Najib should ask Umno media like Utusan Malaysia, Berita Harian and government tv and radio channels to give him a chance to prove that he is Prime Minister for all Malaysians

The Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak asked the Chinese community in Malaysia to give the Barisan Nasional government a chance to prove itself when he went to the national Chinese New Year celebrations in Pandamaran New Village in Klang yesterday (Malaysian Insider).

Najib should ask Umno media like Utusan Malaysia, Berita Harian and government television and radio channels to give him a chance to prove that he is Prime Minister for all Malaysians by stop playing the race and religion cards like their current campaign against Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng.

Is Najib unaware that not only the Chinese in Penang and Malaysia, but all other Malaysians whether Malays, Indians, Kadazans or Ibans in the country are following with disgust the irresponsible politics of race and religion being daily perpetrated by Umno-controlled media against the Pakatan Rakyat Penang State government and Penang Chief Minister?

Everyone can only reach one conclusion, that Najib is not serious and fully committed to the 1Malaysia slogan and concept or he would not have allowed the Umno media to continue on such a rampage in exploiting the race and religious cards in Penang!

It is no exaggeration to say that the biggest enemies of Najib’s 1Malaysia concept come from within Umno and Barisan Nasional and not without.

The enemies are firstly from Umno as illustrated by the divisive and destructive politics of race and religion now perpetrated by Umno media against the Penang Chief Minister.

Secondly, the enemies of 1Malaysia are from the other component parties in Barisan Nasional, whether MCA, Gerakan, MIC or the Sabah and Sarawak BN parties, for the total lack of political convictions and courage of their leaders to tell Najib to stop the irresponsible politics of race and religion presently perpetrated by Umno media against the Penang Chief Minister.

If Najib cannot even ask the Umno media like the Utusan Malaysia, Berita Harian and the government television and radio channels to give him a chance to prove that he is Prime Minister for all Malaysians by stop playing their race and religious cards like their current campaign against Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng, what positive answer can Najib get from his request at the national Chinese New Year celebrations in Pandamaran yesterday asking the Chinese community to give his government a chance to prove itself?

36 Replies to “Najib should ask Umno media like Utusan Malaysia, Berita Harian and government tv and radio channels to give him a chance to prove that he is Prime Minister for all Malaysians”

  1. Najib tells the Chinese to give BN a chance. They have been asking that for over 30 years. Each time we give them a chance, they slap us hard in the face. Enough is enough. If Najib doesn’t get rid of Awang Selamat and the other extremists hell-bent on driving the non-Malays out of this country, then Najib is nothing more than a toothless tiger and a hypocrite.

  2. In every society, there are always those who seek to appease, those who go for short-term expediency over longer term interests of society as a whole. MCA, MIC and Gerakan are asking for the same thing – “give us a chance” – but the way they go about selling their souls and the future of their grandchildren to the bullies in taikor UMNO is something that we cannot forget or forgive.

    You wonder what the likes of Ong Ta Kut or Semi Value or Koh Tsu Koon think about at night. How can these people sleep soundly after reading what the UMNO extremists have said about the minorities ? Sure, money in offshore bank accounts can induce some sound sleep, but what about their conscience ?

  3. “Najib should ask Umno media like Utusan Malaysia, Berita Harian and government television and radio channels to give him a chance to prove…..”

    The correct word should be “beg” not “ask” ‘cos Jimbo cannot and does not control any of them. They all ignore him and work on their own agendas that is hardly 1Malaysia or 1anything at all.

    They all let Jimbo fool around like a bimbo while the real power lies somewhere else. Isn’t this obvious?

  4. You wonder what the likes of Ong Ta Kut or Semi Value or Koh Tsu Koon think about at night. How can these people sleep soundly after reading what the UMNO extremists have said about the minorities ? Sure, money in offshore bank accounts can induce some sound sleep, but what about their conscience ?


    These people have no conscience as their heart had stop pounding a long time ago!!!

  5. Well said Sdr Lim; it is more than just racist media and evil campaign staged against the Penang State government. I also want PM (we can forget about DPM for sure) to name us one head of GLC whose appointment was not based on political, racial and parochial consideration. PM should also name us one important cabinet minister whose appointment was not based on racial and religious factors.

    Why having the CNY party, 1Malaysia slogan, preaching about UMNO ought to serve all races, about inclusivity and about sharing common aspiration and destiny when the reality of racism and parochialism is staring at our face. How hypocrite can we get? Surely PM, you are good at symbolism. You must be thinking (or least your advisors must be thinking) we the people are really simpletons that can be easily hoodwinked by your pomp. But then, sometimes I do think the people are simpletons and your strategy may just work. But I pray not.

