Would Tsu Koon raise in Cabinet tomorrow setting up of unity desks in all ministries and government departments to foster national unity and inter-racial, inter-religious and inter-cultural understanding on the ground?

The Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Tan Sri Dr. Koh Tsu Koon yesterday called on media organisations to set up a special desk to be known as the Unity Desk to assist the government in improving mutual understanding among the multi-racial people in the country.

He said at the opening of the Media and Unity Symposium that the special desk could serve just like any other desk in the organisation, but with greater focus on efforts to foster national unity as well as religious and cultural understanding.

He suggested that media organisations with various and multi-language mediums should give priority to improving national unity and harmony by interacting frequently with one another to make the effort a success.

There is merit in Koh’s proposal and if there is any reservation, it is why Koh as the Minister responsible for KPI and national unity, should be tinkering at the edges of the problem of national unity when he should be grappling with the central issues as to why Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s 1Malaysia slogan and concept have failed to live up to the early promise to inspire unity and solidarity among the diverse races, religions, cultures and regions in the country?

It is most unfortunate and shocking that Koh typified the Barisan Nasional Cabinet of being in deep denial in refusing to acknowledge that the recent arson attempts and acts of vandalism on houses of worship and the “Allah” controversy have gravely discredited the 1Malaysia slogan, caused great setbacks to nation building and undermined Malaysia’s attractions as magnet for foreign investments, tourists and students.

Is this why there is no sense of urgency among Cabinet Ministers that the discord arising from the “Allah” controversy should not be allowed to be dragged out and the Cabinet must find a speedy resolution not only to salvage the 1Malaysia slogan and concept, but to remove doubts and concerns inhibiting foreign direct investments, tourists and students from coming to Malaysia.

In fact, the government’s mishandling of the “Allah” controversy is making more Malaysians to think of emigrating overseas because they have lost confidence in Najib’s 1Malaysia.

Tsu Koon’s proposal that media organisations set up unity desks begs the question why the government is not setting an example so that all Malaysians will leave government offices with one strengthened conviction – that Malaysia is a multi-racial, multi-religious and multi-cultural nation which can be a model for the world?

For a start, would Tsu Koon raise in Cabinet tomorrow the setting up of unity desks in all ministries and government departments to foster national unity and inter-racial, inter-religious and inter-cultural understanding on the ground?

52 Replies to “Would Tsu Koon raise in Cabinet tomorrow setting up of unity desks in all ministries and government departments to foster national unity and inter-racial, inter-religious and inter-cultural understanding on the ground?”

  1. Poor Tsu Koon,I really pity him.He is a confused man ,living between the devil and the deep blue sea. He knows it’s important to have inter-faith and inter-racial dialogue to bring unity to all malaysians but he also knows that his master or masters would be angry with him if he does,hence he would remain dumb and wait for instruction.I think in any inter-faith meeting,it’s pretty important that all regilious groups must not put any condition on the agenda.Otherwise it’s just waste of time.

  2. Tsu Koon, if you are a person with credibility, how as a leader explain the defeat of entire island? Your reputation is long gone and you are merely as a disposal composite organic. Certainly, you are the worst mankind in human habitat.

  3. Tsu Koon is not confused. An old fox like him..was voted out because he keep on carrying UMNO balls….making Penang ‘The Pearl of the Orient” to be a den for rouges and con men…dirty ..and filthy. He failed miserably as Penang CM for 18 years…feeling no shame….as long as UMNO is happy.
    Ignoring why voters.. voted him out….his survival right now depends on him…carrying UMNO balls…much better than before.
    This racist have no morals nor dignity in life.
    Depending on Tsu Koon to unite Makaysians is a joke.

  4. Some songkok hat sellers who operated their business near Johor Custom disguised themselves as the Royal Court member in order to force the tourists coming from Singapore to wear black songkok surrounded with white ribbon as the symbol to mourn over the demise of Sultan Mahmud Iskandar. What action did the BN Government take to ensure the safety of the tourists in such a chaotic situation due to some gangsters’ taking advantage of the mourning period to force tourists to buy their songkok products?

