going on in MCA and MIC. The proposed open door is in fact an attempt by UMNO to look beyond MCA, Gerakan and MIC for high achievers who can contribute solidly to the party.

    Najib’s visit to Batu Caves during Thaipusam and China Town during Chinese New Year in order to create a sense of “personal touch” with the Indian and Chinese communities are further evidence that UMNO is gradually bypassing MCA, Gerakan and MIC to woo support from the Indians and Chinese through their own effort.

  11. Zulkifli Nordin demands an all-Muslim PKR disciplinary panel to hear his case on the grounds that the first accusation is an Islamic issue. The claim that a dispute involving the use of the name of Allah by non-Muslims is an Islamic issue which non-Muslims have no right to discuss sounds hegemonic, especially when he thinks that Muslims have every right to tell Christians which terms they have been using to refer to God can be used and cannot be used. Do we need such a hegemonic religious fanatic in PR?

  12. YB

    I hope you have noticed that PKFZ scandal and fraud has slowly gone off the radar screen.

    This is typical UMNO/BN strategy to cover up by distracting the Rakyat with more salacious news, trials, investigations and arrests for sedition and hounding the Opposition!

    Please don’t let up on your early PKFZ blitz. Keeping harassing PM Najib and MCA in Parlaiment and in press conferences!

    Fire must be met with fire!!

    We are all of 1 race, the Human Race

  13. Zul Noordin has a mentality of an ass. He can’t see that non Malays/non Muslims all these years are being adjudicated, decided on, judged and punished by Muslim judges, civil servants, police, MACC and what not. This bloody ketuanan is everywhere. A stupid ass want to control everything, no wonder the country is going down the drain.

  14. There is no difference in Sarawak,PRS,SUPP and SPDP are embroiled in internal crisis.In general almost all BN components party are in turmoils. MCA, MIC,PPP, GERAKAN.MPM is another hindrance to Najib 1 Malaysia.Is there any rakyat didahulukan and pencapaian diutamakan.

  15. That cintanegara is trying his art with a tongue twisting comment….making a fool of himself.
    What a typical.. UMNO balls carrier …he is….caring nothing for country or Malaysians…just daily balls carrying…with no shame or regrets.

  16. And UMNO will always come out with news in papers…how weak PR is…right now…telling every details they can get…with some racists resigning…twist that to other reasons…and TOTALLY…avoid reporting any bad news..about themselves.
    That’s the guided democracy UMNO is guiding all Malaysians to…telling half truths..and listening to them Saints…so holy….so understanding…no suing suing Berry Wain…accusing Najib as a murderer…and Mahathir..biggest suing… ..what wonderful humans they are..making me stupid Lee Kuan Yew must be…comparing to these two…politicians.
    Singapore are managed by idiots and Malaysia is govern by the cleanest politicians?
    If you believe Najib….Mahathir and the rest of all UMNO ministers are sooooo uncorrupted people…not racists…and do care for all Malaysians…treating all Malaysians…equals…you are a real IDIOT.
    This band of robbers and thieves…a handful…bought few thousands souls…and trying ti buy up the whole country…with the past….slowed down now…as money …all used up..not so easy to steal…right now…but the will keep on trying…you bet.

  17. Najib’s 1Malaysia is about embracing diversity, allowing all citizens equal rights as guaranteed by the Constitution.

    Cintanegara’s 1Malaysia is about Ketuanan Melayu, Tanah Melayu for Malays only, Penang for penangites, etc. No wonder all of UMNO is confused….

  18. Pee end does not have the guts to kick out mca.
    mca is damn kiaso to leave the pee end circus troupe.

    if it holds water that pee end must leave the rostrum to others once their troupe lose their major component clowns.,,,,then

    mca should leave without second thought, and for once in 50 years do something for all their wrongs and benefit everybody.

    so we all can start on afresh.

    but actually this is wishful thinking because their special thing is kept at PWTC altar or somewhere there.

  19. The sickness of MCA will infect BN and the situation will explode like a bomb to put an end to the ruling government, and to liberate Bolehland from the jaws of death.
    Good bye Sam, and good bye Jib.

  20. Pakatan Rakyat is certainly not going to collapse. BN use the mass media to divert attention from their own problems.

    As donplaypuks has said in comment no.16 above, the PKFZ scandal is not in the news anymore. So are a whole lot of BN scandals. BN is using defections from PKR to paint a black picture of Pakatan and to divert attention from their own problems-another dirty tactic of BN to use one stone to kill two birds.

    Pakatan should go on ceramah blitz to tell the rakyat that BN has lots of problems and at the same time remind rakyat of the unsolved scandals that are no more in the news.

