Call on all Ministers from Umno, MCA, Gerakan, MIC and from Sabah and Sarawak to declare their stand on Nazri’s proposal that the word “Allah” is allowed to be used by Christians in Sarawak and Sabah but not in Peninsular Malaysia

The Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz has come out with a most illogical and ridiculous solution to the “Allah” controversy – that the word “Allah” is allowed to be used by Christians in Sarawak and Sabah but not in Peninsular Malaysia.

When the Deputy Prime Minister, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin was reported as saying at the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies (OCFIS) in the United Kingdom two days ago that the “Allah” controversy arising from the use of the word “Allah” by non-Muslims would not be allowed to recur in the future, many were asking what he really meant.

Was Muhyiddin implying that no Home Minister would in future be so irresponsible and insensitive like Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein as saying that the government did not prohibit the people from demonstrating over sensitive religious issues, when he should know fully well that it would be regarded as official “green-light” for such demonstrations which could easily get out-of-hand?

Was Muhyiddin implying that no Prime Minister would in future act so irresponsibly and insensitively like Datuk Seri Najib Razak as to endorse any such insensitive and irresponsible statement by a Home Minister as had been made by Hishammuddin, resulting in the spate of arson and vandalism against churches and places of worship which have not stopped after more than a week?

Or could it be that Muhyiddin was implying that no Home Minister would in future arbitrarily impose a ban on the of use of the word “Allah” as was done in 2007 by the then Home Minister, Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar with regard to the Catholic weekly Herald – the cause of the current “Allah” controversy with all the adverse consequences to nation-building and grave repercussions to the country’s international reputation and economic prosperity.
But from Nazri’s interview on the solution to the “Allah” controversy, this does not appear to be Muhyiddin’s intention.

What is disturbing is the inference that although publicly the Ministers are supporting the holding of inter-religious dialogues, in actual fact, the Umno/Barisan Nasional government has made up its mind that the word “Allah” cannot be allowed to be used by non-Muslims, at least not in Peninsular Malaysia.

The inter-religious dialogue which is being canvassed is meant to reach the result already decided by the Umno/BN government and it not meang to be an open-minded one to seek a solution to the “Allah” controversy.

If so, such inter-religious dialogues to achieve a pre-set result decided by the government is not a genuine inter-religious engagement and cannot contribute to a meaningful solution to the Allah controversy.

The Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak should clear the air as to whether there is basis for such an inference about the inter-religious dialogue proposed by government Ministers.

Nazri’s solution that “Allah” can be used by Christians in Sarawak and Sabah but not in Peninsular Malaysia makes a total mockery of Najib’s “1Malaysia” slogan, producing a more fragmented, compartmentalized or segmented Malaysia instead of a more united nation and people.

Furthermore, what is the logic that the word “Allah” can be used in Sarawak and Sabah but not in Peninsular Malaysia if the constitutional prohibition of the proselytisation of Muslims is accepted and respected by all other religions?

I call on all Ministers from Umno, MCA, Gerakan, MIC and from Sabah and Sarawak to declare their stand on Nazri’s proposal that the word “Allah” is allowed to be used by Christians in Sarawak and Sabah but not in Peninsular Malaysia – which is really no solution to the “Allah” controversy and will make no contribution towards Malaysian nation-building.

37 Replies to “Call on all Ministers from Umno, MCA, Gerakan, MIC and from Sabah and Sarawak to declare their stand on Nazri’s proposal that the word “Allah” is allowed to be used by Christians in Sarawak and Sabah but not in Peninsular Malaysia”

  1. “I call on all Ministers from Umno, MCA, Gerakan, MIC and from Sabah and Sarawak to declare their stand …”

    These Ministers don’t represent non-Malays. They represent themselves and their families. These are eunuchs in a Ketuanan Malay Court.
    Their organs are presently kept in jar of vinegar to be buried with them when they die.

  2. “I call on all Ministers from Umno, MCA, Gerakan, MIC and from Sabah and Sarawak to declare their stand …”

    They are still waiting to see which way the wind blows, lest their very homes would be gutted by fire tonight.

    Their organs are presently kept in jar of vinegar— that’s the way pricked mangoes are prepared. Don’t eat them by accident

  3. A hint of compromise on the part of the government – to allow the use of “Allah” among non-muslims in only East Malaysia. The basis for the proposed compromise appears to be that muslims there are used to non-muslims using the proper name of God in Malay (Allah). This, by the way, indicates that muslims in West Malaysia, too, should get used to this, as Malaysia is One; Malaysian christians are one, as are Malaysian muslims. So, away with unrealistic distinctions!

