Najib 1 Malaysia fails once again

By Dr Chen Man Hin, DAP life adviser


PM Najib open support for UMNO’s retrogressive stand against the use of Allah by Christians, shows that his 1 Malaysia so called reforms for a multicultural society with religious freedom will once again fail to deliver his promises to the people.

Firstly, the majority of world muslims, including muslim Arabs, muslim Africans, muslim Indonesians, and muslim Malaysians have no problem with the use of Allah by christians living amidst them for centuries.

So why is the Home ministry objecting to the use of Allah by christians in Malaysia.

According to YB Bernard Dompoh, he disclosed that christian indigenous peoples of Sarawak and Sabah have been calling God ‘Allah’ for a century or more, long before the independence of Malaysia and before UMNO was formed.

The Federal Constitution contains articles which permit the use of Allah by people of the christian faith. a judgment to this effect was made by the high court judge.

UMNO and its supporters have opposed this judgment and are organising protest rallies against it.

It looks like that UMNO’s stand against the use of Allah by christians is contrary to the thinking and practices by muslims in the Middle East, Africa and Indonesia.

It is even more astonishing to see that PM Najib and his government are supporting the stand of UMNO, and by doing so the PM has gone back on his word to build a 1 Malaysia where all Malaysians are given equal opportunities and where there is freedom of religion and the people can practice their beliefs without any restrictions.

PM Najib cannot deny the undeniable. He, his home minister, the IGP and the the Police have openly supported the demonstrations against the use of Allah by christians by UMNO and Umno NGOs. This is in sharp contrast to the attitude of using force against demonstrations organised by the opposition.

Yesterday, the Police protected UMNO protesters in their demonstrations, and gave them special kid glove treatment. There was no arrest, no water spraying and no police battering with trunches. This is in sharp contrast to the treatment of protesters involved in opposition rallies, who were beaten, battered and arrested without rhyme or reason.

The display of open discrimination by Najib’ government, and by the IGP and his police personnel is an open admission that it is UMNO that is power behind the the prime minister and that Umno calls the shots.

It confirms that 1 Malaysia is nothing more than a political gimmick to fool the people into thinking that the new government will bring reforms for the people.

PM Najib open support for UMNO’s repressive policies will bring bring serious consequences. He is going against world opinion of both the christian and muslim world.

Foreign investors will view the developments with displeasure, and this will cause FDIs (foreign direct investments: to fall further Economic development will slow and the country will remain poor like the banana republics.

97 Replies to “Najib 1 Malaysia fails once again”

  1. //Bernard Dompoh disclosed that christian indigenous peoples of Sarawak and Sabah have been calling God ‘Al#ah’ for a century or more, long before the independence of Malaysia and before UMNO was formed.//

    Hey Dompoh, my great grandpa arrived here long before the maha mamak’s grandpa, but why is he classified a bumi while I am not?

  2. k1980,it is because the mamak is not sure if his ancester was a Pakistani or an Indian but you are quite sure that yours was a Chinese if you yourself are born Chinese.Like myself too,my grandpa came here about a century ago from China,I am a non bumi and even my grandchild is considered a ‘pendatang’ according to that idiotic Ahmad from Bukit Bendara Umno.

  3. we are in the world news again….again for the wrong reasons. 1malaysia is officially dead by these bombings. it is now p@ri@h1malaysia.

    brace yourself as there will be more to come i believed. their real objective has not been achieved yet.

    mamak is laughing now i believe.

  4. These are agent provocateurs from UMNO out to divert attention from their thieving schemes. One by one these schemes are being exposed and they are using religion as a divesionary tactic. They don’t care about world opinion, they don’t care about FDIs. They worry about their bank accounts.

  5. These so called leaders esp the HM, DPM and PM are not fit to run the country. As usual they just talk and talk but acted otherwise. The allah and the churhes burning issues are just a few examples.
    One wonders whats next!!!
    1Malaysia or for that matter Malaysia1 my foot.

  6. Outrageous! In America they have public polls for
    the president…given the fact the malaysian media which include the papers and news channels are discredible, unreliable and deceitful it’s impossible to impeach this pm in the media!
    that would entail severe public humiliation warranting his resignantion. If only that was possilbe….

    Anyways any human being with the slightest integrity would suit up and accept reliability for these church bombings. Instead this man retorted to reporters stating that UMNO is not to be blamed and ‘has’ ‘always’ been foot!!

  7. The word ‘Allah’ is an Arabic word meaning God Almighty. It is NOT a Malay word to be used exclusively by the Malay UMNOputras.

    The Malay word for God is Tuhan which is the word used even in the Rukun Negara. Then why are the Malay UMNOputras going rabid when fellow Malaysians use Allah to refer to God and pray to him?

    If anybody is to take offence, then it should be the Arabs because these Malaysians are using their word to denote God. The Arabs as well as all right thinking Muslims are happy when others refer to God as Allah.

    Why is the Barang Naik government and the UMNOputras at its helm raising unwanted controversies just to hold on to power?

    Their actions only reinforces the belief that this corrupted and power crazy government should be shown the EXIT by all sensible, tolerant, moderate and peace loving people.

    The people from Sabah and Sarawak should take the lead to oust this deplorable BN government.

  8. Soon bolehland churches will have to install full body scanners like those in American airports. But will they be detect those with bombs in their underwear(Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab), shoes(Richard Reid) or heaven forbid, even rectums?

