“I give up la talking to this government”

What is most damning in Tun Dr. Lim Keng Yaik’s second part of his Edge Financial Daily interview yesterday was not his prediction that “Gerakan has lost Penang for good” or his poor assessment of his successor Tan Sri Dr. Koh Tsu Koon but his contemptuous dismissal of the Najib Razak premiership when he said: “I give up la talking to this government”.

Coming from one who had headed Gerakan as its President for 27 years and was in Barisan Nasional government for 36 years from 1972 to 2008, serving as Cabinet Minister for a quarter of a century, there can be no more categorical a dismissal of the first year of Najib’s new premiership – despite all the Najib sloganeering about 1Malaysia Government Transformation Programme.

It is ironic and tragic that since January 1 this year, Najib’s 1Malaysis slogan and concept had suffered one blow after another, rubbished by none other than by his own people in Umno and government, the most recent example being the vicious and irresponsible exploitation of the race and religion card by Umno leaders and Umno-controlled media like Utusan Malaysia and Berita Harian to falsely paint the Penang Pakatan Rakyat state government and Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng as anti-Malay and anti-Islam.

It is sad that Najib does not realize that in condoning the vicious and irresponsible exploitation of the race and religious card by Umno leaders and Umno-controlled media, it is not just the Pakatan Rakyat Penang State Government and Guan Eng who have been put to the test, Najib and his 1Malaysia slogan and concept are themselves on trial.

For Keng Yaik, the verdict on the Najib administration seems foregone with his dismissive statement: “I give up la talking to this government”.

It is reported that the Barisan Nasional Supreme Council is meeting tonight at the coalition’s newly-renovated headquarters on the eighth floor of the Menara Datuk Onn building in Kuala Lumpur.

The BN Supreme Council meeting cannot do better than to place Keng Yaik’s contemptuous dismissal of the Najib premiership as the top item of its agenda and to decide how to salvage the 1Malaysia slogan and concept before it is totally discredited.

21 Replies to ““I give up la talking to this government””

  1. Hello, LKY, I also long, long ago ‘give up la talking to this government”.

    So blind, so deaf, so stupid (so goo-gong one la); sometimes, not blind but also don’t want to see man; sometimes not-so-deaf, but still don’t want to hear; sometimes, not-so-stupid but don’t know which anus they hide their braains and never pangsai for 48 hours, so u see how stinky their brians ah?

    Aiya, old man, we are old, so we know what we talking, yes or not. So we know this government clever talk cock, yes or not? So that is why we citizens – black or yellow, brown or white – just no trust stupid, blind government anymore, yes or not. So we all agree, give up on najib-Muhyidin combination, yes or not?

  2. “… one who had headed Gerakan as its President for 27 years and was in Barisan Nasional government for 36 years …, serving as Cabinet Minister for a quarter of a century …,

    Kinda took a mega long time for reality to hit home for tun yak yak yak. No wonder he is an angry man now.

  3. #31 by limkamput on Friday, 19 February 2010 – 3:39 pm

    “We had a good run in 39 years in a place where we used to have a base.” LKY

    I think you are talking through you’re a$$ that you have a good run. Please don’t humiliate yourself and others. Yes, you have more than 30 years of appeasement, compromise, capitulation and selling yourself. Piss off.

    Quote #32 by limkamput on Friday, 19 February 2010 – 3:41 pm

    “We need people to think for our complicated society and challenges facing our country to allow the people to become part of this maturing of democratic politics.”LKY

    The rakyat essentially need leadership. There is nothing complicated about our society. It is a$$ politicians forever making the people divided, making them see enemies behind every tree. You talk so hauntingly about multi-racism, and yet you have never failed to support a corrupted, racist, and bigot regime for years. So just shut up.

    Quote #33 by limkamput on Friday, 19 February 2010 – 3:42 pm

    “”Will (Tan Sri Abdul) Taib Mahmud stay? He has good control but will it split when he’s not there anymore? That will depend on who provides the leadership for the Ibans. Are they a satisfied lot? I don’t know.”LKY

    Taib Mahmud provides leadership for Ibans? Your a$$ is talking again. Taib bullies and exploits everybody including the Ibans, got it? I wonder why there are still stupid people interviewing and seeking your stupid views.

    Quote #34 by limkamput on Friday, 19 February 2010 – 3:44 pm

    ‘’That is the time for the constitutional monarchy to play its part. Take it off politics since it has been politicised. And to take it off from politics, let the rulers decide.’’LKY

    You have made a fatal assumption but of course I can’t expect an ass like you to see it.

    Enough, I think I better stop reading you’re a$$ views.

