Awang Selamat’s vial of poison, lies and sedition and the rise of Middle Malaysia

Mingguan Malaysia’s Awang Selamat is ironically furnishing the best evidence of the rise of Middle Malaysia.

His Sunday vial of poison, lies and sedition, “Melayu sokong DAP?” in Mingguan Malaysia’s leader page today – for instance the falsehoods that DAP is anti-Malay and wants to abolish the Malay monarchy by establishing a republic – would have sparked unrest and turmoil in Malaysia pre-March 8, 2008 when mainstream media (msm) were virtually the sole source of information in the country.

But today, there would be those who would read Awang’s latest spiel of poison, lies and sedition with a yawn because it lacks credibility, although its capacity to create mischief cannot be under-estimated as not all Malaysians can yet escape the thrall of the Umno/Barisan Nasional monopoly of msm.

In previous years, DAP leaders would be very alarmed by such poisonous and seditious fare in the Utusan newspapers.

There is still cause for alarm but also room for confidence that with the rise of a Middle Malaysia it is no more a one-sided affair where Mingguan Malaysia lies are taken as gospel truth. More Malaysians, whether Malays, Chinese, Indians, Kadazans and Ibans, have a greater capacity to discern truth from falsehoods like those spouted by Awang Selamat in Mingguan Malaysia today.

The best way to debunk Awang’s poison, lies and sedition is to subject it to the exposure of reason and truth, but this does not mean that those in authority, particularly the Police and the Attorney-General should not take the necessary action against Awang Selamat and Mingguan Malaysia to protect the integrity and the best interests of plural Malaysia.

Awang’s venom is reproduced below:

Mingguan Malaysia
Bisik-Bisik Mingguan
Awang Selamat

Melayu sokong DAP?

Benarkah makin ramai Melayu menyokong DAP? Itulah yang digembar-gemburkan oleh para pemimpin DAP dalam ceramah, perhimpunan mahupun menerusi media kebelakangan ini.

Keputusan Pilihan Raya Umum (PRU) lalu yang menyaksikan parti itu menang banyak kerusi, dijadikan modal pukal bahawa semua kaum termasuk Melayu memihak kepada DAP.

Bukanlah Awang mahu terjebak dengan sindrom penafian tetapi apa yang diuar-uarkan oleh parti tersebut tidak lebih sekadar muslihat.

Berdasarkan maklum balas yang akhbar Utusan Malaysia dan Mingguan Malaysia terima selain pemerhatian menerusi banyak blog, apa yang didakwa oleh DAP tidak benar malah makin ramai orang Melayu menolak parti berkenaan.

Awang turut menerima limpahan emel yang marahkan DAP sejak beberapa bulan lalu berikutan banyak isu termasuk penghinaan terhadap raja Melayu dan usaha membawa pemimpin PKM, Chin Peng pulang.

Anehnya para pemimpin DAP menggambarkan parti itu menerima sokongan secara langsung yang meluas daripada masyarakat Melayu sedangkan hakikatnya cukup berlainan.

Kejayaan DAP mendapat banyak undi Melayu pada PRU ke-12 adalah atas sokongan para penyokong Pas selain sebahagian lagi penyokong PKR. Jika tidak kerana faktor Pas, DAP tidak akan mendapat sokongan Melayu yang signifikan.

Sesungguhnya masyarakat Melayu masih menghindari DAP apatah lagi dalam senario pasca PRU ke-12. DAP menjadi lebih rasis dan semakin agresif dalam gerak tindak mereka untuk menulis semula Perlembagaan negara. Yang tersirat, hala tuju parti itu adalah bagi menubuhkan negara republik – tanpa raja, tanpa mengambil kira sejarah bahawa Melayu sebagai kaum teras dan tanpa Islam sebagai agama rasmi.

Jadi apa muslihat DAP? ia tidak lain bagi mengelirukan orang Melayu dengan memanipulasi sokongan secara tidak langsung yang diterima daripada penyokong Pas dan PKR atas tiket pakatan pembangkang.

DAP terpaksa menjaja gambaran palsu itu untuk terus memastikan sokongan Melayu bertahan jika tidak pun meningkat.

Dengan banyak perkembangan politik yang tidak memihak kepada pembangkang, parti itu bimbang Pas dan DAP gagal menarik sokongan pengundi Melayu pada PRU ke-13 nanti. Perpecahan dalam Pas dan banyak kepincangan PKR termasuk kemerosotan sokongan terhadap Anwar Ibrahim yang menjadi taruhan DAP, adalah petanda jelas.

Perkembangan dalam Pas turut berubah. Parti itu tidak lagi bulat menyokong Anwar, berbeza dengan senario PRU ke-12. Begitu juga sentimen terhadap DAP di kalangan ahli akar umbi Pas, yang kini lebih diwarnai negatif.