  21. Re Lee Wang Yen’s posting #15 – Zulkifli’s strategy is to leverage “maximum” on religion to generate notoriety and political points, betting that for so long as it is done under that excuse, he is sheltered from flak, prosecutions and immune to all harm. He takes a leaf from the other former PM on how leveraging radically on race/religion – and championing such issues – is quickest way of building political capital and gaining political ascendancy, and he’s trying to prove such strategy will work on both sides of political divide. He argues the position that for so long as he places at the forefront the cause of religion, it is so sacrosanct that no matter how extreme or unreasonable a position he takes, no one (whether in Ruling Party or Opposition) will dare resist his position.

    What is ominous is that he may be proving right : see Clara Chooi’s report of March 4th in TheMalaysianInsider under caption “PKR says no to all-Muslim panel for Zul Noordin”.
    Whilst PKR is doing at least the minimum by saying “no” to his demands, what is equally important is what PKR’s party secretary general Saifuddin Nasution said on the reason why the Disciplinary Board could not agree….
    Saifuddin Nasution said : “He (Zulkifli) has to understand. He is not being tried for his stand on the word “Allah”. He is being tried for his act of lodging a police report against a fellow Pakatan Rakyat MP despite the party’s gag order on the matter…We are trying him on his action of defying a party order, NOT ABOUT HIS STAND. It is very different. That is why there is no need for there to be an all-Muslim panel.”

    This may well imply that Saifuddin Nasution or PKR does not challenge his stand on the issue of Non Muslims’ use of “Allah”!

    Saifuddin Nasution is falling back on technicality to defend PKR’s Disciplinary Committee’s decision. In doing so Zulkifli already makes his point! Besides Saifuddin’s excuse appears pedantic for it maty be countered by Zul: “I make the report against another party member because that party member takes a wrong and even blasphemous position against religion and Almighty in supporting Non Muslims’ use… If you do not disagree or contradict my stand – if you even agree with it – than the other PKR member against whom I made the report is clearly in the wrong, so why is PKR disciplinary action taking action against me for upholding trenchantly my stand, and not the other? Yes PKR Disciplinary committee can impose whatever sanctions on me but if I am not happy with that decision I will take legal recourse to quash your decision in either the civil courts or even syariah courts, and who do you think they’ll side on this issue?”

    People who think he’s an “ass” are actually ass themselves who not realise that this guy is highly intelligent and ambitious and because he “evinces” a strength daring to be maverick, and fighting the powers that be for his “convictions” (like Mahathir) he is assured of getting a following from the faithful on his agenda and hopefully follow same path to fame and glory as Dr M. For those who resist this country from going the extreme path and political discourse/governance falling within grasp of extremism, he is someone to be watched. For they cannot say for sure how much of it he says is conviction or political shrewd calaculations. Don’t forget he is not somebody just trained from some Masrab in Middle East (He received his early education in Ashby Road (English) Primary School, Ipoh, attended Anderson Secondary School in Ipoh and King Edward VII Secondary School, Taiping, and then enrolled in Pakuranga College in New Zealand for A-Levels before joining Victoria University in Wellington, New Zealand from 1982 to 1986). He is lawyer by training and now a Syariah lawyer – think about that.

  22. “People who think he’s an “ass” are actually ass themselves who not realise that this guy is highly intelligent and ambitious….”

    Highly intelligent ? How does one draw this conclusion from the statements made by this clown ? So he qualified as a lawyer and is a practising syariah lawyer. That makes him highly intelligent ? All lawyers are intelligent ?

  23. That I agree – this clown has been very consistent in his beliefs, and he sides with the extreme faction in UMNO which of course begs the question of why he was chosen to represent PKR in the first instance. I don’t care if his IQ is 90 or 140 – he is not fit to be in PR and should be expelled before he makes more damage to the cause.

  24. //All lawyers are intelligent ?// Never imputed that.

    Must mentioned his training in secular western law and norms and subsequent specialisation in Syariah and denigration of civil/secular law (judging from his attack of Bar Council Article 11 forum) to show the apparent inconsistency that can only be explained in terms of a man making his moves based on deliberate calculations rather than just emotions/convictions as he would like us to think.

    For better understanding, read his interviews and how he tackles various issues in promotion of his political agenda. Look at his record, what he has achieved for himself from political point of view. He springs from nowhere into national consciousness on a platform of Religion that he knows few others would dare challenge but which provides him to shoot others instead, and he projects a daring to be maverick and challenge party, party leader on certain issues that he knows he will not lose. It helps garner support from a certain constitutency that we’re not part and hence understimate his appeal to them. Does he remind us of someone like TDM in his early days of challenging the Tunku on an issue like race that he knew he would never lose?