  6. A RICH beggar, begging for more? I had given him and racist umno 52 years and see what they come out with. High level corruptions, allegation of murders, racist slur, ketuanan melayu, Indians are beggars, Chinese are prostitutes, do I need to add more? NO MORE CHANCE as long as it is umno & co.

    Najib, Why I do Not Respect You As A Leader & PM

    GE 13 – Change The Federal Government No matter what, we must ensure that racist umno bn do not regain the power like they had for over the past fifty two years.

  7. NR is OK! D wannabe first lady said:
    “I always tell others NOT to underestimate Datuk Najib. He is not easily angered but do not provoke him. If he is angry, there is NO forgiveness for you.”
    I also see to it that he is not troubled by petty matters as he should focus his thoughts on the people and the country,” she added.
    Read between d lines n read her lips, then we know Y certain things happened

  8. Recent online political commentaries revealed that there are two camps in UMNO – camp1 is for Najib and camp2 is against Najib. Camp2 thinks Najib is giving away “lavishly” what belongs to the Malays to the non-Malays, and is out to sabotage Najib’s 1Malaysia so as to bring an end to his leadership. It is difficult to speculate which camp is behind the current campaign against Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng. I personally think both camps are involved as the commentaries also revealed that Najib is influenced by both camps and at times, is indecisive in decision making.

    Incidentally, Tun Dr M and Muhyiddin belong to camp2.

    The commentaries made one thing clear – Najib is losing control over UMNO warlords.

  9. Chances? We already gave this evil axis 12 chances but they are getting worse instead. Even a cat has only 9 chances as some would say. Another 50 years they would still be jumping high and low over ketuanan, nep and all outdated cr@ps.

    Having read the news lately seems like the mamaks are instigating race and religion to the full extent. I hope the Malays are not falling for this.

  10. “It is no exaggeration to say that the biggest enemies of Najib’s 1Malaysia concept come from within Umno and Barisan Nasional and not without.”

    I agree. I think Najib is trying his best to save UMNO but his troops are still moving in the old direction. I have worked in family businesses before and it is not easy to change the culture. All I can see is a windfall for Pakatan when BN kicks the ball again into its own goalpost, come the next general election.

  11. Najib,

    Why should we give a chance to an unrepentant robber like you?

    You did not give democracy a chance when you robbed the rakyat of Perak their elected government. You did not give justice a chance when the UMNO’s judges in the Federal Court denied justice to the rakyat of Perak.

  12. Najib should not only ask the Malaysian Chinese, but also other Malaysians to give his Umno-BN government a chance to prove itself.

    But didn’t Umno-BN already prove that they could give a chance to Jamaluddin Mat Radzi, Mohd Osman Jailun & Hee Yit Foong to defect from Pakatan Rakyat to become ‘BN friendly’ independents, in order to grab the Perak state government from Pakatan Rakyat’s hands without needing the rakyat’s mandate?

    Didn’t Umno-BN prove that it could still give a chance to Ahmad Ismail, Nasir Safar & Abdul Rauf Yusoh to remain with the party despite having made & supported racist remarks?

    Didn’t Umno-BN already prove that it could give Mohd Saiful Bukhairy Azlan a chance to meet Najib first before he initiated a trial against Anwar Ibrahim for allegedly sodomising him?

    Didn’t Umno-BN already prove its intention of giving the bumiputra Christians of Sabah & Sarawak a ‘chance’ to change their more than a century old tradition of using a certain Arabic word when praying in Bahasa Malaysia?

  13. what positive answer can Najib get from his request at the national Chinese New Year celebrations in Pandamaran yesterday asking the Chinese community to give his government a chance to prove itself? – Kit

    Here it is (but negative answer):

    “1 Malaysia is just theory to me, there’s been no real action taken,” said Jalan Papan community leader Ang Mah Chai, who campaigned for DAP in the last general elections.

    The former Klang Municipal (MPK) councillor who attended the Federal Government’s national level Chinese New Year open house in Pandamaran was responding to the prime minister’s appeal last night for the Chinese community to give the government a chance to prove that it can do its best for the people.

    Ang said as long as Umno insists on “Ketuanan Melayu” or Malay supremacy it will not regain the support of the community and this was evident from the lack of enthusiasm at last night’s function.

    “I didn’t feel anything and there was just no excitement.”

    Pandamaran resident Tee Boon Hock, who opted to go for the state’s open house at the Dong Zen temple in Jenjarom, said Najib has an uphill task convincing the community, especially the younger generation, why it they should give the Government another chance.

    “Talk is sweet but we want to see government institutions and policies being fair to all races.” said the MPK councillor.

    Local resident Lim Swan, who did not attend either dinner, said the Chinese community will probably smile and say thank you prime minister but keep what they really feel in their hearts.

    “We heard all this before but unless there’s real change its unlikely people here will support BN,” she added.

