Why Police has not lodged report against Awang Selamat and Mingguan Malaysia for sedition when it had lodged report against Guan Eng for sedition?

Since the publication in Mingguan Malaysia yesterday of Awang Selamat’s editorial “Melayu sokong DAP?” reeking with racist poison and incitement, the question many Malaysians ask is why the police has not lodged police report against Mingguan Malaysia and Awang Selamat for sedition and to initiate police investigations when the police could lodge a police report against DAP Secretary-General and Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng for his speech at the Pakatan Rakyat national convention in Shah Alam last month.

Malaysians want to know whether the police are guilty of double standards, especially when Guan Eng had clearly not committed any sedition when he referred to the mysterious death of Teoh Beng Hock at the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) headquarters in Shah Alam on July 16 last year, while the Awang Selamat editorial in the Mingguan Malaysia clearly violated the Sedition Act in seeking to incite racial animosities and hatred with its spiel of seditious lies and falsehood as alleging that DAP is anti-Malay and wants to abolish the Malay monarchy by establishing a republic.

This is a question that the Home Minister, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein and the Inspector-General of Police, Tan Sri Musa Hassan should account to the Malaysian people – whether the police are guilty of double standards.

Awang Selamat’s editorial in the Mingguan Malaysia yesterday is also a clear challenge of Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s 1Malaysia slogan and concept.

Let it be a test-case for the Cabinet meeting on Wednesday as to whether there are Ministers – Umno, MCA, Gerakan, MIC, Sabah and Sarawak – who have the courage of conviction to speak up to make it clear that there is zero-tolerance for inflammatory incitement like Awang Selamat’s editorial of poison, lies and sedition in Najib’s 1Malaysia and the full support of the Cabinet for the strongest action to be taken against Awang Selamat and Mingguan Malaysia.

Utusan Malaysia’s editorial today is entitled: “Tunjukkan ketegasan dalam menangani isu sensitif”. Let the Cabinet Ministers and the Police demonstrate its “ketegasan” in dealing with sensitive issues as far as Awang Selamat and Umno’s Utusan newspapers are concerned.

64 Replies to “Why Police has not lodged report against Awang Selamat and Mingguan Malaysia for sedition when it had lodged report against Guan Eng for sedition?”

  1. Double standards in everything favoring UMNO.
    Police is not protecting the government.
    Police is INVOLVED actively in race and religion politics.
    Take away the few Police leaders…all will be OK…easier said than done.
    It needs UMNO voted out…to straighten up all the evils they have planted in the Police and Judicial Depts…using money to buy up loyalties.
    There is no other ways…UMNO must be voted out…to find permanent solutions to save this upside down country..created by UMNO..and worst of all…supported by all those so call BN racists buggers too.
    Yes….money is the root of all evils..and UMNO is evil…defying Allah..yet proclaiming themselves…champions of Islamic faith.
    What low class….crooked hypocrites Najib and his minsters are.

  2. We are heading for real trouble, with this kind of double-standard being practise. People will soon hit back, and one thing will lead to another, until the whole situation explode. The HM must go before things get worst.

  3. Saudara Awang Selamat,

    Jika memang benar parti DAP adalah anti-Melayu dan mempunyai keinginan untuk membubarkan kuasa Raja-Raja Melayu, dipersilakan saudara Awang Selamat untuk menunjukkan bukti.

    Jangan takut.

    Kita memang dah tahu pentadbiran Najib-Muhyiddin telah menjamin keselamatan dan kesejahteraan saudara Awang Selamat…

  4. //Why Police has not lodged report against Awang Selamat and Mingguan Malaysia for sedition when it had lodged report against Guan Eng for sedition?// (YB Kit)

    The answer is simple. The Special Branch police has been trained to pledge their loyalty to the Prime Minister instead of to the Yang Dipertuan Agong. The training sysllabus has been adopted during Dr. Mahathir’s reign as the Prime Minister and the same syllbus is being used until this day! In other words, the Special Branch Police only take ultimate instruction from the PM!

  5. “Why Police has not lodged report against Awang Selamat and Mingguan Malaysia for sedition when it had lodged report against Guan Eng for sedition?”