  5. What good does Tan Sri Dr. Koh Tsu Koon’s call on media organisations to set up a special desk to be known as the ‘Unity Desk’ (to assist the government in improving mutual understanding among the multi-racial people in the country) serve?

    For 50 years up to now, there have been all kinds of initiatives to foster national unity ranging from Rukun Tetangga, national service programme, national slogans like “Bersatu”, “Bangsa Malaysia”, now 1 Malaysia, but these are mere token measures scratching at the surface when the problem at its heart cannot ameliorate – in fact it has worsened – when the politicians especially (though not exclusively) from the ruling parties keep beating their chests along racially/religious divisive political platforms like Ketuanan, Bumi/Non Bumi dichotomy and NEP to stoke and maintain political support, either assuming in complete self denial that these platforms are reconcilable and compatible with fostering national unity, or if not, disregarding their adverse effects on unity altogether.

    The call for the Unity Desk is just another “feel good” initiative to look good at attempts to address a problem that will not go away because no one in power really cares when it comes to buttering their bread versus national interests/unity.

    What’s the point of blowing up the “Allah” issue and try to get political mileage out of its divisive effects and by next breath preach unity via Unity Desk? Its like repeatedly taking 3 steps backwards so that 1 step forward may be taken, against this retrogressive trend.

  6. I have always insisted that Malaysian do not need their govt to tell them to unite, they need the government to get out of the way so that they can unite.

    I have never bought the idea that our racial, religious and language difference stand in the way of our unity. We are better than that. Its the shame of the BN govt that they do not allow us to be so much better. Our differences enrich us all and we are bounded by one thing – our appreciation for the strengths and generosity to the weakness in each other. We are that good and should have known it. Its a shame on our part we don’t realise we are that good and lack of confidence to tell our govt to get the hell out of business we can do for ourselves…

  7. Tan Sri Dr. Koh Tsu Koon should stop playing Tai Chi, that is shifting the responsibility of the government to another party (media). The Unity Desk should originate from the government. However, the media can play a supportive role.

    If the media (e.g. Utusan) were to play the role of the government, can we hold them responsible if something goes awry?

  8. i am wondering why Onlooker and DAP are so concerned about their safety….what about the safety of our citizen travelling there andother countries….DAP must show its sincerity by giving priority to Malaysians instead of trying to be the champion of the foreigners (Orang Asing), especially the citizens of that country…. There were many instances, DAP tried to be the champion of that country. Remember complaint against Teluk Dalam Resort, posted in this blog (Dec 2008)….. .Canadian consultant Manjit Sokhai (Oct 2007)…….What about Malaysian women accused for trafficking drug in China, Spain & etc…. Were there any efforts to help them???
    There are numerous issues, DAP could take up which would be more beneficial to the country, TRANSPORTING SANDS FROM Malaysia to other country. for instance…Again, I wonder how many ordinary Malaysians actually understand what DAP is supposed to stand for?

  9. //What about Malaysian women accused for trafficking drug in China, Spain & etc…. Were there any efforts to help them???// (cintanegara)

    When the BN Federal Government is the proponent of mandatory death punishment for drug traffickers, Malaysia has already lost the political legitimacy to ask the mainland Chinese Government to release the Malay girl who was alleged for committing the crime of drug trafficking in China.

    Do you still remember a case in which Mr Karpal Singh served as a defense counsel for an 14-year old boy, who was charged by the Malaysian Prosecuting Officer for committing the crime of drug trafficking during 1970s. This prosecution case had finally been convicted and the only punishment was the mandatory death. If you Umnoputras could have the heart (tak tau macam mana orang Umnoputras boleh sampai hati untuk berbuat demikian) to impose death punishment on a 14-year old boy, why did you want to be a hypocrite crying foul for mainland Chinese government to prosecute an alleged of drug trafficking crime?