Jadi tidak hairan mengapa DAP makin agresif melaksanakan usahanya menarik sendiri sokongan Melayu termasuk melalui program outreach dan penubuhan cawangan khas Melayu terutama di Perak dan Selangor.

Selain itu, sudah lama diketahui DAP melantik seorang dua Melayu menduduki jawatan kanan tetapi mereka tiada pengaruh dan jadi pak turut. Semua orang tahu DAP mendabik dada sebagai parti semua kaum sedangkan realitinya ia dikuasai oleh orang Cina dan memperjuangkan kepentingan kaum itu.

Strategi terbaru ini menampakkan parti itu sendiri tidak percaya dengan kemampuan Pas dan PKR untuk memenangi hati bukan Melayu pada PRU ke-13 nanti. DAP turut khuatir Pas akan beralih arah dengan mengambil pendirian yang lebih mesra UMNO atas nama perpaduan umat Islam. Segala-galanya boleh berlaku. Sekarang ini pun ramai orang Islam sedar, kedudukan Islam semakin kritikal disebabkan perpecahan dan percaturan politik yang silap. Dengan kata lain, DAP tidak boleh mengharapkan Pas dan PKR selama-lamanya.

Selain itu, tujuan DAP menambah ahli Melayu juga kerana menyedari UMNO terus mendapat sokongan kuat orang Melayu di bawah kepimpinan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak. Maka tidak hairan DAP semakin terdesak untuk menjenamakan semula parti itu termasuk menerusi gagasan terbaru Middle Malaysia. Ia kononnya bersifat merangkumi berbanding konfrontasi dan menjadi milik setiap rakyat terutama generasi muda.

Ramai yang memberi reaksi terutama dalam blog. Ada yang menyatakan Middle Malaysia mempunyai agenda rasis. Menurut satu tulisan: “Sekiranya diterjemahkan Middle Malaysia ke dalam bahasa Mandarin, ia membawa maksud tersirat ‘Malaysia untuk kaum Cina’. Ini boleh ditafsirkan kaum Cina mahu menjadi ‘tauke Malaysia’ kerana Chung adalah sinonim dengan ‘Penguasa Cina’ di Malaysia.”

Awang tidak pasti sejauh mana kebenarannya. Namun tanpa hujah seperti itu pun, Awang memang tidak mempercayai DAP. Jika DAP benar-benar menjadi parti untuk semua kaum, Awang tidak akan mempersoalkannya tetapi itu semua hanya pembohongan dan tipu daya. Banyak tindak tanduk parti itu membahayakan asas kenegaraan kita, ia umpama musuh dalam selimut.

Tindak-tanduk DAP menyerang secara konsisten agensi awam di bawah kepimpinan Melayu seperti Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM), Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM), Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR), Angkatan Tentera Malaysia (ATM), institusi perundangan Islam dan banyak lagi, menyerlahkan lagi belang parti itu.

Sikap keterlaluan DAP memanipulasi isu yang membakar sentimen bukan Melayu juga tidak boleh diterima. Lihat sahaja isu kematian Teoh Beng Hock, penggunaan kalimah Allah oleh pihak gereja Katholik dan kejadian gereja dibakar, amat tidak bertanggungjawab.

Pada Awang, DAP adalah parti paling ekstrem, yang berselindung di sebalik nama demokratik tetapi agendanya ultra Cina. Selagi parti itu tidak komited untuk menjunjung dan mempertahankan Perlembagaan negara, selagi itu Awang tidak akan terpengaruh biarpun pemimpinnya memetik ayat al-Quran dan hadis. Biarlah Melayu yang tidak sedar diri dan yang punya agenda peribadi dipergunakan oleh DAP. Awang bukan jenis itu.

28 Replies to “Awang Selamat’s vial of poison, lies and sedition and the rise of Middle Malaysia”

  1. Utusan or Mingguan,they are notorious for spinning racist and biased comments and remarks.That idiotic Awang thinks his readers are like him stupid and moronic.If they do believe what he writes,then Malaysia is definitely hopeless.But it is incredible for such lies and seditious comments to be allowed to publish in newspaper.If someone were to write a similar article in Sinchew or Nanyang and condemns BN or Umno like what the stupid Awang did,I am pretty sure the papers will receive a stern warning and will be asked to explain the reason for publishing the article.However,Utusan or Mingguan is so special.Nothing will happen to them.This is another instance of ‘double standard’.

  2. This troll, Awang Selamat feels very selamat because his political gurus, Najib and his cousin, the keris weilding Hiss-a-moodin, has given carte blanche to write whatever comes into his brainless skull.

