Anwar Ibrahim will continue as Parliamentary Opposition Leader even if PKR MPs number less than DAP’s 28 MPs

A Malaysian Insider journalist has just drawn my attention to a tweet by Parliamentary Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim yesterday that he has no problem in my taking over from him.

I was also asked whether the DAP would rally behind Anwar.

My response was that the question of DAP rallying behind Anwar does not arise, as we are solidly in support of his leadership in Pakatan Rakyat, as Parliamentary Opposition Leader and as Prime Minister-designate in the Pakatan Rakyat plan to wrest power from Umno and Barisan Nasional in the next general elections.

As far as the DAP is concerned, Anwar continues as Parliamentary Opposition Leader even if PKR Members of Parliament number less than DAP’s 28 MPs.

All keen followers of the Malaysian political scene see what is happening in PKR as a long-needed self-cleansing process which, however painful and agonizing, is necessary to restore public confidence in the credibility and viability of PKR and Pakatan Rakyat.

As I have just commented in my tweet:

“Great diff between PR n BN – PR rubbish are BN gems”.

26 Replies to “Anwar Ibrahim will continue as Parliamentary Opposition Leader even if PKR MPs number less than DAP’s 28 MPs”

  1. Absolutely right, Kit. BN can have all the PR rubbish like Hee, Zul Nordin, Tan Tee Beng, etc. Concentrate on the cleansing process so that when 2013 comes, we have candidates who are morally upright and less likely to be swayed by the percuniary temptations of BN.

  2. Are you saying that even if PKR manages to grab just a few seats in GE13, DSAI would still be made PM?

    The real worry, I would say, is there might be almost no one left if a really powerful detergent is used to clean-up PKR!

    It’s sometimes unbelievable that the rubbish to some is turned into a very useful (priceless) items to others (after recycling process).

  3. Sounds like a gentlemen “agreement”, but in fact was there another alternative?
    Taking in view that the Malays form 60% of Malaysian population and for the eventual political stability of the nation; you had done the right thing Kit!

    Next question worth a thought; is Anwar irreplaceable? Who ( amongst the Malays ) could possibly replace Anwar?

  4. Except for Hee, all we can see are ex- BN members who are leaping here and there to look for opportunities. These are the trademark of BN and from these frogs we can see how the internal BN machinery works always at the expense of the rakyat. Feeding their politicians to keep them in the BN fold and they are so used to it that this mentality of all the ex- BN members will never change. The lesson to be learned is that all ex BN members had to be scrutinized thoroughly before they are slotted as candidates for election.
    As for Hee, she is just an opportunists and nothing else. She will sell her soul to get what she wants and not just being a limp frog.

  5. ///As far as the DAP is concerned, Anwar continues as Parliamentary Opposition Leader even if PKR Members of Parliament number less than DAP’s 28 MPs./// (Kit)


    Achieving the goal of the coalition, that is to wrest federal government from BN, is more important than striving for fame and power.

  6. I believe leadership should be based on ability. However, at this juncture, it is vital for a Malay Muslim to take the lead in PR. I also feel Malay leaders in PR must be given more prominent roles. Sometimes I find non Malays/non Muslim have become too “assertive and pushy”in PR and that may have caused discomfort to many conservative and rightist Malays.

    Given time Malaysia will have its own Obama and not only that, Malays/Muslims will readily accept him.

  7. PKR elected reps are leaving the party BEFORE anwar’s sod verdict. What happens AFTER anwar is found guilty?

    In the coming 2012 GE, PkR must make sure that only members who have been with the party for a minimum of 10 years are chosen as candidates. Look at Saiful as an example— joined PkR in 2008 and a few months later, went to the police claiming that he had not been able to pangsai for 2 days because his backdoor had been violated.

  8. At the end of the day, the battle scars we carry are what gives our lives meaning and satisfaction. Even if the scars don’t result in pleasure and enjoyment of material things and boasts, they mean something personally and they mean something to those who are intelligent and important to others.

    The believe in battle scars is the difference between those who believe in meritocracy, justice and hope, and those who don’t and cynical.