  9. Umno politicians and Muslim groups criticised the decision of the high court and indulged in sabre-rattling.
    This muscular and threatening rhetoric culminated in the attacks on three churches, which was unprecedented in Malaysian history.
    UmnoUtusans cannot run away from their responsibilities or rather irresponsibilities

  10. 1Malaysia has been a failure since the beginning because of one simple reason – Najib is insincere about it. Interracial and interreligious harmony are not his real objectives. 1Malaysia is an empty and shameless political gimmick to pull wool over the rakyat’s eyes, to paint a false picture to the rakyat and international community that everything is allright in Malaysia. It’s all an empty shell with no substance. Najib’s 1Malaysia has become a subject of worldwide ridicule.

  11. I saw the BBC’s news clip,a guy maybe the leader among the group domonstrating against non-muslim using the word ALLAH saying the word is only can be used by muslim. It’s a pity this so-called muslim leader in malaysia is still living in the coconut’s shell.Come on you guys,go to Thailand,Indonesia,Phillipine,or best go to Mecca,and you would find that the word ALLAH is not the exclusived right of the muslim. Muslim in malaysia should accept the word as an universally used word to express the Creator .

  12. YB

    The simple fact is that the much hated and reviled former Home Minister Syed Hamid Albar (who lost us Pedar Branca through sheer incompetence and lack of IQ) opened the Pandora’s Box which Dr.M had closed.

    Had Albar not issued the ban on the Herald in Sarawak where the “Allah” word had been in use for over 400 years, no one in W.M’sia would have bothered about making it an Islamic issue.

    More than that, the usage of this word among non-Muslims in the Middle East, Egypt, Indonesia, India etc. extends to before and after the advent of Islam in 632 AD and in M’sia in 12th century AD and 1400 AD in Melaka.

    Of course Kerismudin exacerbated the situation when he could have resolved it behind closed doors. But what else could we expect from a racist and a bigot?

    Both Kerismudin and Najib must shoulder the entire blame for the firebombing of the churches as they sure as hell gave encouragement by saying the Govt could do nothing about demonstrations in mosques!!

    This UMNO/BN Govt must resign and call for fresh general elections as they have surely lost ALL MORAl authority to govern a multi-racial and multi-religious nation!

    We are all of 1 race, the Human Race

  13. It has been the modus operandi of UMNO leaders since Dr Mahathir to say what sounds pleasing to the non-malays but do exactly the opposite in practise.

    Remember “Bersih, Cekap, Amanah”, “Work with me, not for me” and now “1Malaysia” ?

    Not forgetting also that which betrays their true intentions, through BTN, Utusan, PDRM, MACC, etc, etc, etc.

    Just expect the opposite of what they promise.

  14. A civil peaceful movement must begin today to get the UmnoUtusans to lose the seat of power which they occupied for so long and misused it.

    Let’s not just talk here. Let’s begin the act now.

    Campaign begins now. now. Tell everyone in the country, in small villages and town as well

  15. “They don’t care about world opinion, they don’t care about FDIs. They worry about their bank accounts.” (Godfather)

    They already have huge negative balance in their bank account. Therefore, they don’t really mind to spend a token sum of money to hire someone to set fire on the Church building to to beat up one or two Christian Pastors, so long as there are good reasons for the Bank to delay taking legal action against them due to bankruptcy. This is the current predicament of many so-called Umnoputra business tycoons in Selangor!

  16. Very simple to get the UmnoUtusans to step down. All it requires is your fingers during voting day.

    Just use the pencil to cross in the appropriate box and bn will vanish into the garbage dump of history.
    And then only can there be peace on earth, goodwill towards man.

  17. It is time to pay income taxes again. I think it will be much better for the Malaysian businesses to revise their financial accounts and try to get much more tax-savings instead of paying income taxes generously for the squandering by the Umnoputras. With the current chaotic and hostile situation going on in the Klang Valley, it seems like 2010 is going to be another lean year of struggling for many Malaysian people! So please be prepared to save more from the income taxes in order to keep the cashflows for another tough year ahead!

  18. These religious and fanatic bums that burn churches have show to the whole world that they have no brains and Islam is so intolerant and cruel.
    I sympathise with all the true muslims out there.
    What a bunch of monkeys and barbarians we have in Bolehland. The HM and PM with their so called 1Malaysia should resign in disgrace.
    What hypocrites we have in Bolehland.
    Enough of all talk and talk but acted otherwise.

  19. I heard that YTL is a God-blessed Catholic. Perhaps it is time now for YTL Power to raise the electricity bill rate so that YTL can continue to contribute much more donations for rebuilding of the burnt churches!

  20. The risks of personal safety of the lorry drivers who travel to and fro between Klang Valley and Umno controlled states are much higher now in view of the much longer time spent on Police Road Blocks after the church burning incidents. Perhaps the lorry transport companies have to raise the transportation costs from now on and the food sellers have to pass on the cost increase to the end-consumers in Umno controlled states. Another round of running up high inflation is unavoidable in view of the heightened business costs. Let the prices go up in the Umno controlled states so that those Umno supporters will feel the pinch from Umnoputras’ purportedly making troubles with demonstrations and protests in the Klang Valley. The Umnoputras are indeed courting for their own suffering when they try to create trouble on the “Allxh” issue. It seems that “Allxh” will put wrath on them for their spoiling the fame of the Almighty!

  21. Umno is also giving the people a very high inflation rate in year to come! Klang Valley is now a much riskier place to travel. Business costs must increase and the prices of foods from Klang Valley must also increase. Every thing edible will have prices go up, up, up… until Umnoputras are no longer sitting at the throne of the Federal Government! Will the toll prices go up too? A high inflation rate is likely to court a lack-lustre stock market! Please don’t ever harp the false hope on Chinese New Year Rally this year! Be safe!

