No McCarthyism but disband BTN which had produced a generation of Nasir Safars with racist brain-washing making it the biggest enemy of Najib’s 1Malaysia campaign

Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin yesterday tried to mitigate the Nasir Safar outrage claiming that it could have been “a slip of the tongue” (New Straits Times).

If so, it is a very big slip or Nasir has got a big tongue when he could in one gulp make so many offensive, insensitive and anti-1Malaysia utterances as:

  • Labelling Indians and Chinese in Malaysia as “pendatang”;

  • “Indians came to Malaysia as beggars and Chinese especially the women came to sell their bodies (jual tubuh)”;

  • Claimed that Umno was solely responsible in drafting the constitution sidelining the contribution of MCA and MIC;

  • Threat to revoke the citizenship of those vocal about the subject cap for SPM examination.

Clearly, it cannot be a madness of a moment, but madness for many moments!

Although the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak had been very quick and prompt in damage-control, getting Nasir to resign within 12 hours of the outrage on Tuesday and declaring that the Nasir episode should be “a lesson to all” to be racially sensitive, Najib must admit that the greatest casualty is his 1Malaysia campaign.

As a result of the Nasir Safar outrage, and despite Nasir’s belated and qualified apology, there is a quantum jump in public skepticism whether Najib’s 1Malaysia campaign is no more than just a rebranding and public relations (P.R.) exercise without any meaningful change in nation-building policies – as in for instance, replacing the “ketuanan Melayu” concept with “ketuanan rakyat”.

It is clear that Nasir Safar is not an extinct species in Umno but represent a very powerful mainstream thinking in Umno, both in party and government, nurtured by a generation of racist brain-washing by the National Civics Centre (Biro Tata Negara) in the Prime Minister’s Department, which had a budget of RM600 million in the past decade to carry out such divisive indoctrination.

When the racist brain-washing BTN programme was exposed at the end of last year, Najib ended the public row when he met 30 high-ranking BTN officers in Parliament on Dec. 15 and asked them to ensure that the BTN Course is in line with the 1Malaysia concept.

That the BTN’s racist brain-washing courses have not changed is reflected by a letter to the editor in the News Straits Times of Dec. 29, 2009 complaining about a BTN session, viz:

MY nephew, who is a doctor, has just returned after attending an induction course held from Dec 19 to 24 at the Bayu Beach Resort in Port Dickson. He is very upset and extremely disappointed.

The first four days of the programme was conducted by officials from the Ministry of Health and they were very professional in their approach and methodology. However, the sessions during the next two days conducted by the National Civics Bureau (BTN) were so downright racist, sickening and was nothing more than an exercise to divide Malaysians, instil hatred and discord.

Although my son is a Muslim and a Malay, and was not the target of the BTN instructors, he and his other Muslim friends were upset that their non-Muslim brothers and sisters were constantly labelled as “pendatang” and the Malaysian Indians were hounded in regard to the actions of the now outlawed Hindraf movement.

One BTN instructor even had the temerity to say: “No need to attend BTN course if you think we are racists” and “We warn you not to report what happens here to the press or to anyone else.”

I am not proposing any McCarthyism – defined by Wikipedia as “the politically motivated practice of making accusations of disloyalty, subversion, or treason without proper regard for evidence” – but firm action must be taken to disband the racist and divisive brain-washing by the BTN which had produced a generation of Nasir Safars and is the biggest enemy to Najib’s 1Malaysia campaign.

Will the Cabinet next Wednesday have the political will to disband the BTN for becoming the racist indoctrination machine and replace it with a 1Malaysia Civics Centre which operates in an open, transparent, non-partisan and truly 1Malaysia manner to promote Malaysian national consciousness and not racist attitudes and stereotypes?

25 Replies to “No McCarthyism but disband BTN which had produced a generation of Nasir Safars with racist brain-washing making it the biggest enemy of Najib’s 1Malaysia campaign”

  1. Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin yesterday tried to mitigate the Nasir Safar outrage claiming that it could have been “a slip of the tongue” (New Straits Times).

    Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin was quick to defend Nasir Safar because the former is also a “product” of BTN.