    I thought it is obvious. This !@#$%^ government is racist!

  6. Master and slave,the master is always the winner. Pm is the master and pdrm is the slave. In LGE’s the master has ordered the slave to act and it acted accordingly. Now the master is away,the slave is waiting for instruction. This’s the political scenario in Malaysia,the slave would only act when the master orders it. Solution,just get rid of the master,free the slave and thing would be back to normal.

  7. No why no questions, hey guys.. double stander is the ego of PDRM! so this Awang Selamat got special VVIP status! so no argue for it. LKG is diffrent skin colour.. and diffrent gang… so sorry he is holding VNIP hahaha

  8. Sorry, off topic.

    //Elaborating further, Zulkifli said Anwar, both as a leader and a Muslim, needed to be neutral in this matter.

    “I wrote to him saying that I respect the differences in opinion as he mentioned in his email. But as a leader and a Muslim, his actions should be neutral.

    “Instead, he chose to take sides by backing (Khalid’s statement),” said Zulkifli.// (The Malaysian Insider 25 Jan 2010)

    Zulkifli is a trained legal professional. He should have understood that this is not a matter of taking sides or not taking sides. This is all about discipline. For instance, if there is no discipline being upheld in an army, all the soldiers will likely behave in defiance and act on their own wish. Then the whole fleet of army will be easily destroyed and killed by the enemy due to lack of goal congruence that can only be made possible through tightening up the army discipline!

    Consistence and persistence in taking disciplinary action against the violator with no exception should be the pre-requisite for upholding the party discipline!

  9. No need to change all.
    If all goes..what happen?
    Just sack all the leaders and find few well educated no nonsense well educated guys to take over the various defensive forces…and Judges…I am sure Anwar and Karpal know who to sack.

  10. Smart ass chengho calling me a racist?
    Has he forgotten…Shieh of “kickdefella” blog..put out a post saying I am no racists and so many agreed?
    He went further to say…it is the Malays that a are racists.
    chengho not only is a racist….but a low down good for nothing sick Malay man in disguise.with a Chinese nick.
    If this way of talking proves I am a racist…you are NUTS!!
    It is fine way to let young readers know…clearly who you are….an UMNO low class racist member.
    Want to twist and turn…chengho?

  11. ah…Chengho is right…that Mahathir ..a racist ….saying DAP is a racist party… to make sure no one accuses him as a racist.
    That’s the art of Mahathir…no more can pakai.
    All know his way of talking.,and chengho is picking it rubbish out-dated style….to try luck talking like mamak in this blog?
    hi UMNO Melayu…you are a real racist la.
    Quickly..confess and reserve a place in Heaven…sit next to Allah.
    Or else..all your teeth will rot very fast…keep on bluffing others…day in day out.
    Having terrible toothaches lately?

  12. YB

    Rosemajib and Kerismudn can’t do anything about people protesting in mosques, but the police can turn up in numbers at Anwar’s ceramah?

    UMNO/BN will not prosecute their favoured MSM because bigotry and double standards are their hallmark!

    We are all of 1 race, the Human Race

  13. In this country the Malays have the UMNO-given right to mock at the non-Malays and non-Muslims. They are above the law. They are the Law.

    They call us pendatangs. Led by a mufti, they demonstrated in front of our church, they committed sacrilege against the Catholic host , they stomped on the cow head, the tore up Koh Soo Koon’s picture, they tear-gas the Indians and Utusan mocks at us everyday.

    When Malays demonstrate against us the police cheer on and claim they are non partisan. What can we expect from a Malay dominated police force which is subservient to UMNO.

  14. If I am holding some important position in the police force at the moment, I would be acting neutral or even a bit ‘opposition friendly’. Let my stupid superiors dig their own graves torturing opposition figures. When the next GE comes and opposition takes over the government, the new bosses will bury all these stupid assess and guess who will take over their places lol. Don’t need to be a genius to figure this out does it.

  15. “Why the police has not lodged police report against Mingguan Malaysia and Awang Selamat for sedition?”

    Is it because Awang Selamat’s article in Mingguan Malaysia follows UMNO’s ideology, and thus, it’s not against the law?