  22. All the Christians and Catholics in Malaysia are encouraged to shift their money capitals to Penang. Try to build a strong business stronghold in Penang now. The easy access provided by Penang to Thailand and Indonesia will surely allow the business investors in Penang to prosper. Why do we keep hanging around in the dangerous zone of racist Klang Valley? Be safe and prosperous in Penang!

  23. Datuk Zaid Ibrahim today condemned Umno and urged the government to take full responsibility for the church attacks.

    “It has to take full responsibility for the worsening of relations between people of different faiths in this country in its handling of the use of the word Allah.

    “The irresponsible conduct of fanning the emotions by Umno leaders has brought about this dangerous situation. What we see today confirms that this country is being governed not by engagement consultation, sophistication or persuasion but by brute and mob force,” he said in a press statement.

    “The Umno-led government has the penchant to use force or flexing of authority in dealing with delicate issues. Take the case of the ban imposed on the Herald. They could easily have engaged in consultation with the church in Sabah and Sarawak. They should try to understand why the need to use the word Allah without any preconceived notions or prejudice. After all, they have been using the word Allah for many years before BN government acted to ban the Herald.

    “They could easily have also engaged in discussions with the various Muslim groups about their legitimate concerns on whether the church are surreptitiously converting Muslims and explore ways to address these concerns in spirit of dialogue and peaceful deliberations,” he said.

    He explained that there are already laws against converting Muslims but Umno instead chose to politicise the sensitive issue.

    “There is already a law against converting Muslims anyway. They could have done a lot more. But because of their lack of maturity and sophistication banning is the obvious choice.

    “They want instant popularity so fanning the emotions of Muslims becomes legitimate… and when the court ruled otherwise they then fan the Muslims to oppose the ruling. The people of this country will not escape the scourge of Umno-led rule until they decide once and for all to dislodge this government in the next available opportunity.”

    Yes, we must get rid of these UmnoUtusans

  24. You reap What you Sow..


  25. # 27 yeap you quite right but Umnoputras would not like to rule with a state of emergency as it would scare away most if not all foreign traders and labourers and many local tycoons which in return would damage their pockets.I think Umnoputras would prefer to manipulate the EC,PDRM,MACC,POSTAL VOTES .MONEY POLITIC ,CASH DISTRIBUTION AND FEAR POLITIC AND ISA AND OTHER DRAGONIAN LAWS to remain in power.As all you guys are seeing now,umnoputras are only interested in keeping and enlarging their own pockets for as long as it takes to making malaysia looks superficially pretty good.

  26. To begn with Najib’s 1 Malaysia is biggest joke cracked upon the gullible Malaysian public, the pea brained, NEP PM of Malaysia , uses all the usual racial and religion rhetoric time and time again to gain his influence over UMNO and the people they represent, in a way he is also trying to keep the ghost of Altanyuya from haunting him., by playing racial politics , and at the same time trying to champion 1 Malaysia, WHAT A GOD DAMNED HYPOCRITE . Forget 1 malaysia , Malaysia is without hope , just watch , this is the beginning of what is going to bring the country to shatters and ruins
    1 malaysia my FOOT.

  27. We can only achieve peace on earth and in Malaysia when Umno is placed in a black plastic bag and dumped in the Straits of Malacca. We can only do that in the next GE. So for now, all those who believe in peace and harmony be on their best behaviour, register yourself and wait for that day of reckoning.

  28. Do not let the federal government impose emergency rule in Selangor, or else PR Selangor is “finished”.

    After imposing emergency rule, the next step the federal government does is to call for fresh elections in Selangor and re-capture the state. The federal government had done this to Kelantan in 1977.

  29. Looks like under Umno B, d new bombing culture is OK 1
    A beauty’s record was erased n she was terminated with C4, ka-boom
    A human life, ka-boomed
    What more churches, where got problemo
    D problemo in M’sia is d msm n BN kow-tow political partners
    All dare not voice d truth n quietly endorse d bullying actions of Umno B

  30. A new year, a new decade, n a new way 2 eternal power
    Apologies 2 Pastor Martin Niemöller:
    “First they came for the Catholics, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Catholic;”
    Then they came for the ???, and I did not speak out—because I was not a ???;
    Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak out.

  31. Sorry for off topic.
    Malaysia Insider reported on 9 Jan 2010:
    //Speculation has been rife for months of a rift between the vocal Salehuddin and Khalid, the Selangor Mentri Besar.

    According to the grapevine, the rift deepened after the MB went ahead with the controversial multi-million Ringgit buyout of debt-ridden developer Talam Corporation Berhad, which Salehuddin vehemently opposed.

    Anwar, who plays advisor to both the party and the Selangor state government, Malaysia’s richest, today dismissed rumours of a rift.//

    YB Kit,
    As far as I know, Talam has been a debt-ridden public company since 1997-1998 Asia Financial Crisis. The investment arm of Selangor State Government, PKNS, may have substantial shareholding interest in Talam for the past 10 years. However, if Selangor State Government is going to pump in much more cash in order to rescue Talam, it has much better performed a thorough evaluation first on the developmental potential of the land banks being held by Talam.

    Pakatan Rakyat leaders just be careful to do an indepth study about the potential gain or expected return from the investment on Talam lest it will turn out to be a financial pitfall to the Selangor State Government!

    However, I may be a bit over-prudent. I really have no idea how many fold the properties owned by Talam in Pandan Indah have appreciated over the past 10 years! Perhaps it is a good buy, perhaps it is not. I really do not know!