    How can one have the much touted “One-Malaysia” if we have dual mentality as to this issue. When an East Malaysian Christians comes to West Malaysia, is he supposed to stop referring to God as “Allah”? What about numerous West Malaysian youth who have learnt to call God, “Allah” since 1979 as an indirect result of the Bahasa Malaysia policy?

    Malay muslims should be proud that non-muslims in West Malaysia are referring to the
    Abrahamic deity by the name, Allah, because of the role of Bahasa Malaysia has in the popularisation of The Name.

  4. The proposal to allow East Msia to use the word only proves that there is no concrete reason (theological or otherwise) for the ban in the first place. It has all been about politics. Unfortunately, there is a bunch of emotional people out there who dance to the tune of the politicians and start attacking chruches. This proposal is still about politics (fear of the loss of votes in East Msia).

  5. I think calling all the sheeps and cows to come down from the mountain has a better chance than calling all these ministers from Umno.MCA,Gerakan,MIC and from Sabah and
    Sarawak to declare their stand on this matter.Regarding MY’s remark “Allah controversy arising from the use of the word “ALLAH ” by non-muslim would not be allowed to recur in the future ” I think MY was trying to show his muscles/authority that he could order a complete stop for non-muslim to use the word. Yeap he talks big only among his own cronies and “mat sallehs ” but when he’s at home,the talk is just talkand it has no character,no substance,just empty air only.

  6. YOu just cannot trust the UtusansUmno at all.

    Never !

    They never meant what they said. They do the opposite to what they say !

    UmnoUtusans are inculcitrant racists.

    The 2 cousins and Moreyoudin are just trying to fool the people for their own political future.

  7. the word “Allah” is allowed to be used by Christians in Sarawak and Sabah but not in Peninsular Malaysia.

    Such a ruling will not work because some East Malaysia churches have already started branches in Peninsular Malaysia.

    By the way, there may not be any inter-religious dialogues. UMNO/BN is waiting for that “moment of truth” when the Court of Appeal declares a blanket ban on the use of the word “Allxh” by non-Muslims throughout Malaysia.

  8. Brother Kit Siang, during my school days in a Christian Brother Missionary School, I was taught that God exists everywhere. Maybe Nazri is confused with his little knowledge. Nazri may think that the Christian “Allah” exists in Sawarak and Sabah but not in Penisular Malaysia. Don’t blame him for the statement!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. “I call on all Ministers from Umno, MCA, Gerakan, MIC and from Sabah and Sarawak to declare their stand …”
    Aiya the moment they open their mouths against the decided dicision of Nazri (UMNO)they will find MACC at their door steps. Expect them to be quiet as the church mouse la.

  10. ///I call on all Ministers from Umno, MCA, Gerakan, MIC and from Sabah and Sarawak to declare their stand on Nazri’s proposal….///

    They have all crawled into a dark cave pretending not to hear your call. (It is just too faint to audibly hear what you’re saying).

    They talk amongst themselves, inside, lamenting in soft tones that you should know better that what UMNO’s stand is should be understood to represent their joint and several stand – that now is not the right time (yet) for them to answer your call, take a stand and its conequences, as there’s still an element of doubt whether UMNO has made a final stand….

    Yes it is widely reported that the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz, in an exclusive interview with the KTS stable of dailies – The Borneo Post, Oriental Daily and Utusan Borneo at his office here yesterday – has confirmed that the word “Allah” can be used by Christians in Sarawak and Sabah but not in Peninsular Malaysia.

    However was what Nazri said on 15th Jan representative of the collective stand of UMNO or the Government and a result of thorough discussion/deliberation of such a sensitive issue at cabinet level?

    [Don’t forget, according to news reports, the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak and his entourage of several ministers, state leaders and senior government officials, are still on a four-day official visit to Saudi Arabia, performing the umrah].

    Besides one must read carefully between the lines of what was reported of Nazri’s statement, in particular the following – “Asked how the controversy could be solved, Nazri said there had to be a solution soon and in the meantime he appealed to the people to be calm and rational”.

    “A solution soon” means what Nazri said is not the “final solution” to the controversy.

    Indeed it may even be viewed a kind of “feeler” from Nazri to deliberately gauge and test public reaction so that Cabinet could have the preorogative to review and subsequently decide in another way, if advantageous to it, overruling him, which he has protected himself by having already placed a caveat on 15th Jan interview “there had to be a solution soon”.

    See already the initial reaction from public and other stakeholders as “tested” is not that encouraging : you/DAP are already saying that Nazri’s half way compromise is illogical and a total mockery of Najib’s “1Malaysia” slogan; PAS vice-president Mahfuz Omar opines that it complicate matters; Federal Islamic Development Department’s (Jakim) opposes Nazri’s solution; Church ministers from both sides of the South China Sea also disagree with it and there is every chance it will satisfy neither of the contending sides of the issue.