  16. Umno B is a racist party, a fact confirmed by d racist MMK
    N Utusan/Mingguan is d mouthpiece of Umno B n given d blessing 2 incite n poison
    One of d reasons this nation is in a mess is there is no critical check n balance of gomen actions by our msm, which instead spread lies n damned lies on behalf of d gomen
    Gotta kicka them damned msm ppl outa together with Umno B/BN

  17. chengho: Why a racist calling another person a racist?

    Answer: Because…

    1. to shift the blame of being racist to another person.


    2. it takes one to know one.


    3. it’s like the hypocritical pot calling the kettle black.


    4. they are both members of the same racist group/party.


    5. there’s nothing else better for a racist to do except for behaving like racist.

  18. I was shocked to hear this scumbag calling non-Malay Malaysians as “second class citizens” and even more shocked to hear him say that he will be taking the law into his own hands at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Atbu4IPwqfQ&feature=player_embedded

    If he had been a non-Malay calling the Malays something similar, I am very sure he will now be in Kamunting. So much for 1Malaysia.

    My, am I glad that the R-A-H-M-A-N Prophesy end with an N. Better days are ahead after the Prophesy fulfill its course, hopefully with the coming general elections. If not, we will end up with a bankrupt nation like the Philippines under Marcos.

  19. Don’t worry, the Chinese and Indians will take over the bankrupt nation, and turn it around, like what Idris Jala did for MAS.
    But they may have to return it back to the Malay later, like what happen to MAS.

  20. Why double standards of no report lodged for maligning DAP but report against Guan Eng for talking about Teoh Beng Hock?

    Because Sedition is, in words of Sedition Act, “bringing into hatred or contempt or to excite disaffection against any Government” or “administration of justice in Malaysia or in any State” AND NOT “bringing into hatred or contempt or to excite disaffection against any Opposition Party or Group”……

    Thats some people’s understanding of meaning of Sedition, so the question of double standards does not arise!

  21. //Because Sedition is, in words of Sedition Act, “bringing into hatred or contempt or to excite disaffection against any Government” or “administration of justice in Malaysia or in any State” AND NOT “bringing into hatred or contempt or to excite disaffection against any Opposition Party or Group”…… // Jeffrey

    I agree with your explanation of UMNO’ interpretation the word “sedition” But Lim Guan Eng is the Chief Minister (Head) of the Government of Penang.

  22. sorry, typepo error. It should be:

    I agree with your explanation of UMNO’s interpretation of the word “sedition” But Lim Guan Eng is the Chief Minister (Head) of the Government of Penang

  23. The expression “bringing into hatred or contempt or to excite disaffection against any Government” or “administration of justice in Malaysia or in any State” means, to them, Federal Govt (not Opposition state govt of Penang) under whose jurisdiction MACC (a part of administration of justice) is …So to say TBH did not die of suicide whilst under dominion, control and custody of MACC is to insinuate its corollary of homicide with all its implications tending to “excite disaffection against any Government” or “administration of justice” lah.