  32. fcuk u Ong tee keat. Fcuk u chua soi Lek. Fcuk u samy vellu. Your silence is deafening.
    Plunder the country while it burns. You wonder why we show you and your cohorts zero respect? You morons are only good at protecting your butt$. Anything else you will be kissing umno’s butt$.

    Stupid morons.

  33. Malaysian politics since independence has been communal in character with the major parties – UMNO, MCA and MIC – being race based. The ruling party UMNO in particular has since May 13 1969 enjoyed political hegemony based on Malay majority support for its Bumi/Non Bumi dichotomy structured around Bumi Ketuanan. Since religion is an integral part of the Malay cultural identity, the Mahathir Administration in particular, embarked on a 22-year aggressive campaign for Islamisation – in part to compete with and out-islamise PAS. During that administration, the milieu was created for the proliferation of many Muslim NGOs galvanised by their collective identity as Malay Muslims. It is what you could call Muslim Civil Society.

    Although by definition a civil society is actually supposed to be independent of the state, and nonpartisan, however by virtue of the specific issues/agenda fought for by these NGOs revolve around defending the status of Islam and Malay rights – which coincide with that of the ruling party’s agenda of Ketuanan– they are, by such symbiosis of agenda, often –but not on every single occasion, (exceptions being imposition of Hudud nationwide or whipping of Kartika for alcohol consumption) allied politically on the same side as the ruling party on these issues. Each support the other. Therefore Muslim Civil Society’s views on the Herald’s controversy, the unilateral conversion of minors in relation to Article 121(1)A, Lina Joy’s apostasy etc. have great influence and effect on the ruling party because of the common platform of defending the status of Islam and Malay rights.

    When the Anwar/Mahathir split happened, Anwar an insider, now on the other side, spilled the beans that the ruling elites have been self aggandising themselves via Bumi/Non Bumi dichotomy as a cloak for their crony-capitalistic agendas.

    Anwar’s position redefines the ruling coalition’s politics as structured upon class conflict between the few rich amongst the ruling elites benefitting from the patronage affirmative policies versus all the rest – majority of Malays not benefitting from these policies implemented ostensibly for their benefit and excluding inequitably other Malaysians not within the Bumi category. What Anwar sells – the idea of both intra-ethnic and inter-ethnic inequalities generated by the Ketuanan policies of the ruling elites – convinced many an audience, especially the vote bank of UMNO, which by virtue of its split, the Opposition coalition benefited from 8th May 2008 political tsunamy.

    The results of the 12th Malaysian GE then convince the ruling elites the necessity, from standpoint of political survival, to neutralise Anwar’s message by copying their own parallel version of an inclusive Malaysia based on 1 Malaysia.

    However the problem of 1 Malaysia is that its inclusive aspiration immediately contradicts existing communal politics/policies of the ruling party and the mindsets of its members having vested interest in communal patronage policies. 1 Malaysia also contradicts the agenda of Muslim Civil Society/NGOs. Whereas their agenda is specific and unwavering – to uphold supremacy of the Official religion – and hence, by definition, cannot be inclusive, their patron (UMNO)’s agenda based on the race and religion need to change, to canvass inclusively for a more wider segment of votes (in light of Malay votre split). This causes another contradiction: to what extent could the ruling party continue deferring to the demands of the already all powerful Muslim Civil Society on various issues without discrediting in entirety the 1 Malaysia’s aspiration?

    These are the basic contradictions beleaquring UMNO. The conditions are so entrenched that any leader seeking to re-invent a paradigm shift from race/religion based politics to inclusive politics is likely to be removed by rivals and contenders of power within the parties. This is because PM is voted not directly by the people desiring the paradigm shift but by party’s power brokers resistant to change. This presents a gridlock where 1 Malaysia cannot take off. Neither can the economy nor return of foreign investors’ confidence.

  34. Less than 10 days into 2010, some memorable quotes fr NR n HH
    Both d PM n d Home Minister had reportedly ”backed d right to protest within mosque grounds”.
    D PM was quoted in the NST as saying, “As far as possible, we do not want people to protest, but we cannot stop them from doing so if they gather at mosques and if confined to a certain area.”
    Do not simply blame Umno when there is any problem, when churches were torched, fingers were pointed at Umno. We have condemned the attack.”
    Just because one or two churches were attacked 1 Malaysia is said to be under threat. 1 Malaysia will not be in danger (stiull intact lah).”
    Happy New Year!

  35. While our economy flounders, UMNO is busy creating unrest and chaos. They may think they are very smart in trying to secure their political control but mark my words. Their actions will come back to haunt them as investors avoid ‘politically unstable’ countries.

  36. “However the problem of 1 Malaysia is that its inclusive aspiration immediately contradicts existing communal politics/policies of the ruling party and the mindsets of its members having vested interest in communal patronage policies. 1 Malaysia also contradicts the agenda of Muslim Civil Society/NGOs.” (Jeffrey)

    Communal Politics and the Communal Patronage Policies have already become a protocol within the organizational structure of Umno. If Najib is to deviate too far away from the practice of the Umno tradition of Communal Patronage Policies, it is likely that he will court for the demise of his political career. The resistance lying in front of the road to 1Malaysia is high, especially when confronting the pressure of power struggle coming from different factions within Umno itself, such as Mahathir-Muhyiddin Clique and Pak Lah-Mohd Ali Rustam-Ahmad Zahid Clique. In view of the strong resistance within Umno itself, it is not likely that the concept of 1Malaysia inclusive politics will stand a great chance for success. Inclusive politics will remain a dream in Malaysia for an extended period of time.

