Muhyiddin is among the most unqualified persons in the Najib Cabinet to talk about the doctrine of separation of powers

I never thought that a day would come when Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin could prate about the doctrine of separation of powers.

Who is he to suggest that I am confused and do not understand separation of powers for asking for an emergency Parliamentary meeting on Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s Sodomy2 charges.

This is because Muhyiddin is among the most unqualified persons in the Najib Cabinet to talk about the doctrine of separation of powers.

The doctrine of separation of powers among the Executive, Legislature and the Judiciary suffered the worst erosion and emasculation, subversion and sabotage since the “mother of all judicial crisis” in 1988 when the then Lord President Tun Salleh Abas and Supreme Court judges were sacked for not complying with the whims and fancies of the then Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad.

If Muhyiddin had any doubts about the perversion and subversion of the doctrine of separation of powers in the past two decades, he need only ask his Cabinet colleague, Datuk Dr. Rais Yatim who had written a doctoral thesis on the subject – although Rais had recanted his views to get back to the Cabinet.

Did Muhyiddin, who was already occupying high government and political office in 1988, ever spoken up or lifted a finger against the subversion and sabotage of the doctrine of separation of powers in the past two decades – when the judiciary fell from its high international fame and standing before 1988 to the lowest depths of world-wide notoriety equivalent to a “rogue judiciary”?

If not, what right has he now to feign or claim concern about separation of powers?

It is precisely because the doctrine of separation of powers had been so battered and subverted, with the Malaysian judiciary fighting a losing battle to regain national and international confidence in its independence, impartiality and integrity seven years after the end of Mahathir premiership, that the dropping of Anwar’s Sodomy2 charges is generally regarded as an important step to re-establish the doctrine of separation of powers in Malaysia.

Hence, the relevance and importance of the call for an emergency meeting of Parliament on Anwar’s Sodomy2 charges.

30 Replies to “Muhyiddin is among the most unqualified persons in the Najib Cabinet to talk about the doctrine of separation of powers”

  1. The present DPM is just a shameful disgrace to our country. Imagine a full-grown man holding such a post talking utter garbage ever so often. What will foreign investors think? Yes, Malaysia has got zilch talent inland as most who are have left. No wonder the international community looks down and step on us. Malaysia Boleh!

  2. Actually its interesting that Sdr.Lim point this out. It clearly shows that Muhiyiddin understand the principles of good governance such as separation of power, transparency, accountability etc. He just don’t care for it i.e. he don’t think its that important.

    It reveals clearly Muhiyiddin is a dangerous man. We know all UMNO leaders have been well taught by Mahathir to be hypocritical and dishonest. That is not the point with Muhiyiddin. He simply don’t care. This is a well-trained ‘the end justify the meains’ guy AND HE decides what ends is important or not – not the people. This guy does not understand he is literally medieval in mindset.

    If Muhiyiddin gets into power, we will see emergency power and suspension of Parliament ultimately. Its why voters cannot afford NOT to kick the BN out in the next election presumely under BN is Najib -led which will be his last. Najib will allow a smooth transition to PR power. Muhiyiddin won’t.

  3. Maybe Muhyiddin would like to add a rejoinder to rebut LKS and explain why he is most qualified to speak on the separation of powers.

    Of course, I can see Muhyiddin is swimming in his own backyard longkang (drain) which makes him feel so important though he carries the stench of corruption and filth all around him. This is the Muhyiddin who said in STAR “Don’t criticise our laws” or something to that effect, possibly worse. Now, my late grandmother who was born in the 19th century and straddled the 19th and 20th centuries often reminds us that if we behave like a circus, you cannot stop the world from laughing at us. Perhaps, the ENGLISH LANGUAGE PICKED THIS UP FROM HER and coined this expression ‘laughing stock of the world.” Now, of course that longkang DPM doesn’t know that if we behave silly and stupid, u can’t stop the world from laughing at us. Take a leaf from my grandmother, Muhyiddin, like the English lexicographers did, and stop being silly and behaving stupid!

  4. Be that as it may, have you all noticed that it is Muhyiddin that is making all the statements, making all the stands, overshadowing that 1something PM Najib?

    One might think it is Muhyiddin that counts while Najib just fumbles along with his 1something or other, going for cheap publicity stunts everywhere. So long as Najib can’t get rid of the “stains”, his cheap stunts isn’t going to help him survive.

    Its Muhyiddin that holds the power strings, not even Rosminah. And imagine Muhyiddin as the PM. Gawd!

  5. Sheriff: “And imagine Muhyiddin as the PM. Gawd!”

    Oh, Muhyiddin, if u ever dethrone Najib and run your own circus, remember my grandmother’s advice and cut out the slapstick comedy. What do u expect the audience (the world) to do? Laugh, of course….at you like the emperor who wears no clothes.

  6. Most people interested in politics would understand the doctrine of the separation of powers. Those in power will try to make sure that the lines are blurred as much as possible. In the end it will define us as either an advanced nation or a basket case.

  7. Isn’t it so obvious that the Judiciary is now a government department?

    Why do you think the “Palace of “Justice” ” aka as the Federal Court, is based in Putrajaya, among all the other GOVERNMENT departments?

    The Istana Negara will be at Jalan Duta while Parliament is at the Lake Gardens but “Justice” has been hijacked.