  24. johnnypok seems to think like a racist.
    He can keep dreaming and talk like one..act like one and even declare himself as one..making sure a Malaysian Malaysia dies not materialized.
    Head of State government is like a Branch Manager
    {LGE} with limited powers..that the CEO {UMNO}…..can make life difficult for the Branch Manager..although the said Branch Manager cannot be sacked through a legal paper drawn out…yet the CEO…who hates the Branch Manager can make life difficult for the said B.Manager.
    This is as simple as I can to explain to young readers…without the so call Sedition Act being explained….as UMNO is capable to break all laws and Acts..as we keep seeing the daily events being unfolded.
    This is not about Acts…Laws..on Constitutional Rights…..all twisted and broken by UMNO.
    This is a county dragged into a confusing state… purposely by UMNO…applying so clearly..how to divide and rule…yet throw out “1Malaysia”…shamelessly to fool young voters.
    This is Najib’s method …how to be elected as PM at all cost in the coming 13th GE….and burning of churches is no small matter.
    With that in mind….Lim Kit Siang is exposing clear double standards applied by UMNO and his goons in this post..and here we have some wise guys talking…no double standards?
    Who are these wise guys?….MCA scumbags?……or few trying to be too smart like Limkumput..showing off their lawful knowledge when Malaysia is governed by crooks and racists…..daily ignoring all the laws..to frustrate lawful opposition managers….managing the few States.
    Are we blind?
    Maybe few deaths will wake the wise men up.
    But I do suspect these are pro BN scums..that think of themselves …their families and not the country and the people.
    As long as deaths not involving their love ones…small matter…or just a few days feeling
    sad,.and forget all…becoming..,small matter to them..exactly like Mahathir…the UMNO BARU racist..so well loved and respected by Najib.
    This most dirty politician keep voicing his disapproval daily…when Pak Lah was PM…and under Najib…ten times more worst..not one objection made.
    You see…double standards need no explanations of the Law.
    All you need is to observe the actions and deeds done by the obvious double standard racist government…and this is no laughing matter.
    It is getting worst and worst everyday…yet we have some scums from MCA still talking kok?
    Yes…these MCA supporters are now…the real enemies of the State.
    FOR or AGAINST….declare yourselves.. in words…smart asses.

  25. Anwar speech was stopped by the police two days ago..at K.Lumpur.
    Go to Anwar’s blog and view the video.
    Talk about that so call lawful act…and teach idiots like me…why was Anwar stopped from speaking…..even making a prayer….cannot ..must stop completely.
    Stop for whom? …to protect scums of this country of true Malaysians?
    Come on wise ones….give us your finest explaintion on Sedition Act again.

  26. Penang and Selangor are UMNO’s targets to make life difficult for the State Managers..which Perak is in limbo now….thanks to the wise Sultan..so lawful…like some wise men here.
    Is there morals? That’s another story…concenong money matters.
    The problem is…UMNO keep on ignoring totally…the real real CEOs….the VOTERS!!
    You see…these sweet mouth insincere crooks got elected to govern the country…and any State being handed to oppositions by voters…are totally disrespected and ignored.
    UMNO keep playing politics since loosing few States…and right after 12th GE..wasting tax payers money by the millions every month….yet smart wise men…never talk of these matters? WHY??
    Lets see what stuffs are we all made of…FOR or AGAINST…declare yourself….if you got BALLS.
    This is not the time…to DEBATE.
    It is the time…to EXPOSE.

  27. Lim Kit Siang have tirelessly exposed corruptions….double standards for decades.and you can see…few are not supporting this wonderful true Malaysian…to make his job easier.
    Are we politicians or Malaysians that cares for the country and young people?
    54 years…under UMNO..now comes the greatest opportunity to have a real good opposition government…to take over…yet so many are not supporting the change? WHY??
    Are we idiots to think Malaysians depend on UMNO or depending on our own abilities to make life meaningful and live…ten fee tall…saying we did it our ways.
    “My Way” is favourite song of Mahathir..as he did divide to rule for 22 years…his ways.
    Are you happy we are so divided by this devil?
    Presuming UMNO BARU is all good…is it not foolish to keep on electing one party to govern Malaysia ..giving no opportunities to others?
    Is that not supporting DICTATORSHIP government?
    Is that not supporting to be racists and not MALAYSIANS?
    Go ahead…wise ones….be disrespectful and ungrateful.. to LKS in your most selfish ways.
    What do you gain by being a racist…is what I cannot understand….unless you owe something to UMNO or MCA….like scholarship for your children…and the low class…temples and Chinese schools dirty politics to buy up your blind loyalties?
    “Wanderer” writer have pointed out the reasons…so well.
    Why are some of you.. such selfish..stubborn buggers..that cannot be flexible at all?

  28. Of course its double standards. UMNO is NEP and NEP is about double standards – entitlement to double standards. You name it, police, schools, courts, press, civil service and religion – its all double standards. Its what UMNO is.

    That is why they all fail eventually. The breakdown in law and order is natural result of UMNO/BN rule..

  29. In fact, Bakuthair is the sole creator of messy, racist & corrupted Malaysia politics; yet he is accusing USA for staging the 911 catastrophic event!!??

    The only time for this Bakuthair to shut his mouth is when he is lying inside his coffin, pretty soon!