    As for the resistance coming from Muslim Civil Societies and NGOs, it is apparent and understandable due to the universal practices of pseudo-Islamic Malay Racism in the past by Mahathir and now by Najib, whereby the Islamic moral values have been notoriously jeopardised by the unseeming extra-marital sexual behaviours practiced openly by the Members of Parliament and the Cabinet Ministers. Mahathir and Najib can never embrace the high moral standards that have been stipulated in the Al-Quran and required to be followed and practiced as a daily life style by all Muslims. This is because no Umnoputras will be willing to confine themselves to the high moral standards of the Islam, especially when the greedy nature of human beings will preclude practice of anti-corruption policy as a replacement of Communal Patronage Policies.

    Nevertheless, the immediate cause of the 308 Political Tsunamy is attributable to the running out of state lands as a natural resources for use as the goodies and candies in the political campaign of General Election. If given two choices between 1Malaysia inclusion Politics and Communal Patronage Politics, I believe majority Malays will still prefer the latter due to the greedy human nature and the Malays’ traditional lackadaisical life style. I am of the opinion that Najib will continue practicing Communal Patronage Politics in Umno controlled states which still have plenty of state lands available for doing deforestation, which include the State of Pahang and the State of Trengganu! Pahang and Trengganu will remain a stronghold of Umno by the coming of next general election.

  37. It’s susah 2 b a judge lah in 1M’sia
    Rule of law or 2 cross over 2 d dark side n serve d evil master 4 rewards galore
    Maybe a Catholic judge decided 2 call it a day n died prior 2 2010
    Rather than 2 b called 2 consider d appeal n had 2 ruled against d Catholic church
    Those whom g od loves die young (?)

  38. The DAP should realise that this is as good a time to let the people of East Malaysia knows what sort of Federal government that they are having!
    Drive home the message that the government that they have so vehemently backed is a dastardly rascal in doing such wanton acts while all the time advocating the 1Malaysia cock & bull rigmarole.
    Do whatever DAP can to break the monopoly of the BN in that part of the country.

  39. Seriously this is d clarion call 4 all churches 2 demand all Christians n their family members who r eligible 2 vote in d next GE 2 REGISTER as VOTERS
    Exercise your g od-given RIGHT 2 VOTE n elect a gomen that respects your constitutional rights n true religious freedom
    Christians fr East Malaysia must NOT give their votes to d demons/devils

  40. “It’s susah 2 b a judge lah in 1M’sia” (boh-liao)

    Not exactly true!

    Didn’t you notice that Najib already confirmed getting the approval from the Yang Dipertuan Agong on the compromise solution for the “Allxh” issue? Perhaps Najib will just have to wait for Lingam to finish write up of the Court of Appeal Verdict for handing over to the President of the Court of Appeal in order for the President to read it out to the public on 25 Jan 2010. It is going to be an easy task for the President of Court of Appeal!

  41. Dear YB Lim,

    It is sad to see Churches being burnt to the ground, and it is clear that there are fear among us Christians…

    As long as human history can tell, there are only 2 types of war and conflict which will spark and burn like wild fire once it is started, one is territorial war and the second is a religious war…

    As you can see where I’m going by now, I am really concern over this religious issue, it is beyond anybody to control once it is loose, this threat is real to malaysian, we are already in a very dangerous situation by now if one haven’t notice yet; if national security continues to fail, we could go into a caotic state and end up the nation go into partial or full nation State of Emergency…

    What I hope to see is that the Pakatan would come up with some kind of guidelines for the public to help with the situation unrest here, that would prove to the people the Pakatan is capable once they are in power…

    As an opinion of my own on this religious issue as a Christian is “To compromise the rights of God? Or to compromise God itself?”…

    Jacky Chin

  42. Learn from the bad experience and never repeated them. That is the only way Malaysia can move forward. Unfortunately we did not learn from the past, and the leaders added fuel to the fire that they ignited as well.

    I thought Catholics were the targets, but apparently the non-Catholic church also burned down?

    Are there any other more significant events than this one, which warrants the use of ISA against the terrorists?

  43. When someone said that they had fear by seeing the burning ashes as an effect of arson on the church building, they were not true Christians. The true Christians will have fear on nothing except God! They should only fear the wrath of God therefore they would choose to shun evil! Holiness is the requisite of God on His believers. “Be ye holy; for I am holy.” (1 John 1:5)

    Perhaps Thomas Lee’s article on “Christians’ no fear” worths our reading for a second time!

  44. #41 by chengho on Saturday, 9 January 2010 – 10:45 pm

    Why herald Provoke ?; just like Hindraf strategy to attract attention and disrupt peace in Malaysia


    Why couldn’t the previous home minister leave well alone with the more than century old religious practises of the bumiputra Christian communities in Sabah and Sarawak?
    Did he not understand that the Catholic Church is just attending to the spiritual needs of the Bahasa Malaysia speaking bumiputra Christian communities in Sabah and Sarawak as it has done for more than a century?
    Or is this some hidden agenda or strategy in trying to increase the Peninsular based political influence on the good people of Sabah and Sarawak?

  45. DAP, let stop playing politics on this sensitive issue like UMNO.

    A compromise solution for “Allah” usage. Malaysia is a multi-religion nation, a compromise solution is needed for this sensitive issue before the situation is out of control.

    My proposals are

    1. Allah can only be used by the Christian churches in East Malaysia.

    2. Allah cannot be used by non-Muslims for whatever purpose in West Malaysia. For example, Allah in the state anthems has to be modified to Tuhan.

  46. Actually, it is good to see all these UMNO goons fired up with religious fervour. Does that mean we will soon see an end to corruption and abuse of power and a heavy dose of humanitarianism, fair play, and democracy? Or are they merely hypocrites making use of Al-lah for their own selfish ends?

