Lim Kit Siang

Happy Chinese New Year of the Golden Tiger – make 13th general elections the great turning point for Malaysia

I wish all Malaysians a Happy Chinese New Year.

This is the second Chinese New Year after the historic political tsunami of the March 8, 2008 general elections which witnessed a paradigm shift in Malaysian political thinking and expectations.

What were never thought of as possible in the first five decades of nationhood have become common-place and are even in danger of being taken for granted.

All eyes and thoughts are focused on the next general elections – whether the 13th general elections will complete the process prepared by the 12th general elections for Malaysia to have a new ruling coalition in the seat of federal government in Putrajaya apart from the state government level.

The next general elections, whether in 2011 or 2012, will provide answers to many intriguing questions, including:

These are among the issues Malaysians will ponder while celebrating the Chinese New Year of the Golden Tiger.

Let all Malaysians unite with one resolve – to make the 13th general elections the great turning point for Malaysia to embark on the road of a truly united, just, prosperous and harmonious Malaysian nation where all Malaysians, regardless of race, religion or region can fully identify with and hold their heads high.