    Corrupt and racist politics won’t favor FDI and returns of those best brains from overseas. Smart foreign investors won’t pour in capitals for this racist government traps-liberalize policies and all craps. So do those smart best brains won’t be cheated. They had been cheated once; but never been cheated twice…

  30. Firstly we must know how to differentiate the good and the bad.Like I kept on telling my son.There are nice Chinese and bad Chinese and also the same as Indians and Malays.Why keep on bashing the Malays due to the work of UMNO?In PKR & PAS there are many well educated and highly qualified Malays.Are they racist?I do not think so?Watch Al jazeera on interview with Khalid Samad and Marina Mahathir and the errrr…I forget his name(anyway not important)There are logical thinking people out there.Only the UMNOputras are not because of the easy $$ they get.

  31. Sorry, off topic again.

    Many Johoreans were confused about the Police Statement on a warning to arrest anyone who was alleged to have committed the criminal defamation on the late Sultan of Johor and the new Sultan of Johor. Many people misunderstood that the behaviour of shopping at the supermarkets or hypermarkets (as being misunderstood as a form of entertainment) is not permitted by the Police during the 7-days mourning period for the demise of the late Sultan Mahmood Iskandar.

    The Police should have clarified this matter by issuing a clear-cut statement on what the people can do and what the people cannot do during the mouning period. If the fear was caused by the blog message being posted in the “Gutter Malaysia” blogsite, then the police should have advised the owner of the blogsite to remove the relevant blog in relation to defamation of the late Sultan!

  32. Awang Selamat is proxy for a bunch of people in UMNO who truly believes that the rights of the majority Malays should never be questioned by the minority. These rights must be preserved at all costs – including violence if necessary. They believe that if the minorities continue to question the rights of the Malays, they should be hounded out of the country. To hell with falling FDI, brain drain, whatever. Just get the ungrateful minorities out of the country.

  33. k1980 is an unrealistic dreamer to bring out China history to ague his case in bodohland.
    Obviously…a racist with passions of China’s history…thinking he is a Chinese too.
    If he visit China…the Chinese will ignore this man…as their own kind.
    What about Hilter? Why not use him?

  34. If your child is not doing well in school….It is unfair to say that other children are not doing well too…just to get even…Your child has been appointed as a school prefect…School Prefect is in charge of maintaining discipline…As a prefect…He MUST be just, fair, responsible, reasonable and comply with the school regulation….if he is not fit for that position….get someone else who could perform better or achieve a greater degree of success

  35. “…..….if he is not fit for that position….get someone else who could perform better or achieve a greater degree of success” cintanegara

    Tell that to your UMNO masters, cintanegara. For over 30 years we have not had meritocracy, and the way forward for UMNO had always been to hound those “who could perform better” out of Bolehland. That’s why we could not perform better, and that’s why UMNO has to resort to sloganeering to hoodwink the rural folks into believing that we have achieved “a greater degree of success”.

  36. Funny thing in Malaysia,good guys get nothing.example Lim Kit Siang,Karpal Singh but bad guys get wow pretty lots from Datuk to Tan Sri to Tun. Feeling like living in the jungle where all the strongest bad beasts get all the goodies.I think I’m not pretty sure where we are living ,in the jungle or in Malaysia.

  37. UMNO love to see Malaysians treat them as… Lords..Master of all..and we are their subjects.
    Malaysians treat UMNO as nobody.. hypocrites and bullies.
    UMNO hope Malaysians get scare stiff…without the self appointed …to protect his race.
    His race is feeling so shameful that UMNO stoop so low…keep playing..dirty race and religion politics.
    Time have changed.
    We are living in concrete jungle…space age…internet..no way..UMNO can fool mighty voters anymore…except using the present power given to them…by voters…to keep on drumming out dirty tactics to stay in control.
    Controlling the country…UMNO still is….but with majority disobedient Malaysians…waiting for 13th GE..to vote them out.
    They are corrupted people….trying to avoid being voted out and go to jail.
    So it is not funny…good guys get nothing…..because these bad guys stole everything.