  47. mauriyaII :
    The word ‘Allah’ is an Arabic word meaning God Almighty. It is NOT a Malay word to be used exclusively by the Malay UMNOputras.
    The Malay word for God is Tuhan which is the word used even in the Rukun Negara. Then why are the Malay UMNOputras going rabid when fellow Malaysians use Allah to refer to God and pray to him?
    If anybody is to take offence, then it should be the Arabs because these Malaysians are using their word to denote God. The Arabs as well as all right thinking Muslims are happy when others refer to God as Allah.
    Why is the Barang Naik government and the UMNOputras at its helm raising unwanted controversies just to hold on to power?
    Their actions only reinforces the belief that this corrupted and power crazy government should be shown the EXIT by all sensible, tolerant, moderate and peace loving people.
    The people from Sabah and Sarawak should take the lead to oust this deplorable BN government.

    Be frank to yourself. If you are Malaysian from West Malaysia, you will not dispute Allah is God in Islam until you search the internet.

    Let respect the right of traditional usage of Allah by Muslims in West Malaysia.

    Let respect the right of traditional usage of Allah by Christian in East Malaysia.

    No one takes all solution, this is the best compromise solution. Two hands to clap, both parties are responsible for the final outcome.

  48. ekans :
    To read comments from our Christian Dayak friends in Sarawak about the recent attacks on the churches, please go to

    Good one, Ekans… I agree with the writer when he says: “We are the voters in the upcoming election we are the “BOSS”. We can take back what we give. WE can give our VOTE to Pakatan Rakyat.”

    So with Sarawak gone, what is the chance of UMNO winning? These goons never behave like the people’s representatives. So also the civil servants who acts like civil masters!

    But be prepared for another May 13. Do read Dr Kua Kia Soong’s book, “May 13: Declassified Documents on the Malaysian Riots of 1969” and see who the real perpetuators are. Is it the reason why the two subsequent leaders died in office? Maybe they incurred God’s wrath.

  49. 47 by chengho on Saturday, 9 January 2010 – 10:45 pm

    Why herald Provoke ?; just like Hindraf strategy to attract attention and disrupt peace in Malaysia


    From what I have been able to gather, The Herald has absolutely no intention to use the word “Allah” in a blasphemous manner. Secondly the matter was settled legally and properly thru’ the court system. So I do not agree that there was any intent to provoke to begin with.

    The “cow head” protesters on the other hand clearly intended to provoke Malaysian Hindus and insult their religion. Still, this does not give the Hindus the right to burn and/or vandalize any mosque or create public unrest. Credit to the Hindus, nothing of that sort happened.

    Where is your sense of balance, fairness and justice? Have you lost all that along with your marbles, eunuch?

  50. The Indon immigrant Toyol has been entrusted by Najib to re-take Selangor. He is as culpable as many top UMNO leaders in fanning Malay extremism. Will he be put under ISA? Will they investigate where he got the money to build his mansion? Isn’t the burning of the churches a diversionary tactic for this Indon’s woes?

  51. The burning of the churches is not a spontaneous incidence. Najib, kerismuddin, the IGP are fully aware that their actions or inaction would lead to this despicable incidence.

    Ultimately, the question on everyone minds is is islam a violent and intolerant? If it is a peaceful religion, they will not commit this terrorist act against the the church. This is not just an isolated incidence against non-muslim and it happens all over the world. If Malaysia continue to be like this, it risk having itself restricted from going to the western counties.

  52. Yes, the VOTERS who r d real BOSSES must now realize
    Our SERVANTS fork-tongued NR n HH r doing a lousy job n failed us
    They managed 2 put 1M’sia on world news
    Google ‘World News’ n we will see almost 1000 news articles on or related to
    Malaysia churches attacked in A llah dispute
    Of cos, we r on YouTube
    Free publicity 4 1M’sia – any Christian 4 ‘Malaysia 2nd Home’ scheme?

  53. ///The burning of the churches is not a spontaneous incidence/// – passerby

    Yes. Tun Dr Mahathir argued that sensitive religious issues should be resolved behind closed doors lest they heightened anger of the so-called ” less-educated and irrational ones” who will, when provoked, resort to violent acts like arson.

    The fact is it is still not known at present who the arsonists were or whether we would ever know. Though the IGP said, “don’t speculate” it is implicit that TDM already proceeded on assumption that the arsons were likely perpetrated ” by some less-educated and irrational people incited by the public controversy. How does he know that? How does one resolve a controversy like Herald or have recourse to constitutional rights without going to the courts, a public proceeding?

    The actual throwing of molotov cocktail might be done by less-educated and irrational people but it might equally be speculated that they (who might even be non-Muslims for all we know) did it at the behest and under the payroll of some higher-educated and ‘rational’ people with political agenda seizing the public controversy as an opportunity.

    To blame the common populace of anger and irrationality may be expedient – just like they blame May 13 incident on them – but if it were so, it is strange that these arson attacks were not sporadic occurring in different times in different parts of the country, some with even more muslims than Klang Valley (if indeed one makes such profiling in speculation).

    One has to weigh the balance of probabilities whether recent arsons were sporadic and random acts of emotionally marginalised extremist characters incensed by the controversy or an act of conspiracy and cold calculation and deliberation. [For more than 50 years the majority of races have learnt and do live in harmony and accomodation respecting other communities sensitivities and where discord erupts they are often organised by some party/groups with outright political motive/agenda).

    Here the attacks were concentrated within Klang Valley. They were likely organised and deliberate from a single source.