    No discerning Malaysian would pay any attention to this baboon who is hellbent on creating racial disharmony through his writings.

    The PM and the Home Minister should put this mongrel on a leash so as to at least live up to the 1Malaysia propaganda.


  4. YB LKS,Dap should make a police report for sedition and lies against the newspaper and the stupid Awang.Meanwhile have the article translated and published in English,Chinese and Tamil newspapers to show how ugly certain people and political party are in this country.

  5. I think vast majority Malaysians from all races…know and trust DAP.
    Everyone knows….Lim Kit Siang is the only man ..non stop.. exposing corruptions with out fear.
    Most of all….Malaysians know DAP is not a racist party at all.
    No need for DAP to defend itself… UMNO doing it… day in day out.
    DAP is riding high..and that’s why..there will always be some UMNO buggers…to try it down.
    The fact that DAP won Penang State…speaks volumes of greater things to come for the coming 13th GE.
    This is the finest moments for DAP ..since Merdeka.
    So let those UMNO hound dogs..yell and spread lies….nothing to be too concern about.

  6. “Awang bukan jenis itu.” (Awang Selamat)

    Awang memang bukan jenis yang sederhana and tidak terlampau. Awang tergolong dalam jenis ultra Melayu yang rasis and pandai bising sahaja jika tidak diberikan subsidi kerajaan …Kerajaan pusat sudah terjadi harta-benda swasta Umno sekarang dan ahli-ahli lain dalam Barisan Nasional seperti MCA, MIC dan Gerakan cuma adalah ahli-ahli mengantuk yang tidak berkuasa, tidak boleh bersuara dan tidak dibenarkan bergurau kerana sudah menjadi parti parasit yang terbiasa dengan budaya hamba abdi yang sentiasa dititikberatkan dalam konsep “Ketuanan Melayu”!

  7. The following Reuters news indicates that Osama bin Laden may run out of cashflow now so that he is keen to create some havoc in order to make gain from Al-Queda’s short-selling trading behaviours in the currency market, stock market and money market!

    I am not surprised that people like Dr. Mahathir and Awang Selamat may quickly rise up to do the spinning and image beutification for Osama again!

    //By Tamara Walid Tamara Walid – 24 Jan 2010
    DUBAI (Reuters) – Osama bin Laden claimed responsibility for the December 25 failed bombing of a U.S.-bound plane and promised more attacks on the United States, in an audio tape Al Jazeera said on Sunday was of the Al Qaeda leader.

    Bin Laden, speaking days ahead of major international meetings on how to deal with militancy in Afghanistan and Yemen, said the attempt to blow up the plane as it neared Detroit was a continuation of al Qaeda policy since September 11, 2001.

    “The message sent to you with the attempt by the hero Nigerian Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab is a confirmation of our previous message conveyed by the heroes of September 11,” bin Laden said on the tape in a message addressed “from Osama to (U.S. President Barack) Obama.”

    “If it was possible to carry our messages to you by words, we wouldn’t have carried them to you by planes,” bin Laden said.//

  8. UtusanUmno is always up to no good.

    By the way, the name Awang Selamat speaks for itself. It means A Wang Selamat i.e. their money is safe !

    What an apt name. UtusanUmno is good a Wang politik. That’s way they need their wang to be selamat.

    Give them what they deserve. Vote them out ! Boycott their paper !

  9. wow…

    seems like awang is allowed to say & accuse just about ANYTHING at all, on msm, backed with ZERO facts, without any consequences…

    Looks like his job is pretty easy. Wake up in the morning, drink some teh tarik, pick some accusation from thin air & put them in the msm. No facts needed, just keep on accusing & creating lies..

    Hey “ah WANG”, let’s make this easy for you.

    How about you write another piece that says DAP is the culprit behind the PKFZ rip-off?

    How about you just say PKR stole those jet engines?

    How about you just say PAS somehow black-mailed our PM into allowing protests regarding the “Allah” issue which lead to church attacks?

    How about you just say the guy in the lingam video tape was actually LKS?

    How about the 24mil mansion? Let’s ignore the facts, the opposition is responsible!

    You see “ah $$$$”, talk is easy. Words are cheap.

    Go ahead, continue & spew your dirt irresponsibly. Your listeners(& they are decreasing rapidly in numbers) are getting bored though.