  38. Teoh Beng Hock was murdered.
    Teoh Beng Hock was murdered.
    Teoh Beng Hock was murdered.
    Teoh Beng Hock was murdered.
    Teoh Beng Hock was murdered.

    (My dear brother, I enjoyed writing these hundred lines. We know you were murdered.
    May You Rest in Peace.)

  39. By raising this question of asking why our police did not lodge report against Awang Selamat but his son, Lim has violated the social contracts by questioning the right of the Malay. He is implying that the police force, whom are formed by majority of Malay, are racially biased. He also implies that it is wrong when Awang Selamat was defending the rights and position of the Malay, which are clearly and undisputedly provided in the Constitutions. Lim Kit Siang is the one provoking racial issue and not anyone else. Awang Selamat’s article is based on fact and truth. The supreme position of the Malay must not be challenged and all other races must always respect the concept of Malay dominance. Any means trying to question the validity of Malay dominance or Malay Supremacy is considered violation of the social contracts and should be prosecuted under the Sedition Act. I am not surprised if Lim goes to the jail again.

  40. //The supreme position of the Malay must not be challenged and all other races must always respect the concept of Malay dominance.// (Kasim Amat)

    Kasim Amat,
    The concept of Malay dominance does not give you any unchallengeable rights or license to apply offical brutality or to apply extra-judicial killings unto the witnesses or the criminal suspects!

  41. Kasim Amat can dream on Malay dominance….as majority Muslims do not wish to be spoon fed..and known as Malays….but…as Malaysians.
    A Malaysian Malaysia is real and Kasim Amat need to change his racist character or else…cannot fit into modern society…go back to the kampong and be a farmer or fisherman.
    Wake up..he will be saved.
    Keep dreaming…he is a gone case racist fool…an he needs to thank Mahathir for that.

  42. Sex desires see no deaths..unless the death is your direct love one.
    Be respectful…and practical and continue your usual lifestyle.
    Use your commonsense and your sweetheart to guide you….do or not do…up to her……..hahahahahahaha

  43. Well, this Kasim Amat must also demand the “dominance” in paying tax, this Kasim race must demand that he pay more taxes too? Maybe this Kasim only use product/ services/food, etc produced by superior race only. Do not eat food produced by minority, seek service (repair car, medical treatment, sit in any aeroplane piloted by, etc etc) from minorities etc.

  44. Kasim Amat: “By raising this question of asking why our police did not lodge report against Awang Selamat but his son, Lim has violated the social contracts by questioning the right of the Malay.”

    If the police can take action against the Penang CM for referring to TBH’s mysterious death in a speech but unable to act against Awang Selamat for writing seditious allegations against DAP in a newspaper, it would appear that the rights of the Penang CM is being violated due to double standards.

    Kasim Amat: “He is implying that the police force, whom are formed by majority of Malay, are racially biased.”

    It appears that the police is biased towards the side of UMNO’s BN.

    Kasim Amat: “He also implies that it is wrong when Awang Selamat was defending the rights and position of the Malay, which are clearly and undisputedly provided in the Constitutions.”

    If Awang Selamat believes that DAP is working against the special rights and position of the Malays as stated in the Federal Constitution, he should not just write about it but also take legal action, which includes reporting this to the police while furnishing proof.

    Kasim Amat: “Lim Kit Siang is the one provoking racial issue and not anyone else. Awang Selamat’s article is based on fact and truth.”

    Again, the burden of proof is on Awang Selamat. Wasn’t that article of his based on the issue of race?

    Kasim Amat: “The supreme position of the Malay must not be challenged and all other races must always respect the concept of Malay dominance.”

    What is actually supreme and dominant is the Federal Constitution. Special position and rights to a community does not make it dominant or supreme to other communities.

    Kasim Amat: “Any means trying to question the validity of Malay dominance or Malay Supremacy is considered violation of the social contracts and should be prosecuted under the Sedition Act.”

    Like in the dominance of the ‘Aryan race’ or like in ‘white supremacists’?

    Kasim Amat: “I am not surprised if Lim goes to the jail again.”

    It seems UMNO’s BN has not totally shaken off the temptation to use ISA as means to suppress its political opponents…

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