  8. Check out Dzukifly Ahmad’s claim that the canning of woman is meant to bait bait PAS and fight within PR.

    DAP should come out and support that view. Its despicable to use women like ‘tools’ even political ones. It is the most piggish behaviour that only UMNO ultras like Khir Toyo, Muhiyiddin and their fans can come up with.

  9. ///he need only ask his Cabinet colleague, Datuk Dr. Rais Yatim who had written a doctoral thesis on the subject – although Rais had recanted his views to get back to the Cabinet./// – Kit

    I am surprised that a writer could stoop so low that he recanted his views for the sake of position.

  10. Aiyah what is meant here by the ‘doctrine of separation of powers’ is that the ruling coalition is “separate” from the Opposition in that the former has the power necessary for cheques and balances (bank), which the Opposition has not!

  11. Sdr Lim, why you take so long to respond to his accusation? Anyway, whatever he said about you will be published in the MSM, but not yours.

    I don’t know the doctrine of the separation of power very much. But i just know that he has more power than you, and he abuse more than you.

  12. “How can Kit Siang asked the legislative to interfere with the judiciary, I can see that the opposition are now confused,” said Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.

    The Opposition’s asking for an Emergency Parliamentary Meeting (“EPM”) to discuss the Sodomy II charges against Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim is directed at the Executive (govt) – not the Judiciary, allegedly interfered.

    The EPM is to call on the prime minister, government and attorney-general to drop the Sodomy II case against Anwar Ibrahim. It is a call directed at the Executive, not the Judiciary, as alleged by Muhyiddin when raising doctrine of separation of powers that LKS is supposedly not knowing.

    Since Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, backed by a solid two-thirds majority in parliament, by amendment of Article 121 (1) of Federal Constitution, sacked Lord President Salleh Abas and other judges, took away “judicial power of the federation” from the judiciary, which thereafter shall only “have such jurisdiction and powers as may be conferred by or under federal law”, the separation of power where Judiciary checked Executive & Legislative (Parliament) ended, to angst and chagrins of jurists, with the judiciary perceived rendered a subordinate estate.

    There is no official check and balance of the three estates (Executive/Parliament/Judiciary esp the latter checking the other two) since then – the way is opened for only cheques and bank balances when abuse of power occurs!

    It appears now that the only check and balance against abuse of Executive power is rakyat’s voice expressed through their elected representatives in Parliament. Hence the reason for the EPM!

  13. Court cases and court verdicts that favour Umno-BN are separated from those that favour against Umno-BN, and those that favour Umno-BN are allowed to go through while those that favour against Umno-BN are some how stalled or even reversed.
    Is this Muhiyiddin’s understanding of separation of powers?

  14. Undoubtedly, this man is shamelessly revealing himself as a dangerous politician and Malaysia will suffer if he ever comes to power.

    He has opened our eyes that he is the most obnoxious DPM this country has ever seen. I shudder if he ever takes the reins as PM.

    He has been talking through his nose since becoming DPM and each time he opened his mouth a blast of foul air permeates the atmosphere. Come to think of it, the haze is not so bad compare to this guy’s hot air.

  15. Looking at this guy, he is just, i repeat just fit to be my office boy. Amazing we have characters like this specimen running the country for that matter. Politically, he talks cock all the time. Unbelieveable!!!! He is a typical Umnoputra. (But, dont get me wrong, of course there are good and reasonable Umnoputras. They are rare species and sidelined). Never ever wrong, haughty,racialistic, coupled with a bird’s brain. Anyway, what do one expect from Bolehland??
    My chief clerk Asmadi can reason and utter politically better than him in all aspects.

  16. Muhyiddin is really incredible! With such brains like his, he can still be DPM! Malaysia Boleh!

    Rakyat must dump BN now while Najib is still in power. If Muhyiddin is PM, this country is gone, habis, kaput.

  17. NTR will not last another year.
    If the “cow” takes over, it will be slaughtered within 6 months.
    Bodohland is heading Zimbabwee way.
    CI coming down
    RM becomes banana money
    Court house become kangaroo farm

  18. Najib’s under seige and denial syndrome has clouded almost all his views of good governance. The worst scenario is when he can’t even see the detractors of his 1Malaysia slogan from within UMNO, especially in the person of his DPM, Muhyiddin.

    Muhyiddin seems to be dancing to the tune of the mamak who wants an end to Najib’s rule because, he being the highest crook in the country knows all about the unclean, unholy and murderous baggage of Najib.

    Mamak is using the idiot, Muhyiddin, to discredit Najib with his race and religion cards in order to replace Najib with Muhyiddin. That would pave the way for mamakthir’s half past six son, Mukhriz to be the next DPM.

    So much of decadent political intrigue is being concocted by the mamak that even the Big Fatty is at a loss to counter it.

    The only way out for Najib is to follow the mamak’s footsteps. Kick out the DPM on charges of abuse of power. Failing which he can always fall back on Sodomy to get rid of political rivals, especially this obnoxious DPM.

    When Najib (the executive) has all the powers (without any separation) in his hand why is he so timid not to get his …Musa, the Paktail AG, the MACC curs and the comatose judiciary to stage another Sodomy charge against the current DPM?

    The incumbent executive has all the powers to do as he pleases in Bolehland where there is no separation of powers.

    Muhyiddin will only know the value of the separation of powers doctrine in a democracy when he has to face a trumped up charge of sodomy. Then even the evil mamak won’t be able to resurrect the irrelevant kangaroo augustine to save him.

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