  10. Wahai Awang Selamat! Tak ubah macam orang UMNO yang bercakap kat TV3 tu selepas PRU ke12, yang orang Melayu yang mengundi DAP tu pengkhianat kaum dan bangsa sendiri. Awang ni tak ubah macam ‘spindoctor’ atau tukang putar belit. Mungkin Awang ni nak bandingkan kebolehannya dengan kebolehan doktor tua tu yang berkata bahawa jika orang Amerika mampu boleh keluarkan filem ‘Avatar’, maka mereka lah mempunyai kebolehan untuk ‘mementaskan’ serangan pengganas 911 pada tahun 2001. Mungkin Awang Selamat ni juga telah mendapat latihan di APCO Worldwide sebagai sebahagian daripada syarat-syarat kontrak antara APCO dengan pentadbiran Najib-Muhyiddin…

  11. Awang Selamat could do it,others can do it too. Lets see what the HM and the PDRM would do to AS’s lies .If they do nothing,then people would know that’s another umno’s crony’s stage show. I think the non-malays and most malays too are now fed up with such rubbish from Uturan and Mingguan.Most of my malays friends told me such lies were un-islamic and could not believe that it was written by malays who claimed they fight and defend Islam. My advice to Awang Selamat and others like him is to stop such lies as it would not only damage the image of malays and Islam but aslo Malaysia.

  12. Actually its kind of interesting. While Utusan have always hit at DAP, this is an usually very long article and the vitriol is much much higher with the lies the stuff of fairy tales.

    It definitely shows the ultras have new worries. I think the worry is that if they sent Anwar to jail and DAP and PAS step up, the momentum is unbeatable. Instead of a blow to PR, Anwar jailing may just be so badly calculated that it will destroy UMNO/BN.

    If the jailing of Anwar galvanise EVERYONE, the finger pointing will be so hot on the top leadership and so many, its uncontrollable for UMNO/BN. Frankly, it smells a lot like ‘Allah’ issue. Its really really bad calculation..

  13. chengho :Uncle Kit install dr mansor as the CM of Penang and Deo as the secretary of Dap ? that a clear messages to Awang Selamat..

    Most likely Uncle Kit does not want to do any CGI scenes there to satisfy Awang Selamat because the old doctor may also say that if Uncle Kit can do CGI, Pakatan Rakyat’s GE12 victories were also staged to defeat BN…

  14. The Chinese community is very diversified with different religion and education background.

    This guy do not understand the Chinese at all….a real threat to a multi racial and religious country.

  15. wa …Chengho is teaching LKS to sack Lim Guan Eng to so call solve Penang problem..which is not a problem at all.
    One unhappy politician make noise…here comes smart Chengho…teaching wise ones…how to run a State.
    Thousands make noise against UMNO…so many uncalled for arrests made…Chengho never give any advises on those incidents.
    Carry UMNO balls…so clear with no shame.
    Why like that….chengho?

  16. Chengho is just the disguised name of a ultra racist Malay who has the hardcore facist ideology which states that “Only the Malays are fit to become the top political leaders in the Bolehland of Ketuanan Melayu. All politicians of other skin colours must not sit at the helm of the political power in Bolehland and must always give way to a Malay!”

  17. Spot on…Onlooker Politics.
    This is an ultra racist Melayu from UMNO…talking kok here.
    But the more he talks like that..the more votes run away from BN.
    Same as Mahathir…talk kok all the time.
    Never seen a movie for long long time…saw…”AVATAR” in 3D at his private home theatre…..and like a child…got so excited and start having wild ideas …as we witness how he spoke … lately…..about 9/11…making such a big fool of himself..and to UMNO.

  18. Better change chengho to awang selamat for the fake name has tarnished the great 16th century chinese navigator admiral Chenghe.That ultra should get lost fast before it pollutes further this blog.

  19. ///Better change chengho to awang selamat///

    In another way “Cheng Ho” might be deemed appropriate nick for an ultra supporting “Ketuanan” to show that even Cheng Ho, the great 16th century chinese mariner/navigator, was still in symbolic terms subject to and respectful of ‘Ketuanan’.

    An orthodox Muslim, he brought tributes from China to Sultan Mansur Shah, and according to beliefs, also the princess Hang Li Po to Malacca in year 1459 for the Sultan to marry as one of his many foreign concubines (see works of historian Tom Pires).

  20. awang dpt galakan moral dari najis,sepupunya krisputin dan muhaidin.
    kita punya ketua anjing musang macam buta,ketua hakim pak tahi macam pekak atas tulisan racist awang selamat,i ingat malaysia langsung tak selamaT!
    tak hairanlah tercetusnua huruhara krn ini memang kerja2 dan niat jahat AMNO krn rakyat dah tau hati busuk mereka,kini mereka main seteruk-teruknya kad agama dan kaum,sedihnya krn ada juga pengikut2 yg bodoh sampai kata2 macam toiyo yg begitu korap pun ada penyokong!
    bangunlah melayu,jgn butatuli sokong pemimpin2 AMNO yg jjahat2 belaka!

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