    We may not like TDM but is he stupid?

  25. ///I don’t care if his IQ is 90 or 140 – he is not fit to be in PR and should be expelled before he makes more damage to the cause.///

    If his IQ were (say) 200, if you don’t like the word “highly intelligent”, substitute it with craftiness then – it does not matter – but the point is, though we may all agree that ” he is not fit to be in PR and should be expelled before he makes more damage to the Cause” – it is precisely this “intelligence” combined with “ambition” and certain disregard for the interest of other groups of this pluralistic country that makes him someone never to be understimated since he has capacity to not only destroy PKR, and by extension PR, but wherever else he moves to, if he ascends to have a say/control over national affairs (maybe even on UMNO’s side) what would the country end up? Can we afford another TDM???

  26. Zul Nordin compared to TDM ? You gotta be kidding me….nobody can compare with the craftiness and single-mindedness of Mamakthir. Don’t give too much credit to this clown. He is around the same level as Ahmad Ismail, maybe Moo-hee-din and the Awang Selamat. They can only chant Malay supremacy – nothing more.

  27. Of course TDM’ platform was race, may his, religion but whats the difference when they are inextricable? Whats important is not just playing on such cards but HOW and the manner by which such a card is played (whether intelligently as measured by how quick one attains a political objective or clumsily like a certain Home Minister who started the Herald controversy unwittingly without seeing its implications ). See the drift?

  28. //Zul Nordin compared to TDM ? //

    The latter has already ended a full circle – coming to 30 years, and still talking? The other only beginning – just getting political notoriety, so impossible to compare but we are comparing the potential/promise of the person in taking the same route based on what he shows by act and words so far in relation to what he has achieved. Thats what is meant.

  29. cintanegara :LKS is absolutely right…RAHMAN prophecy will no longer be applicable…it should be replaced by MAHATHIR and Mukhriz Tun Dr Mahathir will be the first Prime Minister

    Don’t know what is the origin of this RAHMAN prophecy and don’t know whether this so-called MAHATHIR prophecy is some sort of a new replacement.
    What counts for the people is whether Umno-BN can actually reform itself, but it’s apparent that Umno-BN is doing everything it can to stay in power, except for actually reforming itself…

  30. Godfather, thank you for standing up for me while I was busy earning a living. Although Jeffrey could be highly regarded in this blog, I have no qualm calling him an ass too because that is what he is sometimes.

    Jeffrey is an ass because he considers those exploiting racism and religious bigotry as highly intelligent. How about Zul Noordin is an intelligent ass, does that satisfy you, Jeffrey?

  31. Pakuranga College in New Zealand for A-Levels before joining Victoria University in Wellington, New Zealand from 1982 to 1986). He is lawyer by training and now a Syariah lawyer – think about that.

    Owah i am impressed, asked him how many A-level distinctions he got? Jeffrey, if you are impressed, i must say you are not only stupid but naive too.

  32. cintanegara :It has become appallingly obvious that you never failed to shield LGE in the recent past…. Like everyone else, we’re wondering…. What’s more important:, family or safeguard the interest of every Malaysians? A Simple Analogy…when your son is not doing well in school… why must you blame the teachers…. Tan Tee Beng is absolutely right…Penangite should lead Penang….anyway, we can’t say much…. It’s family first for DAP, right?

    What is appalling is the suggestion that YB LKS should give priority to his job as a politician over his role as a concerned caring father. Let’s not forget that LGE is now also an adult with his own family, and also a politician who has been elected by the people of Penang to lead their state government.

    Compare this to two federal government leaders who are Umno-BN elected representatives from outside the state of Perak, who went to seek an audience with DYMM SPB Sultan Perak, and not long after that, the Pakatan Rakyat Perak state government was toppled and ousted in an Umno-BN orchestrated power-grab, without the mandate of the people of Perak.

    Is it because the Umno-BN elected representatives within the state of Perak do not have what it takes to do it themselves?

  33. ///Jeffrey is an ass because he considers those exploiting racism and religious bigotry as highly intelligent/// – Lim Kam Put

    Lim Kam Put,

    You make an unintelligent statement.

    1. An intelligent person can effectively exploit racism and religious bigotry without necessarily being intelligent or considered intelligent just because he exploits it.

    2. Therefore we can have someone not so intelligent exploiting racism and religious bigotry and someone highly intelligent doing the same thing, and the difference in the way they do it, including the identification of the issues for exploitation, make the intelligent one more effective and hence dangerous for the rest of us.

    3. Your other remarks are not worthy of serious comment as they don’t reflect a grasp of what has been argued and discussed. I will not embarrass you for saying more.

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