  14. Would it be pertinent to suggest that Najib start to act like Mahathir. Get rid of those who are perceived to be undermining him in his 1Malaysia effort. Shake up the Cabinet. Sack the DPM. Tell Mahathir to go fly a kite. Replace the defence minister and home minister even though he may be a cousin. Is he bold enough to do all this?

  15. malay supremacy – what the heck is that anyway? i tried hard to make some senses out of this but i can’t think of anything that is supreme.

    if one talks about pizza like hawaiian supreme, i can imagine in substance what it is like. but malay supremacy? emmmm…so far still nothing registered in my mind.

    maybe only exist in make-believe world of umnobots.

  16. Sorry this is off topic but it’s interesting LKS. This is from BBC News…

    Saudi Arabia is planning to bring in a new law to allow women lawyers to argue cases in court for the first time.

    Justice Minister Mohammed al-Eissa said the law was part of King Abdullah’s plan to develop the legal system.
    The law – to be issued “in the coming days” – would allow women to appear in court on family-related cases, including divorce and child custody.

    At the moment, they can only work behind the scenes in government and court offices.

    The new legislation will also allow Saudi women to complete certain procedures without the presence of a witness.
    “In accordance with the new law, women will be able to complete their preliminary procedures with notaries by just presenting their IDs,” said Ministry of Justice official Osama al-Mirdas, according to Arab News.
    Under a system of male guardianship, Saudi Arabian women are required to be kept separate from men they are not related to.

    All are veiled to a greater or lesser degree in public, they are not allowed to drive, and women under 45 must receive permission from a male when they travel.

    Opportunities for education and employment are also dependent on male guardianship.
    But a number of steps have been taken to ease restrictions – for instance women are now allowed to stay in hotels unaccompanied.
    Last year, a senior cleric was removed after criticising a new mixed-sex science and technology university.

    The cleric, Sheikh Saad al-Shethry, had described the mixing of sexes in any university as evil and a great sin.

  17. Najib should take immediate action against Utusan and Harian.
    Najib should apologise to the Indians and Chinese.
    Najib should order the court to strike out the sodomy case.
    Najib should return back all the stolen money

  18. Najis must think Malaysian Chinese are IDIOTS! After 50 years of blundering, bullying and proclaiming by UMNO that Malays are MORE SUPERIOR, you think the Chinese will want more blundering and bullying?

  19. YB Kit,

    Gong Xi Fa Cai to you & your family & may the new lunar year brings you good health & peace!

    I wish to share an incident that took place in Penang in the early hours of 14th February, yes, a few minutes after we welcomed the Year of the Tiger. Around 1a.m. when Chinese celebrants just left the main Guan Yin Temple at Pitt Street and were rushing back home to conduct their own prayer in the front yard of their own houses, PDRM mounted a huge roadblock along Jln Larut and thousands were caught in a 2km-long traffic jam at 1am in the morning of the first day of CNY!

    We first thought the police were going after drunk driving but not so. They do not even have a breathalyser in sight. Instead, the police were after minor offences like out-of-spec number plate, road tax, driving licences etc.

    Thousands were caught and delayed their rush home for their own prayers. Is this the way PDRM do to disrupt the Chinese from celebrating their annual festival? Do they not know about the “pantang” to the Chinese to get a summon on the first hour of the first day of the new lunarv year?

    Is this the way PDRM was helping the people of Penang – by causing havoc and inconvenience to them on such an auspicious occasion. Is this the way for them to conduct their PR with the people? Were they trying to cause discontent amonst the people of Penang so that they feel anger towards the state government instead?

    I was thinking perhaps of giving the PM a chance to prove his sincerity of his 1Malaysia but after the harassment in the first hour of the first day of the new lunar year, I will forever hate the police and the 1Malaysia concept.

  20. Johnypok, you forgot to mention that Najib should also be seen to take action against his special officer who said my great great grandmother came here to Malaya to sell their body as a whore… why let him resign and take his hefty pensions? Charge the bugger for sedition and take away his blardy pensions if Najib is serious to prove to us his 1Malaysia concept. Otherwise, just shut the big mouth.

  21. hello najib,
    the chances are not with the chinese community but within yourself. either you take it or we strike you out. here are your chances to:

    1) take real action against nasir safar
    2) strike out sodomy charges against anwar
    3) stop attacking the opposition on trump up charges
    4) weed out corruptions
    5) come clean on subs, planes and PKFZ.

    nah, dont think you can do that…. no chance.

  22. Contradictions with his foolish low class race politic.
    Are we all not sick of Najib’s interpretation of “1Malaysia”…with him speaking and promoting and pleading to one race for support?
    What kind of “1Malaysia” with a PM speaking like that?
    The way Najib speaks…he is a real racist…exactly like.. Mahathir….with the twisting tongues..double talks…and totally insincere…towards true unity.
    Typical…centuries old British concept…to divide and rule….when we can easily be united decades ago.
    UMNO can never unite Malaysians.
    Unity spells the end of UMNO…and corruptions.