    With 3 or 4 helpers (paid some money) they could perpetrate a series of attacks at one go – logistically, it was imperative to be within a confined area as the Tabernacle Church in Desa Melawati in Kuala Lumpur and three other churches in Petaling Jaya. They were not attacks at persons (Christians) but property (churches) as symbols, and carried out under cover of darkness, without unnecessary collateral loss to lives.

    It’s likely someone’s unilateral wet dream to seize the opportunity to stir disturbances, maybe even hope that these might lead to wider conflagration favourable to its objectives.

    Whomsoever this party – if it were indeed a BN supporter- its trouble making would backfire on BN’s electoral interest. Or he/it could be a conspiracy to unseat the top man in BN or (by creating instability in the state, hence an excuse for emergency) the PR Selangor state govt., itself – whichever.

    Whatever the trouble maker’s agenda, the immediate fall out of such actions, besides causing tension and discord in the country, is to put a spanner in the works on the PM’s 1 Malaysia campaign, drive away investors (that is certainly no good for UMNOputra’s patronage interests or the economy) and definitely drive a wedge into BN’s electoral interests especially in its stronghold in Sarawak with many Christian voters – to the benefit of the Pakatan Rakyat coalition whose partner PAS seems to evince a more moderate face as regards the Herald’s controversy.

    I do concede however that the comment here is still conjecture at this stage.

  54. IGP said churches must increase their own securty because they don’t have enough police to take care of them.
    Some one must tell this IGP to beef up security measure of the surau because the same UMNO thugs that attacked churches have been paid to attack surau also in order to create chaos.
    UMNO is playing dirty to take back Selangor!!!!!

  55. Now offers of financial assistance r raining down cats n dogs on MT church
    Maybe soon 2 b renamed 1M’sia church or unity church or democracy church or
    Rise like a phoenix from the ashes church
    With green-eyed monsters around, will there b copy-cat attack of places of worship
    Hoping 2 cash in as well (opportunists abound, u know, since this is ‘wei ji’)
    How ah 2 differentiate between real n copy-cat attack of all sorts of places of worship

  56. Another business opportunity in times of crisis
    KL n Selangor oredi got pseudo-gated communities
    Each household pays monthly protection fees 2 hire security guards 2 ronda n jaga
    Most security guards companies run by ex-polis or army kaki
    Now places of worship too must hire 24-hr guards 2 jaga n defend
    Good news 4 unemployable graduates, retrain as legendary Gurkhas, sure got employed 1

  57. The unemployable graduates want RM5,000 a month as security guards, whereas the Gurkhas are getting only RM800. Who is to pay for the RM4,200 difference? And also the unemployable graduates will runfor their lives when they see the firebombs flying towards the place they are supposed to be guarding.

  58. There should be a call for resignation of the Catholic Archbishop Murphy Pakiam. As the result of his foolish and immature actions unbefitting that of a church leader, Christians are now living in fear. Ironically the brunt of the suffering is actually born by the non-Catholic denomination. And he hasn’t even made any statement or apology to those affected churches.

  59. Najis is still adamant that “1Malaysia” is still intact. Everybody knows, unless he is a buffoon, that “1Malaysia” is about multibillion advertising contracts. Najis is indirectly correct, the gravy train will still be going on.

    But for the others: what the heck, if there is really a “1Malaysia”, why were 4 churches being torched over a non-issue.

  60. UMNO BARU under Najib have reached the stage where religion must be used to instigate and win Muslim votes.
    Without race and religion….UMNO BARU is a dead party.
    Najib uses all sorts of low class stunts……….but this burning of churches is mist dangerous so far.
    He said UMNO members not involved.
    How does he know that?
    As you can see….his comments do bring out the best of Najib’s idiotic character.
    By far….”FRIVOLOUS” beats all.
    Church Chief Pastor said they forgive the arsonists….and people are giving flowers at Bukit Bintang….with love.
    If UMNO claim they did not instigate their members to such frenzy….surely they can see Utusan Melayu did it..and the paper is the mouth piece of UMNO too.’
    The whole Christian world is watching UMNO.

  61. #11 by ekompute on Sunday, 10 January 2010 – 3:38 am

    ekans :
    To read comments from our Christian Dayak friends in Sarawak about the recent attacks on the churches, please go to

    Good one, Ekans… I agree with the writer when he says: “We are the voters in the upcoming election we are the “BOSS”. We can take back what we give. WE can give our VOTE to Pakatan Rakyat.”

    So with Sarawak gone, what is the chance of UMNO winning? These goons never behave like the people’s representatives. So also the civil servants who acts like civil masters!


    Just trying to share, ekompute. Below are further links to more comments by our Sarawakian Christian Dayak friends.

    ‘Allah Taala ti Pemadu Kuasa, Buka Mata, Buka Mulut, Buka Pending bala Dayak Amen’

    ‘Release the Christian Bibles’

  62. We hv agents provocateurs around us
    Not d kind dat create d sensual luxury women’s knickers, thongs, bras, corsets
    But d kind dat firebombed here n there, threw bricks here n there
    2 create huru hara, emergency, lalang, n take over situation, frivolous, fivolous
    Harapkan pagar pagar makan padi

  63. #22 by negarawan on Sunday, 10 January 2010 – 11:20 am

    There should be a call for resignation of the Catholic Archbishop Murphy Pakiam. As the result of his foolish and immature actions unbefitting that of a church leader, Christians are now living in fear. Ironically the brunt of the suffering is actually born by the non-Catholic denomination. And he hasn’t even made any statement or apology to those affected churches.