  4. Tun Lky, please read NH Chan’s critique:

    “The Federal Court in Nizar v Zambry: A critique — NH Chan (loyarburok.com) ”

    I’m positive the Malysian public would appreciate your views as u served Perak as their MP for so many years. U owe it to us to speak yr mind without fear or favour. U know the benefit of being a retiree is that u r not shackled and can give yr honest opinion. Sometimes Tun M does that especially during Tun AAB’s reign. Today with Najib on the throen, Tun M is back to his coco-talking regime; dishonest and insincere most of the time, doing what is politically expedient rather than what is truthful as expected of a man who has not to may days before he meets his MAKER, ALLAH.

    So, Lky, can u please do the right thing and make some amnends for some bad history?

  5. LKY had already got what he wanted (fame, title, cash etc) from BN during his tenure as minister. Why must he waste his breath to talk to BN anymore?

    This is a lesson to all voters of the 13th GE: Reject politicians who join politics with the aim of serving their self-interests.

  6. Yes, reject politicians who join politics with the aim of serving their self-interests. #8

    Hopefully Malaysia will be able to produce such politicians in the future though I really doubt it.

    I remember reading some where that politicians are great liars. Day in-day out, our politicians have never seem to be otherwise.

    I wonder whether we could let the religious people; monks,priests,imams,or even bomohs, to govern us for a change. Surely they would not lie to us…….

  7. Permit me to digress a bit. I don’t see the thread on LKS’s call for convening special sitting of parliament to discuss Sodomy II:


    “Najib: Sodomy II nought to do with Parliament “.

    Hello, Najib/Muhyiddin, what talking u? As if judges aren’t legislated; yet they are suppoed to be independent. This is the mystery mix, so delicate and sophisticated that only those initiated in the laws can appreciate this democratic alchemy. Of course, I don’t expect Najib or Muhiddin to understand this sophisticaton. So don’t go around crowing as if u know what u r talking.

    The simple point is: parliament must sit to censure judges who bugger up the judicial system. Period. Do I need to say more?

    Hello, Najib/Muyiddin, can i suggest u take a 101 on the judicial system and judges form N H Chan. Boy, God knows u oth need it…and need it real bad, real soon too. NH Chan has the sophistication, courage, integrity and importantly, a good sense of the law. Does anyone wonder why he calls those judges in the apex courts over and over again incompetent?

  8. Keng Yaik has been a BN politician for almost 4 decades and is thus familiar with the internal on-goings of BN.
    For an old timer like him to say something like “I give up la talking to this government”, would mean that he is already disappointed with BN in the end.
    I think most of the rakyat also share in his disappointment of the Umno dominated BN.

  9. I can’t agree more with comment #14 above.

    Yes the power is in our hands. If the newly elected gov’t still fail to do its job, just dump it again, and so on, and so on……

    We ought to really instill that understanding in the minds of our voters. I just love DEMONCRACY… :)

  10. “I give up la talking to this government”.

    Read carefully. He called the government “this government” and not “BN government”

    When he said “this government “, he meant “UNMO government”

    He has been in the Cabinet for a quarter of a century and is most qualified to speak on how the Cabinet works.

    All Cabinet decisions are made by UMNO supreme council, the Cabinet is only a rubber stamp. Ministers from MCA, Gerakan, Supp and MIC has no say in decisions made by UMNO. It is already public knowledge that even Ministry Secretary Generals from UMNO can override the decisions of non-UMNO ministers.

    Why did LKY stay in the Cabinet for over 25 years? The answer is very simple and obvious. Just to benefit himself by picking up the crumb dropped under the table of UMNO. He was such a good crumb picker that he received the Tun title upon his retirement.

    It is tragic for non Malays to be represented by ministers like LKY. You can blame UMNO for bullying but the fact is that we have a large group of non Malays supporting people like LKY. He has won at every general election when he was a Cabinet Minister.

  11. We have here two Lims (LKS & LKY) both long time serving politicians from both sides of the political divide.

    Politically they are world’s apart
    LKS & son fighting for justice right from the start
    Never getting any title for doing their part
    Tun LKY however retired after achieving worldly desires of the heart

    Uncle Kit, I wish you a happy and prosperous CNY. I salute and thank you for the job well done. We depend on you and company for a better future of our beloved nation. Wish you & PR all the best in the coming GE 13. Stop The Rot.

  12. So Siao Doctor says what we have always said. Najib is not going to pay much attention to him because Keng Yaik can only some limited influence within Gerakan and not much else. Even within Gerakan, many wanted him out and a number of revolt was plotted and he out-foxed them.

    The only significance of Keng Yaik statement is the end of KTK is going to be soon. There will always be a greedy bastard who want even whatever scraps there remain on the table for Gerakan.

    More drama in Gerakan is set to happen..Lifestyles of the BN eunuch soap opera continues..

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