  23. It is good to notice Anwar said…Malaysians are ready to vote UMNO out…even if he is in jail.
    It is good…Anwar understands Malaysians are fed up…and ready for change….with or without him.
    It is see Anwar…supports Lim Guan Eng..and DAP in Penang.
    It is good…he confirms….Lim Guan Eng…is a clean non corrupt politician and CM.
    As long as Lim Guan Eng is confirmed…….a totally clean CM…whatever he does…or decides to do in the future…let no one…no smart low class politicians…..trying their stunts to insult and belittle him.
    He is elected by Malaysians….and we are happy with his performances.
    Twisters and wolves in sheep clothing.. in PR…please do not try your low class judge LGE….as CM.
    Voters have not voiced out any complaints….and time to let all Parliamentarians know..we are their bosses.
    So they go to work for the money……or be prepared to be voted out…in 13th GE.
    One UMNO and BN liars and actors.. non productive politicians..are enough.
    PR…elected politicians…should go to work..and talk less politics….to be OPPOSITE to UMNO and BN mentalities and behaviors.
    Anwar should spend time to support all PR leaders..for unity….and talk less of his sickening sodomy case.

  24. “Voters have not voiced out any complaints….and time to let all Parliamentarians know..we are their bosses.” — monsterball

    Our so-called wakil rakyats have been behaving like rajas for far too long. Let’s not fall into their divide and rule tactics because they know that collectively, we are their boss but divided, we are worst than their slaves.

  25. //Najis must think Malaysian Chinese are IDIOTS! After 50 years of blundering, bullying and proclaiming by UMNO that Malays are MORE SUPERIOR, you think the Chinese will want more blundering and bullying?//

    I hope Njaib is wrong in thinking that Chinese are Idiots. Unfortunately Najib is right on the spot. He can actually see with his own eyes that Malaysian Chinese are IDIOTS. You can see these Idiot Chinese at all those functions organized by MCA and Gerakan. Even the blinds can hear these idiot Chinese cheering for Najib and all the racist big guns from UMNO.

  26. Najib’s biggest mistake is that he thought that having coopted Mahathir and the ultras, he did not have to against them. To be fair, they were actually wary of him and were tentative to support them. Their hero was actually Muhiyiddin and Ali Rustam.

    The truth was Najib, as the basis of his plan, turn the tables on the ultra by strengthening the anti-corruption effort AND the judicial system. But he was conflicted because he was using the same bad system for his short-term political agenda.

    Now he is backed against the wall and its not the Chinese, Indians or even Utusan and other MSM he need to work on first. He needed to actually change MACC, the AG office, the police head and the judges. Turn them lose against the ultras and then he can go for election in 24 months.

    Otherwise, he might as well get ready to fight Muhiyiddin and the ultras. He is literally fighting the wrong battle for his own good..

  27. You can see these Idiot Chinese at all those functions organized by MCA and Gerakan.

    Actually, 70 percent of those are mostly supporters of MCA and Gerakan, while the rest are just there for free food.
    Figures at those function doesn’t reveal anything.

  28. Umno/BN should have given itself a chance right after the 308 tsunami by really reforming itself and prove it to the people. But the facts indicate that instead of reforming itself, it is out to destroy PR with all its might for its political survival. Basically it is still its old self as shown by all the scandals and problems caused by this gov’t and highlighted by LKS.
    Give Najib a chance? No way lah from right thinking Malaysians.

  29. ///father and son, ofcourse Kit supporting his son ,what do you expect ? no body in Dap as smart as father and son team //chengho

    as long as they do a good job in governance, i do not care if chengho is their illegitimate son or daughter.

    you sound so jealous of their success. why? no contracts for you lately?

  30. GreenBug :Is this the way PDRM was helping the people of Penang – by causing havoc and inconvenience to them on such an auspicious occasion. Is this the way for them to conduct their PR with the people? Were they trying to cause discontent amonst the people of Penang so that they feel anger towards the state government instead?
    I was thinking perhaps of giving the PM a chance to prove his sincerity of his 1Malaysia but after the harassment in the first hour of the first day of the new lunar year, I will forever hate the police and the 1Malaysia concept.

    Just remember that the PDRM in any of the states in the Federation of Malaysia is controlled by the federal government which is in turn controlled by Umno-BN.

  31. chengho :father and son, ofcourse Kit supporting his son ,what do you expect ? no body in Dap as smart as father and son team .

    Don’t forget about the Mahathir-Mukhriz father & son team, and also the Najib-Hishamuddin cousin & cousin team in Umno.
    But don’t know and don’t care which team is the smartest in Umno…

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