    So it is only circumspect to hold one’s tongue. See where the stronger wind blows first and wait till the cloud clears with it, then we will come out of the cave and take a stand. Don’t ask us at this moment to commit political harakiri by speaking at this juncture, lest we speak out of turn and, in spite the best of intentions and the best of our lights, fall on the wrong side of the final solution determined by our leader.

  11. ///Bottles were thrown at Sarawak mosque///

    Can the Ministers from Umno, MCA, Gerakan, MIC and from Sabah and Sarawak open their “golden mouths” to help resolve the issue as soon as possible before the conflict gets out of hand?

  12. It is a political motivated…by UMNO.
    The contradictions are so clear.
    UMNO does not know how to hold on to voter…which is their real objectives in anything…to win votes and hold on to voters supporting them.
    Starting is full agreement to encourage an provoke.
    Must have found out…working against them…right now.
    And as Nazri said Sabah and Sarawak Christians…can use the word Allah…one more church in Sarawak was thrown with home made bombs.
    We can also see…the Police have never caught any culprits.

  13. In addition, call on all Ministers from Umno, MCA, Gerakan, MIC and from Sabah and Sarawak to declare their stand on Abdul Razak Musa, who told Karpal “I can sit down but you cannot stand up.”

    Dis Abdul Razak Musa is a kurang ajar little Napoleon who insulted all physically challenged ppl

  14. all BN MPs from Sabah and Sarawak should quit BN. They should not let the racists(UMNO) from Peninsular to break up Sabah and Sarawak with their racist views and divide and rule strategy. make a stand MPs.

  15. Star paper today published result of survey carried out on level of acceptance of 1malaysia by malaysians. Apparently the survey received millions and millions of responses with overwhelming support.

    Wow. Can you beat that? WTF could umno be thinking? That we are fools?

  16. I said this somewhere and I repeat it here.

    Just a matter of terminology to the allah issue.

    Hv two terms. One for umno and one for the rest esp catholics/christians, i.e. Allah j.u. and Allah j.k. (“allah jenis umno” and “allah jenis katholik/kristien”).

    Smart one aint I?

  17. The Islam that the UMNOputras practiced is not the Islam that is practiced by the rest of the Muslim world. When cornered, they countered that “our landscape is different from other countries. Malays here are different from other countries”.


  18. Nazri just wanted to mention about a new idea in order to test the market and see whether there would be a buyer. If it is confirmed that there are some buyers, he would go ahead to hire such verdict writer as Lingam to write a verdict accordingly on behalf of the President of the Court of Appeal.

    We can just ignore Nazri but require that the Court of Appeal does act professionally by at least showing certain degree of judicial independence to the Malaysian people in making a court ruling. The Court of Appeal should not listen to Nazri. The judges had better closed their ears and closed their eyes from now on in order to avoid bad influence being exerted upon them by the Executive Branch of the Government when making a court judgement. The judges must prove that they, unlike the corrupted Executive Officers, are human beings with high integrity and high moral worth!

  19. No need to call other BN component parties to state their stand.

    They are irrelevant !!!

    The battle has to be done with UmnoUtusans and with them only.

    They are destroying the country. Hence they must be stopped !!!

    Najib is the end of the ‘Rahman’. Doesn’t this an omen for his regime ? Kerishamudin is thinking of becoming PM ! Let’s banish his dream

  20. 20 point agreement to form malaysia, sabah and sarawak have this clause. will govt respect the agreement??

    Point 1: Religion

    While there was no objection to Islam being the national religion of Malaysia there should be no State religion in North Borneo, and the provisions relating to Islam in the present Constitution of Malaya should not apply to North Borneo

  21. Even with the 20 point agreement in the Federal Constitution, is Lina Joy allowed to convert from muslim to christian when she migrates to Sabah or Sarawak? The issue is too complex to get a perfect answer.

  22. MCA, MIC, and Gerakan are spent political forces. They are kept by UMNO as decoration, so that UMNO can claim that its government is inclusive and consensus orientated. They will vote with UMNO and then, when UMNO betrays their trust, carry memoranda to UMNO leaders begging for this and that, only to be slapped in the face.

    I am just an old coolie but “take it from me”,
    these so called Barisan partners are finished!
    Don’t expect these puppets to work any
    miracles. Instead, we should rely on the court system and on world opinion.

    Even a muslim judge has to give reasons for whatever judgement reached. Let the world consider whether those reasons are sound, or not, when the appeal is decided.

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