  10. //i am wondering why Onlooker and DAP are so concerned about their safety….// (cintanegara)

    Foreign tourists’ safety must always be our main concern because we welcome foreign tourists to come to Malaysia in order to spend money and spur the economic activities for job creation. Besides putting foreign tourists’ safety first, there is another important concern for me and DAP. I know that Tuanku Ibrahim Ismail has been trying very hard to want to improve the image of the Johor royal family for the past 15 years. He tried very hard to help the poor orang aslis in Johor. As the loyal subject, it is only fair for us to help Tuanku and the royal family to change for the better. When in Johor Bahru, there are many gangsters running high and low trying to disguise as the Johor Royal Family Members in order to cheat money and bully the commoners on the street or at shop houses, it is our responsibility to call for the Police’s attention in order to prevent the image of Malaysia as well as the image of the royal family from being tarnished further due to the dirty work of some faked princes and faked princesses.

    What say you now, cintanegara?

  11. //There are numerous issues, DAP could take up which would be more beneficial to the country, TRANSPORTING SANDS FROM Malaysia to other country.// (cintanegara)

    TRANSPORTING SANDS to Singapore was indeed a non-issue because 10 truck loads a day of the silica sands being sold to the chip making factory of Singapore will not likely cause much hurt to our nation’s economy. Dr M tried to exaggerate it and he certainly was not able to produce the evidence of 700 truck loads per day of sand export through Johor custom. The Johoreans are not all blind people and there are several ten thousands of Johoreans crossing over to Singapore to earn a living every day and night. If there was a truth that 700 truck loads of sand carrying trucks did indeed queue for Custom check everyday (the Custom was usually closed for heavy vehicles at night), the queue would most likely be as long as the journey from KL to Seremban. Dr M was telling a big lie in his blog message. Do you still want to believe in Dr M?

  12. YB Kit,
    DAP people should get much closer to Tuanku Ibrahim Ismail and show their loyalty to Tuanku at this mourning period. I believe that Tuanku is trying to be different from his late father and from his younger brother who beated the hockey coach. After all, DAP owed Tuanku’s grandfather, the late Tuanku Ismail Ibrahim, a favour when DAP’s Lee Kau was the first person the late Tuanku Ismail wanted to meet during Tuanku’s visit to Kluang during 1970s!

  13. Lee Kau have long given up politics.
    He runs a petrol station….ignoring all politicians.
    He was my classmate. I know him well.
    Please do not bring him into the political arena again. He is not interested in politics.
    He is a simple man now….and I am sure…he will always support …..change of government.

  14. cintanegara is an idiot….if all these 35 years..he does not know what DAP stands for.
    The twisting and turning will not work.
    DAP exposed all corruptions by UMNO with no fear.
    Lim Guan Eng went to jail to defend a young Muslim girl being raped by ex CM of Melaka.
    Lim Kit Siang….Karpal Singn all went to jail….exposing UMNO’s corruptions…and fighting for a democratic country.
    Malaysians rewarded DAP with Penang….yet cintanegera does not know what does DAP stands for?
    This bloody low class tongue twister …using foreign nonsense to paint DAP with bad taste.
    What do you expect an UMNO worm to talk about DAP…when DAP is riding…high and mighty.
    It is not jealousy.
    It is plain frighten of the real truths..that will send cintenegara back to the kampong to play…”tak tum pong…tak untong”….which is his trademark..his lifestyle and his character…..sooooo stupid.

  15. “Please do not bring him into the political arena again. He is not interested in politics.” (monsterball)

    But you cannot force people, especially Kluang people, to forget about Lee Kau. Lee Kau is the DAP icon for Johoreans, simply because he has done much more to Johoreans than what has been done any other DAP members! Dr. Boo Seng How has to catch up quickly!

  16. True true true…Onlooker Politics…but he wants to be forgotten…as a politician.
    Why can’t we respect his wishes?
    Are you close to him?
    And all these years…Kluang folks have left him alone too.
    What are you driving at….Onlooker Politics?