  2. Uncle Kit is a seasoned justice crusader
    Who has no title conferred to his name
    But a low class government leader
    Even has a datukship, what a shame

    There is one and only one way
    To save our beloved nation
    Kick out the government of the day
    In the coming general election

  3. Please DPM/EM don’t “pura pura ” to mitigate the Nasir Safar outrage claiming that it could have been ” a slip of the tongue” (NST) How could a four paragraphs speech be a slip of the tongue ? Please use your head ok. A special aide of PM NR ,making a four paragraphs anti chinese and indian speech and could still be insensitive of what he was speaking was indeed pretty weird. I think those who defend him would be seen as idiots.

  4. It is now crystal clear that UMNO is full of racialistic, pea-brain, dickheads like this guy Nasir. How to have 1Malaysia if you have bum like this unique specimen, on top of that, advising the so called PM running the country. We are sure there are plenty of this unique specimen in BN esp UMNO.
    All is just talk and talk and talk………….by BN cronies esp our so called PM on 1Malaysia or Malaysia1 for that matter. They seem to think that the rakyat are dumb dumb. I believe that the rakyat not to be easily hoodwinked by these talks only.
    Come GE13 or any elections, we will know what to do to throw the present BN out.

  5. Tell you wot. The BTN thingy too was a slip of the relevant speakers’ tongues. Errr well a very well organised and coordinated slip of their tongues. And lembudin bin kerismudin too suffered a simultaneous slip of his tongue and his arm when he held up the keris and uttered whatever he uttered then. And and dat ahmad guy too had a slip of tongue with his “pendatang” comment. And mamak was obviously slipping his tongue all the way when he said the WTC incidents were the creation of the US adminstration. Oh yes. The 12.5billion port klang thing. Yes that too. It was a slip of some hands.

  6. No McCarthyism but disband BTN which had produced a generation of Nasir Safars with racist brain-washing making it the biggest enemy of Najib’s 1Malaysia campaign – Kit.

    Agree. Tackling the root of the problem (flushing out the errant mentor BTN) rather than the symptoms is the ultimate solution.

  7. PR by now should strategize to undermine MSM in facing the 13th GE. Start with the boycotts, print out from blogs and online alternative media, especially the Sodomy II trial, and distribute to the far reaches of the kampungs to reach the Malays who are fed enless lies by the MSM. If the kampung folks can’t have access to internet or no knowledge of it, the alternative news must go to them in the form of print-outs and photostats in Malay-translated versions. Pressure the MSM now

  8. I am god of umno.
    I am greater than umno.
    I am najib’s lord.
    I can ask him to turn around.

    (pssst) (pssst) (pssst)

    Huh? Someone just said i had a slip of tongue? No. Dont get me wrong. I meant wot I said. Every word. Yes. Every word.

  9. “Slip of the tongue” “He didn’t mean it”

    Include in this standard list of excuses the following:

    “I didn’t mean to steal”
    “She invited me to rape her”
    “I can’t understand English”
    “Bukan gua bikin”

  10. “A slip of the tongue” – really? Slip my foot!
    Actually ppl like Nasir talk like this ALL D TIME among like-minded Umno B Malays
    D whole, ketuanan Melayu concept is so strongly ingrained in their minds n actions dat on a public platform they of cos also talk like that mah
    2 talk otherwise is so painful n unnatural 4 them, thus so easy 2 speak naturally abt pendatang, beggars, whores – slipping out comfortably n naturally, their true color
    Public apologies r just 4 show show mah n play play loh

  11. Why didn’ PM Najib seize this ‘golden opportunity’ to leave no shadow of a doubt in the minds of every Malaysian that he wants see genuine racial harmony in the country. Mete out the same punishment to those who disrupt racial harmony by their irrational actions, speeches and writings. The government may deny it, but the truth is that the government is seen to be unfair in treating the different races by the people. Genuine racial harmony is the prerequisite for the country to become an advanced society.
    The AlmarhumTunku Abdul Rahman’s birthday anniversary is on 8th of February. Why not we remember what he said; Malaysia is a multi-racial country. There is only one way of ruling the country – the multi-racial way.
    PM, Home Minister, Deputy PM, don’t talk much, the people irrespective of race want to see unbiased actions that will lead to nurturing racial harmony and confidence in the government!