    Let the Catholics decide for themselves if the Archbishop has erred in his ways to ensure that the Catholic Church is still able to attend to the spiritual needs of their fellow Catholics amongst the indigenous peoples of Sabah and Sarawak, as it had done so from more than 100 years.

  64. Are we not witnessing the death throes of a dying regime much like what was seen during the waning days of the Roman Empire,
    a far more powerful one than our current one,when,with Rome burning all round,Nero the Emperor was happily strumming away his banjo?

  65. When church arson sadly happened in Malaysia,it reminds us of the violence like suicide bombing and other massive crimes committed by the followers of a particular religion in other parts of the world.Anyway we should pray that there will not be escalation and we sympathise with people who are now frowned upon after this ugly incident.

  66. “Here the attacks were concentrated within Klang Valley. They were likely organised and deliberate from a single source.” (Jeffrey)

    I think it is still at the premature stage to make speculation on who or what group of people did the arson attacks!

    Several churches in Taiping, Perak were also attacked with molotov cocktails. A mosque in Kampung Jawa, Klang was attacked with brick blocks. With the ease of communication with the mobile cell phones, we can never rule out the possibility of concurrent conspiracies over several places with long distance apart from one another.

    I sense that Osama’s subsidiary, Jemaah Islamiah, still has influence in Malaysia. The JI members have been hiding in Malaysia for about 9 years. Some of them have had business interest in the partnership with the Umnoputras in the past. If you want the evidence, please go check out an abandoned Islamic college at Kampung Kundur, Negeri Sembilan. The incomplete college construction site is located about 500 metres away from Pedas/Linggi Toll of PLUS North-South Expressway.

  67. once again it is the rakyat that practice restraint, cool-head, understanding and patience regarding this sensitive issue. Although we are all angry but we do not let this get a hold of us by retaliating.

    Unlike these p@ri@h-mudins and their cohorts. Sometimes I wonder if they are fit to be ministers. Selective persecutions are what they are good at. Anything else they are impotent.

    If they are so holy about their religion, why do they permit corruptions, murders, and un-halal things to be rampant among their ranks and doing nothing about this. If they are so zealous, why I don’t see you morons protesting on these ills every Friday?

    Why? Because you are bloody hypocrites.

  68. If I remember correctly this “Allah” issue is started by Syed Hamid Albar when Pak Lah is still Prime Minister. Maybe his intention then is to rally Malay support to keep Pak Lah in office. He failed and when Najib take over he found he cannot back down from this issue or else lose more support. What they failed to realize also is that they are playing with fire and this fire is getting out of control.

  69. Najib had stated he wanted to take back Selangor some months ago.

    Now, we have this tension in Selangor which could erupt into chaos, then emergency rule may be declared.

    Is this not the tell-tale sign of a bigger scheme ?

    Didn’t the foot soldiers take the cue from ‘Atas’ ?

    Who else can be responsible if not UmnoUtusans ?

  70. Terrorism is the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion.

    Common definitions of terrorism refer only to those violent acts which are intended to create fear (terror), for psychological impact and fear, are perpetrated for an ideological goal, and deliberate target or disregard the safety of civilians.

    Agree or not, Mr Osama?

  71. To nkkhoo, when it comes to playing up religious issue, LKS is the least of your worries.

    You should talk to those UMNOputra’s that says its not right for Hindus to have temples in muslim majority areas.

    You should also visit those BN blogs that spout anti-/anti- messages.

    As far as i can tell LKS is not spreading hate or attacking any race of religion. He is merely asking UMNO to be responsible (which they as the government as well as being the Home Ministry that was responsible for starting this mess in the first place ought to).

    For starters, Mr nkkhoo, please go to this website and have a chat with the author.

    Some really interesting viewpoints you should take note of.

  72. No lah, nkkhoo. It’s just that the UMNO dominated BN federal central government is still trying to exert more political influence on the good people of Sabah & Sarawak from the Peninsular, now by dictating how the bumiputra Christians in those two Borneo states should conduct their religious practices although they have been doing it in peace and harmony for more than a century.
    The Sabahans & Sarawakians were initially wary about forming the Federation of Malaysia with Malaya & Singapore, and had insisted that a 20 point memorandum for Sabah and an 18 point memorandum for Sarawak be agreed upon so that certain practices in Peninsular do not apply to these two states.

  73. 2 create huru hara in d nation is not difficult
    A few baby steps here n there, a little push here n a little shove there
    Soon d little push becomes a big shove
    N d small sparks r enuf 2 start huge bushfires dat engulf everyone n everythingy

  74. BTN(NCB), Malay media like Utusan Malaysia and Syed Hamid are the root cause of the arsoning against Malaysia churches.

    For example, Mastika(January 2007) blasphemed Jesus Christ in one of its article, what can Christians do? Be reminded that Mastika is published by Utusan Malaysia

  75. Tuesday January 12, 2010
    Alimony aid for Muslim women caught in divorce wrangles
    What about non-muslim women who are caught in similar situations? We see news like this everyday. This goes to show that the UMNO and BN race-based politics in Malaysia contradicts 1Malaysia. 1Malaysia is just a political gimmick and a multi-million advertising contract for UMNO cronies. What say you, Najib?

  76. What about non-muslim women who are caught in similar situations?

    Well, according to our Great Mongol-Killer, they will have to convert in order to get the alimony aid. Honey no convert, no money. See what 1malaysia really is?

  77. 1 Malaysia is only meant to hog our eyes and is the veneer to camouflage what is the real thing below.

    The UmnoUtusans are at work day and night to incite hatred to ensure continual power. At the same time squandering the riches of the nation.

    For how long can we allow them to carry on the looting ?

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