  17. A consultant engineer from Kahang (who now lives in KL) told every one of his friends about the turning point for his success — in 1981 with no question asked, Lee Kau gave a HSC graduate his receipt of personal income tax return for bringing to the High Commission of Canada as a proof of financial affidavit for supporting the HSC graduate’s living expenses and tuition fees in Canada because the income tax return was needed for Canadian Visa Application. This young man was so happy that Lee Kau could help him so kindly and so generously. When this young man tried to run around Kluang, JB, and KL to approach several millionaires from MCA in order to ask for their help to stand as a guarantor for applying a Canadian Visa before he had met Lee Kau, this poor young man was disappointed to find that those MCA leaders bluntly rejected him and passed sarcastic remark upon him because his was from a poor family. He scored A,A,B,B in his HSC result but unfortunately he was rejected by the University of Malaya from enrolment into the Engineering course of the university. He had got no other choice but was forced by the situation to choose Canada as his next destination. He graduated after three years and came back to Malaysia. He is now a millionaire working as a qualified consultant engineer.

    Lee Kau probably would have never realized that a few pieces of his income tax return could help to do hope engineering on a poor villager from Kahang. And Lee Kau did it in the good name of DAP and allowed DAP to claim the glory!

  18. SO?? What are you trying to say…Onlooker Politics?
    He did so much for DAP…and on behalf of DAP..when he was active in politics.
    He gave up politics completely decades ago.
    Can you understand that?

  19. oh come on..Onlooker Politics…Lee Kau is no more a politicians decades ago.
    But it is nice to understand anyone being grateful for what he has done.
    I am proud to be his dear friend too.
    Can we close this subject..leave it as it is?…since you do not wish to reveal your real intentions to say all that you have said.
    Close subject…….OK?

  20. Now leave DAP to their wise decisions.
    DAP knows what to do.
    Why not you apply to be their candidate….and slog it out with MCA?
    Who knows..DAP may approve and find you most suitable….since you know so much.
    Can we end subject of Lee Kau now….and leave him in peace?

  21. monsterball,
    When someone with the age as you has decided to retire from the political arena, I would certainly give due respect to his personal wish. However, don’t you think that DAP’s loss in Kluang during 308 election was a pitiful defeat, with small margin by percentage?

    But what has Lim Guan Eng done to Kluang so far in order to win back the Kluang seat, which used to be an Opposition stronghold? If Lim Guan Eng is able to deploy someone of high calibre in Kluang DAP branch, I am sure DAP can successfully take back Kluang seat by the next general election!

  22. Lim Guan Eng may still be too green, by looking at his impulsive speech in DAP’s general meeting. A commander should not have too hastily taken the risk to have a head-to-head clash with his enemy. When Lim Guan Eng is still an Opposition member holding no official post, then he is OK for him to go to jail in order to win much more votes for DAP. However, when Lim Guan Eng has become the CM of Penang, the interest of all Penangites are at stake. He should have backed off and not to do a show-hand in the poker game unless he is very sure that he will surely win!

  23. Onlooker Politics…you are a nice guy.
    It is so easy to judge others…just like what you are doing now.
    Go…get involve in politics…join DAP…sweep the floors…put up banners…drive candidates to and fro…start from the bottom…and not from the top…like you are doing…with no experiences at all..just talk and judge others..so easy.
    Please stop that…for your own good.
    You sound so passionate and devoted to the country and people.
    Go to Penang…make sure you ca meet Lim Guan Eng and teach him how to win elections.
    Why talk here……all useless talks?

  24. This is the house of Lim Guan Eng’s father, not the house of monsterball! When I talk, Lim Guan Eng will surely listen! If Lim Guan Eng personally says something to shoo me off, then I will go!

  25. Did I chase you out?
    I try to chase out MCA and UMNO buggers only.
    This is certainly not my blog…all know that.
    What are you implying?
    You talk about Lee Kau..whom you know next to nothing.
    You teach DAP how to win elections.
    And all I did was advising you to go straight to LGE and teach him.
    Show me a sentence..I am chasing you out..WHERE??

  26. Senior Comrade monsterball,
    When you happen to meet Lim Guan Eng, can you please remind him that he is the Secretary-General of DAP for the whole nation. He is not only the secretary-general of Penang. He should have spent much more time travelling around inter-states in order to boast up the morality of DAP members. You know, I sometimes saw YB Kit in Ipoh, sometimes in Penang, sometimes in PJ, sometimes in Seremban, sometimes in JB. I wonder why such a man in YB Kit’s age can still have so much energy running high and low fighting for the party cause! Lim Guan Eng has to learn more from his daddy!