  12. You have to wonder about how many people like Nasir Safar that don’t get it that lies catch up with you sooner or later.

    The excuse given that he did not meant it? You wonder if he is really was never qualified to be PA of the PM or he is gone to that side he just does not know he is lying anymore. Regardless, he does not care to try harder to make up for what he did wrong. He has not repented and he will be what he is for a long time maybe forever..

    For Najib, I would be pissed at him for continuing to not make better effort after doing something wrong. If these are the things he wanted to say, he should just shut up and dissappear. Insulting people after making a big mistake – that is just lazy and arrogant.

  13. Umno’s racists and extremists anti-chinese and anti indians speeches could excape scot-free from the laws is indeed amazing.Wow a slip of the tongue excuse by Umno’s DPM MY and it justified no police action. Wonder what would happen to YB Lim Guan Eng who makes a similar anti-malays attack and his father YB Lim Kit Siang says his son’s speech was ” a slip of the tongue ” Would the police also apply the same standard ?.

  14. Kit,
    Muhyiddin is a very ambitious man. He wants to be PM and will do anything to reach there. Of late, he has been acting like a very ‘dangerous’ Malay leader.
    He has never spoken in spoken in support of any of Najib’s economic strategies or 1Malaysia.
    He is taking the side of racist and religious bigots.
    He is aligned with Mahathir, Perkasa, BTN, against inter-faith council, against Christians using Allah.
    This man once overthrew his mentor Tan Sri Othman Saat. He cannot be trusted.

  15. “No McCarthyism but disband BTN which had produced a generation of Nasir Safars with racist brain-washing making it the biggest enemy of Najib’s 1Malaysia campaign”

    I suggest the word “had” should be replaced by “has” since the BTN is still going on. Also we do not know what is happening to the revised version.

  16. “Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin yesterday tried to mitigate the Nasir Safar outrage claiming that it could have been “a slip of the tongue” (New Straits Times).”

    Muhyuddin should look himself in the mirror and reflect on his own conscience.

  17. yhsiew :Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin yesterday tried to mitigate the Nasir Safar outrage claiming that it could have been “a slip of the tongue” (New Straits Times).=========================================================
    Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin was quick to defend Nasir Safar because the former is also a “product” of BTN.

    Muhyiddin must have considered a slip of the tongue a small matter, and that he disagreed with his boss Najib. He feels that Nasir safar should not be asked to resign. He is also supporting the stand of Perkasa, and hence in Mamak’s camp. Mamak said that one does not say it if it was true, and that means it was alright to harbour ill feelings against other races, as long as one keeps it to himself. That is racial polarization but appears to be in harmony or in a cold war. Indeed the different races in the country were in cold war during Mamak’s watch, and Mamak considers that a success.

    To Mamak and Muhyiddin, it is a case of toleration among the races, rather than acceptance. That is why they continue to use the race card, as Malay, and NEWMalay champions. They have to maintain the them and us division so that they can continue to plunder the country with impunity.

    Najib should appoint more than one deputy PM so that Muhyiddin would be busy fighting with the co-deputy.

  18. In the Pakatan Rakyat Convention on 19th Dec 2009, Shamsul Iskandar the Chief of Angkatan Muda Keadilan said the supporters of Pakatan should practise BTN as Bersatu Tolak Najib.

    We, the right-minded people of Malaysia have had enough of BN’s dirty tactics of divide and destroy.

    All the rakyat must stay united and vote out BN in the 13GE. Let this number 13 be their bad luck and doom them to history’s rubbish.

  19. wee choo keong said jeff ooi is Mc Carthyism , this style of low class politics can carry on in Dap. jeff ooi thinks the politics of labelling and tagging will be able to divert public attention away from present controversies and other internal problems within Dap , this is wrong political judgement.

  20. chengho: “..this style of low class politics can carry on in Dap..”

    Doesn’t the Umno disciplinary board decision to find Ali Rustam guilty of money politics and then bar him from contesting in the party’s internal elections, but after that, the Umno leadership allows Ali Rustam to remain as a party member and also the head of the Malacca state government, showcase a style of an even lower class politics within Umno?

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