  9. Yes, I absolutely agree with Uncle Kit. Anwar should continue as Opposition Leader.

    It is good that PKR’s cleansing process is going on now however painful it is.

    Come GE13, Pakatan should have solid candidates who are ethical and have integrity. Pakatan should no longer accept last minute candidates who wish to join Pakatan.

  10. No matter how careful the candidates are chosen
    A number of them may fall into temptation
    If PR were to win the coming general election
    A big majority will give it a useful cushion

  11. It appears that the worry is not this but that BN will get 2/3 majority before the next GE and play cheat by redrawing the electoral map. It appears that the magic number 10 members to defect by Salehuddin is designed to shake the confidence PR MPs to make this happen.

    What would be the chess move if that happens? Frankly I don’t know if there is without resorting to violence. I don’t know if violence can be avoided if that happens.

    I fear for this country and the innocent lives that will be lost..

  12. “Great diff between PR n BN – PR rubbish are BN gems”.

    How would you interpret this?

    How did PR end up with all this “rubbish” in the first place that it now wants and needs to get rid of?

    The selection and filtering process was very inefficient that all kinds of “cow-boys”, “cow-girls”, kangaroos, frogs, shady characters and other riff-raffs were selected to be PR “leaders”.

    The vetting process has to be improved and people who do not share the same visions and aspirations, of dubious integrity with no back-bones, should never be fielded in the first place. And stop getting friends and cronies on board if they are there only for the ride and want their “rewards” after, or else.

    So start now to get really good candidates for the next GE. Don’t wait like last time when you are desperately looking for candidates and “anybody will do”. Even amateur film makers.

    Why are these rubbish “UMNO’s gems”?

    UMNO is a circus and the circus need obedient, performing frogs and kangaroos among other acts and these “gems” will sit-up, play dead, roll-over, sell their mothers, when the trainers asks them to. And they get fed. UMNO just love these souless “zambries”. The more the merrier.

  13. BN is on a buying spree. It is better that the frogs get out of PR now.

    If not, then PKR will not know who they are and name them as candidates in GE13 and after being named as candidates on Hari Penamaan Calon, they jump ship. That will be worse as BN will win uncontested.

  14. Kit,
    What wrong with you ,the leadership should be based on meritocracy whic inc majority support , unless if you merge Dap with PR , you should become the next opposition leader not Anwar not Hadi.

  15. Lame Duck Najib has just got to learn it for himself the hard way.

    No amount of money can change what’s fated.

    The RAHMAN prophesy has been deadly accurate so far and the reign of UMNO inevitably ends with Najib; No amount of money can ever change UMNO’s impending doom.

    And a new beginning has of course got to begin with an ‘A’.

  16. chengho on Wednesday, 3 March 2010 – 7:24 am wrote

    What wrong with you ,the leadership should be based on meritocracy whic inc majority support , unless if you merge Dap with PR , you should become the next opposition leader not Anwar not Hadi.


    Do you even know what “meritocracy” means?

  17. This chengho is displaying no intelligence at all. Meritocracy and majority are different things. Obviously this clown either never went to uni or he went to uni not based on MERITOCRACY. (Don’t be surprised if the clown is an Umno parasite dog who depends on other’s charity for his survival.)

    Meritocracy is defined as “a system of a government or other organization wherein appointments are made and responsibilities assigned to individuals based upon demonstrated talent and ability”.

    So what if DAP believes Anwar has talent ability to continue being opposition leader.

    Bodoh punya chengho!

  18. CTO and Richard,

    Why so difficult for u to understand meritocracy in realpolitik , go back to political school learn from uncle Monsterball, where is Monsterball anyway quite for a few days. PKR really in boilsoup ,one by one left them ,18 MPs to go, still you need Anwar .Kit should take over .

  19. chengho,

    The question that I asked is more fundamental – do you even understand the meaing of the word “meritocracy?”. The question was not directed at Anwar/Kit per se.

    If Malaysia understands the meaning of “meritocracy” and practices it, Malaysia would not be in hot soup today. Kit/Anwar/DAP/PKR might even be non factors and we won’t be having this discussion.

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