  27. Junior Comrade Onlooker Politics…sure will do..provide LGE come to meet me..not me to meet him.
    My time is too precious…….hahahahahahaha
    No time for politics.
    Just interested to focus on FOR changing the government.
    You started all this…and you should finish whatv you started.. ..by yourself….and not ask me to do your donkey job.

  28. Politics are exactly the art of about the truth that how many hands from among the voters you have shaked so far! LGE should not expect the voters, especially the fence-sitting voters, voluntarily cast vote in favour of DAP until he has already shaked their hands! In politics, delegating a representative to shake hand on the leader’s behalf simply won’t work out to the best effect for winning an election. When people get to see the leader in person, their morality will tend to go up to the peak! “Shaking as many hands as possible” is the basic rule of politics!

  29. Onlooker Politics, it is absolutely true that those MCA are sluts and jerks, or better still Mama Toppers/bangers, without offering assistances to any potential students for studying overseas.

    Evidently, my nephew experience of approaching MCA Chief/President, in Muar Johore 1981, asking for just a reference letter for his student Visa application to Canada studies. Our approach were brushed off instantly without giving any reasons. What came out from this old slut mouth was “CANNOT… Not going to help in Hokkien”. What a joke, man? We then approached lawyer Ramasamy, one of the top barrister in Muar District High Court without sweats and begs. He wrote and issued a highly professional letter to certify my nephew’s characters and civil issues.

    With that brushing-off experience from the MCA, I never ever approach and trust any MCA or BN money lovers for helps. Good news was my nephew graduated with four degrees (Master of Computer Sc, Bachelor of Computer Sc, Bachelor of Business Administration in Management and Minor in Math) had no intentions and thoughts of coming back to Malaysia. He has been living in Australia with a successful career as Senior Software Engineer in one of the biggest Aussie Bank, Commonwealth of Australia.

  30. Mr monsterball,
    The ratio of Malaysian people who could or would understand what you and I were trying to say here is probably only 10%. Majority of the voters either are not interested to read this blog or are not having the language skill to understand English.

    If a politician doesn’t want to shake hands with people, how does he want to solicit for votes during the election? Frankly, not every politician can be like Anwar who can go around giving speech (ceramah) until midnite without being sent to jail by the police. Giving out press statement may be another good choice of publicity but again, not all Malaysians are highly literate people, especially when we talk about politics. Therefore, a leader like LGE will still need to shake more hands with people by paying much more visit to assembly functions!

  31. That’s your own problem.
    Nothing to do with the country and people.
    I still do not understand what you are getting at….although I can guess…but leave it to your junior mouth to tell the senior respectfully.
    So far….comparing….judging….hinting…teaching…giving your opinions…..all useless unproductive unintelligent stuffs.
    I am not surprised…90% do not understand us.
    You can keep dreaming to have the charisma of those eyes.
    You are not cut out to be like them.
    You dare to sacrifice you life for the country and people?
    Talk is cheap!

  32. “You dare to sacrifice you life for the country and people?” (monsterball)

    Martyrdom of DAP? Or Martyrdom of Malaysians’ Malaysia?

    Can you please elaborate? I have never heard of either one of these Martyrdoms yet!

  33. ///For 50 years up to now, there have been all kinds of initiatives to foster national unity ranging from Rukun Tetangga, national service programme, national slogans like “Bersatu”, “Bangsa Malaysia”, now 1 Malaysia, but these are mere token measures scratching at the surface when the problem at its heart cannot ameliorate – in fact it has worsened ///–

    That was boiling frog syndrome, or was it programme?

    NEP should have killed the country long ago if not for all kinds of unity call which made people hope against hope. But the affected people have realised now that UMNO can never be trusted. The unity call can at best delay death by prolonging agony.

    UMNO in the past might be apologetic with the excess. But since they have decided that they need not apologize they do not even bother to pretend.

  34. Please lah. KTK is an eunuch court jester who sing praises of his lord & master.

    A court jester has no real power per se but sometimes can whisper ‘suggestions’ into his master’s ear. Mostly the jester is there for the entertainment of the court.

    So there, KTK is political entertainment for UMNO.

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